コード例 #1
 public IEnumerable<dynamic> GetUserQuestions(int userid)
     dynamic table = new Post();
     object[] queryargs = { userid };
     var questions = table.All(where: "owneruserid = @0 and posttypeid = 1", args: queryargs);
     return questions;
コード例 #2
 public IEnumerable<dynamic> GetUserPosts(int userid)
     dynamic table = new Post();
     object[] queryargs = { userid };
     var posts = table.All(where: "owneruserid = @0", args: queryargs);
     return posts;
コード例 #3
 public IEnumerable<dynamic> GetUserAnswers(int userid)
     dynamic table = new Post();
     object[] queryargs = { userid };
     var answers = table.All(where: "owneruserid = @0 and posttypeid = 2", args: queryargs);
     return answers;
コード例 #4
 public IEnumerable<dynamic> GetRecentPosts()
     dynamic table = new Post();
     var recentposts = table.Query(@"select p.postid, p.answercount,p.viewcount,p.title,p.tags,u.userid,u.displayname,u.reputation
                     from posts p inner join users u on p.owneruserid = u.userid
                     where p.posttypeid = 1
                     order by p.creationdate desc
                     limit 20");
     return recentposts;
コード例 #5
 //public IQueryable<Post> GetPostsByTag(string tagname)
 public dynamic GetTagCount(string tagname)
     dynamic table = new Post();
     tagname = "'" + tagname + "'";
     object[] queryargs = { tagname };
     //var tags = table.Scalar(@"select count(0) as tagcount from posts WHERE tags like '%@0%", queryargs);
     //var tags = table.Scalar(@"select count(0) as tagcount from posts WHERE to_tsvector('english',tags) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', @0)", queryargs);
     var tags = table.Scalar(@"select count(0) as tagcount from posts WHERE tagsvector @@ plainto_tsquery('english', @0)", queryargs);
     //counter = sqlConnection.Query<int>("SELECT Count(0) as PostCount FROM dbo.Posts WHERE FREETEXT(tags, @tagname)", new { tagname = tagname }).Single();
     return tags;
コード例 #6
        public IEnumerable<dynamic> GetHotPosts()
            //The dataset isn't recent, so we get to fake some dates!
            DateTime WhenItAllBegins = new DateTime(2011, 3, 25, 0, 0, 0);
            dynamic table = new Post();

            var hotposts = table.Query(@"With hotposts as (
            select p.postid, p.answercount,p.viewcount,p.title,p.tags, p.owneruserid
            from posts p
            where p.posttypeid = 1 and p.creationdate >= '03-31-2011'
            order by p.viewcount desc
            limit 20)
            Select post.postid, post.answercount,post.viewcount,post.title,post.tags,u.userid,u.displayname,u.reputation
            FROM hotposts as post
            inner join users u on post.owneruserid = u.userid");

            return hotposts ;