private static Staffs GetStaff(SqlDataReader dreader) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(dreader["staffid"]); int stype = Convert.ToInt32(dreader["typeno"]); StaffType stafftype = (StaffType)stype; string name = Convert.ToString(dreader["name"]); string phone = Convert.ToString(dreader["phone"]); string email = Convert.ToString(dreader["email"]); if (stafftype == StaffType.TEACHINGSTAFF) { string classname = Convert.ToString(dreader["classname"]); string subject = Convert.ToString(dreader["subject"]); Staffs Staff = new TeachingStaffs(stafftype, name, phone, email, classname, subject, id); return(Staff); } else if (stafftype == StaffType.ADMINISTRATIVESTAFF) { string designation_a = Convert.ToString(dreader["designation_a"]); Staffs staff = new AdministrativeStaff(stafftype, name, phone, email, id, designation_a); return(staff); } else if (stafftype == StaffType.SUPPORTSTAFF) { string designation_s = Convert.ToString(dreader["designation_s"]); Staffs staff = new SupportStaffs(stafftype, name, phone, email, id, designation_s); return(staff); } else { return(null); } }
public static Staffs EnterData(List <Staffs> StaffList) { Console.WriteLine("enter '1' for Teaching Staff\nenter '2' for Administrative Staff\nenter '3' for Support Staff"); string stype = Console.ReadLine(); StaffType stafftype = (StaffType)int.Parse(stype); Console.WriteLine("enter the name"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("enter the phone no"); string phone = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("enter the email id"); string email = Console.ReadLine(); string classname, subject; if (stafftype == StaffType.TEACHINGSTAFF) { Console.WriteLine("enter the classname"); classname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("enter the subject taught"); subject = Console.ReadLine(); int id = StaffOperations.IdValue(StaffList); Staffs Staff = new TeachingStaffs(stafftype, name, phone, email, classname, subject, id); return(Staff); } else if (stafftype == StaffType.ADMINISTRATIVESTAFF) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the designation of the staff"); string designation = Console.ReadLine(); int id = StaffOperations.IdValue(StaffList); Staffs staff = new AdministrativeStaff(stafftype, name, phone, email, id, designation); return(staff); } else if (stafftype == StaffType.SUPPORTSTAFF) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the designation of the staff"); string designation = Console.ReadLine(); int id = StaffOperations.IdValue(StaffList); Staffs staff = new SupportStaffs(stafftype, name, phone, email, id, designation); return(staff); } else { return(null); } }