コード例 #1
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: darubagus/klubhauStima
 public Node(string _name)
     this.name    = _name;
     this.numPred = 0;
     this.next    = null;
     this.trail   = null;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Graph.cs プロジェクト: darubagus/klubhauStima
        public void InsertEdge(string source, string destination)
            Node          Pprec = SearchNode(source);      // search sourceNode
            Node          Psucc = SearchNode(destination); // search destinationNode
            SuccessorNode T;

            if (SearchEdge(source, destination) == null) // if the edge doesn't exist
                T = Pprec.Trail;                         // assign T with successorNode of sourceNode

                if (T == null)                           // if the sourceNode doesn't have any neighbor
                    SuccessorNode temp = new SuccessorNode(Psucc);
                    Pprec.Trail = temp;
                    while (T.Next != null) // traversal until the last node of sourceNode's successorNode
                        T = T.Next;
                    SuccessorNode temp = new SuccessorNode(Psucc);
                    T.Next = temp;
                Psucc.nPred += 1; // add neighbor counter

            // for the opposite
            Pprec = SearchNode(destination); // search sourceNode
            Psucc = SearchNode(source);      // search destinationNode
            SuccessorNode Tn;

            if (SearchEdge(destination, source) == null) // if the edge doesn't exist
                Tn = Pprec.Trail;                        // assign T with successorNode of sourceNode

                if (Tn == null)                          // if the sourceNode doesn't have any neighbor
                    SuccessorNode temp = new SuccessorNode(Psucc);
                    Pprec.Trail = temp;
                    while (Tn.Next != null) // traversal until the last node of sourceNode's successorNode
                        Tn = Tn.Next;
                    SuccessorNode temp = new SuccessorNode(Psucc);
                    Tn.Next = temp;
                Psucc.nPred += 1; // add neighbor counter
コード例 #3
        // Method
        public void FindMutualFriend()
            // Bikin traversal graph pake bfs
            BreadthFirstSearch bfs = new BreadthFirstSearch(g, startNode);

            // shortest distance dari masing-masing account
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Node, int> NodeLevel in bfs.Level)
                List <Node> mutual = new List <Node>();

                // Hanya memproses node dengan level == 2 karena ya kalo lebih gapunya mutual friend berarti
                if (NodeLevel.Value == 2)
                    // 0th degree node
                    Node V = bfs.StartNode;

                    // 1st degree nodes
                    SuccessorNode TNode = V.Trail;

                    // foreach node yang ada di 1st degree connections
                    while (TNode != null)
                        // 2nd degree node
                        Node TChild = TNode.Succ;

                        // 2nd degree nodes
                        SuccessorNode ChildTrail = TChild.Trail;

                        // flag buat ngecek namanya sama atau engga, defaultnya false
                        bool status = false;

                        // foreach 2nd degree connections
                        while (!status && ChildTrail != null)
                            // ngecek namanya sama atau engga sama Nodelevel yang ada di level 2, kalo iya, tambahin ke list mutual
                            if (NodeLevel.Key.Name == ChildTrail.Succ.Name)
                                status = true;
                            ChildTrail = ChildTrail.Next;
                        TNode = TNode.Next;
                    result.Add(NodeLevel.Key, mutual);

            // sorting descending berdasarkan mutual yang paling banyak
            result = result.OrderByDescending(l => l.Value.Count).ToDictionary(l => l.Key, l => l.Value);
コード例 #4
        private void BFS(Node startNode)
            // startNode visited, set the visited value with true
            visited[startNode] = true;
            // set the level of startNode with 0
            level[startNode] = 0;
            // add startNode into queue

            while (!q.IsEmpty())
                // to process the node, dequeue it.
                Node V = q.Dequeue();
                // add the node into result list

                // assign child with node V's neighbors
                SuccessorNode Child = V.Trail;
                // traversal all of V's neighbors
                while (Child != null)
                    // if the succ haven't visited, visit
                    if (!visited[Child.Succ])
                        // assign visited with true
                        visited[Child.Succ] = true;
                        // assign V as the parent
                        parentNode[Child.Succ] = V;
                        // assign the level with the parent's level + 1
                        level[Child.Succ] = level[V] + 1;
                        // enqueue
                    Child = Child.Next;
コード例 #5
        private void DFS(Node startNode)
            visited[startNode]     = 1; // startNode visited, set the visited value to 1
            Interval[startNode][0] = t; // time when the startNode visited for the first time

            result.Add(startNode);      // add startNode to result list

            SuccessorNode TrailNode = startNode.Trail;      // set trailNode with startNode's successorNode

            while (TrailNode != null)                       // traversal until all of the startNode's visited
                if (visited[TrailNode.Succ] == 0)           // if the succ of trailNode haven't visited
                    parentNode[TrailNode.Succ] = startNode; // set the trailNode's succ with startNode
                    DFS(TrailNode.Succ);                    // Recursively call DFS until reaching the leaf
                TrailNode = TrailNode.Next;

            visited[startNode]     = 2; // Backtrack
            interval[startNode][1] = t; // time when the startNode visited for the second time