コード例 #1
        private static void PaintPreviewWithPaintBars(Graphics g, Pen pen)
            OHLCBar bar;
             double x, y;
             PointF[] points = new PointF[(int)Math.Floor(g.VisibleClipBounds.Width)];
             int i = 0;
             double min = double.MaxValue;
             double max = double.MinValue;
             double open = double.NaN;

             for (x = g.VisibleClipBounds.Left; x < g.VisibleClipBounds.Right; x++)

            y = (Math.Sin(x * Math.PI * 6.0 / g.VisibleClipBounds.Width) * 0.4f * g.VisibleClipBounds.Height);
            points[i].X = (float)x;
            points[i].Y = (float)(y - (g.VisibleClipBounds.Top - g.VisibleClipBounds.Bottom) / 2.0f);
            if (double.IsNaN(open))
               open = points[i].Y;
            min = Math.Min(min, points[i].Y);
            max = Math.Max(max, points[i].Y);

            if (i % 8 == 0)
               bar = new OHLCBar((float)points[i].X, (float)open, (float)(min - (max - min) / 3), (float)(max + (max - min) / 3), (float)points[i].Y);
               bar.Width = 3f;
               bar.Draw(g, pen);
               open = points[i].Y; min = double.MaxValue;
               max = double.MinValue;
コード例 #2
        protected override void PaintTmpGraph(Graphics aGraphic)
            using (MethodLogger ml = new MethodLogger(this))
                #region Draw Grid

                // Draw grid
                if (this.ShowGrid)
                    #region Draw Horizontal lines

                    float step = (float)Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10((maxValue - minValue))));
                    if ((maxValue - minValue) / step < 3)
                        step /= 4;
                    else if ((maxValue - minValue) / step < 6)
                        step /= 2;
                        if ((maxValue - minValue) / step > 13)
                            step *= 4;
                        else if ((maxValue - minValue) / step > 7)
                            step *= 2;
                    float val;
                    if (minValue < 0)
                        val = -(float)Math.Pow(10, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log10((Math.Abs(minValue)))));
                        val = (float)Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10((minValue))));

                    if (val > 0 && step > val) val = step;
                    if (val < 0 && step > Math.Abs(val)) val = -step;

                    PointF p1;
                    while (val < maxValue)
                        if (val > minValue)
                            p1 = GetScreenPointFromValuePoint(this.StartIndex, val);
                            aGraphic.DrawLine(gridPen, GraphRectangle.X, p1.Y, GraphRectangle.X + GraphRectangle.Width, p1.Y);
                            aGraphic.DrawString(val.ToString("0.##"), axisFont, Brushes.Black, 0, p1.Y - 8);
                        val += step;


                    #region Draw vertical lines

                    DrawVerticalGridLines(aGraphic, true, this.StartIndex, this.EndIndex);

                aGraphic.DrawString(this.dateSerie[this.EndIndex].ToString("dd/MM"), axisFont, Brushes.Black,
                   GraphRectangle.Right - 3, GraphRectangle.Y + GraphRectangle.Height);
                aGraphic.DrawString(this.dateSerie[this.EndIndex].ToString("yyyy"), axisFont, Brushes.Black,
                   GraphRectangle.Right - 1, GraphRectangle.Y + GraphRectangle.Height + 8);


                #region Draw HLine
                // Paint horizontal lines first

                #region Draw orders

                if (ShowOrders && this.Portofolio != null)
                    if (ShowSummaryOrders)


                #region Draw values and curves

                PointF[] tmpPoints = null;
                PointF[] tmpOpenPoints = null;
                PointF[] tmpHighPoints = null;
                PointF[] tmpLowPoints = null;
                // Draw indicator1Name first not to hide the value
                if (!HideIndicators)
                    #region DISPLAY TRAIL STOPS

                    if (this.CurveList.TrailStop != null && this.CurveList.TrailStop.Series[0].Count > 0)
                        FloatSerie longStopSerie = this.CurveList.TrailStop.Series[0];
                        FloatSerie shortStopSerie = this.CurveList.TrailStop.Series[1];
                        Pen longPen = this.CurveList.TrailStop.SeriePens[0];
                        Pen shortPen = this.CurveList.TrailStop.SeriePens[1];
                        PointF srPoint1;
                        PointF srPoint2;
                        if (float.IsNaN(shortStopSerie[this.StartIndex]))
                            srPoint1 = GetScreenPointFromValuePoint(this.StartIndex, longStopSerie[this.StartIndex]);
                            srPoint1 = GetScreenPointFromValuePoint(this.StartIndex, shortStopSerie[this.StartIndex]);
                        for (int i = StartIndex + 1; i <= this.EndIndex; i++)
                            if (float.IsNaN(shortStopSerie[i])) // upTrend
                                srPoint2 = GetScreenPointFromValuePoint(i, longStopSerie[i]);
                                aGraphic.DrawLine(longPen, srPoint1, srPoint2);
                                srPoint2 = GetScreenPointFromValuePoint(i, shortStopSerie[i]);
                                aGraphic.DrawLine(shortPen, srPoint1, srPoint2);
                            srPoint1 = srPoint2;


                    #region DISPLAY INDICATORS

                    foreach (IStockIndicator stockIndicator in CurveList.Indicators)
                        for (int i = 0; i < stockIndicator.SeriesCount; i++)
                            if (stockIndicator.SerieVisibility[i] && stockIndicator.Series[i].Count > 0)
                                bool isHilbertSR = stockIndicator.Name.StartsWith("HILBERT");
                                bool isTrailSR = stockIndicator.Name.StartsWith("TRAILHLSR");
                                bool isSupport = stockIndicator.SerieNames[i].EndsWith(".S");
                                bool isResistance = stockIndicator.SerieNames[i].EndsWith(".R");
                                if (isSupport || isResistance)
                                    PointF srPoint = PointF.Empty;
                                    FloatSerie srSerie = stockIndicator.Series[i];
                                    float pointSize = stockIndicator.SeriePens[i].Width;
                                    using (Brush srBrush = new SolidBrush(stockIndicator.SeriePens[i].Color))
                                        for (int index = this.StartIndex; index <= this.EndIndex; index++)
                                            float sr = srSerie.Values[index];
                                            if (float.IsNaN(sr))
                                            srPoint = GetScreenPointFromValuePoint(index, sr);
                                            aGraphic.FillEllipse(srBrush, srPoint.X - pointSize, srPoint.Y - pointSize,
                                               2 * pointSize, 2 * pointSize);
                                            const int textOffset = 4;

                                            float yPos = isSupport
                                               ? srPoint.Y + pointSize
                                               : srPoint.Y - 2 * pointSize - 12;

                                            if (this.ShowIndicatorText)
                                                // Draw PB and EndOfTrend text
                                                if (stockIndicator.Events[2][index])
                                                    // Pullback in trend detected
                                                    this.DrawString(aGraphic, "PB", axisFont, srBrush,
                                                       this.backgroundBrush, srPoint.X - textOffset, yPos, false);
                                                else if (stockIndicator.Events[3][index])
                                                    // End of trend detected
                                                    this.DrawString(aGraphic, "End", axisFont, srBrush,
                                                       this.backgroundBrush, srPoint.X - textOffset,
                                                       yPos, false);
                                                else if (!isHilbertSR)
                                                    if (stockIndicator.Events[4][index])
                                                        this.DrawString(aGraphic, "HL", axisFont, srBrush,
                                                           srPoint.X - textOffset, yPos, false);

                                                    else if (stockIndicator.Events[5][index])
                                                        this.DrawString(aGraphic, "LH", axisFont, srBrush,
                                                           srPoint.X - textOffset, yPos, false);
                                    tmpPoints = GetScreenPoints(StartIndex, EndIndex, stockIndicator.Series[i]);
                                    if (tmpPoints != null)
                                        aGraphic.DrawLines(stockIndicator.SeriePens[i], tmpPoints);


                    #region DISPLAY DECORATORS
                    if (this.ShowIndicatorDiv && CurveList.ShowMes.Count > 0)
                        for (int j = 0; j < CurveList.ShowMes.Count; j++)
                            IStockDecorator decorator = CurveList.ShowMes[j];
                            for (int i = 0; i < decorator.EventCount; i++)
                                if (decorator.EventVisibility[i] && decorator.IsEvent[i] && decorator.Events[i].Count > 0)
                                    FloatSerie dataSerie = (i % 2 == 0) ? highCurveType.DataSerie : lowCurveType.DataSerie;
                                    Pen pen = decorator.EventPens[i];
                                    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(pen.Color))
                                        BoolSerie decoSerie = decorator.Events[i];
                                        for (int index = this.StartIndex; index <= this.EndIndex; index++)
                                            if (decoSerie[index])
                                                PointF point = new PointF(index, dataSerie[index]);
                                                PointF point2 = GetScreenPointFromValuePoint(point);
                                                aGraphic.FillEllipse(brush, point2.X - pen.Width * 1.5f, point2.Y - pen.Width * 1.5f,
                                                   pen.Width * 3f, pen.Width * 3f);


                #region Display drawing items

                if (this.ShowDrawings && this.drawingItems != null)
                    foreach (DrawingItem item in this.drawingItems)
                        item.Draw(aGraphic, this.matrixValueToScreen, new Rectangle2D(this.GraphRectangle), this.IsLogScale);
                        // display support résistance value
                        if (item.GetType() == typeof(Line2D))
                            Line2D line = (Line2D)item;
                            if (line.IsHorizontal)
                                PointF textLocation = GetScreenPointFromValuePoint(new PointF(StartIndex, line.Point1.Y));
                                this.DrawString(aGraphic, line.Point1.Y.ToString("0.##"), axisFont, textBrush, backgroundBrush,
                                   new PointF(1, textLocation.Y - 8), true);


                #region Display the stock value

                // Then draw the value
                if (closeCurveType != null && closeCurveType.IsVisible)
                    tmpPoints = GetScreenPoints(StartIndex, EndIndex, closeCurveType.DataSerie);

                    // Store in member for future use (Display mouse marquee)
                    //this.points = tmpPoints;
                    switch (this.ChartMode)
                        case GraphChartMode.Line:
                            aGraphic.DrawLines(closeCurveType.CurvePen, tmpPoints);
                        case GraphChartMode.BarChart:
                                FloatSerie openSerie = openCurveType.DataSerie;
                                FloatSerie highSerie = highCurveType.DataSerie;
                                FloatSerie lowSerie = lowCurveType.DataSerie;

                                tmpOpenPoints = GetScreenPoints(StartIndex, EndIndex, openSerie);
                                tmpHighPoints = GetScreenPoints(StartIndex, EndIndex, highSerie);
                                tmpLowPoints = GetScreenPoints(StartIndex, EndIndex, lowSerie);

                                OHLCBar bar = new OHLCBar();
                                bar.Width = 0.40f * aGraphic.VisibleClipBounds.Width / tmpPoints.Count();
                                Pen barPen;
                                for (int i = 0; i < tmpPoints.Count(); i++)
                                    barPen = this.closeCurveType.CurvePen;
                                    if (!this.HideIndicators && this.CurveList.PaintBar != null)
                                        // Get pen from paintBar
                                        IStockPaintBar pb = this.CurveList.PaintBar;
                                        if (pb.Events[0].Count == this.dateSerie.Length)
                                            for (int pbIndex = 0; pbIndex < pb.SeriesCount; pbIndex++)
                                                if (pb.SerieVisibility[pbIndex] && pb.Events[pbIndex][i + this.StartIndex])
                                                    barPen = pb.SeriePens[pbIndex];
                                    bar.X = tmpPoints[i].X;
                                    bar.Close = tmpPoints[i].Y;
                                    bar.High = tmpHighPoints[i].Y;
                                    bar.Open = tmpOpenPoints[i].Y;
                                    bar.Low = tmpLowPoints[i].Y;

                                    bar.Draw(aGraphic, barPen);
                        case GraphChartMode.CandleStick:
                                FloatSerie openSerie = openCurveType.DataSerie;
                                FloatSerie highSerie = highCurveType.DataSerie;
                                FloatSerie lowSerie = lowCurveType.DataSerie;

                                tmpOpenPoints = GetScreenPoints(StartIndex, EndIndex, openSerie);
                                tmpHighPoints = GetScreenPoints(StartIndex, EndIndex, highSerie);
                                tmpLowPoints = GetScreenPoints(StartIndex, EndIndex, lowSerie);

                                CandleStick candleStick = new CandleStick();
                                candleStick.Width = 0.40f * aGraphic.VisibleClipBounds.Width / tmpPoints.Count();
                                for (int i = 0; i < tmpPoints.Count(); i++)
                                    candleStick.X = tmpPoints[i].X;
                                    candleStick.Close = tmpPoints[i].Y;
                                    candleStick.High = tmpHighPoints[i].Y;
                                    candleStick.Open = tmpOpenPoints[i].Y;
                                    candleStick.Low = tmpLowPoints[i].Y;

                                    Color? color = null;
                                    if (!this.HideIndicators && this.CurveList.PaintBar != null)
                                        // Get pen from paintBar
                                        IStockPaintBar pb = this.CurveList.PaintBar;
                                        if (pb.Events[0].Count == this.dateSerie.Length)
                                            for (int pbIndex = 0; pbIndex < pb.SeriesCount; pbIndex++)
                                                if (pb.SerieVisibility[pbIndex] && pb.Events[pbIndex][i + this.StartIndex])
                                                    color = pb.SeriePens[pbIndex].Color;
                                        if (color == null)
                                            candleStick.Draw(aGraphic, closeCurveType.CurvePen, backgroundBrush);
                                            using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color.Value))
                                                candleStick.Draw(aGraphic, closeCurveType.CurvePen, brush);
                                        candleStick.Draw(aGraphic, closeCurveType.CurvePen, null);


                #region Display the secondary stock value

                if (this.SecondaryFloatSerie != null)
                    PointF[] secondaryPoints = GetSecondaryScreenPoints(StartIndex, EndIndex);
                    if (secondaryPoints.Length > 0)
                        aGraphic.DrawLines(SecondaryPen, secondaryPoints);


                #region Draw frame, axis and axis values

                // Draw main frame
                aGraphic.DrawRectangle(framePen, GraphRectangle.X, GraphRectangle.Y, GraphRectangle.Width,

                // Display values and dates
                string lastValue = closeCurveType.DataSerie.Last.ToString();
                aGraphic.DrawString(lastValue, axisFont, Brushes.Black, GraphRectangle.Right + 1,
                   tmpPoints[tmpPoints.Count() - 1].Y - 8);


                #region Display event marquee

                if (this.ShowEventMarquee)
                    bool eventFound = false;
                    for (int i = this.StartIndex; i <= this.EndIndex; i++)
                        eventFound = false;
                        // Indicators
                        foreach (IStockIndicator indicator in this.CurveList.Indicators.Where(indic => indic.Events != null))
                            for (int j = 0; j < indicator.EventCount; j++)
                                if (indicator.IsEvent[j] && indicator.Events[j] != null && indicator.Events.Count() > 0)
                                    BoolSerie eventSerie = indicator.Events[j];

                                    if (eventSerie[i])
                                        eventFound = true;
                            if (eventFound) break;
                        // Trail Stops
                        if (!eventFound && this.CurveList.TrailStop != null && this.CurveList.TrailStop.EventCount > 0)
                            for (int j = 0; j < this.CurveList.TrailStop.EventCount; j++)
                                if (this.CurveList.TrailStop.IsEvent[j] && this.CurveList.TrailStop.Events[j] != null &&
                                    this.CurveList.TrailStop.Events.Count() > 0)
                                    BoolSerie eventSerie = this.CurveList.TrailStop.Events[j];
                                    if (eventSerie[i])
                                        eventFound = true;
                        // Paint bars
                        if (!eventFound && this.CurveList.PaintBar != null && this.CurveList.PaintBar.EventCount > 0)
                            int j = 0;
                            foreach (
                               BoolSerie eventSerie in this.CurveList.PaintBar.Events.Where(ev => ev != null && ev.Count > 0))
                                if (this.CurveList.PaintBar.SerieVisibility[j] && this.CurveList.PaintBar.IsEvent != null &&
                                    this.CurveList.PaintBar.IsEvent[j] && eventSerie[i])
                                    eventFound = true;
                        if (eventFound)
                            PointF[] marqueePoints = GetEventMarqueePointsAtIndex(i);
                            aGraphic.FillPolygon(Brushes.DarkBlue, marqueePoints);


                #region Display comment marquee

                if (this.ShowCommentMarquee)
                    for (int i = StartIndex; i <= EndIndex; i++)
                        DateTime commentDate = this.dateSerie[i];
                        if (this.Comments.ContainsKey(commentDate))
                            string comment = this.Comments[commentDate];
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment))
                                PointF[] marqueePoints = GetCommentMarqueePointsAtIndex(i);
                                aGraphic.FillPolygon(Brushes.DarkBlue, marqueePoints);
