public static PropertyElement BuildElement(XmlNode node, Hashtable types, Hashtable sqltypes, IPropertyContainer entity, bool isReference, ParserValidationDelegate vd) { PropertyElement field = new PropertyElement(); if (node.Attributes["name"] != null) { field.Name = node.Attributes["name"].Value; } else { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Property in " + entity.Name + " has no name.")); } if (isReference && field.Name != "*") { PropertyElement refProperty = entity.FindFieldByName(field.Name); if (refProperty == null) { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Property " + field.Name + " in " + entity.Name + " refers to a property that does not exist.")); } else { field = (PropertyElement)(refProperty.Clone()); } } if (node.Attributes["column"] != null) { if (node.Attributes["column"].Value.Equals("*")) { field.Column.Name = field.Name; } else { field.Column.Name = node.Attributes["column"].Value; } // Column only occurs on entity eement. SqlEntityElement sqlEntity = ((EntityElement)entity).SqlEntity; ColumnElement column = sqlEntity.FindColumnByName(field.Column.Name); if (column != null) { field.Column = (ColumnElement)column.Clone(); if (types.Contains(field.Column.SqlType.Type)) { field.Type = (TypeElement)((TypeElement)types[field.Column.SqlType.Type]).Clone(); } else { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Type " + field.Column.SqlType.Type + " was not defined [property=" + + "]")); } } else { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("column (" + field.Column.Name + ") specified for property (" + field.Name + ") on entity (" + entity.Name + ") was not found in sql entity (" + sqlEntity.Name + ")")); } } field.Description = node.InnerText.Trim(); if (node.Attributes["accessmodifier"] != null) { field.AccessModifier = node.Attributes["accessmodifier"].Value; } // the concrete type is the *real* type, type can be the same or can be in interface or coersable type if (node.Attributes["type"] != null) { String type = node.Attributes[TYPE].Value; String concreteType = type; if (node.Attributes[CONCRETE_TYPE] != null) { concreteType = node.Attributes[CONCRETE_TYPE].Value; } // if the data type is defined, default it as the property and left be overridden if (types.Contains(concreteType)) { field.Type = (TypeElement)((TypeElement)types[concreteType]).Clone(); field.Type.Name = type; } else { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Type " + concreteType + " was not defined for property " + field.Name + " in " + entity.Name + ".")); } String dataObjectTypeName = concreteType + "Data"; if (types.Contains(dataObjectTypeName)) { field.DataObjectType = (TypeElement)((TypeElement)types[dataObjectTypeName]).Clone(); } else { field.DataObjectType = field.Type; } } if (node.Attributes["convertfromsqltypeformat"] != null) { field.Type.ConvertFromSqlTypeFormat = node.Attributes["convertfromsqltypeformat"].Value; } if (node.Attributes["converttosqltypeformat"] != null) { field.Type.ConvertToSqlTypeFormat = node.Attributes["converttosqltypeformat"].Value; } if (node.Attributes[PARAMETER_NAME] != null) { field.ParameterName = node.Attributes[PARAMETER_NAME].Value; } if (node.Attributes[EXPRESSION] != null) { field.Expression = node.Attributes[EXPRESSION].Value; } if (node.Attributes[GROUP_FUNCTION] != null) { field.GroupFunction = node.Attributes[GROUP_FUNCTION].Value; if (field.GroupFunction.ToLower() != GROUP_FUNCTION_SUM && field.GroupFunction.ToLower() != GROUP_FUNCTION_MIN && field.GroupFunction.ToLower() != GROUP_FUNCTION_MAX && field.GroupFunction.ToLower() != GROUP_FUNCTION_AVG && field.GroupFunction.ToLower() != GROUP_FUNCTION_STDEV && field.GroupFunction.ToLower() != GROUP_FUNCTION_STDEVP && field.GroupFunction.ToLower() != GROUP_FUNCTION_VAR && field.GroupFunction.ToLower() != GROUP_FUNCTION_VARP) { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Invalid group function specified for entity reference property " + field.Name + " in " + entity.Name)); } } if (node.Attributes[GROUP_BY] != null) { field.GroupBy = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes[GROUP_BY].Value); } if (node.Attributes[SQL_TYPE] != null) { field.Column.SqlType.Name = node.Attributes[SQL_TYPE].Value; if (sqltypes.ContainsKey(field.Column.SqlType.Name)) { field.Column.SqlType = (SqlTypeElement)((SqlTypeElement)sqltypes[field.Column.SqlType.Name]).Clone(); } else { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("SqlType " + field.Column.SqlType.Name + " was not defined in " + entity.Name + " for property " + field.Name + ".")); } } if (node.Attributes[ALIAS] != null) { field.Alias = node.Attributes[ALIAS].Value; } field.container = entity; if (node.Attributes["readable"] != null) { field.Readable = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["readable"].Value); } if (node.Attributes["writable"] != null) { field.Writable = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["writable"].Value); } if (node.Attributes["derived"] != null) { field.Derived = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["derived"].Value); } if (node.Attributes["encrypted"] != null) { field.Encrypted = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["encrypted"].Value); } if (node.Attributes["log"] != null) { field.DoLog = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["log"].Value); } if (node.Attributes["returnasidentity"] != null) { field.ReturnAsIdentity = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["returnasidentity"].Value); } if (node.Attributes[DIRECTION] == null) { field.Direction = ASCENDING; } else if (node.Attributes["direction"].Value != ASCENDING && node.Attributes["direction"].Value != DESCENDING) { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Comparer in entity " + entity.Name + " has direction value other than 'ascending' or 'descending'")); } else { field.Direction = node.Attributes[DIRECTION].Value; } if (node.Attributes[CONVERT_FOR_COMPARE] != null) { field.Type.ConvertForCompare = node.Attributes[CONVERT_FOR_COMPARE].Value; } if (node.Attributes[USE_ENTITY_DAO] != null) { field.UseEntityDao = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes[USE_ENTITY_DAO].Value); } if (node.Attributes["entity"] != null) { field.Entity.Name = node.Attributes["entity"].Value; } if (node.Attributes["prefix"] != null) { field.Prefix = node.Attributes["prefix"].Value; } else { field.Prefix = field.Entity.Name + "_"; } return(field); }
public static ArrayList ParseFromXml(XmlNode propertiesNode, IList entities, IPropertyContainer entity, Hashtable sqltypes, Hashtable types, bool isReference, ParserValidationDelegate vd) { ArrayList fields = new ArrayList(); if (propertiesNode != null) { foreach (XmlNode node in propertiesNode.ChildNodes) { if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment) { continue; } PropertyElement field = BuildElement(node, types, sqltypes, entity, isReference, vd); //Adds all attributes including all non defined by element class foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in node.Attributes) { if (!field.Attributes.ContainsKey(attribute.Name)) { field.Attributes.Add(attribute.Name, attribute.Value); } } fields.Add(field); // Add in any subfields... if (field.Entity.Name.Length > 0 && !field.UseEntityDao) { String subEntityName = node.Attributes["entity"].Value; EntityElement subentity = EntityElement.FindEntityByName((ArrayList)entities, subEntityName); // check to see if subentity is self if (subentity == null && entity.Name == subEntityName) { subentity = (EntityElement)entity; } if (subentity != null) { // Only entity elements have entity atttribute SqlEntityElement sqlEntity = ((EntityElement)entity).SqlEntity; String prefix = subentity.Name + "_"; if (node.Attributes["prefix"] != null) { prefix = node.Attributes["prefix"].Value; } foreach (PropertyElement f in subentity.Fields) { PropertyElement subfield = (PropertyElement)f.Clone(); subfield.Name = field.Name + "." + subfield.Name; // if field has sql column defined if (!f.Column.Name.Equals(String.Empty)) { ColumnElement column = sqlEntity.FindColumnByName(prefix + subfield.Column.Name); if (column != null) { subfield.Column = (ColumnElement)column.Clone(); } else { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("column (" + prefix + subfield.Column.Name + ") specified for property (" + subfield.Name + ") on entity (" + entity.Name + ") was not found in sql entity (" + sqlEntity.Name + ")")); } } fields.Add(subfield); } } else { vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Entity " + entity.Name + " referenced another entity that was not defined (or defined below this one): " + node.Attributes["entity"].Value)); } } } } return(fields); }