コード例 #1
        public override bool Equals(object o)
            if (!(o is Segment))

            var other = (Segment)o;

            // empty segments are always considered equal
            if (IsEmpty)

            // segments are considered equal if
            //    1) the endpoints are equal and equally excluded
            //    2) the opposing endpoints are equal and equally excluded
            if (DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(_p1, other._p1))
                return(DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(_p2, other._p2) &&
                       IsP1Excluded == other.IsP1Excluded &&
                       IsP2Excluded == other.IsP2Excluded);
            return(DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(_p1, other._p2) &&
                   DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(_p2, other._p1) &&
                   IsP1Excluded == other.IsP2Excluded &&
                   IsP2Excluded == other.IsP1Excluded);
コード例 #2
        public bool Contains(Point point)
            if (IsEmpty)

            // if the point is an endpoint, ensure that it is not excluded
            if (DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(_p1, point))

            if (DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(_p2, point))

            var result = false;

            // ensure that a line through P1 and the point is parallel to the current segment
            if (DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(Slope, new Segment(_p1, point).Slope))
                // finally, ensure that the point is between the segment's endpoints
                result = point.X >= Math.Min(_p1.X, _p2.X) &&
                         point.X <= Math.Max(_p1.X, _p2.X) &&
                         point.Y >= Math.Min(_p1.Y, _p2.Y) &&
                         point.Y <= Math.Max(_p1.Y, _p2.Y);
コード例 #3
        public Segment Intersection(Segment segment)
            // if either segment is empty, the intersection is also empty
            if (IsEmpty || segment.IsEmpty)

            // if the segments are equal, just return a new equal segment
            if (this == segment)
                return(new Segment(_p1, _p2, IsP1Excluded, IsP2Excluded));

            // if either segment is a Point, just see if the point is contained in the other segment
            if (IsPoint)
                return(segment.Contains(_p1) ? new Segment(_p1) : Empty);

            if (segment.IsPoint)
                return(Contains(segment._p1) ? new Segment(segment._p1) : Empty);

            // okay, no easy answer, so let's do the math...
            var p1             = _p1;
            var v1             = _p2 - _p1;
            var p2             = segment._p1;
            var v2             = segment._p2 - segment._p1;
            var endpointVector = p2 - p1;

            var xProd = Vector.CrossProduct(v1, v2);

            // if segments are not parallel, then look for intersection on each segment
            if (!DoubleHelper.AreVirtuallyEqual(Slope, segment.Slope))
                // check for intersection on other segment
                var s = Vector.CrossProduct(endpointVector, v1) / xProd;
                if (s < 0 || s > 1)

                // check for intersection on this segment
                s = Vector.CrossProduct(endpointVector, v2) / xProd;
                if (s < 0 || s > 1)

                // intersection of segments is a point
                return(new Segment(p1 + s * v1));

            // segments are parallel
            xProd = Vector.CrossProduct(endpointVector, v1);
            if (xProd * xProd > 1.0e-06 * v1.LengthSquared * endpointVector.LengthSquared)
                // segments do not intersect

            // intersection is overlapping segment
            var result = new Segment();

            // to determine the overlapping segment, create reference segments where the endpoints are *not* excluded
            var refThis    = new Segment(_p1, _p2);
            var refSegment = new Segment(segment._p1, segment._p2);

            // check whether this segment is contained in the other segment
            var includeThisP1 = refSegment.Contains(refThis._p1);
            var includeThisP2 = refSegment.Contains(refThis._p2);

            if (includeThisP1 && includeThisP2)
                result._p1          = _p1;
                result._p2          = _p2;
                result.IsP1Excluded = IsP1Excluded || !segment.Contains(_p1);
                result.IsP2Excluded = IsP2Excluded || !segment.Contains(_p2);

            // check whether the other segment is contained in this segment
            var includeSegmentP1 = refThis.Contains(refSegment._p1);
            var includeSegmentP2 = refThis.Contains(refSegment._p2);

            if (includeSegmentP1 && includeSegmentP2)
                result._p1          = segment._p1;
                result._p2          = segment._p2;
                result.IsP1Excluded = segment.IsP1Excluded || !Contains(segment._p1);
                result.IsP2Excluded = segment.IsP2Excluded || !Contains(segment._p2);

            // the intersection must include one endpoint from this segment and one endpoint from the other segment
            if (includeThisP1)
                result._p1          = _p1;
                result.IsP1Excluded = IsP1Excluded || !segment.Contains(_p1);
                result._p1          = _p2;
                result.IsP1Excluded = IsP2Excluded || !segment.Contains(_p2);

            if (includeSegmentP1)
                result._p2          = segment._p1;
                result.IsP2Excluded = segment.IsP1Excluded || !Contains(segment._p1);
                result._p2          = segment._p2;
                result.IsP2Excluded = segment.IsP2Excluded || !Contains(segment._p2);
