private void SignInForm_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { // force window to have focus // please refer uint foreThread = Win32Helper.GetWindowThreadProcessId(Win32Helper.GetForegroundWindow(), IntPtr.Zero); uint appThread = Win32Helper.GetCurrentThreadId(); //const uint SW_SHOW = 5; if (foreThread != appThread) { Win32Helper.AttachThreadInput(foreThread, appThread, true); Win32Helper.BringWindowToTop(this.Handle); //ShowWindow(this.Handle, SW_SHOW); Win32Helper.AttachThreadInput(foreThread, appThread, false); } else { Win32Helper.BringWindowToTop(this.Handle); //ShowWindow(this.Handle, SW_SHOW); } }
private void GotoTabPage(TabPage tabpage, UserLoginSetting userlogin) { if (m_SignUpDialog != null) { m_SignUpDialog.Dispose(); m_SignUpDialog = null; } tabControl.SelectedTab = tabpage; if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; this.ShowInTaskbar = true; } uint foreThread = Win32Helper.GetWindowThreadProcessId(Win32Helper.GetForegroundWindow(), IntPtr.Zero); uint appThread = Win32Helper.GetCurrentThreadId(); if (foreThread != appThread) { Win32Helper.AttachThreadInput(foreThread, appThread, true); Win32Helper.BringWindowToTop(this.Handle); Show(); Win32Helper.AttachThreadInput(foreThread, appThread, false); } else { Win32Helper.BringWindowToTop(this.Handle); Show(); } Activate(); if (tabpage == tabSignIn) { if (userlogin == null) { cmbEmail.Text = string.Empty; iscmbEmailFirstChanged = false; txtPassword.Text = string.Empty; chkRememberPassword.Checked = false; } else { cmbEmail.Text = userlogin.Email; iscmbEmailFirstChanged = true; if (userlogin.RememberPassword) { txtPassword.Text = SecurityHelper.DecryptPassword(userlogin.Password); } else { txtPassword.Text = string.Empty; } chkRememberPassword.Checked = userlogin.RememberPassword; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbEmail.Text)) { cmbEmail.Select(); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPassword.Text)) { txtPassword.Select(); } else { btnSignIn.Select(); } this.AcceptButton = btnSignIn; } else if (tabpage == tabMainStationSetup) { btnOK.Tag = userlogin; btnOK.Select(); this.AcceptButton = btnOK; } }