コード例 #1
        //Now here are the actual hit tests

        //Bullets hit invaders
        private bool BulletInvaderHitTest(Bullet thisBullet, Invader thisInvader)
            //two rectangles are defined: one around the bullet, one around the invader
            Rect recBullet = new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(thisBullet), Canvas.GetTop(thisBullet), thisBullet.ActualWidth, thisBullet.ActualHeight);
            Rect recInvader = new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(thisInvader), Canvas.GetTop(thisInvader), thisInvader.ActualWidth, thisInvader.ActualHeight);
            //The intersectsWith method is called on recBullet with the argument recInvader which returns true if the rectangles overlap.
            //This result is returned to the condition statement calling the method and it is similar to a function in visual basic.
            return recBullet.IntersectsWith(recInvader);
コード例 #2
 //bullets hit shield elements
 private bool BulletShieldElementHitTest(Bullet thisBullet, shieldElement thisShieldElement)
     Rect recBullet = new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(thisBullet), Canvas.GetTop(thisBullet), thisBullet.ActualWidth, thisBullet.ActualHeight);
     Rect recShieldElement = new Rect(Canvas.GetLeft(thisShieldElement), Canvas.GetTop(thisShieldElement), 10, 20);
     return recBullet.IntersectsWith(recShieldElement);
コード例 #3
 //here is the fire bullet method
 private void fireBullet()
     //instanciate a new bullet user control
     Bullet newBullet = new Bullet();
     //put it on the screen andd add refernece to the bullets list
     //set its position to that of the centre of the gunner
     Canvas.SetLeft(newBullet, Canvas.GetLeft(imgGunner) + imgGunner.ActualWidth*.5);
     Canvas.SetTop(newBullet, Canvas.GetTop(imgGunner));