public static void EShopDemo(decimal amount) { var basket = new EShopBasket(); basket.SetDueAmount(amount); Console.WriteLine("How would you like to pay? \n1) Credit/Debit card, \n2) Bank Transfer, \n3) Cash \nDefault: Cash "); var paymentType = 10; paymentType = ValidatingNumberTypeInput(); ValidPaymentTypeCheck(paymentType); Console.WriteLine("Please select the shipment method : 1) PostOffice, 2) Courier, 3) Own, 4) Pickup:"); var carrierType = (CarrierType)10; carrierType = (CarrierType)ValidatingNumberTypeInput(); ValidCarrierTypeCheck(carrierType); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please give your address:"); var address = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); Console.WriteLine(); ConfirmingAddress(basket, paymentType, carrierType, address); }
//Messages to user private static void ConfirmingAddress(EShopBasket basket, int paymentType, CarrierType carrierType, string address) { var simpleEshop = new SimpleEshop(); var success = simpleEshop.PayAndSendOrder(basket, paymentType, address, carrierType); Console.Write("Checking the address..."); Console.Write("Checking with the system... "); Console.WriteLine("Loading... "); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("Is the address correct? "); Console.WriteLine(success); Console.WriteLine("Your order is complete!"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Note that our future features you will be able to receive a comfirmation email with your order! \nThank you for shopping with us!"); Console.WriteLine(); }
public bool PayAndSendOrder(EShopBasket basket, int paymentMethod, string address, CarrierType carrierType) { var payments = new Payments(); bool success = payments.PayBasket(basket, paymentMethod); if (success) { if (carrierType != CarrierType.Pickup) { var shipment = new Shipment(); if (shipment.CanShipTo(address, carrierType)) { shipment.DeliverOrder(address, basket); } else { success = false; } } } return(success); }
public void DeliverOrder(string address, EShopBasket basket) { Console.WriteLine("Deliver order to address: " + address); }