コード例 #1
        static Dictionary <int, Color> GetColorSpectrum()
            var spectrum   = new Dictionary <int, Color>();
            int colorIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < 360.0 - 1; i++)
                Color nextColor = RGBHSL.HSL_to_RGB(new RGBHSL.HSL {
                    H = (i + 1) / 360.0, S = 1, L = 0.5
                Color previousColor = RGBHSL.HSL_to_RGB(new RGBHSL.HSL {
                    H = i / 360.0, S = 1, L = 0.5
                colorIndex += PercievedColorDistance(nextColor, previousColor);
                if (!spectrum.ContainsKey(colorIndex))
                    spectrum.Add(colorIndex, nextColor);
コード例 #2
        // generate the entire spectrum of hues in the hsv color space (this includes magenta, which is not in the wavelength spectrum)
        // the key in the dictionary is the cumulative percieved color difference from the previous color
        // we're using the color difference because it's really easy to tell apart some colors (like blues) while it's hard to tell apart others (like greens)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets colors for players, allies have similar colors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerCounts">Array of player counts in different teams</param>
        /// <returns>Array of colors in a team</returns>
        public static Color[][] GetTeamColors(int[] playerCounts)
            Dictionary <int, Color> allColors = GetColorSpectrum();
            double maxColorIndex = allColors.Max(kvp => kvp.Key);
            int    teamCount     = playerCounts.Length;
            var    teamColors    = new Color[teamCount][];

            // part of the spectrum that is used to separate teams
            const double colorSeparation = 0.33;

            // width of the section of the spectrum that gets assigned to one team
            double teamSpectrumSliceWidth = maxColorIndex / teamCount * (1 - colorSeparation);

            for (int teamID = 0; teamID < teamCount; teamID++)
                // color at which the team spectrum slice starts
                double startColor = teamID * maxColorIndex / teamCount;

                // all colors inside the spectrum slice assigned to the team
                KeyValuePair <int, Color>[] teamSpectrum =
                    allColors.Where(kvp => kvp.Key > startColor && kvp.Key < startColor + teamSpectrumSliceWidth).OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).ToArray();

                int playerCount  = playerCounts[teamID];
                var playerColors = new Color[playerCount];
                for (int playerID = 0; playerID < playerCount; playerID++)
                    // get equally spaced colors for players inside a team
                    int   playerColorPercentile = playerID * teamSpectrum.Length / playerCount;
                    Color playerColor           = teamSpectrum[playerColorPercentile].Value;

                    // consecutive colors can be hard to tell apart, so make the brightness vary
                    playerColor = RGBHSL.SetBrightness(playerColor, playerID % 2 < 0.1 ? 0.4 : 0.6);

                    playerColors[playerID] = playerColor;
                teamColors[teamID] = playerColors;
