//Type 1????,2????? public bool AddAndUpdateConsortiaEuqipControl(ConsortiaEquipControlInfo info, int userID, ref string msg) { bool result = false; try { SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[6]; para[0] = new SqlParameter("@ConsortiaID", info.ConsortiaID); para[1] = new SqlParameter("@Level", info.Level); para[2] = new SqlParameter("@Type", info.Type); para[3] = new SqlParameter("@Riches", info.Riches); para[4] = new SqlParameter("@UserID", userID); para[5] = new SqlParameter("@Result", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); para[5].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; result = db.RunProcedure("SP_Consortia_Equip_Control_Add", para); int returnValue = (int)para[2].Value; result = returnValue == 0; switch (returnValue) { case 2: msg = "ConsortiaBussiness.AddAndUpdateConsortiaEuqipControl.Msg2"; break; } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.Error("Init", e); } finally { } return result; }
public int HandlePacket(GameClient client, GSPacketIn packet) { if (client.Player.PlayerCharacter.ConsortiaID == 0) return 0; //Type 1表示商城,2表示铁匠铺 bool result = false; string msg = "ConsortiaEquipControlHandler.Fail"; ConsortiaEquipControlInfo info = new ConsortiaEquipControlInfo(); info.ConsortiaID = client.Player.PlayerCharacter.ConsortiaID; using (ConsortiaBussiness db = new ConsortiaBussiness()) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { info.Riches = packet.ReadInt(); info.Type = 1; info.Level = i + 1; db.AddAndUpdateConsortiaEuqipControl(info, client.Player.PlayerCharacter.ID, ref msg); } info.Riches = packet.ReadInt(); info.Type = 2; info.Level = 0; db.AddAndUpdateConsortiaEuqipControl(info, client.Player.PlayerCharacter.ID, ref msg); msg = "ConsortiaEquipControlHandler.Success"; result = true; } packet.WriteBoolean(result); packet.WriteString(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(msg)); client.Out.SendTCP(packet); return 0; }
public ConsortiaEquipControlInfo GetConsortiaEuqipRiches(int consortiaID, int Level, int type) { ConsortiaEquipControlInfo info = null; SqlDataReader reader = null; try { SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[3]; para[0] = new SqlParameter("@ConsortiaID", consortiaID); para[1] = new SqlParameter("@Level", Level); para[2] = new SqlParameter("@Type", type); db.GetReader(ref reader, "SP_Consortia_Equip_Control_Single", para); while (reader.Read()) { info = new ConsortiaEquipControlInfo(); info.ConsortiaID = (int)reader["ConsortiaID"]; info.Level = (int)reader["Level"]; info.Riches = (int)reader["Riches"]; info.Type = (int)reader["Type"]; return info; } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.Error("GetAllConsortiaLevel", e); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) reader.Close(); } if (info == null) { info = new ConsortiaEquipControlInfo(); info.ConsortiaID = consortiaID; info.Level = Level; info.Riches = 100; info.Type = type; } return info; }
public ConsortiaEquipControlInfo[] GetConsortiaEquipControlPage(int page, int size, ref int total, int order, int consortiaID, int level, int type) { List<ConsortiaEquipControlInfo> infos = new List<ConsortiaEquipControlInfo>(); try { string sWhere = " IsExist=1 "; if (consortiaID != -1) { sWhere += " and ConsortiaID =" + consortiaID + " "; } if (level != -1) { sWhere += " and Level =" + level + " "; } if (type != -1) { sWhere += " and Type =" + type + " "; } string sOrder = "ConsortiaID "; DataTable dt = GetPage("Consortia_Equip_Control", sWhere, page, size, "*", sOrder, "ConsortiaID", ref total); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ConsortiaEquipControlInfo info = new ConsortiaEquipControlInfo(); info.ConsortiaID = (int)dr["ConsortiaID"]; info.Level = (int)dr["Level"]; info.Riches = (int)dr["Riches"]; info.Type = (int)dr["Type"]; infos.Add(info); } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.Error("Init", e); } finally { } return infos.ToArray(); }
public static XElement CreateConsortiaEquipControlInfo(ConsortiaEquipControlInfo info) { return new XElement("Item", new XAttribute("ConsortiaID", info.ConsortiaID), new XAttribute("Level", info.Level), new XAttribute("Riches", info.Riches), new XAttribute("Type", info.Type)); }