コード例 #1
        private void OnSystemMessage(IPacketGCMsg packetMsg)
            var msg = new ClientGCMsgProtobuf <CMsgSystemBroadcast>(packetMsg).Body;

            Log.WriteInfo(Name, "Message: {0}", msg.message);

            IRC.SendMain("{0}{1}{2} system message:{3} {4}", Colors.OLIVE, SteamProxy.GetAppName(AppID), Colors.NORMAL, Colors.OLIVE, msg.message);
コード例 #2
        private void OnWelcome(IPacketGCMsg packetMsg)

            int version = -1;

            // TF2 GC is not in sync
            if (AppID == 440)
                var msg = new ClientGCMsgProtobuf <SteamKit2.GC.TF2.Internal.CMsgServerWelcome>(packetMsg).Body;

                version = (int)msg.active_version;
                var msg = new ClientGCMsgProtobuf <CMsgClientWelcome>(packetMsg).Body;

                version = (int)msg.version;

            Log.WriteInfo(Name, "New GC session ({0} -> {1})", LastVersion, version);

            string message = string.Format("New {0}{1}{2} GC session", Colors.OLIVE, SteamProxy.GetAppName(AppID), Colors.NORMAL);

            if (LastVersion == -1 || LastVersion == version)
                message += string.Format(" {0}(version {1})", Colors.DARK_GRAY, version);
                message += string.Format(" {0}(version changed from {1} to {2})", Colors.DARK_GRAY, LastVersion, version);

            if (LastVersion != -1 && (LastVersion != version || LastStatus != GCConnectionStatus.GCConnectionStatus_HAVE_SESSION))


            LastVersion = version;
            LastStatus  = GCConnectionStatus.GCConnectionStatus_HAVE_SESSION;

            UpdateStatus(AppID, LastStatus.ToString());
コード例 #3
        private void TryProcess(SteamApps.PICSProductInfoCallback.PICSProductInfo productInfo)
            string packageName = string.Empty;
            var    apps        = new Dictionary <uint, string>();

            using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `Name`, `Value` FROM `SubsInfo` INNER JOIN `KeyNamesSubs` ON `SubsInfo`.`Key` = `KeyNamesSubs`.`ID` WHERE `SubID` = @SubID", new MySqlParameter("@SubID", SubID)))
                while (Reader.Read())
                    CurrentData.Add(DbWorker.GetString("Name", Reader), DbWorker.GetString("Value", Reader));

            using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `Name` FROM `Subs` WHERE `SubID` = @SubID LIMIT 1", new MySqlParameter("@SubID", SubID)))
                if (Reader.Read())
                    packageName = DbWorker.GetString("Name", Reader);

            using (MySqlDataReader Reader = DbWorker.ExecuteReader("SELECT `AppID`, `Type` FROM `SubsApps` WHERE `SubID` = @SubID", new MySqlParameter("@SubID", SubID)))
                while (Reader.Read())
                    apps.Add(Reader.GetUInt32("AppID"), Reader.GetString("Type"));

            var kv = productInfo.KeyValues.Children.FirstOrDefault();

            if (kv["name"].Value != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageName))
                    DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO `Subs` (`SubID`, `Name`) VALUES (@SubID, @Name) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = @Name",
                                             new MySqlParameter("@SubID", SubID),
                                             new MySqlParameter("@Name", kv["name"].Value)

                    MakeHistory("created_info", DATABASE_NAME_TYPE, string.Empty, kv["name"].Value);
                else if (!packageName.Equals(kv["name"].Value))
                    DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE `Subs` SET `Name` = @Name WHERE `SubID` = @SubID",
                                             new MySqlParameter("@SubID", SubID),
                                             new MySqlParameter("@Name", kv["name"].Value)

                    MakeHistory("modified_info", DATABASE_NAME_TYPE, packageName, kv["name"].Value);

            foreach (KeyValue section in kv.Children)
                string sectionName = section.Name.ToLower();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sectionName) || sectionName.Equals("packageid") || sectionName.Equals("name"))
                    // Ignore common keys

                if (sectionName.Equals("appids") || sectionName.Equals("depotids"))
                    string type = sectionName.Replace("ids", string.Empty); // Remove "ids", so we get app from appids and depot from depotids

                    uint typeID = (uint)(type.Equals("app") ? 0 : 1);       // TODO: Remove legacy 0/1 and replace with type

                    foreach (KeyValue childrenApp in section.Children)
                        uint appID = uint.Parse(childrenApp.Value);

                        // Is this appid already in this package?
                        if (apps.ContainsKey(appID))
                            // Is this appid's type the same?
                            if (apps[appID] != type)
                                DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE `SubsApps` SET `Type` = @Type WHERE `SubID` = @SubID AND `AppID` = @AppID",
                                                         new MySqlParameter("@SubID", SubID),
                                                         new MySqlParameter("@AppID", appID),
                                                         new MySqlParameter("@Type", type)

                                MakeHistory("added_to_sub", typeID, apps[appID].Equals("app") ? "0" : "1", childrenApp.Value);

                            DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO `SubsApps` (`SubID`, `AppID`, `Type`) VALUES(@SubID, @AppID, @Type) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Type` = @Type",
                                                     new MySqlParameter("@SubID", SubID),
                                                     new MySqlParameter("@AppID", appID),
                                                     new MySqlParameter("@Type", type)

                            MakeHistory("added_to_sub", typeID, string.Empty, childrenApp.Value);
                            AppProcessor.MakeHistory(appID, ChangeNumber, "added_to_sub", typeID, string.Empty, SubID.ToString());

                            if (SteamProxy.Instance.ImportantApps.Contains(appID))
                                IRC.SendMain("Important app {0}{1}{2} was added to package {3}{4}{5} -{6} {7}",
                                             Colors.OLIVE, SteamProxy.GetAppName(appID), Colors.NORMAL,
                                             Colors.OLIVE, packageName, Colors.NORMAL,
                                             Colors.DARK_BLUE, SteamDB.GetPackageURL(SubID, "history")
                else if (sectionName.Equals("extended"))
                    string keyName;

                    foreach (KeyValue children in section.Children)
                        if (children.Children.Count > 0)
                            Log.WriteError("Sub Processor", "SubID {0} has childen in extended section", SubID);

                        keyName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", sectionName, children.Name);

                        ProcessKey(keyName, children.Name, children.Value);
                else if (section.Children.Count > 0)
                    sectionName = string.Format("root_{0}", sectionName);

                    ProcessKey(sectionName, sectionName, DbWorker.JsonifyKeyValue(section), true);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(section.Value))
                    string keyName = string.Format("root_{0}", sectionName);

                    ProcessKey(keyName, sectionName, section.Value);

            foreach (string keyName in CurrentData.Keys)
                if (!keyName.StartsWith("website", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    uint ID = GetKeyNameID(keyName);

                    DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM `SubsInfo` WHERE `SubID` = @SubID AND `Key` = @KeyNameID",
                                             new MySqlParameter("@SubID", SubID),
                                             new MySqlParameter("@KeyNameID", ID)

                    MakeHistory("removed_key", ID, CurrentData[keyName]);

            foreach (var app in apps)
                DbWorker.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM `SubsApps` WHERE `SubID` = @SubID AND `AppID` = @AppID AND `Type` = @Type",
                                         new MySqlParameter("@SubID", SubID),
                                         new MySqlParameter("@AppID", app.Key),
                                         new MySqlParameter("@Type", app.Value)

                uint typeID = (uint)(app.Value.Equals("app") ? 0 : 1); // TODO: Remove legacy 0/1 and replace with type

                MakeHistory("removed_from_sub", typeID, app.Key.ToString());
                AppProcessor.MakeHistory(app.Key, ChangeNumber, "removed_from_sub", typeID, SubID.ToString());

                if (SteamProxy.Instance.ImportantApps.Contains(app.Key))
                    IRC.SendMain("Important app {0}{1}{2} was removed from package {3}{4}{5} -{6} {7}",
                                 Colors.OLIVE, SteamProxy.GetAppName(app.Key), Colors.NORMAL,
                                 Colors.OLIVE, packageName, Colors.NORMAL,
                                 Colors.DARK_BLUE, SteamDB.GetPackageURL(SubID, "history")

            if (kv["name"].Value == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageName)) // We don't have the package in our database yet
                    // Don't do anything then
                    Log.WriteError("Sub Processor", "Got a package without a name, and we don't have it in our database: {0}", SubID);
                    ////MakeHistory("deleted_sub", "0", packageName, "", true);

                    Log.WriteError("Sub Processor", "Got a package without a name, but we have it in our database: {0}", SubID);
コード例 #4
        private void OnConnectionStatus(IPacketGCMsg packetMsg)
            var msg = new ClientGCMsgProtobuf <CMsgConnectionStatus>(packetMsg).Body;

            LastStatus = msg.status;

            Log.WriteInfo(Name, "Status: {0}", LastStatus);

            string message = string.Format("{0}{1}{2} GC status:{3} {4}", Colors.OLIVE, SteamProxy.GetAppName(AppID), Colors.NORMAL, Colors.OLIVE, LastStatus);


            if (LastStatus == GCConnectionStatus.GCConnectionStatus_NO_SESSION)
                Timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5).TotalMilliseconds;

            UpdateStatus(AppID, LastStatus.ToString());
コード例 #5
        private void OnVersionUpdate(IPacketGCMsg packetMsg)
            var msg = new ClientGCMsgProtobuf <CMsgGCServerVersionUpdated>(packetMsg).Body;

            Log.WriteInfo(Name, "GC version changed ({0} -> {1})", LastVersion, msg.server_version);

            IRC.SendMain("{0}{1}{2} server version changed:{3} {4} {5}(from {6})", Colors.OLIVE, SteamProxy.GetAppName(AppID), Colors.NORMAL, Colors.OLIVE, msg.server_version, Colors.DARK_GRAY, LastVersion);

            LastVersion = (int)msg.server_version;
コード例 #6
        private void OnItemSchemaUpdate(IPacketGCMsg packetMsg)
            var msg = new ClientGCMsgProtobuf <CMsgUpdateItemSchema>(packetMsg).Body;

            if (LastSchemaVersion != 0 && LastSchemaVersion != msg.item_schema_version)
                Log.WriteInfo(Name, "Schema change from {0} to {1}", LastSchemaVersion, msg.item_schema_version);

                IRC.SendMain("{0}{1}{2} item schema updated: {3}{4}{5} -{6} {7}", Colors.OLIVE, SteamProxy.GetAppName(AppID), Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_GRAY, msg.item_schema_version.ToString("X4"), Colors.NORMAL, Colors.DARK_BLUE, msg.items_game_url);

            LastSchemaVersion = msg.item_schema_version;

            Log.WriteDebug(Name, msg.items_game_url);