public async Task AccessAccount() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PreLogoutHandler = async(ctx, ct) => { ctx.Account.CustomData["micdrop"] = true; await ctx.Account.SaveAsync(); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); var account = await application.CreateAccountAsync( nameof(AccessAccount), nameof(PreLogoutHandlerShould), $"its-{fixture.TestKey}", "Changeme123!!"); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); var payload = new { login = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}", password = "******" }; var loginResponse = await server.PostAsync("/login", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); loginResponse.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var accessTokenCookie = loginResponse.Headers.GetValues("Set-Cookie") .First(h => h.StartsWith("access_token=")); var accessToken = accessTokenCookie.Split(';')[0].Replace("access_token=", string.Empty); // Act var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "/logout"); request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken); request.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new KeyValuePair <string, string> [0]); var response = await server.SendAsync(request); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); // Assert var customData = await account.GetCustomDataAsync(); customData["micdrop"].Should().Be(true); } }
public async Task RedirectToCustomUri() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PostLoginHandler = (ctx, ct) => { ctx.Result = new PostLoginResult { RedirectUri = "/foobar" }; return(Task.FromResult(true)); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); var csrfToken = await CsrfToken.GetTokenForRoute(server, "/login"); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; var account = await application.CreateAccountAsync( nameof(RedirectToCustomUri), nameof(PostLoginHandlerShould), email, "Changeme123!!"); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); var payload = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["login"] = email, ["password"] = "******", ["st"] = csrfToken, }; // Act var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "/login") { Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload) }; request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/html")); var response = await server.SendAsync(request); // Assert response.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Redirect); response.Headers.Location.ToString().Should().Be("/foobar"); } }
public StandaloneTestFixture(IClient client) { Client = client; TestKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _environment = new AutoCleanup(Client, async c => { TestApplication = await c.CreateApplicationAsync($"Stormpath.Owin IT {TestKey}", true); TestDirectory = await TestApplication.GetDefaultAccountStoreAsync() as IDirectory; return(new IResource[] { TestApplication, TestDirectory }); }); }
public async Task SpecifyAccountStore() { // Arrange var directoryName = $"AnotherDirectory {Guid.NewGuid()}"; var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PreLoginHandler = async(ctx, ct) => { ctx.AccountStore = await ctx.Client.GetDirectories().Where(d => d.Name == directoryName).SingleAsync(); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { // Create a directory var createdDirectory = await fixture.Client.CreateDirectoryAsync(directoryName, $"Test {fixture.TestKey}", DirectoryStatus.Enabled); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(createdDirectory); // Create an account in the accountStore await createdDirectory.CreateAccountAsync( nameof(SpecifyAccountStore), nameof(PreLoginHandlerShould), $"its-{fixture.TestKey}", "Changeme123!!"); // Account will be deleted along with directory // Associate the directory with our application var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); await application.AddAccountStoreAsync(createdDirectory); var payload = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["grant_type"] = "password", ["username"] = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}", ["password"] = "******" }; // Act var response = await server.PostAsync("/oauth/token", new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload)); // Assert response.IsSuccessStatusCode.Should().BeTrue(); } }
public async Task SpecifyOrganizationByNameKey() { // Arrange var orgNameKey = $"TestOrg-{Guid.NewGuid()}"; var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PreRegistrationHandler = (ctx, ct) => { ctx.OrganizationNameKey = orgNameKey; return(Task.CompletedTask); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { // Create an organization var org = fixture.Client.Instantiate <IOrganization>() .SetName($"Test Organization {fixture.TestKey}") .SetNameKey(orgNameKey); await fixture.Client.CreateOrganizationAsync(org, opt => opt.CreateDirectory = true); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(org); var createdDirectory = await fixture.Client.GetDirectories().Where(dir => dir.Name.StartsWith($"Test Organization {fixture.TestKey}")).SingleAsync(); //cleanup.MarkForDeletion(directory); // TODO var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; var payload = new { email, password = "******", givenName = "Chewbacca", surname = "Wookiee" }; var response = await server.PostAsync("/register", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var account = await org.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleAsync(); account.Should().NotBeNull(); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); } }
public async Task RedirectToDeepLinkUriViaStateToken() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture(); var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; var account = await application.CreateAccountAsync( nameof(RedirectToCustomUri), nameof(PostLoginHandlerShould), email, "Changeme123!!"); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); var stateToken = fixture.Client.NewJwtBuilder() .SetClaims(new Dictionary <string, object>() { ["state"] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ["path"] = "/zomg" }) .SetExpiration(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(1)) .SignWith(fixture.Client.Configuration.Client.ApiKey.Secret, Encoding.UTF8) .Build() .ToString(); var payload = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["login"] = email, ["password"] = "******", ["st"] = stateToken, }; // Act var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "/login") { Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload) }; request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/html")); var response = await server.SendAsync(request); // Assert response.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Redirect); response.Headers.Location.ToString().Should().Be("/zomg"); } }
public async Task AccessAccount() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PreChangePasswordHandler = async(ctx, ct) => { ctx.Account.CustomData["favoriteDroid"] = "R2-D2"; await ctx.Account.SaveAsync(); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; var account = await application.CreateAccountAsync( nameof(AccessAccount), nameof(PreChangePasswordHandlerShould), email, "Changeme123!!"); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); var token = await application.SendPasswordResetEmailAsync(email); var payload = new { sptoken = token.GetValue(), password = "******" }; // Act var response = await server.PostAsync("/change", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); // Assert var customData = await account.GetCustomDataAsync(); customData["favoriteDroid"].Should().Be("R2-D2"); } }
public async Task RedirectToLogin() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture(); // all default settings var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); var csrfToken = await CsrfToken.GetTokenForRoute(server, "/register"); var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; var payload = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["email"] = email, ["password"] = "******", ["givenName"] = nameof(RedirectToLogin), ["surname"] = nameof(RegisterRouteShould), ["st"] = csrfToken, }; var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "/register") { Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload) }; request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/html")); // Act var response = await server.SendAsync(request); var foundAccount = await application.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); if (foundAccount != null) { cleanup.MarkForDeletion(foundAccount); } // Assert response.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Redirect); response.Headers.Location.ToString().Should().StartWith("/login?status=created"); } }
public async Task AccessAccount() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PostRegistrationHandler = async(ctx, ct) => { ctx.Account.CustomData["homeworld"] = "Alderaan"; await ctx.Account.SaveAsync(); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); // Act var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; var payload = new { email, password = "******", givenName = "Princess", surname = "Leia" }; var response = await server.PostAsync("/register", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var account = await application.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleAsync(); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); // Assert var customData = await account.GetCustomDataAsync(); customData["homeworld"].Should().Be("Alderaan"); } }
public async Task RejectUnknownCustomFieldOnFormPost() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture(); var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); var csrfToken = await CsrfToken.GetTokenForRoute(server, "/register"); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); // Act var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; // Act var payload = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["email"] = email, ["password"] = "******", ["givenName"] = "Galen", ["surname"] = "Erso", ["codename"] = "stardust", ["st"] = csrfToken, }; var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "/register") { Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload) }; request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/html")); await server.SendAsync(request); var account = await application.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); if (account != null) { cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); } // Assert account.Should().BeNull(); } }
public async Task SpecifyAccountStore() { // Arrange var directoryName = $"AnotherDirectory {Guid.NewGuid()}"; var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PreRegistrationHandler = async(ctx, ct) => { ctx.AccountStore = await ctx.Client.GetDirectories().Where(d => d.Name == directoryName).SingleAsync(); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { // Create a directory var createdDirectory = await fixture.Client.CreateDirectoryAsync(directoryName, $"Test {fixture.TestKey}", DirectoryStatus.Enabled); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(createdDirectory); var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; var payload = new { email, password = "******", givenName = "Cassian", surname = "Andor" }; var response = await server.PostAsync("/register", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var account = await createdDirectory.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleAsync(); account.Should().NotBeNull(); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); } }
public async Task AccessAccount() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PreRegistrationHandler = (ctx, ct) => { ctx.Account.SetMiddleName("the"); return(Task.FromResult(0)); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); // Act var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; var payload = new { email, password = "******", givenName = "Chewbacca", surname = "Wookiee" }; var response = await server.PostAsync("/register", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var account = await application.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleAsync(); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); // Assert account.FullName.Should().Be("Chewbacca the Wookiee"); } }
public async Task RejectUnknownNestedCustomFieldOnJsonPost() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture(); var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); // Act var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; // Act var payload = new { email, password = "******", givenName = "Galen", surname = "Erso", customData = new { codename = "stardust" } }; var response = await server.PostAsync( "/register", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); var account = await application.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); if (account != null) { cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); } // Assert response.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } }
public async Task AlterLogin() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PreLoginHandler = (ctx, ct) => { ctx.Login = ctx.Login + ".com"; return(Task.FromResult(0)); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); var account = await application.CreateAccountAsync( nameof(AlterLogin), nameof(PreLoginHandlerShould), $"its-{fixture.TestKey}", "Changeme123!!"); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); var payload = new { login = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}@testmail.stormpath", // missing ".com" password = "******" }; // Act var response = await server.PostAsync("/login", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); // Assert response.IsSuccessStatusCode.Should().BeTrue(); } }
public async Task SpecifyOrganizationByNameKey() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { PreLoginHandler = (ctx, ct) => { ctx.OrganizationNameKey = "TestOrg"; return(Task.CompletedTask); } } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { // Create an organization var org = fixture.Client.Instantiate <IOrganization>() .SetName($"Test Organization {fixture.TestKey}") .SetNameKey("TestOrg"); await fixture.Client.CreateOrganizationAsync(org, opt => opt.CreateDirectory = true); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(org); var createdDirectory = await fixture.Client.GetDirectories().Where(dir => dir.Name.StartsWith($"Test Organization {fixture.TestKey}")).SingleAsync(); //cleanup.MarkForDeletion(directory); // TODO // Create an account in the organization await org.CreateAccountAsync( nameof(SpecifyOrganizationByNameKey), nameof(PreLoginHandlerShould), $"its-{fixture.TestKey}", "Changeme123!!"); // Account will be deleted along with directory // Associate the org with our application var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); await application.AddAccountStoreAsync(org); var payload = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["grant_type"] = "password", ["username"] = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}", ["password"] = "******" }; // Act var response = await server.PostAsync("/oauth/token", new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload)); // Assert response.IsSuccessStatusCode.Should().BeTrue(); var deserializedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); var accessToken = deserializedResponse["access_token"]; var body = accessToken.Split('.')[1]; body = EnsurePadding(body); var decodedJwt = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(body)); var deserializedClaims = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(decodedJwt); deserializedClaims.Should().ContainKey("org"); deserializedClaims["org"].Should().Be(org.Href); } }
public async Task AcceptCustomFieldsOnFormPost() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { Configuration = new StormpathConfiguration() { Web = new WebConfiguration() { Register = new WebRegisterRouteConfiguration() { Form = new WebRegisterRouteFormConfiguration() { Fields = new Dictionary <string, WebFieldConfiguration>() { ["codename"] = new WebFieldConfiguration() { Required = true, Enabled = true, Label = "custom", Placeholder = "custom", Type = "text", Visible = true } } } } } } }, }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); var csrfToken = await CsrfToken.GetTokenForRoute(server, "/register"); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); // Act var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; // Act var payload = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["email"] = email, ["password"] = "******", ["givenName"] = "Galen", ["surname"] = "Erso", ["codename"] = "stardust", ["st"] = csrfToken, }; var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "/register") { Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload) }; request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/html")); await server.SendAsync(request); var account = await application.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleAsync(); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); var customData = await account.GetCustomDataAsync(); // Assert customData["codename"].ToString().Should().Be("stardust"); } }
public async Task AcceptNestedCustomFieldsOnJsonPost() { // Arrange var fixture = new OwinTestFixture { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions { Configuration = new StormpathConfiguration() { Web = new WebConfiguration() { Register = new WebRegisterRouteConfiguration() { Form = new WebRegisterRouteFormConfiguration() { Fields = new Dictionary <string, WebFieldConfiguration>() { ["codename"] = new WebFieldConfiguration() { Required = true, Enabled = true, Label = "custom", Placeholder = "custom", Type = "text", Visible = true } } } } } } }, }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); // Act var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; // Act var payload = new { email, password = "******", givenName = "Galen", surname = "Erso", customData = new { codename = "stardust" } }; var response = await server.PostAsync("/register", new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var account = await application.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleAsync(); cleanup.MarkForDeletion(account); var customData = await account.GetCustomDataAsync(); // Assert customData["codename"].ToString().Should().Be("stardust"); } }
public async Task RedirectToNextUriIfAutologinIsEnabled() { // Arrange var config = new StormpathConfiguration() { Web = new WebConfiguration() { Register = new WebRegisterRouteConfiguration() { AutoLogin = true, // default NextUri } } }; var fixture = new OwinTestFixture() { Options = new StormpathOwinOptions() { Configuration = config } }; var server = Helpers.CreateServer(fixture); using (var cleanup = new AutoCleanup(fixture.Client)) { var application = await fixture.Client.GetApplicationAsync(fixture.ApplicationHref); var csrfToken = await CsrfToken.GetTokenForRoute(server, "/register"); var email = $"its-{fixture.TestKey}"; var payload = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["email"] = email, ["password"] = "******", ["givenName"] = nameof(RedirectToLogin), ["surname"] = nameof(RegisterRouteShould), ["st"] = csrfToken, }; var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "/register") { Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload) }; request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("text/html")); // Act var response = await server.SendAsync(request); var foundAccount = await application.GetAccounts().Where(a => a.Email == email).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); if (foundAccount != null) { cleanup.MarkForDeletion(foundAccount); } // Assert response.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.Redirect); response.Headers.Location.ToString().Should().StartWith("/"); // default NextUri response.Headers.GetValues("Set-Cookie").Should().Contain(x => x.StartsWith("access_token=")); response.Headers.GetValues("Set-Cookie").Should().Contain(x => x.StartsWith("refresh_token=")); } }