public string GetValueFromLog(BILog log, string key) { if (this.paramDict.ContainsKey(key)) { return(WWW.UnEscapeURL(this.paramDict[key])); } return("u"); }
public BILogData CreateWWWDataFromBILog(BILog log) { string url = this.ToURL(log); return(new BILogData { url = url }); }
private void AddElapsedTime(string stepName, BILog log) { float realTimeSinceStartUpInMilliseconds = DateUtils.GetRealTimeSinceStartUpInMilliseconds(); if (!this.timeStamps.ContainsKey(stepName)) { this.timeStamps.Add(stepName, realTimeSinceStartUpInMilliseconds); } float num = this.timeStamps[stepName]; log.AddParam("elapsed_time_ms", ((int)(realTimeSinceStartUpInMilliseconds - num)).ToString()); }
public string ToURL(BILog log) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(log.UseSecondaryUrl ? this.secondaryNoProxyURL : this.primaryURL); Dictionary <string, string> paramDict = log.GetParamDict(); foreach (string current in paramDict.Keys) { stringBuilder.Append("&"); stringBuilder.Append(current); stringBuilder.Append("="); stringBuilder.Append(paramDict[current]); } return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
public BILogData CreateWWWDataFromBILog(BILog log) { uint serverTime = Service.ServerAPI.ServerTime; this.paramDict = log.GetParamDict(); string text = (!this.paramDict.ContainsKey("tag")) ? "u" : WWW.UnEscapeURL(this.paramDict["tag"]); string empty = string.Empty; string tier = string.Empty; string tier2 = string.Empty; string tier3 = string.Empty; string tier4 = string.Empty; string tier5 = string.Empty; Serializer serializer = Serializer.Start(); if (text != null) { if (Event2LogCreator.< > f__switch$map3 == null) { Event2LogCreator.< > f__switch$map3 = new Dictionary <string, int>(11) { { "authorization", 0 }, { "clicked_link", 1 }, { "user_info", 2 }, { "player_info", 3 }, { "device_info", 4 }, { "game_action", 5 }, { "step_timing", 6 }, { "geo", 7 }, { "performance", 8 }, { "error", 9 }, { "send_message", 10 } }; } int num; if (Event2LogCreator.< > f__switch$map3.TryGetValue(text, out num)) { string val; switch (num) { case 0: val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier2 = "authorization"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "type"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "step"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); break; case 1: val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "app"); tier2 = "clicked_link"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "is_new_user"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "log_app"); tier5 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "tracking_code"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); break; case 2: this.LogIgnoredEvent("user_info"); return(null); case 3: this.LogIgnoredEvent("player_info"); return(null); case 4: this.LogIgnoredEvent("device_info"); return(null); case 5: val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier2 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "context"); tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "action"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "message"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); break; case 6: { val = "timing"; string valueFromLog = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "context"); serializer.AddString("c", valueFromLog); string valueFromLog2 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "location"); serializer.AddString("l", valueFromLog2); string text2 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "path_name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2)) { text2 = "u"; } serializer.AddString("pn", text2); string valueFromLog3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "elapsed_time_ms"); int num2 = 0; int.TryParse(valueFromLog3, out num2); if (num2 < 1) { this.LogIgnoredEvent("step_timing Ignoring Step timing event with no elapsed time."); return(null); } serializer.Add <int>("etms", num2); serializer.Add <int>("r", 1); break; } case 7: this.LogIgnoredEvent("geo"); return(null); case 8: val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "time_since_start"); tier2 = "performance"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "fps"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "memory_used"); tier5 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "display_state"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); break; case 9: val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier2 = "error"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "context"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "reason"); tier5 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "message"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); break; case 10: val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "tracking_code"); tier2 = "send_message"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "send_timestamp"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "target_user_id"); tier5 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "num_sent"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); break; case 11: goto IL_4AC; default: goto IL_4AC; } if ( == null) { this.SetupSantardizedData(); } Serializer serializer2 = Serializer.Start(); serializer2.AddDictionary <string>("app",; serializer2.AddDictionary <string>("session", this.session); serializer2.Add <string>("guest", this.guest.ToString()); serializer2.AddDictionary <string>("device", this.device); Serializer serializer3 = Serializer.Start(); Serializer serializer4 = Serializer.Start(); serializer4.Add <string>("event_prop", serializer.End().ToString()); serializer4.AddString("s", "mc"); serializer4.AddString("of", "1"); serializer4.Add <uint>("lts", serverTime); serializer4.Add <uint>("ts", serverTime); serializer4.AddString("id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); serializer4.Add <int>("sn", this.logSequenceNumber); this.logSequenceNumber++; serializer4.AddString("n", val); serializer3.Add <string>("event", serializer4.End().ToString()); string val2 = "[" + serializer3.End().ToString() + "]"; serializer2.Add <string>("events", val2); serializer2.End(); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializer2.ToString()); string url = (!log.UseSecondaryUrl) ? this.primaryURL : this.secondaryNoProxyURL; return(new BILogData { url = url, postData = bytes, headers = this.headers }); } } IL_4AC: this.LogIgnoredEvent(text); return(null); }
public void AddDeviceSpecificInfo(BILog log) { }
public void EndStep(string stepName, BILog log) { this.AddElapsedTime(stepName, log); this.timeStamps.Remove(stepName); }
public void IntermediaryStep(string stepName, BILog log) { this.AddElapsedTime(stepName, log); }
public BILogData CreateWWWDataFromBILog(BILog log) { uint serverTime = Service.Get <ServerAPI>().ServerTime; this.paramDict = log.GetParamDict(); string text = this.paramDict.ContainsKey("tag") ? WWW.UnEscapeURL(this.paramDict["tag"]) : "u"; string empty = string.Empty; string tier = string.Empty; string tier2 = string.Empty; string tier3 = string.Empty; string tier4 = string.Empty; string tier5 = string.Empty; Serializer serializer = Serializer.Start(); uint num = < PrivateImplementationDetails >.ComputeStringHash(text); string val; if (num <= 2139057587u) { if (num <= 1264827581u) { if (num != 168538109u) { if (num != 563185489u) { if (num == 1264827581u) { if (text == "network_mapping_info") { val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier2 = "network_mapping_info"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "secondary_user_id"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "action"); tier5 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "secondary_network"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); goto IL_5BC; } } } else if (text == "error") { val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier2 = "error"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "context"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "reason"); tier5 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "message"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); goto IL_5BC; } } else if (text == "player_info") { this.LogIgnoredEvent("player_info"); return(null); } } else if (num != 1561113986u) { if (num != 1807269074u) { if (num == 2139057587u) { if (text == "user_info") { this.LogIgnoredEvent("user_info"); return(null); } } } else if (text == "game_action") { val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier2 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "context"); tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "action"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "message"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); goto IL_5BC; } } else if (text == "geo") { this.LogIgnoredEvent("geo"); return(null); } } else if (num <= 2630488359u) { if (num != 2199459864u) { if (num != 2436257726u) { if (num == 2630488359u) { if (text == "clicked_link") { val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "app"); tier2 = "clicked_link"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "is_new_user"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "log_app"); tier5 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "tracking_code"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); goto IL_5BC; } } } else if (text == "authorization") { val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier2 = "authorization"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "type"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "step"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); goto IL_5BC; } } else if (text == "device_info") { this.LogIgnoredEvent("device_info"); return(null); } } else if (num != 2932772005u) { if (num != 3320562554u) { if (num == 3968383111u) { if (text == "send_message") { val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "tracking_code"); tier2 = "send_message"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "send_timestamp"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "target_user_id"); tier5 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "num_sent"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); goto IL_5BC; } } } else if (text == "step_timing") { val = "timing"; string valueFromLog = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "context"); serializer.AddString("c", valueFromLog); string valueFromLog2 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "location"); serializer.AddString("l", valueFromLog2); string text2 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "path_name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2)) { text2 = "u"; } serializer.AddString("pn", text2); string valueFromLog3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "elapsed_time_ms"); int num2 = 0; int.TryParse(valueFromLog3, ref num2); if (num2 < 1) { this.LogIgnoredEvent("step_timing Ignoring Step timing event with no elapsed time."); return(null); } serializer.Add <int>("etms", num2); serializer.Add <int>("r", 1); goto IL_5BC; } } else if (text == "performance") { val = "action"; this.SetStandardDataForAction(out empty, out tier, out tier5); tier = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "time_since_start"); tier2 = "performance"; tier3 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "fps"); tier4 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "memory_used"); tier5 = this.GetValueFromLog(log, "display_state"); this.SerializeActionEventProperties(serializer, empty, tier, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5); goto IL_5BC; } this.LogIgnoredEvent(text); return(null); IL_5BC: if ( == null) { this.SetupSantardizedData(); } Serializer serializer2 = Serializer.Start(); serializer2.AddDictionary <string>("app",; serializer2.AddDictionary <string>("session", this.session); serializer2.Add <string>("guest", this.guest.ToString()); serializer2.AddDictionary <string>("device", this.device); Serializer serializer3 = Serializer.Start(); Serializer serializer4 = Serializer.Start(); serializer4.Add <string>("event_prop", serializer.End().ToString()); serializer4.AddString("s", "mc"); serializer4.AddString("of", "1"); serializer4.Add <uint>("lts", serverTime); serializer4.Add <uint>("ts", serverTime); serializer4.AddString("id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); serializer4.Add <int>("sn", this.logSequenceNumber); this.logSequenceNumber++; serializer4.AddString("n", val); serializer3.Add <string>("event", serializer4.End().ToString()); string val2 = "[" + serializer3.End().ToString() + "]"; serializer2.Add <string>("events", val2); serializer2.End(); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializer2.ToString()); string url = log.UseSecondaryUrl ? this.secondaryNoProxyURL : this.primaryURL; return(new BILogData { url = url, postData = bytes, headers = this.headers }); }
public void AddDeviceSpecificInfo(BILog log) { string deviceAdvertisingId = this.GetDeviceAdvertisingId(); log.AddParam("google_advertising_id", EncryptionUtil.EncryptString(deviceAdvertisingId)); }