コード例 #1
 public ConflictResolution(
     Solution oldSolution,
     RenamedSpansTracker renamedSpansTracker,
     string replacementText,
     bool replacementTextValid)
     _oldSolution = oldSolution;
     _newSolution = oldSolution;
     _intermediateSolutionContainingOnlyModifiedDocuments = oldSolution;
     _renamedSpansTracker = renamedSpansTracker;
     ReplacementText      = replacementText;
     ReplacementTextValid = replacementTextValid;
     _relatedLocations    = new List <RelatedLocation>();
コード例 #2
            // The rename process and annotation for the bookkeeping is performed in one-step
            private async Task <Solution> AnnotateAndRename_WorkerAsync(
                Solution originalSolution,
                Solution partiallyRenamedSolution,
                HashSet <DocumentId> documentIdsToRename,
                ISet <RenameLocation> renameLocations,
                RenamedSpansTracker renameSpansTracker,
                bool replacementTextValid)
                    foreach (var documentId in documentIdsToRename.ToList())

                        var document      = originalSolution.GetDocument(documentId);
                        var semanticModel = await document.GetSemanticModelAsync(_cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        var originalSyntaxRoot = await semanticModel.SyntaxTree.GetRootAsync(_cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        // Get all rename locations for the current document.
                        var allTextSpansInSingleSourceTree = renameLocations
                                                             .Where(l => l.DocumentId == documentId && ShouldIncludeLocation(renameLocations, l))
                                                             .ToDictionary(l => l.Location.SourceSpan);

                        // All textspan in the document documentId, that requires rename in String or Comment
                        var stringAndCommentTextSpansInSingleSourceTree = renameLocations
                                                                          .Where(l => l.DocumentId == documentId && l.IsRenameInStringOrComment)
                                                                          .GroupBy(l => l.ContainingLocationForStringOrComment)
                                                                          .Select(g => g.Key)

                        var conflictLocationSpans = _conflictLocations
                                                    .Where(t => t.DocumentId == documentId)
                                                    .Select(t => t.ComplexifiedSpan).ToSet();

                        // Annotate all nodes with a RenameLocation annotations to record old locations & old referenced symbols.
                        // Also annotate nodes that should get complexified (nodes for rename locations + conflict locations)
                        var parameters = new RenameRewriterParameters(

                        var renameRewriterLanguageService = document.GetLanguageService <IRenameRewriterLanguageService>();
                        var newRoot = renameRewriterLanguageService.AnnotateAndRename(parameters);

                        if (newRoot == originalSyntaxRoot)
                            // Update the list for the current phase, some files with strings containing the original or replacement
                            // text may have been filtered out.
                            partiallyRenamedSolution = partiallyRenamedSolution.WithDocumentSyntaxRoot(documentId, newRoot, PreservationMode.PreserveIdentity);

                catch (Exception e) when(FatalError.ReportUnlessCanceled(e))
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
コード例 #3
            // The method which performs rename, resolves the conflict locations and returns the result of the rename operation
            public async Task <ConflictResolution> ResolveConflictsAsync()
                    await FindDocumentsAndPossibleNameConflicts().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var baseSolution = _renameLocationSet.Solution;

                    // Process rename one project at a time to improve caching and reduce syntax tree serialization.
                    var documentsGroupedByTopologicallySortedProjectId = _documentsIdsToBeCheckedForConflict
                                                                         .GroupBy(d => d.ProjectId)
                                                                         .OrderBy(g => _topologicallySortedProjects.IndexOf(g.Key));

                    _replacementTextValid = IsIdentifierValid_Worker(baseSolution, _replacementText, documentsGroupedByTopologicallySortedProjectId.Select(g => g.Key), _cancellationToken);
                    var renamedSpansTracker = new RenamedSpansTracker();
                    var conflictResolution  = new ConflictResolution(baseSolution, renamedSpansTracker, _replacementText, _replacementTextValid);

                    foreach (var documentsByProject in documentsGroupedByTopologicallySortedProjectId)
                        var documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed = new HashSet <DocumentId>(documentsByProject);
                        using (baseSolution.Services.CacheService?.EnableCaching(documentsByProject.Key))
                            // Rename is going to be in 4 phases.
                            // 1st phase - Does a simple token replacement
                            // If the 1st phase results in conflict then we perform then:
                            //      2nd phase is to expand and simplify only the reference locations with conflicts
                            //      3rd phase is to expand and simplify all the conflict locations (both reference and non-reference)
                            // If there are unresolved Conflicts after the 3rd phase then in 4th phase,
                            //      We complexify and resolve locations that were resolvable and for the other locations we perform the normal token replacement like the first the phase.
                            for (int phase = 0; phase < 4; phase++)
                                // Step 1:
                                // The rename process and annotation for the bookkeeping is performed in one-step
                                // The Process in short is,
                                // 1. If renaming a token which is no conflict then replace the token and make a map of the oldspan to the newspan
                                // 2. If we encounter a node that has to be expanded( because there was a conflict in previous phase), we expand it.
                                //    If the node happens to contain a token that needs to be renamed then we annotate it and rename it after expansion else just expand and proceed
                                // 3. Through the whole process we maintain a map of the oldspan to newspan. In case of expansion & rename, we map the expanded node and the renamed token
                                conflictResolution.UpdateCurrentSolution(await AnnotateAndRename_WorkerAsync(

                                // Step 2: Check for conflicts in the renamed solution
                                bool foundResolvableConflicts = await IdentifyConflictsAsync(
                                    documentIdsForConflictResolution : documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed,
                                    allDocumentIdsInProject : documentsByProject,
                                    projectId : documentsByProject.Key,
                                    conflictResolution : conflictResolution).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                if (!foundResolvableConflicts || phase == 3)

                                if (phase == 0)
                                    _conflictLocations = conflictResolution.RelatedLocations
                                                         .Where(loc => (documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed.Contains(loc.DocumentId) && loc.Type == RelatedLocationType.PossiblyResolvableConflict && loc.IsReference))
                                                         .Select(loc => new ConflictLocationInfo(loc))

                                    // If there were no conflicting locations in references, then the first conflict phase has to be skipped.
                                    if (_conflictLocations.Count == 0)

                                if (phase == 1)
                                    _conflictLocations = _conflictLocations.Concat(conflictResolution.RelatedLocations
                                                                                   .Where(loc => documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed.Contains(loc.DocumentId) && loc.Type == RelatedLocationType.PossiblyResolvableConflict)
                                                                                   .Select(loc => new ConflictLocationInfo(loc)))

                                // Set the documents with conflicts that need to be processed in the next phase.
                                // Note that we need to get the conflictLocations here since we're going to remove some locations below if phase == 2
                                documentIdsThatGetsAnnotatedAndRenamed = new HashSet <DocumentId>(_conflictLocations.Select(l => l.DocumentId));

                                if (phase == 2)
                                    // After phase 2, if there are still conflicts then remove the conflict locations from being expanded
                                    var unresolvedLocations = conflictResolution.RelatedLocations
                                                              .Where(l => (l.Type & RelatedLocationType.UnresolvedConflict) != 0)
                                                              .Select(l => Tuple.Create(l.ComplexifiedTargetSpan, l.DocumentId)).Distinct();

                                    _conflictLocations = _conflictLocations.Where(l => !unresolvedLocations.Any(c => c.Item2 == l.DocumentId && c.Item1.Contains(l.OriginalIdentifierSpan))).ToSet();

                                // Clean up side effects from rename before entering the next phase

                            // Step 3: Simplify the project
                            conflictResolution.UpdateCurrentSolution(await renamedSpansTracker.SimplifyAsync(conflictResolution.NewSolution, documentsByProject, _replacementTextValid, _renameAnnotations, _cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));
                            await conflictResolution.RemoveAllRenameAnnotationsAsync(documentsByProject, _renameAnnotations, _cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // This rename could break implicit references of this symbol (e.g. rename MoveNext on a collection like type in a
                    // foreach/for each statement
                    ISymbol renamedSymbolInNewSolution = await GetRenamedSymbolInCurrentSolutionAsync(conflictResolution).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (IsRenameValid(conflictResolution, renamedSymbolInNewSolution))
                        await AddImplicitConflictsAsync(
                            await conflictResolution.NewSolution.GetDocument(_documentIdOfRenameSymbolDeclaration).GetSemanticModelAsync(_cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false),
                            renamedSpansTracker.GetAdjustedPosition(_renameSymbolDeclarationLocation.SourceSpan.Start, _documentIdOfRenameSymbolDeclaration),

                    foreach (var relatedLocation in conflictResolution.RelatedLocations)
                        if (relatedLocation.Type == RelatedLocationType.PossiblyResolvableConflict)
                            relatedLocation.Type = RelatedLocationType.UnresolvedConflict;
                    await DebugVerifyNoErrorsAsync(conflictResolution, _documentsIdsToBeCheckedForConflict).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (Exception e) when(FatalError.ReportUnlessCanceled(e))
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;