public void CanUploadImage_should_throw_exception_if_name_not_valid() { var command = new UploadAppImage(); ValidationAssert.Throws(() => GuardApp.CanUploadImage(command), new ValidationError("File is required.", "File")); }
public void CanCreate_should_not_throw_exception_if_app_name_is_valid() { var command = new CreateApp { Name = "new-app" }; GuardApp.CanCreate(command); }
public Task CanCreate_should_not_throw_exception_if_app_name_is_free() { var command = new CreateApp { Name = "new-app" }; return(GuardApp.CanCreate(command, apps)); }
public void CanUploadImage_should_not_throw_exception_if_app_name_is_valid() { var command = new UploadAppImage { File = new AssetFile("file.png", "image/png", 100, () => new MemoryStream()) }; GuardApp.CanUploadImage(command); }
public Task CanCreate_should_throw_exception_if_name_not_valid() { var command = new CreateApp { Name = "INVALID NAME" }; return(Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(() => GuardApp.CanCreate(command, apps))); }
public void CanUploadImage_should_not_throw_exception_if_app_name_is_valid() { var command = new UploadAppImage { File = new NoopAssetFile() }; GuardApp.CanUploadImage(command); }
public void CanCreate_should_throw_exception_if_name_not_valid() { var command = new CreateApp { Name = "INVALID NAME" }; ValidationAssert.Throws(() => GuardApp.CanCreate(command), new ValidationError("Name is not a valid slug.", "Name")); }
public Task CanCreate_should_throw_exception_if_name_not_valid() { var command = new CreateApp { Name = "INVALID NAME" }; return(ValidationAssert.ThrowsAsync(() => GuardApp.CanCreate(command, apps), new ValidationError("Name must be a valid slug.", "Name"))); }
public Task CanCreate_should_throw_exception_if_name_already_in_use() { var command = new CreateApp { Name = "existing" }; return(ValidationAssert.ThrowsAsync(() => GuardApp.CanCreate(command, apps), new ValidationError("An app with the same name already exists.", "Name"))); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_throw_exception_if_plan_id_null() { var command = new ChangePlan { Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; AppPlan plan = null; Assert.Throws <ValidationException>(() => GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, plan, appPlans)); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_throw_exception_if_plan_is_the_same() { var command = new ChangePlan { PlanId = "free", Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; var plan = new AppPlan(new RefToken("user", "me"), "free"); Assert.Throws <ValidationException>(() => GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, plan, appPlans)); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_not_throw_exception_if_plan_is_the_same() { var command = new ChangePlan { PlanId = "basic", Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; var plan = new AppPlan(command.Actor, "basic"); GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, App(plan), appPlans); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_not_throw_exception_if_same_user_but_other_plan() { var command = new ChangePlan { PlanId = "basic", Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; var plan = new AppPlan(command.Actor, "premium"); GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, plan, appPlans); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_throw_exception_if_plan_was_configured_from_another_user() { var command = new ChangePlan { PlanId = "free", Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; var plan = new AppPlan(new RefToken("user", "other"), "premium"); Assert.Throws <ValidationException>(() => GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, plan, appPlans)); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_throw_exception_if_plan_not_found() { var command = new ChangePlan { PlanId = "notfound", Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; AppPlan?plan = null; ValidationAssert.Throws(() => GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, plan, appPlans), new ValidationError("A plan with this id does not exist.", "PlanId")); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_throw_exception_if_plan_id_is_null() { var command = new ChangePlan { Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; AppPlan?plan = null; ValidationAssert.Throws(() => GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, plan, appPlans), new ValidationError("Plan id is required.", "PlanId")); }
public Task CanCreate_should_throw_exception_if_name_already_in_use() { A.CallTo(() => apps.GetAppAsync("new-app")) .Returns(A.Fake <IAppEntity>()); var command = new CreateApp { Name = "new-app" }; return(Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(() => GuardApp.CanCreate(command, apps))); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_throw_exception_if_plan_is_the_same() { var command = new ChangePlan { PlanId = "basic", Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; var plan = new AppPlan(command.Actor, "basic"); ValidationAssert.Throws(() => GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, plan, appPlans), new ValidationError("App has already this plan.")); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_throw_exception_if_plan_was_configured_from_another_user() { var command = new ChangePlan { PlanId = "basic", Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; var plan = new AppPlan(new RefToken("user", "other"), "premium"); ValidationAssert.Throws(() => GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, plan, appPlans), new ValidationError("Plan can only changed from the user who configured the plan initially.")); }
public void CanChangePlan_should_throw_exception_if_plan_not_found() { A.CallTo(() => appPlans.GetPlan("free")) .Returns(null); var command = new ChangePlan { PlanId = "free", Actor = new RefToken("user", "me") }; AppPlan plan = null; Assert.Throws <ValidationException>(() => GuardApp.CanChangePlan(command, plan, appPlans)); }