public static StockBarSerie CreateDailyBarSerie(string name, string shortName, StockTick[] ticks) { // Arguments check if (ticks == null || ticks.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ticks", "ticks must contain at least one tick"); } StockBarSerie barSerie = new StockBarSerie(name, shortName, StockBar.StockBarType.Daily); barSerie.AppendDailyBars(ticks); return barSerie; }
public static StockBarSerie CreateRangeBarSerie(string name, string shortName, double range, StockTick[] ticks) { // Arguments check if (ticks == null || ticks.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ticks", "ticks must contain at least one tick"); } if (range < (ticks[0].Value / 10000)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("range", range, "range must be greater or equal to 0,01% of the value"); } StockBarSerie barSerie = new StockBarSerie(name, shortName, StockBar.StockBarType.Range); barSerie.Range = range; barSerie.AppendRangeBars(ticks); return barSerie; }
public static StockBarSerie CreateIntradayBarSerie(string name, string shortName, int duration, StockTick[] ticks) { // Arguments check if (duration < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tickNumber", duration, "duration must be greater or equal to one minute"); } if (ticks == null || ticks.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ticks", "ticks must contain at least one tick"); } StockBarSerie barSerie = new StockBarSerie(name, shortName, StockBar.StockBarType.Intraday); barSerie.Duration = duration; barSerie.AppendIntradayBars(ticks); return barSerie; }
public static StockBarSerie CreateTickBarSerie(string name, string shortName, int tickNumber, StockTick[] ticks) { // Arguments check if (tickNumber < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("tickNumber", tickNumber, "TickNumber must be greater or equal to one"); } if (ticks == null || ticks.Count() == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ticks", "ticks must contain at least one tick"); } StockBarSerie barSerie = new StockBarSerie(name, shortName, StockBar.StockBarType.Tick); barSerie.TickNumber = tickNumber; barSerie.AppendTickBars(ticks); return barSerie; }