private void addQuotes(YahooFinance api, Stocks market) { Console.WriteLine("Which QUOTE(s) would you like to ADD?\n" + market.showCommonQuotes()); string addQuotes = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper().Replace(" ", "").Replace(",", ""); api.YahooUrl = api.YahooUrl + addQuotes; market.StockQuotes = market.StockQuotes + addQuotes; }
public void displayOptions(YahooFinance api, Stocks market) { bool options = true; while (options) { printOptionString(); options = userChooses(api, market); } }
private void changeStocks(YahooFinance api) { Console.WriteLine("Which stock would you like to REPLACE or REMOVE?"); string replacableStock = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to remove this stock: {0}.\nOR, type the stock(s) with which you'd like to REPLACE {0}.", replacableStock); string newStock = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); api.YahooUrl = api.YahooUrl.Replace(replacableStock, newStock); setStockList(newStock); }
public string buildURL(Stocks market, YahooFinance api) { baseUrl = api.YahooUrl; Console.Write("\nWhich STOCKS would you like to view?\nSeparate your stock symbols with commas." + market.showCommonStocks()); stocks = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper().Replace(" ", ""); setStockList(stocks); Console.WriteLine("Add the stock info you would like to see.\n" + market.showCommonQuotes()); stockCharacters = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper().Replace(" ", "").Replace(",", ""); market.StockQuotes = "NS" + stockCharacters; fullUrl = baseUrl + stocks + "&f=NS" + stockCharacters; return(fullUrl); }
private void replaceQuotes(YahooFinance api, Stocks market) { Console.WriteLine("Which QUOTE(s) would you like to REPLACE or REMOVE?"); string replacementQuote = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper().Replace(" ", "").Replace(",", ""); Console.WriteLine("Which Quote(s) would you like to replace it with?\nPress ENTER to REMOVE your input quotes."); string newQuote = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper().Replace(" ", "").Replace(",", ""); api.YahooUrl = api.YahooUrl.Remove(api.YahooUrl.IndexOf(market.StockQuotes)); market.StockQuotes = market.StockQuotes.Replace(replacementQuote, newQuote); api.YahooUrl = api.YahooUrl + market.StockQuotes; }
static void Main(string[] args) { User user = new User(); YahooFinance api = new YahooFinance(); Stocks market = new Stocks(); if (user.Validated) { Console.WriteLine("\nWelcome to StockTrk, your personalized tech-stock tracker."); api.setURL(user, market, api); user.displayOptions(api, market); Console.WriteLine("Thanks for using StockTrk!"); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Main(args); } }
private void changeQuotes(YahooFinance api, Stocks market) { Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 to REPLACE quote(s).\nEnter 2 to ADD quotes."); string response = Console.ReadLine(); switch (response) { case "1": replaceQuotes(api, market); break; case "2": addQuotes(api, market); break; default: break; } }
private bool userChooses(YahooFinance api, Stocks market) { string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().Replace(" ", ""); switch (response) { case "1": changeStocks(api); return(true); case "2": changeQuotes(api, market); return(true); case "3": viewStocks(api, market); return(true); case "4": api.downloadCsv(); Console.WriteLine("\nA .csv file was DOWNLOADED to your Downloads folder.\n"); return(true); case "5": showRedditOptions(); return(true); case "6": setPriceAlert(market); return(true); case "q": return(false); default: return(true); } }
public void setURL(User user, Stocks market, YahooFinance api) { yahooUrl = user.buildURL(market, api); showData(yahooUrl, market); }
private void viewStocks(YahooFinance api, Stocks market) { api.showData(api.YahooUrl, market); }