コード例 #1
ファイル: Projectile.cs プロジェクト: Lambosaurus/StarPixel
        public bool HitCheck(Universe universe, Physical phys)
            if (phys != parent)
                Vector2 bounce;

                if ( phys.shield != null && phys.shield.active)
                    ComponentShield shield = phys.shield;

                    Intersection sect = shield.hitbox.Intersect(pos);
                    if ( sect != null )
                        bounce = Utility.Bounce(velocity - phys.velocity, sect.surface_normal);

                        explosion.Explode(universe, pos, phys.velocity, bounce);
                        shield.BlockDamage(explosion.dmg, pos);
                        return true;
                    Intersection sect = phys.hitbox.Intersect(pos);
                    if (sect != null)
                        bounce = Utility.Bounce(velocity - phys.velocity, sect.surface_normal);

                        explosion.Explode(universe, pos, phys.velocity, bounce);
                        phys.AdsorbExplosion(explosion, pos);
                        return true;
            return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Physical.cs プロジェクト: Lambosaurus/StarPixel
        public bool HitCheck(Physical phys)
            Intersection sect = hitbox.Intersect(phys.hitbox);
            if (sect == null) { return false; }

            Vector2 this_ecc = sect.position - pos;
            Vector2 phys_ecc = sect.position - phys.pos;

            // determine the velocities at the points of impact, this includes the velocity due to radial effects
            Vector2 v1 = velocity + Utility.RotatePos(this_ecc * angular_velocity);
            Vector2 v2 = phys.velocity + Utility.RotatePos(phys_ecc * phys.angular_velocity);

            // get the relative velocity at the impact point
            Vector2 relative_impact_velocity = (v1 - v2);

            // modify the imact velocity in the direction of the surface normal.
            // This is based on the overlap, and functions as a spring.
            relative_impact_velocity += (Utility.CosSin(sect.surface_normal) * (0.2f + (sect.overlap * 0.05f)));

            // calculate the 'bounce' velocity.
            // The velocity which must be created between the two physicals, as a result of the collision
            Vector2 surface_aligned = Utility.Rotate(relative_impact_velocity, -sect.surface_normal);
            surface_aligned.X *= -GameConst.collision_elasticity; // bouncyness
            surface_aligned.Y *= -GameConst.collision_friction; // friction
            Vector2 bounce = Utility.Rotate(surface_aligned, sect.surface_normal);

            float this_mass_ratio = mass / (mass + phys.mass);
            float phys_mass_ratio = phys.mass / (mass + phys.mass);

            // modify the physicals positions, to remove them from the collision.
            // this may cause problems if it pushes a ship into a second collsion. Whatevs.
            this.pos += bounce * 1.5f * phys_mass_ratio;
            phys.pos -= bounce * 1.5f * this_mass_ratio;
            /* Replaced by the below
            // calculate the generated foce between each ship required to produce the bounce velocity
            ector2 force = ((bounce) / ((1 / mass) + (1 / phys.mass)));
            Vector2 velocity_this = (force / mass) + Utility.RotatePos(eccentricity_this * Utility.Cross(eccentricity_this, force) / intertia);
            Vector2 velocity_phys = (force / phys.mass) + Utility.RotatePos(eccentricity_phys * Utility.Cross(eccentricity_phys, force) / phys.intertia)

            // Calculate some constants.
            float A1 = (1.0f / this.mass) + (1.0f / phys.mass) + (this_ecc.Y * this_ecc.Y / this.inertia) + (phys_ecc.Y * phys_ecc.Y / phys.inertia);
            float B1 = (this_ecc.Y * this_ecc.X / this.inertia) + (phys_ecc.Y * phys_ecc.X / phys.inertia);
            float A2 = (1.0f / this.mass) + (1.0f / phys.mass) + (this_ecc.X * this_ecc.X / this.inertia) + (phys_ecc.X * phys_ecc.X / phys.inertia);
            float B2 = (this_ecc.X * this_ecc.Y / this.inertia) + (phys_ecc.X * phys_ecc.Y / phys.inertia);

            // Solve for the force in the X and Y directions.
            float Fx = ((B1 * bounce.Y / (A1 * A2)) + (bounce.X / A1)) / (1.0f - (B1 * B2 / (A1 * A2)));
            float Fy = ((B2 * Fx) + bounce.Y) / A2;

            Vector2 force = new Vector2(Fx, Fy);

            // apply the forces.
            this.Push(force, this_ecc);
            phys.Push(-force, phys_ecc);

            // generate an explosion as the result of the collision.
            // the radius is ish 1/4 of the larger hulls's radius. Maybe look into whether that is smart.
            Explosion exp = AssetWeaponTemplates.collision_explosion * force.Length();

            // apply the damage to the phys.
            this.AdsorbExplosion(exp, sect.position);
            phys.AdsorbExplosion(exp, sect.position);

            Vector2 explosion_velocity = phys_mass_ratio * phys.velocity + this_mass_ratio * this.velocity;

            // Inform the universe of the explosion.
            exp.Explode(universe, sect.position, explosion_velocity, Utility.CosSin(sect.surface_normal + MathHelper.PiOver2));
            return true; // a collision was indeed serviced.