public static string setSqlLimit(string vODBC, string vCurrSql) { string vSql = RemoveSqlLimit(vCurrSql); string vTypeODBC = In2SqlSvcODBC.getODBCProperties(vODBC, "DBType"); if (vTypeODBC.ToUpper().Contains("VERTICA")) { if (vSql.ToUpper().Contains("LIMIT") == false) { vSql = vSql + Environment.NewLine + "/*`*/ LIMIT " + In2SqlRibbon.vRowCount + " /*`*/ "; } } else if (vTypeODBC.ToUpper().Contains("MSSQL")) { if (vSql.ToUpper().Contains("TOP") == false) { vSql = vSql.Replace("select", "SELECT"); vSql = vSql.Replace("Select", "SELECT"); Regex rgx = new Regex("SELECT"); vSql = rgx.Replace(vSql, "SELECT /*`*/ TOP(" + In2SqlRibbon.vRowCount + ") /*`*/ ", 1); } } return(vSql); }
public static void updateTables(string vDNS = "") { In2SqlSvcTool.CurrentTableRecords vCTR = In2SqlSvcTool.getCurrentSql(); if (vCTR.TypeConnection.Contains("CLOUD")) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Update cloud is not support"); } if (vDNS == "") { vDNS = getOdbcNameFromCell(); } int vId = vInsertList.FindIndex(item => item.DSNName == vDNS); if (vId < 0) { return; } int vRecCount = 0; using (OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection(In2SqlSvcODBC.getODBCProperties(vInsertList[vId].DSNName, "DSNStr"))) { conn.ConnectionTimeout = 5; conn.Open(); foreach (var vInsert in vInsertList[vId].SqlUpdate) { vRecCount = vRecCount + 1; if ((vInsert == "") == false) { In2SqlSvcTool.addSqlLog(conn.ToString(), vInsert); using (OdbcCommand cmnd = new OdbcCommand(vInsert, conn)) try { isRefresh = true; cmnd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } } } vInsertList[vId].SqlUpdate.RemoveRange(0, vInsertList[vId].SqlUpdate.Count); deleteUpdateList(vId); } MessageBox.Show(" updated records: " + vRecCount, " update count r"); }
public static void createPivotTable(string vODBC, string vTableName, string vSql = "") { var vCurrWorkSheet = SqlEngine.currExcelApp.ActiveSheet; var vCurrWorkBook = SqlEngine.currExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook; var vActivCell = SqlEngine.currExcelApp.ActiveCell; string vDSN; vDSN = "ODBC;" + In2SqlSvcODBC.getODBCProperties(vODBC, "DSNStr"); if (vCurrWorkSheet != null & vDSN.Length > 1 & vTableName.Length > 1) { var vDes3 = vCurrWorkSheet.Cells(vActivCell.Row, vActivCell.Column); if ((vDes3.Value == null) == false) { var xlNewSheet = vCurrWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); vDes3 = xlNewSheet.Cells[1, 1]; } if (vSql == "") { vSql = prepareSQL(vODBC, vTableName, null, 1); } var connections = vCurrWorkBook.Connections.Add2( Name: "cn " + vTableName , Description: vSql , ConnectionString: vDSN , CommandText: vSql , lCmdtype: Excel.XlCmdType.xlCmdSql); var vQT = vCurrWorkBook.PivotCaches().Create( SourceType: Excel.XlPivotTableSourceType.xlExternal , SourceData: connections , Version: 6).CreatePivotTable( TableDestination: vDes3 , TableName: "pvt " + vTableName , ReadData: false , DefaultVersion: 6); vQT.Name = vODBC + " " + vTableName; In2SqlSvcTool.addSqlLog(vSql); vQT.RefreshTable(); GetSelectedTab(); return; } System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(" Please select empty area in Excel data grid"); }
public static void createExTable(string vODBC, string vTableName, string vCurrSql = null) { var vCurrWorkSheet = SqlEngine.currExcelApp.ActiveSheet; var vCurrWorkBook = SqlEngine.currExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook; var vActivCell = SqlEngine.currExcelApp.ActiveCell; SqlEngine.currExcelApp.SheetChange += CurrExcelApp_SheetChange; string vDSN; vDSN = "ODBC;" + In2SqlSvcODBC.getODBCProperties(vODBC, "DSNStr"); if (vActivCell != null & vDSN.Length > 1 & vTableName.Length > 1) { if (vActivCell.Value == null) { if (vActivCell.ListObject == null) { string vSql = prepareSQL(vODBC, vTableName, vCurrSql); var connections = vCurrWorkBook.Connections.Add( Name: "In2Sql|" + vODBC + "|" + vTableName , Description: "ODBC|" + vODBC + "|" + vSql , ConnectionString: vDSN , CommandText: vSql , lCmdtype: Excel.XlCmdType.xlCmdSql); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ListObject table = vCurrWorkSheet.ListObjects.Add( SourceType: Excel.XlListObjectSourceType.xlSrcQuery , Source: connections , Destination: vCurrWorkSheet.Cells(vActivCell.Row, vActivCell.Column)); table.Name = "In2Sql|" + vODBC + "|" + vTableName; table.Comment = vTableName; objRefreshHistory(table); GetSelectedTab(); return; } } } System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(" Please select empty area in Excel data grid"); }
public static void dumpOdbctoCsv(string vOdbcName, string vSqlCommand, string vCsvFile) { try { int i = 0; string DsnConn = In2SqlSvcODBC.getODBCProperties(vOdbcName, "DSNStr"); if (DsnConn == null | DsnConn == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please make the connection by expand list on the left pane ", "sql run event", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } using (OdbcConnection conn = new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection()) { using (OdbcCommand cmnd = new OdbcCommand(vSqlCommand, conn)) { conn.ConnectionString = DsnConn; conn.ConnectionTimeout = 5; conn.Open(); In2SqlSvcTool.addSqlLog(vOdbcName, vSqlCommand); OdbcDataReader rd = cmnd.ExecuteReader(); object[] output = new object[rd.FieldCount]; using (var textWriter = new StreamWriter(@vCsvFile)) { var writer = new CsvWriter(textWriter, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); writer.Configuration.Delimiter = ","; writer.Configuration.ShouldQuote = (field, context) => true; for (int j = 0; j < rd.FieldCount; j++) { output[j] = rd.GetName(j); writer.WriteField(rd.GetName(j)); } writer.NextRecord(); while (rd.Read()) { rd.GetValues(output); writer.WriteField(output); writer.NextRecord(); i++; } conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); } } } MessageBox.Show("Export completed. \n\r File name is " + vCsvFile + " \n\r Row count:" + i, "csv export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.HResult != -2147024809) { In2SqlSvcTool.ExpHandler(e, "dumpOdbctoCsv"); } } }