public static string SendPostRequest(string req, string url, string refer, CookieContainer cookie, bool tolog) { var requestData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(req); string content = string.Empty; try { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.CookieContainer = cookie; request.Method = "POST"; //New request.Proxy = null; request.Timeout = 30000; //KeepAlive is True by default request.KeepAlive = true; request.UserAgent = SteamLibrary.steamUA; request.Referer = refer; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = requestData.Length; Stream s = request.GetRequestStream(); { s.Write(requestData, 0, requestData.Length); } s.Close(); HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()); content = stream.ReadToEnd(); if (tolog) { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog(content); } cookie = request.CookieContainer; resp.Close(); stream.Close(); } catch (WebException e) { if (e.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) { WebResponse resp = e.Response; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream())) { content = sr.ReadToEnd(); } } } return(content); }
public int ParseInventory(string content) { InventList.Clear(); try { var rgDescr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SteamLibrary.InventoryData>(content); foreach (SteamLibrary.InvItem prop in rgDescr.myInvent.Values) { var ourItem = rgDescr.invDescr[prop.classid + "_" + prop.instanceid]; //parse cost by url (_lists + 753/ + ourItem.MarketName) string price = "0"; if (!ourItem.Marketable) { price = "1"; } //fix for special symbols in Item Name string markname = string.Empty; if ((ourItem.MarketName == null) && (ourItem.Name == string.Empty)) { ourItem.Name = ourItem.SimpleName; ourItem.MarketName = ourItem.SimpleName; } //BattleBlock Theater Fix markname = Uri.EscapeDataString(ourItem.MarketName); string pageLnk = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", SteamLibrary._lists, ourItem.AppId, markname); InventList.Add(new SteamLibrary.InventItem(prop.assetid, ourItem.Name, ourItem.Type, price, "0", ourItem.IconUrl, ourItem.MarketName, false, ourItem.Marketable, pageLnk)); } } catch (Exception e) { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog(e.Message); } return(InventList.Count); }
public void doMessage(flag myflag, int searchId, object message, bool isMain) { try { if (delegMessage != null) { Control target = delegMessage.Target as Control; if (target != null && target.InvokeRequired) { target.Invoke(delegMessage, new object[] { this, message, searchId, myflag, isMain }); } else { delegMessage(this, message, searchId, myflag, isMain); } } } catch (Exception e) { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog(e.Message); } }
public SteamLibrary.StrParam GetNameBalance(CookieContainer cookieCont) { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog("Getting account name and balance..."); string markpage = SendGet(SteamLibrary._market, cookieCont, false, true); //For testing purposes! //string markpage = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"C:\sing.htm"); //Fix to getting name regex string parseName = Regex.Match(markpage, "(?<=buynow_dialog_myaccountname\">)(.*)(?=</span>)").ToString().Trim(); if (parseName == "") { return(null); } //Set profileId for old Url format SteamAutoFunction.MyUserID = Regex.Match(markpage, "(?<=g_steamID = \")(.*)(?=\";)").ToString(); //30.05.14 Update string parseImg = Regex.Match(markpage, "(?<=avatarIcon\"><img src=\")(.*)(?=\" alt=\"\"></span>)", RegexOptions.Singleline).ToString(); string parseAmount = Regex.Match(markpage, "(?<=marketWalletBalanceAmount\">)(.*)(?=</span>)").ToString(); string country = Regex.Match(markpage, "(?<=g_strCountryCode = \")(.*)(?=\";)").ToString(); string strlang = Regex.Match(markpage, "(?<=g_strLanguage = \")(.*)(?=\";)").ToString(); Currencies.GetType(parseAmount); parseAmount = Currencies.ReplaceAscii(parseAmount); //?country=RU&language=russian¤cy=5&count=20 string Addon = string.Format(SteamLibrary.jsonAddonUrl, country, strlang, Currencies.GetCode()); return(new SteamLibrary.StrParam(parseName, SteamAutoFunction.MyUserID, parseAmount, parseImg, Addon)); }
public static void loadImg(string imgurl, PictureBox picbox, bool drawtext, bool doWhite) { try { if (imgurl == string.Empty) { return; } WebClient wClient = new WebClient(); byte[] imageByte = wClient.DownloadData(imgurl); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageByte, 0, imageByte.Length)) { ms.Write(imageByte, 0, imageByte.Length); var resimg = Image.FromStream(ms, true); picbox.BackColor = backColor(resimg, doWhite); picbox.Image = resimg; } } catch (Exception exc) { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog(exc.Message); } }
public void BuyProgress(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { object[] parameters = e.Argument as object[]; string link = Convert.ToString(parameters[0]); bool BuyNow = Convert.ToBoolean(parameters[1]); bool IgnoreWarn = Convert.ToBoolean(parameters[2]); bool isTrack = Convert.ToBoolean(parameters[3]); try { string sessid = SteamParseSite.GetSessId(cookieCont); string url = link; if (BuyNow) { SteamParseSite.ParseLotList(SteamParsing.SendGet(url, cookieCont, false, true), MyUserID, BuyList, false, true, IgnoreWarn); if (BuyList.Count == 0) { doMessage(flag.Error_scan, 0, "0", true); } else { double totalPrice = BuyList[0].Price + BuyList[0].Fee; if (isTrack) { if (totalPrice / 100 == pricecheck) { string totalStr = Convert.ToString(totalPrice); var buyresp = BuyItem(cookieCont, sessid, BuyList[0].ListingId, link, BuyList[0].Price.ToString(), BuyList[0].Fee.ToString(), totalStr); BuyNow = false; if (buyresp.Succsess) { doMessage(flag.Success_buy, 0, buyresp.Mess + ";" + BuyList[0].ItemName, true); } else { doMessage(flag.Error_buy, 0, buyresp.Mess, true); } } } else { string totalStr = Convert.ToString(totalPrice); var buyresp = BuyItem(cookieCont, sessid, BuyList[0].ListingId, link, BuyList[0].Price.ToString(), BuyList[0].Fee.ToString(), totalStr); BuyNow = false; if (buyresp.Succsess) { doMessage(flag.Success_buy, 0, buyresp.Mess + ";" + BuyList[0].ItemName, true); } else { doMessage(flag.Error_buy, 0, buyresp.Mess, true); } } } return; } } catch (Exception exc) { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog(exc.Message); } finally { //CancelScan(); } }
public string ParseAdvanceSearchRes(string content, List <SteamLibrary.SearchItem> lst, CookieContainer cookieCont, bool isGame, string game, bool isMin, string min, bool isMax, string max, int countRes) { if (searchDone == true) { lst.Clear(); } searchDone = false; string totalFind = "0"; try { var searchJS = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SteamLibrary.SearchBody>(content); if (searchJS.Success) { totalFind = searchJS.TotalCount; sppos.PageCount = Convert.ToInt32(totalFind) / SearchResCount; //content = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\dollar2.html"); MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(searchJS.HtmlRes, "(?<=market_listing_row_link\" href)(.*?)(?<=</a>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline); if (matches.Count != 0) { foreach (Match match in matches) { string currmatch = match.Groups[1].Value; //Fix for Steam update 5/01/14 4:00 PM PST string ItemUrl = Regex.Match(currmatch, "(?<==\")(.*)(?=\" id)").ToString(); string[] input = ItemUrl.Split('/'); string hash = input[6]; string ItemQuan = Regex.Match(currmatch, "(?<=num_listings_qty\">)(.*)(?=</span>)").ToString(); //Fix for Steam update 3/26/14 4:00 PM PST string ItemPrice = Regex.Match(currmatch, "(?<=<span style=\"color:)(.*)(?=<div class=\"market_listing_right_cell)", RegexOptions.Singleline).ToString(); if (SteamParsing.Currencies.NotSet) { SteamParsing.Currencies.GetType(ItemPrice); //If not loggen in then ItemPrice = Regex.Replace(ItemPrice, SteamParsing.Currencies.GetAscii(), string.Empty); //currLst.NotSet = true; } else { ItemPrice = Regex.Replace(ItemPrice, SteamParsing.Currencies.GetAscii(), string.Empty); } ItemPrice = Regex.Replace(ItemPrice, @"[^\d\,\.]+", string.Empty); bool pass = false; if (isMin || isMax) { if (isMin && isMax) { if (Convert.ToSingle(ItemPrice) > Convert.ToSingle(min) && (Convert.ToSingle(ItemPrice) < Convert.ToSingle(max))) { pass = true; } } else if (isMin) { if (Convert.ToSingle(ItemPrice) > Convert.ToSingle(min)) { pass = true; } } else { if (Convert.ToSingle(ItemPrice) < Convert.ToSingle(max)) { pass = true; } } } else { pass = true; } if (pass) { //Fix fot Steam update 3/26/14 4:00 PM PST string ItemName = Regex.Match(currmatch, "(?<=listing_item_name\" style=\"color:)(.*)(?=</span>)").ToString(); ItemName = ItemName.Remove(0, ItemName.IndexOf(">") + 1); string ItemGame = Regex.Match(currmatch, "(?<=game_name\">)(.*)(?=</span>)").ToString(); if (isGame) { if (ItemGame.Equals(game)) { string Median = "0"; try { string gameid = SteamLibrary.GetApp(ItemGame).AppID; Median = SteamParseSite.ParseItemPrice(hash, gameid, cookieCont).P2; if (Median.Equals("Error")) { Median = "0"; } } catch { } string ItemImg = Regex.Match(currmatch, "(?<=net/economy/image/)(.*)(/62fx62f)", RegexOptions.Singleline).ToString(); SteamLibrary.SearchItem item = new SteamLibrary.SearchItem(ItemName, ItemGame, ItemUrl, ItemQuan, ItemPrice, ItemImg, Median); item.Hashname = hash; lst.Add(item); } } else { string Median = "0"; try { string gameid = SteamLibrary.GetApp(ItemGame).AppID; Median = SteamParseSite.ParseItemPrice(hash, gameid, cookieCont).P2; if (Median.Equals("Error")) { Median = "0"; } } catch { } string ItemImg = Regex.Match(currmatch, "(?<=net/economy/image/)(.*)(/62fx62f)", RegexOptions.Singleline).ToString(); SteamLibrary.SearchItem item = new SteamLibrary.SearchItem(ItemName, ItemGame, ItemUrl, ItemQuan, ItemPrice, ItemImg, Median); item.Hashname = hash; lst.Add(item); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("No item founded!", "Attention", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } catch (Exception e) { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog(e.Message); MessageBox.Show("Error parsing search results.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } if (lst.Count < countRes) { DoAdvanceSearch(1, countRes, lastSrch, isGame, game, isMin, min, isMax, max); } else { doMessage(flag.Advance_search_success, 0, totalFind, true); } return(totalFind); }
public void LoginProgress(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { LoginProcess = true; Logged = false; var accInfo = SteamParseSite.GetNameBalance(cookieCont); if (accInfo != null) { doMessage(flag.Already_logged, 0, accInfo, true); LoginProcess = false; Logged = true; return; } string mailCode = string.Empty; string guardDesc = string.Empty; string capchaId = string.Empty; string capchaTxt = string.Empty; string mailId = string.Empty; //Login cycle begin: var rRSA = GetRSA("toshigawa_tori", cookieCont); if (rRSA == null) { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog("Network Problem"); doMessage(flag.Login_cancel, 0, "Network Problem", true); LoginProcess = false; return; } string finalpass = SteamLibrary.EncryptPassword(Password, rRSA.Module, rRSA.Exponent); string MainReq = string.Format(SteamLibrary.loginReq, finalpass, UserName, mailCode, guardDesc, capchaId, capchaTxt, mailId, rRSA.TimeStamp); string BodyResp = SteamParsing.SendPost(MainReq, SteamLibrary._dologin, SteamLibrary._ref, cookieCont, true); //Checking login problem if (BodyResp.Contains("message")) { var rProcess = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SteamLibrary.RespProcess>(BodyResp); //Checking Incorrect Login if (rProcess.Message.Contains("Incorrect")) { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog("Incorrect login"); doMessage(flag.Login_cancel, 0, "Incorrect login", true); LoginProcess = false; return; } else { //Login correct, checking message type... Dialog guardCheckForm = new Dialog(); if ((rProcess.isCaptcha) && (rProcess.Message.Contains("humanity"))) { //Verifying humanity, loading capcha guardCheckForm.capchgroupEnab = true; guardCheckForm.codgroupEnab = false; string newcap = SteamLibrary._capcha + rProcess.Captcha_Id; SteamParsing.SteamSite.loadImg(newcap, guardCheckForm.capchImg, false, false); } else if (rProcess.isEmail) { //Steam guard wants email code guardCheckForm.capchgroupEnab = false; guardCheckForm.codgroupEnab = true; } else { //Whoops! goto begin; } //Re-assign main request values if (guardCheckForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { mailCode = guardCheckForm.MailCode; guardDesc = guardCheckForm.GuardDesc; capchaId = rProcess.Captcha_Id; capchaTxt = guardCheckForm.capchaText; mailId = rProcess.Email_Id; guardCheckForm.Dispose(); } else { SteamLibrary.AddtoLog("Dialog has been cancelled!"); doMessage(flag.Login_cancel, 0, "Dialog has been cancelled!", true); e.Cancel = true; Logged = false; LoginProcess = false; guardCheckForm.Dispose(); return; } goto begin; } } else { //No Messages, Success! var rFinal = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SteamLibrary.RespFinal>(BodyResp); if (rFinal.Success && rFinal.isComplete) { //Okay var accInfo2 = SteamParseSite.GetNameBalance(cookieCont); doMessage(flag.Login_success, 0, accInfo2, true); Logged = true; SteamLibrary.AddtoLog("Login Success"); } else { //Fail goto begin; } } LoginProcess = false; }
public byte ParseLotList(string content, string myUserId, List <SteamLibrary.BuyItem> lst, bool full, bool ismain, bool IgnoreWarn) { lst.Clear(); //Smart ass! if (/*Main.isHTML &&*/ ismain) { string jsonAssets = Regex.Match(content, @"(?<=g_rgAssets \= )(.*)(?=; var g_rgCurrency)" , RegexOptions.Singleline).ToString(); if (jsonAssets == string.Empty) { return(6); } string jsonListInfo = Regex.Match(content, @"(?<=g_rgListingInfo \= )(.*)(?=; var g_plotPriceHistory)" , RegexOptions.Singleline).ToString(); content = "{" + string.Format(SteamLibrary.buildJson, jsonListInfo, jsonAssets) + "}"; } else { if (content == string.Empty) { //Content empty return(0); } else if (content == "403") { //403 Forbidden return(5); } else if (content.Length < 40) { //Move along return(8); } else if (content[0] != '{') { //Json is not valid return(2); } } try { //"success":false if (content.Substring(11, 1) == "f") { return(1); } var pageJS = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SteamLibrary.PageBody>(content); if (pageJS.Listing.Count != 0) { foreach (SteamLibrary.ListingInfo ourItem in pageJS.Listing.Values) { var ourItemInfo = pageJS.Assets[ourItem.asset.appid][ourItem.asset.contextid][]; bool isNull = false; if (ourItem.userId == myUserId) { continue; } if ((IgnoreWarn) && (ourItemInfo.warnings != null)) { //Renamed Item or Descriprtion SteamLibrary.AddtoLog(string.Format("{0}: {1}",, ourItemInfo.warnings.ToString())); continue; } if (ourItem.price != 0) { lst.Add(new SteamLibrary.BuyItem(ourItem.listingid, ourItem.price, ourItem.fee, new SteamLibrary.AppType(ourItem.asset.appid, ourItem.asset.contextid),; isNull = false; } else { isNull = true; } if (!full && !isNull) { return(7); } } } else { return(1); } } catch (Exception e) { //Parsing fail SteamLibrary.AddtoLog("Err Source: " + e.Message); return(3); } if (lst.Count == 0) { return(0); } else { //Fine! return(7); } }
public void Event_Message(object sender, object data, int searchId, flag myflag, bool isMain) { if (data == null) { return; } string message = data.ToString(); switch (myflag) { case flag.Already_logged: StatusLabel1.Text = "Ready"; StatusPB.Image = null; SteamLibrary.AddtoLog("Already logged"); GetAccInfo((SteamLibrary.StrParam)data); break; case flag.Login_success: StatusLabel1.Text = "Ready"; StatusPB.Image = null; SteamLibrary.AddtoLog("Login succesful"); GetAccInfo((SteamLibrary.StrParam)data); break; case flag.Login_cancel: MessageBox.Show("Error logging in! " + message + "!", "Attention", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); StatusPB.Image = null; StatusLabel1.Text = message; break; case flag.Logout_: StatusLabel1.Text = "Ready"; StatusPB.Image = null; LoginB.Text = "Login"; break; case flag.Search_success: ScanLV.Enabled = true; button15.Enabled = true; if (SteamAutoFunction.sppos.CurrentPos == 1) { int found = Convert.ToInt32(message); SteamAutoFunction.sppos.PageCount = found / SteamAutoFunction.SearchResCount; if (found % SteamAutoFunction.SearchResCount != 0) { SteamAutoFunction.sppos.PageCount++; } } label5.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}", SteamAutoFunction.sppos.CurrentPos.ToString(), SteamAutoFunction.sppos.PageCount.ToString()); if (SteamAutoFunction.sppos.PageCount > 1) { prepageBT.Visible = true; nextpageBT.Visible = true; button16.Visible = false; button17.Visible = false; } else { prepageBT.Visible = false; nextpageBT.Visible = false; button16.Visible = false; button17.Visible = false; } ScanLV.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < SteamAutoFunction.SearchList.Count; i++) { var ourItem = SteamAutoFunction.SearchList[i]; string[] row = { ourItem.Game, ourItem.Name, SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + ourItem.StartPrice, ourItem.Quantity, SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + ourItem.MedianPrice, ourItem.Hashname }; var lstItem = new ListViewItem(row); ScanLV.Items.Add(lstItem); } button2.Enabled = true; StatusPB.Image = null; StatusLabel1.Text = "Ready"; break; case flag.Advance_search_success: ScanLV.Enabled = true; button15.Enabled = true; SteamAutoFunction.searchDone = true; if (SteamAutoFunction.sppos.CurrentPos == 1) { int found = Convert.ToInt32(message); SteamAutoFunction.sppos.PageCount = found / SteamAutoFunction.SearchResCount; if (found % SteamAutoFunction.SearchResCount != 0) { SteamAutoFunction.sppos.PageCount++; } } label5.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}", SteamAutoFunction.sppos.CurrentPos.ToString(), SteamAutoFunction.sppos.PageCount.ToString()); if (SteamAutoFunction.sppos.PageCount > 1) { prepageBT.Visible = false; nextpageBT.Visible = false; button16.Visible = true; button17.Visible = true; } else { prepageBT.Visible = false; nextpageBT.Visible = false; button16.Visible = false; button17.Visible = false; } ScanLV.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < SteamAutoFunction.SearchList.Count; i++) { var ourItem = SteamAutoFunction.SearchList[i]; string[] row = { ourItem.Game, ourItem.Name, SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + ourItem.StartPrice, ourItem.Quantity, SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + ourItem.MedianPrice, ourItem.Hashname }; var lstItem = new ListViewItem(row); ScanLV.Items.Add(lstItem); } button2.Enabled = true; StatusPB.Image = null; StatusLabel1.Text = "Ready"; break; case flag.Add_track: SteamLibrary.TrackingItem item = (SteamLibrary.TrackingItem)data; string lp = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + string.Format("{0:N2}", item.StartPrice); string mp = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + string.Format("{0:N2}", item.MedianPrice); string[] row1 = { item.Game, item.Name, lp, mp, "", "", item.BuyPercent.ToString(), item.SellPercent.ToString(), "", item.Link, "", "", item.hashname, "" }; var lst1 = new ListViewItem(row1); TraItemLV.Items.Add(lst1); break; case flag.Track_progress: SteamLibrary.TrackingItem item1 = (SteamLibrary.TrackingItem)data; string lp1 = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + string.Format("{0:N2}", item1.StartPrice); string mp1 = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + string.Format("{0:N2}", item1.MedianPrice); TraItemLV.Items[item1.index].SubItems[2].Text = lp1; TraItemLV.Items[item1.index].SubItems[3].Text = mp1; TraItemLV.Items[item1.index].SubItems[13].Text = searchId.ToString(); break; /*case flag.Error_scan: * * string mess = GetScanErrMess(message); * button12.Enabled = true; * button3.Enabled = true; * break;*/ case flag.Success_buy: string[] price = message.Split(';'); double itemcost = Math.Round(Convert.ToSingle(WalletL.Text.Remove(0, 2)) - Convert.ToSingle(price[0]), 2); FlashWindow.Flash(this); WalletL.Text = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + price[0]; button3.Enabled = true; button12.Enabled = true; for (int i = 0; i < SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList.Count; i++) { if (SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[i].Name.Equals(price[1])) { SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[i].Purchased = true; TraItemLV.Items[i].SubItems[8].Text = "x"; TraItemLV.Items[i].SubItems[10].Text = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + itemcost; TraItemLV.Items[i].SubItems[11].Text = DateTime.Today.AddDays(7).ToString(); if (SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[i].Buy == true) { SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[i].Buy = false; TraItemLV.Items[i].SubItems[4].Text = ""; } if (SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[i].Buying == true) { SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[i].Buying = false; } SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[i].Refresh.Stop(); break; } } break; case flag.Error_buy: button3.Enabled = true; break; case flag.Load_progress: for (int a = 0; a < SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList.Count; a++) { SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].index = a; string lp2 = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + string.Format("{0:N2}", SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].StartPrice); string mp2 = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + string.Format("{0:N2}", SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].MedianPrice); string buy = ""; string sell = ""; string pured = ""; string pp = ""; if (SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].Buy) { buy = "x"; } if (SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].Sell) { sell = "x"; } if (SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].Purchased) { pured = "x"; pp = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + string.Format("{0:N2}", SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].PurchasePrice); } string[] row2 = { SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].Game, SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].Name, lp2, mp2, buy, sell, SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].BuyPercent.ToString(), SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].SellPercent.ToString(),pured, SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].Link, pp, SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].purchasedate, SteamAutoFunction.TrackingList[a].hashname, "" }; var lst2 = new ListViewItem(row2); TraItemLV.Items.Add(lst2); } break; case flag.Inventory_Loaded: button9.Enabled = true; InvenLV.Enabled = true; StatusPB.Image = null; StatusLabel1.Text = "Ready"; //SetInvFilter(); //label4.Text = filteredInvList.Count.ToString(); button1.Enabled = true; if (searchId == 0) { FillInventoryList(); button7.Enabled = true; if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex != 8) { button10.Enabled = true; } else { button10.Enabled = false; } } else { InvenLV.Items.Clear(); button10.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("Inventory section is empty!", "Attention", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } break; case flag.InvPrice: SteamLibrary.InventItem ourItem1 = (SteamLibrary.InventItem)data; string priceRes = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + SteamLibrary.DoFracture(ourItem1.BuyPrice); string priceMes = SteamParsing.Currencies.GetName() + " " + ourItem1.MedianPrice.ToString(); InvenLV.Items[searchId].SubItems[2].Text = priceRes; InvenLV.Items[searchId].SubItems[3].Text = priceMes; textBox2.Text = SteamLibrary.DoFracture(ourItem1.BuyPrice); textBox2_KeyUp(this, null); textBox2.ReadOnly = false; button11.Enabled = true; InvenLV.Enabled = true; break; case flag.Items_Sold: if (searchId != 1) { StatusLabel1.Text = "Ready"; StatusPB.Image = null; button10.Text = "Set price"; int app = comboBox1.SelectedIndex; SteamAuto.InventoryThreadExcute(app); } break; } }