/// <summary> /// <para> game servers can set a specific workshop folder before issuing any UGC commands.</para> /// <para> This is helpful if you want to support multiple game servers running out of the same install folder</para> /// </summary> public static bool BInitWorkshopForGameServer(DepotId_t unWorkshopDepotID, string pszFolder) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); using (var pszFolder2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pszFolder)) { return(NativeMethods.ISteamUGC_BInitWorkshopForGameServer(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUGC(), unWorkshopDepotID, pszFolder2)); } }
public static bool BInitWorkshopForGameServer(DepotId_t unWorkshopDepotID, string pszFolder) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); using (InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle handle = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pszFolder)) { return(NativeMethods.ISteamGameServerUGC_BInitWorkshopForGameServer(unWorkshopDepotID, handle)); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of all installed depots for a given App ID in mount order /// </summary> public static IEnumerable <DepotId> InstalledDepots(AppId appid = default) { if (appid == 0) { appid = SteamClient.AppId; } var depots = new DepotId_t[32]; uint count = Internal.GetInstalledDepots(appid.Value, depots, (uint)depots.Length); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { yield return(new DepotId { Value = depots[i].Value }); } }
public static IEnumerable <DepotId> InstalledDepots(AppId appid = null) { if (appid == 0) { appid = SteamClient.AppId; } DepotId_t[] depotIdTArray = new DepotId_t[32]; uint installedDepots = 0; installedDepots = SteamApps.Internal.GetInstalledDepots(appid.Value, depotIdTArray, (uint)depotIdTArray.Length); for (int i = 0; (long)i < (ulong)installedDepots; i++) { yield return(new DepotId() { Value = depotIdTArray[i].Value }); } }
/// <summary> /// <para> return installed depots in mount order</para> /// </summary> public static uint GetInstalledDepots(AppId_t appID, out DepotId_t pvecDepots, uint cMaxDepots) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return(NativeMethods.ISteamApps_GetInstalledDepots(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamApps(), appID, out pvecDepots, cMaxDepots)); }
/// game servers can set a specific workshop folder before issuing any UGC commands. /// This is helpful if you want to support multiple game servers running out of the same install folder public static bool BInitWorkshopForGameServer(DepotId_t unWorkshopDepotID, string pszFolder) { return(false); }
public bool Equals(DepotId_t other) => default; // 0x0000000180016320-0x0000000180016330 public int CompareTo(DepotId_t other) => default; // 0x000000018002CB20-0x000000018002CB30
public static explicit operator uint(DepotId_t that) => default; // 0x0000000180322710-0x00000001803232A0 public bool Equals(DepotId_t other) => default; // 0x0000000180016320-0x0000000180016330
} // 0x00000001800163C0-0x00000001800163D0 static DepotId_t() { Invalid = default; } // 0x00000001807CCDE0-0x00000001807CCE20