public override Dictionary <string, string> Get(int invoiceID) { string sql = String.Format("select i.created_on as \"InvoiceDate\" " + " ,ig.descr as \"Location\" " + " ,ig.invoice_grp_id || '-' || i.invoice_id as \"InvoiceNumber\" " + " ,pt.descr as \"PaymentTerms\" " + " ,ig.attn_line_heading as \"AttnLineHeading\" " + " ,ig.attn_line as \"AttnLine\" " + " ,rt.line1 as \"RemitToLine1\" " + " ,rt.line2 as \"RemitToLine2\" " + " ,rt.line3 as \"RemitToLine3\" " + " ,rt.line4 as \"RemitToLine4\" " + " ,i.bill_period_start as \"InvoiceBeginDate\" " + " ,i.bill_period_end_before as \"InvoiceEndDate\" " + " ,bs.display_title as \"BillSpecialistTitle\" " + " , as \"BillSpecialistEmail\" " + " , as \"BillSpecialistName\" " + " , as \"BillSpecialistPhone\" " + " ,ig.invoice_style as \"InvoiceStyle\" " + " ,ccm.invoice_column_header as \"UnitsTitle\" " + " ,ig.bw_invoice_style as \"IsBWInvoice\" " + " ,ccm.invoice_column_header as \"UnitsColumn\" " + " ,ig.invoice_grp_id as \"InvoiceGroupID\" " + " ,ig.descr as \"InvoiceGroupDescription\" " + " ,ig.default_bill_file_path as \"DefaultFilePath\" " + " ,case when tcm.show_tat_column_on_invoice = 'N' or cts.auto_chg = 'N' then 0 else 1 end \"ShowTatColumn\" " + " ,ist.engine_version as \"EngineVersion\" " + "from {0}.invoice i " + "join {0}.invoice_grp ig " + " on ig.invoice_grp_id = i.invoice_grp_id " + "join {0}.invoice_style ist " + " on ist.invoice_style = ig.invoice_style " + "join {0}.contract c " + " on c.contract_id = ig.contract_id " + "join {0}.payment_terms pt " + " on pt.payment_terms = c.payment_terms " + "join {0}.remit_to rt " + " on rt.remit_to_id = ig.remit_to_id " + "join {0}.bill_specialist bs " + " on bs.bill_specialist_id = ig.bill_specialist_id " + "join {0}.char_comp_method ccm " + " on ccm.char_comp_method = i.char_comp_method " + "join {0}.contract_tat_sched cts " + " on cts.contract_id = c.contract_id " + " and cts.end_after >= i.bill_period_start " + " and cts.begin_on <= i.bill_period_start " + "join {0}.tat_sched ts " + " on ts.tat_sched_id = cts.tat_sched_id " + "join {0}.tat_comp_method tcm " + " on tcm.tat_comp_method = ts.tat_comp_method " + "where i.invoice_id = :invoice_id " , base.SchemaName); OracleParameter[] parameters = { OracleHelper.CreateParameter(":invoice_id", invoiceID, System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType.Number, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input) }; DataTable t = OracleHelper.ExecuteQuery(base.ConnectionString.Value, sql, parameters); Debug.Assert(t.Rows.Count == 1, "There should only be one row returned by this query."); if (t.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new InvoiceNotFoundException(invoiceID); } Dictionary <string, string> rptParams = DataHelper.ConvertRowToDictionary(t.Rows[0], t.Columns); // Add invoice column names. OracleInvoiceStyleColumnRepository rep = new OracleInvoiceStyleColumnRepository(); List <InvoiceStyleColumn> cols = rep.GetByInvoiceID(invoiceID); foreach (InvoiceStyleColumn col in cols.Where(c => c.Index > 0)) { int ndx = col.Index; rptParams.Add(String.Format("Column{0}Name", ndx), col.Name); } return(rptParams); }
public override List <InvoiceReportTranscriptionLineItem> Get(int invoiceID) { // Get invoice columns. List <InvoiceStyleColumn> columns; using (OracleInvoiceStyleColumnRepository rep = new OracleInvoiceStyleColumnRepository()) { columns = rep.GetByInvoiceID(invoiceID); } InvoiceStyleColumn defCol = new InvoiceStyleColumn(); // Build SQL. string groupingSql = ""; if (GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.GroupingIndex == 1)) != "''") { groupingSql = String.Format("group by {0}, {1}, {2}" , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.GroupingIndex == 1)) , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.GroupingIndex == 2)) , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.GroupingIndex == 3))); } string sortSql = ""; if (GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.SortIndex == 1)) != "''") { sortSql = String.Format("order by {0}, {1}, {2}" , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.SortIndex == 1)) , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.SortIndex == 2)) , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.SortIndex == 3))); } string sql = String.Format("SELECT {3} as column1 \r\n" + " ,{4} as column2 \r\n" + " ,{5} as column3 \r\n" + " ,COUNT(*) AS JOB_COUNT \r\n" + " ,SUM(WU.TAT_REDUCTION_CHARGED) AS TAT_REDUCTION_CHARGED \r\n" + " ,SUM(WU.QTY_BILLABLE) AS QTY_BILLABLE \r\n" + " ,sum(wu.raw_cost) as subtotal \r\n" + " ,sum(wu.raw_cost - wu.tat_reduction_charged) as total \r\n" + " ,{2} AS GROUPING_COLUMN \r\n" + "FROM {0}.WORK_UNIT WU \r\n" + "JOIN {0}.EXT_CLIENT EC \r\n" + " ON EC.EXT_SYS = WU.EXT_SYS \r\n" + " AND EC.EXT_CLIENT_KEY = WU.EXT_CLIENT_KEY \r\n" + "JOIN {0}.EXT_WORK_TYPE EWT \r\n" + " ON EWT.EXT_SYS = WU.EXT_SYS \r\n" + " AND EWT.EXT_CLIENT_KEY = WU.EXT_CLIENT_KEY \r\n" + " AND EWT.EXT_WORK_TYPE = WU.EXT_WORK_TYPE \r\n" + "WHERE WU.INVOICE_ID = {1} \r\n" + "{6} \r\n" + "{7}" , base.SchemaName , invoiceID , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.GroupingIndex == 1 && c.Index == 0)) , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.Index == 1)) , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.Index == 2)) , GetColumnProperty(columns, (a => a.SqlColumn.ToString()), (c => c.Index == 3)) , groupingSql , sortSql); DataTable dt = OracleHelper.ExecuteQuery(base.ConnectionString.Value, sql, null); //dt.TableName = "InvoiceReportTranscriptionLines"; //dt.WriteXml("InvoiceReportTranscriptionLines.xml"); //DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //dt.ReadXml(@"C:\Documents and Settings\ilee\My Documents\PoC Projects\Dynamic Subreporting\Dynamic Subreporting\InvoiceReportTranscriptionLines.xml"); return(base.ConvertDataTableToList(dt)); }