private static IResourceGroup createResourceGroup(ExecutionContext context, ILogger logger) { var azure = Function1.GetCredentials(context); var groupName = "GROUPNAME"; var location = Region.USWest; int retryTimeRG = 2000; ResourceGroupCreation: var resourceGroup = azure.ResourceGroups.Define(groupName) .WithRegion(location) .Create(); if (resourceGroup != null) { logger.LogInformation("Resource Group Created"); } else { retryTimeRG *= 2; if (retryTimeRG > 60000) { throw new Exception("Resource Group creation failed"); } logger.LogError("Resource Group unable to be created \n retrying...."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(retryTimeRG); goto ResourceGroupCreation; } return(resourceGroup); }
private static INetwork createNetworks(ExecutionContext context, ILogger logger) { var azure = Function1.GetCredentials(context); var groupName = "GROUPNAME"; var location = Region.USWest; int retryTimeVNet = 2000; VNetCreation: var network = azure.Networks.Define("VNet") .WithRegion(location) .WithExistingResourceGroup(groupName) .WithAddressSpace("") .WithSubnet("Subnet", "") .Create(); if (network != null) { logger.LogInformation("subnet and Virtual Network Created"); } else { retryTimeVNet *= 2; if (retryTimeVNet > 60000) { throw new Exception("subnet and Virtual Network creation failed"); } logger.LogError("subnet and Virtual Network unable to be created \n retrying...."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(retryTimeVNet); goto VNetCreation; } return(network); }
private static IPublicIPAddress createPublicIP(ExecutionContext context, ILogger logger) { var azure = Function1.GetCredentials(context); var groupName = "GROUPNAME"; var location = Region.USWest; int retryTimeIP = 2000; publicIPCreation: var publicIPAddress = azure.PublicIPAddresses.Define("PublicIP") .WithRegion(location) .WithExistingResourceGroup(groupName) .WithDynamicIP() .Create(); if (publicIPAddress != null) { logger.LogInformation("IP Created"); } else { retryTimeIP *= 2; if (retryTimeIP > 60000) { throw new Exception("Public IP creation failed"); } logger.LogError("Public IP unable to be created \n retrying...."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(retryTimeIP); goto publicIPCreation; } return(publicIPAddress); }
public IVirtualMachine CreateTheVMBackground(ExecutionContext context, ILogger logger) { var azure = Function1.GetCredentials(context); var groupName = "GROUPNAME"; var vmName = "VMNAME"; var location = Region.USWest; //Create Resource Group var resourceGroup = createResourceGroup(context, logger); //Get public IP address var publicIPAddress = createPublicIP(context, logger); //Create subnet and Virtual Network var network = createNetworks(context, logger); //Create Network Interface var networkInterface = createNetworkInterface(context, logger); //Create the VM int retryTimeVM = 2000; VMCreation: var VM = azure.VirtualMachines.Define(vmName) .WithRegion(location) .WithExistingResourceGroup(groupName) .WithExistingPrimaryNetworkInterface(networkInterface) .WithLatestWindowsImage("MicrosoftWindowsServer", "WindowsServer", "2012-R2-Datacenter") .WithAdminUsername("User") .WithAdminPassword("Password12345678") .WithComputerName(vmName) .WithSize(VirtualMachineSizeTypes.StandardDS1) .Create(); if (VM != null) { logger.LogInformation("Virtual Machine Created"); } else { retryTimeVM *= 2; if (retryTimeVM > 60000) { throw new Exception("Virtual Machine failed"); } logger.LogError("Virtual Machine unable to be created \n retrying...."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(retryTimeVM); goto VMCreation; } return(VM); }
private static INetworkInterface createNetworkInterface(ExecutionContext context, ILogger logger) { var azure = Function1.GetCredentials(context); var groupName = "GROUPNAME"; var location = Region.USWest; var network = createNetworks(context, logger); var publicIPAddress = createPublicIP(context, logger); int retryTimeNetworkInterface = 2000; NetworkInterfaceCreation: var networkInterface = azure.NetworkInterfaces.Define("NetworkInterface") .WithRegion(location) .WithExistingResourceGroup(groupName) .WithExistingPrimaryNetwork(network) .WithSubnet("Subnet") .WithPrimaryPrivateIPAddressDynamic() .WithExistingPrimaryPublicIPAddress(publicIPAddress) .Create(); if (networkInterface != null) { logger.LogInformation("Network Interface created"); } else { retryTimeNetworkInterface *= 2; if (retryTimeNetworkInterface > 60000) { throw new Exception("Network Interface creation failed"); } logger.LogError("Network Interface unable to be created \n retrying...."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(retryTimeNetworkInterface); goto NetworkInterfaceCreation; } return(networkInterface); }