コード例 #1
ファイル: MongoIndexStore.cs プロジェクト: Condeti/spark
        public void Save(IndexValue indexValue)
            var result = _indexMapper.MapEntry(indexValue);

            foreach (var doc in result)
コード例 #2
ファイル: MongoIndexMapper.cs プロジェクト: Condeti/spark
        /// <summary>
        /// Meant for mapping the root IndexValue (and all the stuff below it)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexValue"></param>
        /// <returns>List of BsonDocuments, one for the root and one for each contained index in it.</returns>
        public List<BsonDocument> MapEntry(IndexValue indexValue)
            var result = new List<BsonDocument>();

            if (indexValue.Name == "root")
                EntryToDocument(indexValue, 0, result);
                return result;
            else throw new ArgumentException("MapEntry is only meant for mapping a root IndexValue.", "indexValue");
コード例 #3
ファイル: MongoIndexMapper.cs プロジェクト: Condeti/spark
        private BsonElement IndexValueToElement(IndexValue indexValue)
            if (indexValue.Name == "_id")
                indexValue.Name = "fhir_id"; //_id is reserved in Mongo for the primary key and must be unique.

            if (indexValue.Values.Count == 1)
                return new BsonElement(indexValue.Name, Map(indexValue.Values[0]));
            BsonArray values = new BsonArray();
            foreach (var value in indexValue.Values)
            return new BsonElement(indexValue.Name, values);
コード例 #4
ファイル: MongoIndexMapper.cs プロジェクト: Condeti/spark
        private void EntryToDocument(IndexValue indexValue, int level, List<BsonDocument> result)
            //Add the real values (not contained) to a document and add that to the result.
            List<IndexValue> notNestedValues = indexValue.Values.Where(exp => (exp is IndexValue) && ((IndexValue)exp).Name != "contained").Select(exp => (IndexValue)exp).ToList();
            var doc = new BsonDocument(new BsonElement(InternalField.LEVEL, level));
            doc.AddRange(notNestedValues.Select(iv => IndexValueToElement(iv)));

            //Then do that recursively for all contained indexed resources.
            List<IndexValue> containedValues = indexValue.Values.Where(exp => (exp is IndexValue) && ((IndexValue)exp).Name == "contained").Select(exp => (IndexValue)exp).ToList();
            foreach (var contained in containedValues)
                EntryToDocument(contained, level + 1, result);

コード例 #5
ファイル: MongoIndexMapperTest.cs プロジェクト: Condeti/spark
        public void TestMapRootIndexValue()
            //"root" element should be skipped.
            IndexValue iv = new IndexValue("root");
            iv.Values.Add(new IndexValue("internal_resource", new StringValue("Patient")));

            var results = sut.MapEntry(iv);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Count);
            var result = results[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.AsBsonDocument.ElementCount);
            var firstElement = result.AsBsonDocument.GetElement(0);
            Assert.AreEqual("internal_level", firstElement.Name);
            var secondElement = result.GetElement(1);
            Assert.AreEqual("internal_resource", secondElement.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("Patient", secondElement.Value.AsString);
コード例 #6
ファイル: MongoIndexMapper.cs プロジェクト: Condeti/spark
 private BsonValue MapExpression(IndexValue indexValue)
     return new BsonDocument(IndexValueToElement(indexValue));
コード例 #7
 public static IEnumerable <IndexValue> IndexValues(this IndexValue root)
     return(root.Values.Where(v => v is IndexValue).Select(v => (IndexValue)v));
コード例 #8
ファイル: IndexService.cs プロジェクト: Condeti/spark
 private void AddContainedResources(DomainResource resource, IndexValue parent)
     parent.Values.AddRange(resource.Contained.Where(c => c is DomainResource).Select(
         c => {
             IKey containedKey = c.ExtractKey();
             //containedKey.ResourceId = key.ResourceId + "#" + c.Id;
             return IndexResourceRecursively((c as DomainResource), containedKey, "contained");
コード例 #9
ファイル: IndexService.cs プロジェクト: Condeti/spark
 private void AddMetaParts(Resource resource, IKey key, IndexValue entry)
     entry.Values.Add(new IndexValue("internal_forResource", new StringValue(key.ToUriString())));
     entry.Values.Add(new IndexValue(IndexFieldNames.RESOURCE, new StringValue(resource.TypeName)));
     entry.Values.Add(new IndexValue(IndexFieldNames.ID, new StringValue(resource.TypeName + "/" + key.ResourceId)));
     entry.Values.Add(new IndexValue(IndexFieldNames.JUSTID, new StringValue(resource.Id)));
     entry.Values.Add(new IndexValue(IndexFieldNames.SELFLINK, new StringValue(key.ToUriString()))); //CK TODO: This is actually Mongo-specific. Move it to Spark.Mongo, but then you will have to communicate the key to the MongoIndexMapper.
     //var fdt = resource.Meta?.LastUpdated != null ? new FhirDateTime(resource.Meta.LastUpdated.Value) : FhirDateTime.Now();
     //entry.Values.Add(new IndexValue(IndexFieldNames.LASTUPDATED, (_elementIndexer.Map(fdt))));
コード例 #10
ファイル: IndexService.cs プロジェクト: Condeti/spark
        private IndexValue IndexResourceRecursively(Resource resource, IKey key, string rootPartName = "root")
            var searchParametersForResource = _fhirModel.FindSearchParameters(resource.GetType());

            if(searchParametersForResource != null)
                var result = new IndexValue(rootPartName);

                AddMetaParts(resource, key, result);

                foreach (var par in searchParametersForResource)
                    var newIndexPart = new IndexValue(par.Code); 
                    foreach (var path in par.GetPropertyPath())
                            obj => 
                                if (obj is Element)
                                    newIndexPart.Values.AddRange(_elementIndexer.Map(obj as Element));
                            , path);
                    if (newIndexPart.Values.Any())

                if (resource is DomainResource)
                    AddContainedResources((DomainResource)resource, result);

                return result;
            return null;