コード例 #1
        public static JSONResponse Get(string url, int attempt = 0)
            HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);

            webRequest.UserAgent = Properties.Settings.Default.useragent.Replace("{version}", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString());

            try {
                HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
                return(new JSONResponse()
                    JSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(new System.IO.StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()),
                    HTTPStatus = webResponse.StatusCode
            } catch (WebException webexc) {
                // timeout error; slow down and retry
                if (((HttpWebResponse)webexc.Response).StatusCode == (HttpStatusCode)429)
                    StrafeForm.Log("TVMaze responded with 429 - sleeping 2000 ms");
                    if (attempt > 5)
                        return new JSONResponse()
                                   JSON = null, HTTPStatus = (HttpStatusCode)429
                    return(JSONResponse.Get(url, attempt + 1));

                return(new JSONResponse()
                    JSON = null, HTTPStatus = ((HttpWebResponse)webexc.Response).StatusCode
            } catch (Exception exc) {
                StrafeForm.Log("Unknown exception in JSONResponse: " + exc.Message);
                return(new JSONResponse()
                    JSON = null, HTTPStatus = HttpStatusCode.Ambiguous
コード例 #2
 public CacheItem(string url)
     Url          = url;
     LastUsed     = DateTime.Now;
     JSONResponse = JSONResponse.Get(url);