コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains the spelling checker with a corpus.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="corpus"></param>
        /// <param name="maxCycles">How many times spelling checker should be trained with this text.</param>
        public void Train(string corpus, int maxCycles)
            // Get words from training text
            var tokenizer = new Tokenizer();
            List <Tokenizer.Token> tokens = tokenizer.Tokenize(corpus);

            // Initialize HTM Processor
            Status.Update("Initializing HTM engine...");

            // Create the data source for the current word list
            var wordDataSource = new ListDataSource(new List <object>(tokens.Select(i => i.Text).ToList()));

            this._htmControler.Sensor.DataSource = wordDataSource;

            // Set the encoder for the sensor
            this._wordEncoder.UpdateDictionary = true;
            this._htmControler.Sensor.Encoder  = this._wordEncoder;

            // Train
            Status.Update("Trainning HTM engine...");
            Global.AllowSpatialLearning = true;
            int   cycle    = 0;
            float accuracy = 0;

            while (cycle < maxCycles)
                if (cycle > 1)
                    Global.AllowSpatialLearning = false;

                int    incorrectPredictions = 0;
                string currentWord          = "";
                string nextWord             = "";
                string predictedWord        = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Count; i++)

                    if (i < tokens.Count - 1 && tokens[i].Type == Tokenizer.TokenType.Word && tokens[i + 1].Type == Tokenizer.TokenType.Word)
                        currentWord = tokens[i].Text;
                        nextWord    = tokens[i + 1].Text;
                        if (i > 0 && predictedWord != currentWord)
                            incorrectPredictions += 1;

                        predictedWord = "";
                        List <HtmController.Prediction> predictions = this._htmControler.GetOutput();
                        predictions = predictions.Where(p => Word.IsSimilar((string)p.Value, nextWord)).ToList();
                        //Status.Update("Current: " + currentWord);
                        if (predictions.Count > 0)
                            predictedWord = (string)predictions[0].Value;

                            /*foreach (var prediction in predictions)
                             * {
                             *      Status.Update("Predicted: " + prediction.Value + ", Probability: " + prediction.Probability);
                             * }*/

                float newAccuracy = ((float)(tokens.Count - incorrectPredictions) / tokens.Count) * 100;
                if (newAccuracy == accuracy)
                accuracy = newAccuracy;
                cycle   += 1;

                Status.Update("Cycles: " + cycle + ", Accuracy (%): " + accuracy);
            Global.AllowSpatialLearning = true;

            Status.Update("Done." + Environment.NewLine);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check a text for spelling mistakes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="fixedText"> </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Issue> Check(string text, IssueType requiredIssueType = IssueType.All)
            // Create list of words to be used as suggestions
            var issues = new List <Issue>();

            // Get words from text
            var tokenizer = new Tokenizer();
            List <Tokenizer.Token> tokens = tokenizer.Tokenize(text);

            // Create the data source for the current word list
            var wordDataSource = new ListDataSource(new List <object>(tokens.Select(i => i.Text).ToList()));

            this._htmControler.Sensor.DataSource = wordDataSource;

            // Check for spelling errors
            Global.AllowSpatialLearning        = false;
            Global.AllowTemporalLearning       = false;
            this._wordEncoder.UpdateDictionary = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Count; i++)
                // Get current word typed by the user
                string currentWord = tokens[i].Text;

                // Get the possible but similar words for the current word
                List <HtmController.Prediction> predictions = this._htmControler.GetOutput();
                predictions = predictions.Where(p => Word.IsSimilar((string)p.Value, currentWord)).ToList();

                // Check if current word exists in dictionary
                bool  realWord = Dictionary.Instance.ContainsWord(currentWord);
                Issue newIssue = null;
                if (realWord)
                    if (requiredIssueType == IssueType.All || requiredIssueType == IssueType.Warning)
                        for (int j = 0; j < predictions.Count; j++)
                            string predictedWord = (string)predictions[j].Value;
                            if (currentWord != predictedWord && Word.Compare(currentWord, predictedWord) > 0.5f)
                                newIssue      = new Issue();
                                newIssue.Type = IssueType.Warning;
                    if (requiredIssueType == IssueType.All || requiredIssueType == IssueType.Error)
                        newIssue      = new Issue();
                        newIssue.Type = IssueType.Error;

                // If there is an issue
                if (newIssue != null)
                    newIssue.Position    = tokens[i].Position;
                    newIssue.CurrentWord = currentWord;

                    // Create list of words with the predicted words and the similar words
                    // to be tested
                    List <String> testingWords = new List <String>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < predictions.Count; j++)
                        string predictedWord = (string)predictions[j].Value;
                    if (!realWord)
                        // Get list of similar words from dictionary
                        List <string> similarWords = Dictionary.Instance.GetSimilarWords(currentWord);
                        for (int j = 0; j < similarWords.Count; j++)
                            string similarWord = similarWords[j];

                            // This avoid duplicate words gathered from predictions
                            if (!testingWords.Contains(similarWord))

                    // Get next word typed by the user
                    string nextWord = "";
                    if (i != (tokens.Count - 1))
                        nextWord = tokens[i + 1].Text;

                    // If exists context on right side of text...
                    if (nextWord != "")
                        // Create the data source for testing words
                        var testDataSource = new ListDataSource(new List <object>());

                        // Change datasource to test words
                        this._htmControler.Sensor.DataSource = testDataSource;

                        // Try each word in order to verify if word
                        foreach (string testingWord in testingWords)
                            testDataSource.List[0] = testingWord;

                            // Get the possible but similar word for the testing word
                            string predictedWord = "";
                            predictions = this._htmControler.GetOutput();
                            predictions = predictions.Where(p => Word.IsSimilar((string)p.Value, currentWord)).ToList();
                            for (int j = 0; j < predictions.Count; j++)
                                predictedWord = (string)predictions[j].Value;

                                // If next word is very close to predicted word then use the testing word as suggestion
                                if (predictedWord == nextWord)

                        // Change back current datasource to check text
                        this._htmControler.Sensor.DataSource = wordDataSource;

                    // If there is not context in right side, only the predicted word is enough
                    // or then the TOP-1 of the testing words
                    if (newIssue.SuggestedWords.Count == 0 && testingWords.Count > 0)

            this._wordEncoder.UpdateDictionary = true;
            Global.AllowSpatialLearning        = true;
            Global.AllowTemporalLearning       = true;
