コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs through each lexme in the hierarchy recursively, comparing each collection of lexmes
        /// to all known syntax constructs until each lexme container is tagged with an index that identifies
        /// which syntax it belongs too.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Token> TagLexmes(LexmeHierarchy hier)
            //go through every lexme and compare against every grammar combo until all known
            //ones have been identified.
            List <Token> identifiedTokens = ParseGrammars(hier);

            // (SUPERDUPER SLOW)
            //now we need to go back and flag all of our identified lexmes in each token
            //we also need to perform recursion for any children
            foreach (Token token in identifiedTokens)
                token.Lexmes[0].Flag = LexmeFlag.BeginKnownToken;

            //gathers up all unidentified lexmes and places them into unknow tokens at the correct locations
            List <Token> allTokens = CollectAllRemainingTokens(hier, identifiedTokens);

            //now to perform recursion on all tokens
                allTokens = RecurseTokenization(hier, allTokens);
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                Console.WriteLine("Recursion index error in ParseMap.");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allTokens"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Token> RecurseTokenization(LexmeHierarchy hier, List <Token> allTokens)
            if (allTokens == null)

            foreach (Token token in allTokens)
                foreach (Lexer.Lexme lexme in token.Lexmes)
                    //flag each lexme as identified so that we don't have to worry about it later
                    if (lexme.Flag != LexmeFlag.BelongsToUnidentifiedToken)
                        lexme.Flag = LexmeFlag.Set;
                    //did the lexme container have a child?
                    //UPDATED: J.C. If a lexme container has a child we do not bother to check the count
                    //we simply copy all elements, even if there are none, to the child count for the lexme.
                    //Otherwise, it will get out of sync if we have multiple potential child-bearing lexmes (yeah, I said it)
                    //but only one child which would then be attributed to the first parent regardless of
                    //its pregnacy.
                    if (hier.LexmeContainers[lexme.Index].Children != null)
                        if (hier.LexmeContainers[lexme.Index].Children.LexmeContainers.Count > 0)

                     * if(hier.LexmeContainers[lexme.Index].Children != null &&
                     * hier.LexmeContainers[lexme.Index].Children.LexmeContainers.Count > 0)
                     *      {
                     *      //recurse
                     *      //token.Children.Add(new List<Token>());
                     *      //token.Children[token.Children.Count-1] = TagLexmes(hier.LexmeContainers[lexme.Index].Children);
                     *      token.Children.Add(TagLexmes(hier.LexmeContainers[lexme.Index].Children));
                     *      }

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hier"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Token> ParseGrammars(LexmeHierarchy hier)
            List <Token> identifiedTokens = new List <Token>(100);

            Lexer.Lexme   activeLexme;
            List <Syntax> syntaxes   = new List <Syntax>(this.Constructs);         //a local copy of the global syntax rules
            List <Syntax> candidates = new List <Syntax>();

            LinkedList <Syntax> spawned = new LinkedList <Syntax>();

            //loop through each lexme at a time while comparing to all syntaxes.
            //We must continue with this until all syntaxes have either been ruled out or
            //confirmed as valid. Once that has happened we must figure out which of the valid
            //rules is actually the right one
            for (int lexmeContainerIndex = 0; lexmeContainerIndex < hier.LexmeContainers.Count; lexmeContainerIndex++)
                    activeLexme       = hier.LexmeContainers[lexmeContainerIndex].Lexme;
                    activeLexme.Index = lexmeContainerIndex;
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Index error during lexme tagging in ParseMap.");

                //build a list of syntaxes that can spawn from this lexme index
                foreach (Syntax syntax in syntaxes)
                    if (syntax.IsAcceptableInput(activeLexme))
                        spawned.AddLast(new Syntax(syntax));

                        //we need to reset this because it will be check again below

                ScanSpawnedGrammars(activeLexme, ref spawned, identifiedTokens);
            }                    //lexme index for-loop

            //buffer flush
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hier"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private StringBuilder PrintHierarchy(LexmeHierarchy hier)
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (LexmeContainer con in hier.LexmeContainers)
                if (con.Children != null)

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lexmes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Token> Parse(List <Lexer.Lexme> lexmes)
            //arranges lexmes in a hierarchy for easier pasring
            LexmeHierarchy group = new LexmeHierarchy(lexmes, null, 0, 0);

            //unit test
            //Console.WriteLine("---- Hierarchy ----\n");
            //Console.WriteLine(PrintHierarchy(group).ToString() + "\n\n");

            //tag all lexmes as having been ided or not. Also collects know tokens
            List <Token> tokens = TagLexmes(group);

            //review remaining tokens that are tagged unknown
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a pre-identified set of tokens and a lexme hierarchy and fills in the spaces
        /// by identifying the 'unknow' token types (oximoron, I know)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hier"></param>
        /// <param name="knownTokens"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Token> CollectAllRemainingTokens(LexmeHierarchy hier, List <Token> knownTokens)
            Lexer.Lexme        activeLexme;
            List <Token>       finalTokenList = new List <Token>();
            List <Lexer.Lexme> unknownLexmes  = new List <Lexme>();
            int knownTokenUse = 0;

            for (int allLexmeContainerIndex = 0; allLexmeContainerIndex < hier.LexmeContainers.Count; allLexmeContainerIndex++)
                activeLexme       = hier.LexmeContainers[allLexmeContainerIndex].Lexme;
                activeLexme.Index = allLexmeContainerIndex;

                //if the token is unset we know if belongs to an unknow token. It will then be added
                //to a group that will be finalized when we finally come across a know token or have
                //finished the list.
                if (activeLexme.Flag == LexmeFlag.Unset)
                    activeLexme.Flag = LexmeFlag.BelongsToUnidentifiedToken;
                    //now we can add any previously built up list of unknowns before adding the known
                    finalTokenList.Add(new Token(unknownLexmes, TokenType.Unknown));

                    //reset the list
                    unknownLexmes = new List <Lexme>();

                    //we are assuming that it must be a 'LexmeFlag.BeginKnownToken' since we will
                    //the skip to the next unknown one
                    allLexmeContainerIndex += knownTokens[knownTokenUse].Lexmes.Count - 1;                     //minus 1 because the loop will take of that last one

            //check for any dangling unknowns that were triggered due to a lack of knowns
            if (unknownLexmes.Count > 0)
                finalTokenList.Add(new Token(unknownLexmes, TokenType.Unknown));

コード例 #7
        public LexmeHierarchy(List <Lexer.Lexme> lexmes, LexmeHierarchy parent, int index, int recursionDepth)
            LexmeContainer ActiveContainer;

            LexmeContainers = new List <LexmeContainer>();
            Parent          = parent;

            //for(int index = 0; index < lexmes.Count; index++)
            while (index < lexmes.Count)
                Lexer.Lexme lexme  = lexmes[index];                //shortcut to convert from a foreach loop that was previously used
                string      lexstr = lexme.Data.ToString();

                if (LPC.LPCKeywords.IsClosingPair(lexstr))
                    if (recursionDepth < 1)
                        throw new ParserException("Unmatched " + lexstr + "found.");


                LexmeContainers.Add(new LexmeContainer(lexme, index));
                ActiveContainer = LexmeContainers[LexmeContainers.Count - 1];

                if (LPC.LPCKeywords.IsOpenningPair(lexstr))
                    //we have stepped into the realm of recursion, watch your step!
                    ActiveContainer.Children = new LexmeHierarchy(lexmes, this, index + 1, recursionDepth + 1);

                    //in order to track indexing correctly through recursion each hierarchy
                    //needs to store not only the number of lexmecontainers it has but the
                    //recursed number within each sub-hierarhchy within each lexmecontainer.
                    //If there were no consumed lexmes in the recursion we can just remove the children stub.
                    //(UPDATE: Actually, we can't remove that stub, I need it XD )
                    this.LexmeCount += ActiveContainer.Children.LexmeCount;
                    index           += ActiveContainer.Children.LexmeCount;

                    //we know now that the next lexme is ending the recursion so we can just consume it now
                    LexmeContainers.Add(new LexmeContainer(lexmes[index], index));

                    //remove empty children stub
                    //UPDATE: nevermind, I need it

                    /*if(ActiveContainer.Children.LexmeCount <= 0)
                     *      {
                     *      ActiveContainer.Children = null;
                     *      }*/

            }                    //end foreach
