private void ButtonControls(GameTime gameTime) { if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Down)) { buttonIndex++; holdTimer = Game.HoldKeyTreshold; PlayHoverSound(); } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { buttonIndex++; holdTimer = Game.ScrollSpeedFast; PlayHoverSound(); } } else if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Up)) { buttonIndex--; holdTimer = Game.HoldKeyTreshold; PlayHoverSound(); } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { buttonIndex--; holdTimer = Game.ScrollSpeedFast; PlayHoverSound(); } } if (buttonIndex < 0) { if (ControlManager.PreviousKeyUp(RebindableKeys.Up)) buttonIndex = buttons.Count - 1; else buttonIndex = 0; } else if (buttonIndex > buttons.Count - 1) { if (ControlManager.PreviousKeyUp(RebindableKeys.Down)) buttonIndex = 0; else buttonIndex = buttons.Count - 1; } }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (IsEnergyLocked) { remainingEnergyLockTime -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; } if (primaryOn) { ShipInventoryManager.currentPrimaryWeapon.Update(player, gameTime); } if (secondaryOn) { ShipInventoryManager.equippedSecondary.Update(player, gameTime); } if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Action1)) { UseWeapon((PlayerWeapon)ShipInventoryManager.currentPrimaryWeapon, gameTime); UseWeapon((PlayerWeapon)ShipInventoryManager.equippedSecondary, gameTime); } shotHandlerHelper.Update(); if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Action2)) { shotHandlerHelper.ChangePrimary(); } ShipInventoryManager.currentPrimaryWeapon = (PlayerWeapon)shotHandlerHelper.currentPrimary; }
private void PlayerMovementControl() { if (Speed > maxSpeed) { Speed = maxSpeed; } bool moveKeyPressed = false; if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) || ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) || ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) || ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { moveKeyPressed = true; } if (!moveKeyPressed) { Speed -= 0.02f; } if (Speed < deAcceleration) { Speed = 0; } if (moveKeyPressed) { PlayerMovement(); } }
private void CheckInput() { if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up)) { txtSpeed += 0.01f; } else { txtSpeed -= 0.01f; } }
// Updates camera position relative to players position if camera is within bounds of screen public void CameraUpdate(GameTime gameTime, PlayerOverworld player) { // Camera panning if (ZoomMap.MapState == MapState.On) { if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right)) { cameraPos.X += CameraPanSpeed * MathFunctions.FPSSyncFactor(gameTime); } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left)) { cameraPos.X -= CameraPanSpeed * MathFunctions.FPSSyncFactor(gameTime); } if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up)) { cameraPos.Y -= CameraPanSpeed * MathFunctions.FPSSyncFactor(gameTime); } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { cameraPos.Y += CameraPanSpeed * MathFunctions.FPSSyncFactor(gameTime); } } else { originalCameraPos = cameraPos; } if (ZoomMap.MapState != MapState.On && ((cameraPos.X - (Game1.ScreenSize.X / 2) >= 0 && (cameraPos.X + Game1.ScreenSize.X / 2) <= WorldWidth) || (cameraPos.Y - (Game1.ScreenSize.Y / 2) >= 0 && cameraPos.Y + (Game1.ScreenSize.Y / 2) <= WorldHeight))) { Position = player.position; } }
private void PlayerMovement(GameTime gameTime) { if (speed > maxSpeed) { speed = maxSpeed; } else if (speed < -maxSpeed) { speed = -maxSpeed; } if (StatsManager.Fuel >= normalFuelCost) { if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Action3) && isHyperSpeedUnlocked && !isDevelopSpeedUnlocked && controlsEnabled) { maxSpeed = boostSpeed; turningSpeed = boostTurningSpeed; playerAcc = commonAcc; usingBoost = true; } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Action3) && isDevelopSpeedUnlocked && controlsEnabled) { maxSpeed = developSpeed; turningSpeed = boostTurningSpeed; playerAcc = developAcc; usingBoost = true; } else { maxSpeed = commonSpeed; turningSpeed = commonTurningSpeed; playerAcc = commonAcc; usingBoost = false; } } if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && controlsEnabled) { if (StatsManager.Fuel > normalFuelCost) { if (ControlManager.GamepadReady && ControlManager.ThumbStickAngleY != 0) { if (StatsManager.Fuel > normalFuelCost) { speed += playerAcc * MathFunctions.FPSSyncFactor(gameTime); } AddParticle(); } else { if (StatsManager.Fuel > normalFuelCost) { speed += playerAcc * MathFunctions.FPSSyncFactor(gameTime); } AddParticle(); Game.soundEffectsManager.PlaySoundEffect(SoundEffects.OverworldEngine, 0f, 0f); } } } if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) && controlsEnabled) { if (StatsManager.Fuel > normalFuelCost) { Direction.SetDirection(Direction.GetDirectionAsDegree() + turningSpeed * MathFunctions.FPSSyncFactor(gameTime)); } } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) && controlsEnabled) { if (StatsManager.Fuel > normalFuelCost) { Direction.SetDirection(Direction.GetDirectionAsDegree() - turningSpeed * MathFunctions.FPSSyncFactor(gameTime)); } } if (!ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && controlsEnabled) { if (speed > 0) { speed -= playerAcc * MathFunctions.FPSSyncFactor(gameTime); } else if (speed <= 0) { speed = 0; } Game.soundEffectsManager.FadeOutSoundEffect(SoundEffects.OverworldEngine); } angle = (float)(MathFunctions.RadiansFromDir(new Vector2( Direction.GetDirectionAsVector().X, Direction.GetDirectionAsVector().Y)) + (Math.PI * 90) / 180); }
private void CheckKeysLevel2(GameTime gameTime) { if (cursorLevel == 2 && cursorCoordLv1.Position != inventoryPos) { int listLength; if (cursorCoordLv1.Position != 5) { listLength = ShipInventoryManager.ownCounts[cursorCoordLv1.Position - 1]; } else { if (cursorCoordLv1.Y == 0) { listLength = ShipInventoryManager.GetAvailablePrimaryWeapons(1).Count; } else { listLength = ShipInventoryManager.GetAvailablePrimaryWeapons(2).Count; } } if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Down) && cursorLevel == 2 && elapsedSinceKey > elapseDelay) { cursorLevel2Position += 1; if (cursorLevel2Position > listLength) { cursorLevel2Position = 0; } elapsedSinceKey = 0; holdTimer = Game.HoldKeyTreshold; } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { cursorLevel2Position += 1; if (cursorLevel2Position > listLength) { cursorLevel2Position = listLength; } elapsedSinceKey = 0; holdTimer = Game.ScrollSpeedFast; } } if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Up) && cursorLevel == 2 && elapsedSinceKey > elapseDelay) { cursorLevel2Position -= 1; if (cursorLevel2Position < 0) { cursorLevel2Position = listLength; } elapsedSinceKey = 0; holdTimer = Game.HoldKeyTreshold; } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { cursorLevel2Position -= 1; if (cursorLevel2Position < 0) { cursorLevel2Position = 0; } elapsedSinceKey = 0; holdTimer = Game.ScrollSpeedFast; } } //This is where the magic happens. if (((ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Action1) || ControlManager.CheckKeyPress(Keys.Enter)) && cursorLevel == 2 && elapsedSinceKey > elapseDelay)) { if (cursorLevel2Position < listLength) { OnPressLevel2(); } else { cursorLevel = 1; elapsedSinceKey = 0; } } if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Action2) && cursorLevel == 2 && elapsedSinceKey > elapseDelay) { cursorLevel = 1; elapsedSinceKey = 0; } } }
private void ButtonControls(GameTime gameTime) { if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Up)) { buttonIndex--; holdTimer = Game.HoldKeyTreshold; PlayHoverSound(); } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { buttonIndex--; holdTimer = Game.ScrollSpeedSlow; PlayHoverSound(); } } else if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Down)) { buttonIndex++; holdTimer = Game.HoldKeyTreshold; PlayHoverSound(); } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { buttonIndex++; holdTimer = Game.ScrollSpeedSlow; PlayHoverSound(); } } if (buttonIndex > buttons.Count - 1) { if (ControlManager.PreviousKeyUp(RebindableKeys.Down)) { buttonIndex = 0; } else { buttonIndex = buttons.Count - 1; } } else if (buttonIndex < 0) { if (ControlManager.PreviousKeyUp(RebindableKeys.Up)) { buttonIndex = buttons.Count - 1; } else { buttonIndex = 0; } } activeButton = buttons[buttonIndex]; foreach (MenuDisplayObject button in buttons) { button.isActive = false; } activeButton.isActive = true; if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Action1) || ControlManager.CheckKeyPress(Keys.Enter)) { ButtonActions(); } // TODO: REMOVE FOR RELEASE VERSION //if (ControlManager.CheckKeyPress(Keys.M)) //{ // Game.stateManager.ChangeState("LevelTesterState"); //} if (ControlManager.CheckKeyHold(Keys.LeftAlt) && ControlManager.CheckKeyPress(Keys.C)) { Game.stateManager.ChangeState("CampaignState"); } }
private void PlayerMovement() { if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { DirectionX = -1.0f; DirectionY = 0; Speed += acceleration; } if (!ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) && ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { DirectionX = 0; DirectionY = -1.0f; Speed += acceleration; } if (!ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { DirectionX = 1.0f; DirectionY = 0; Speed += acceleration; } if (!ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) && ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { DirectionX = 0; DirectionY = 1.0f; Speed += acceleration; } if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) && ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { DirectionX = -1.0f; DirectionY = -1.0f; Speed += acceleration; } if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) && ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { DirectionX = -1.0f; DirectionY = 1.0f; Speed += acceleration; } if (!ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) && ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { DirectionX = 1.0f; DirectionY = -1.0f; Speed += acceleration; } if (!ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Left) && !ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up) && ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Right) && ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { DirectionX = 1.0f; DirectionY = 1.0f; Speed += acceleration; } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { #region Input if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up)) { txtSpeed += 0.01f; } else { txtSpeed -= 0.01f; } if (ControlManager.GamepadReady == false) { if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Action1) || ControlManager.CheckKeyPress(Keys.Enter)) { Game.stateManager.ChangeState("OverworldState"); } } if (ControlManager.GamepadReady == true) { if (ControlManager.CurrentGamepadState.IsButtonDown(ControlManager.GamepadAction)) { Game.stateManager.ChangeState("OverworldState"); } } #endregion textBox.Update(gameTime); textBox.TextBoxPosY -= txtSpeed; if (txtSpeed > txtMaxSpeed) { txtSpeed = txtMaxSpeed; } else if (txtSpeed < txtMinSpeed) { txtSpeed = txtMinSpeed; } if (textBox.TextBoxPosY < 325) { Game.stateManager.ChangeState("OverworldState"); } for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfStars; i++) { starPositions[i].X += (starSpeed * starSpeedModifiers[i]) * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; int returnValue = StaticFunctions.IsPositionOutsideScreenX(starPositions[i], Game); if (returnValue == 2) { starPositions[i] = new Vector2(-30, (float)Game.random.Next(0, Game1.ScreenSize.Y)); } } }
private void ButtonControls(GameTime gameTime) { if (!ControlManager.GamepadReady) { if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Down)) { cursorIndex++; holdTimer = game.HoldKeyTreshold; PlayHoverSound(); if (cursorIndex > menuOptions.Length / 2 - 1) { cursorIndex = 0; } } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Down)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { cursorIndex++; holdTimer = game.ScrollSpeedFast; PlayHoverSound(); } if (cursorIndex > menuOptions.Length / 2 - 1) { cursorIndex = menuOptions.Length / 2 - 1; } } else if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Up)) { cursorIndex--; holdTimer = game.HoldKeyTreshold; PlayHoverSound(); if (cursorIndex < 0) { cursorIndex = menuOptions.Length / 2 - 1; } } else if (ControlManager.CheckHold(RebindableKeys.Up)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { cursorIndex--; holdTimer = game.ScrollSpeedFast; PlayHoverSound(); } if (cursorIndex < 0) { cursorIndex = 0; } } } else { if (ControlManager.CheckButtonPress(Buttons.DPadDown) || ControlManager.CheckButtonPress(Buttons.LeftThumbstickDown)) { cursorIndex++; holdTimer = game.HoldKeyTreshold; PlayHoverSound(); } else if (ControlManager.CurrentGamepadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || ControlManager.CurrentGamepadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickDown)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { cursorIndex++; holdTimer = game.ScrollSpeedFast; PlayHoverSound(); } } else if (ControlManager.CheckButtonPress(Buttons.DPadUp) || ControlManager.CheckButtonPress(Buttons.LeftThumbstickUp)) { cursorIndex--; holdTimer = game.HoldKeyTreshold; PlayHoverSound(); } else if (ControlManager.CurrentGamepadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadUp) || ControlManager.CurrentGamepadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.LeftThumbstickUp)) { holdTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (holdTimer <= 0) { cursorIndex--; holdTimer = game.ScrollSpeedFast; PlayHoverSound(); } } if (cursorIndex < 0) { if (ControlManager.CurrentGamepadState.IsButtonUp(Buttons.DPadUp)) { cursorIndex = menuOptions.Length / 2 - 1; } else if (ControlManager.CurrentGamepadState.IsButtonUp(Buttons.LeftThumbstickUp)) { cursorIndex = menuOptions.Length / 2 - 1; } else { cursorIndex = 0; } } else if (cursorIndex > menuOptions.Length / 2 - 1) { if (ControlManager.CurrentGamepadState.IsButtonUp(Buttons.DPadDown)) { cursorIndex = 0; } else if (ControlManager.CurrentGamepadState.IsButtonUp(Buttons.LeftThumbstickUp)) { cursorIndex = 0; } else { cursorIndex = menuOptions.Length / 2 - 1; } } } if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Action2) || ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Pause)) { optionsMenuState.LeaveSubState(); OnLeave(); } else if (ControlManager.CheckPress(RebindableKeys.Action1) || ControlManager.CheckKeyPress(Keys.Enter)) { ButtonActions(); } }