//List<string> menu = new List<string>() {"Travel", "Buy", "Sell", "Refuel", "Exit" }; public void KeyCatch(List <Product> inventories, List <Product> products) { Spaceship userSpaceship = new Spaceship(); Welcome(inventories, userSpaceship); ClearMenuArea(); OpenAndEndCredits.OpeningCredits(); ClearMenuArea(); PrintMenu(); //Spaceship userSpaceship = new Spaceship(1, Global.name); Planet planet = new Planet(); Console.SetCursorPosition(20, 11); PrintAnimation($"{Global.name}, please select an action by pressing a key from the menu below."); ConsoleKeyInfo consoleKeyInfo; PrintMenu(); Shoping shoping = new Shoping(products); Spaceship spaceship = new Spaceship(); while ((consoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey()).Key != ConsoleKey.F12) //if pressed F12 close app { switch (consoleKeyInfo.Key) { case ConsoleKey.F1: //travel spaceship.Travel(inventories); App.PrintSideBottomMenu(inventories, spaceship); //Cutscenes.DoIt(); PrintMenu(); break; case ConsoleKey.F2: //Buy if (shoping.PrintBuyList(inventories)) { ClearMenuArea(); Console.SetCursorPosition(20, 10); PrintAnimation($"The item was added to your inventory"); } else { //ClearMenuArea(); Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(25, 10); Console.WriteLine("Sorry, the transaction was not processed"); } //Console.ResetColor(); PrintMenu(); App.PrintSideBottomMenu(inventories, userSpaceship); Console.SetCursorPosition(20, 12); PrintAnimation($"{Global.name}, please select an action by pressing a key from the menu below."); break; case ConsoleKey.F3: //Sell if (shoping.PrintSellList(inventories)) { ClearMenuArea(); Console.SetCursorPosition(10, 10); PrintAnimation($"The deal was successfully accomplished"); } else { Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(10, 10); Console.WriteLine($"SSory {Global.name}, the transaction wasn't processed"); } //Console.Clear(); //Console.ResetColor(); PrintMenu(); App.PrintSideBottomMenu(inventories, userSpaceship); Console.SetCursorPosition(10, 12); PrintAnimation($"{Global.name}, please select an action by pressing a key from the menu below."); break; case ConsoleKey.F4: //Refuel userSpaceship.ReFuel(); App.PrintSideBottomMenu(inventories, userSpaceship); break; case ConsoleKey.F5: //About About(); break; default: Console.Write("\b \b"); break; } } }
static public void PrintSideBottomMenu(List <Product> inventories, Spaceship userSpaceship) { int numOfGold = 0; int numOfwater = 0; int numOfLiquidSoap = 0; int numOfStyrofoam = 0; int numOfOatmeal = 0; int numOfLightBulbs = 0; int numOfHeartOfGold = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.SetCursorPosition(120, i); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; } //Put current planet, Age, Fuel level, and Money in the right box. Planet currentPlanet = new Planet(); string currentPlanetName = Planet.GetPlanetName(Global.currentPlanet); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.SetCursorPosition(122, 0); Console.WriteLine($"----==={Global.name}'s Stats===----".PadRight(28, ' ')); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.SetCursorPosition(122, 1); Console.WriteLine($" Age: {Global.age}".PadRight(18, ' ')); Console.SetCursorPosition(122, 3); Console.WriteLine($" Fuel: {Global.gas}".PadRight(18, ' ')); Console.SetCursorPosition(122, 5); Console.WriteLine($" Wallet: {Global.money} Cubits".PadRight(20, ' ')); Console.SetCursorPosition(122, 7); Console.WriteLine($"Location: {currentPlanetName.PadRight(18,' ')}"); Console.SetCursorPosition(122, 9); Console.WriteLine($"Max Warp: {userSpaceship.GetWarp()}".PadRight(18, ' ')); Console.SetCursorPosition(122, 11); //Put current inventory in the bottom box for (int i = 0; i < inventories.Count; i++) { if (inventories[i].ProductName == "Gold") { numOfGold += 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < inventories.Count; i++) { if (inventories[i].ProductName == "Water") { numOfwater += 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < inventories.Count; i++) { if (inventories[i].ProductName == "Liquid Soap") { numOfLiquidSoap += 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < inventories.Count; i++) { if (inventories[i].ProductName == "Styrofoam") { numOfStyrofoam += 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < inventories.Count; i++) { if (inventories[i].ProductName == "Oatmeal Pies") { numOfOatmeal += 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < inventories.Count; i++) { if (inventories[i].ProductName == "Light Bulbs") { numOfLightBulbs += 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < inventories.Count; i++) { if (inventories[i].ProductName == "The Heart of Gold Spaceship") { numOfHeartOfGold += 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.SetCursorPosition(i, 30); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 31); Console.WriteLine("--------=====Inventory=====--------"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 32); Console.WriteLine($" Gold: {numOfGold}".PadRight(18, ' ')); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 33); Console.WriteLine($" Water: {numOfwater}".PadRight(18, ' ')); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 34); Console.WriteLine($"Liquid Soap: {numOfLiquidSoap}".PadRight(18, ' ')); Console.SetCursorPosition(20, 32); Console.WriteLine($" Styrofoam: {numOfStyrofoam}".PadRight(18, ' ')); Console.SetCursorPosition(20, 33); Console.WriteLine($"Oatmeal Pies: {numOfOatmeal}".PadRight(18, ' ')); Console.SetCursorPosition(20, 34); Console.WriteLine($" Light Bulbs: {numOfLightBulbs}".PadRight(18, ' ')); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" "); Console.WriteLine($" "); if (numOfHeartOfGold >= 1) { Menu.ClearMenuArea(); OpenAndEndCredits.WinEndingCredits(); Console.SetCursorPosition(20, 10); Console.WriteLine("Press the Space Bar to exit the game."); while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Spacebar) { ; } Console.Clear(); Environment.Exit(0); } if (Global.age >= 60 || Global.money == 0 && numOfGold == 0 && numOfLightBulbs == 0 && numOfLiquidSoap == 0 && numOfOatmeal == 0 && numOfwater == 0 && numOfStyrofoam == 0) { Menu.ClearMenuArea(); OpenAndEndCredits.LoseEndingCredits(); Console.SetCursorPosition(20, 10); Console.WriteLine("Press the Space Bar to exit the game."); while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Spacebar) { ; } Console.Clear(); Environment.Exit(0); } }