public static SgtPosition Lerp(ref SgtPosition a, ref SgtPosition b, double t) { var o = default(SgtPosition); if (t > 0.5) { t = 1.0 - t; o.GlobalX = b.GlobalX; o.GlobalY = b.GlobalY; o.GlobalZ = b.GlobalZ; o.LocalX = b.LocalX - ((b.GlobalX - a.GlobalX) * CELL_SIZE + b.LocalX - a.LocalX) * t; o.LocalY = b.LocalY - ((b.GlobalY - a.GlobalY) * CELL_SIZE + b.LocalY - a.LocalY) * t; o.LocalZ = b.LocalZ - ((b.GlobalZ - a.GlobalZ) * CELL_SIZE + b.LocalZ - a.LocalZ) * t; } else { o.GlobalX = a.GlobalX; o.GlobalY = a.GlobalY; o.GlobalZ = a.GlobalZ; o.LocalX = a.LocalX + ((b.GlobalX - a.GlobalX) * CELL_SIZE + b.LocalX - a.LocalX) * t; o.LocalY = a.LocalY + ((b.GlobalY - a.GlobalY) * CELL_SIZE + b.LocalY - a.LocalY) * t; o.LocalZ = a.LocalZ + ((b.GlobalZ - a.GlobalZ) * CELL_SIZE + b.LocalZ - a.LocalZ) * t; } o.SnapLocal(); return(o); }
protected SgtFloatingObject SpawnAt(SgtPosition position) { var index = Random.Range(0, prefabs.Count); var prefab = prefabs[index]; var prefabPoint = prefab.Point; var oldSeed = prefab.Seed; var oldPosition = prefabPoint.Position; prefab.Seed = Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); prefabPoint.Position = position; var instance = Instantiate(prefab, SgtFloatingRoot.Root); prefab.Seed = oldSeed; prefabPoint.Position = oldPosition; instances.Add(instance); if (instance.OnSpawn != null) { instance.OnSpawn(instance.Seed); } return(instance); }
protected virtual void Update() { if (Warping == true) { Progress += Time.deltaTime; if (Progress > WarpTime) { Progress = WarpTime; } var bend = SmoothStep(Progress / WarpTime, Smoothness); if (Point != null) { Point.Position = SgtPosition.Lerp(ref StartPosition, ref TargetPosition, bend); Point.PositionChanged(); } if (Progress >= WarpTime) { Warping = false; } } }
protected virtual void Update() { if (TetherPoint != null) { var position = TetherPoint.Position; var sizeX = Size.x * TetherScale; var sizeY = Size.y * TetherScale; var sizeZ = Size.z * TetherScale; var delta = SgtPosition.Delta(ref position, ref SgtFloatingOrigin.CurrentPoint.Position); var deltaX = delta.GlobalX * SgtPosition.CellSize + delta.LocalX; var deltaY = delta.GlobalX * SgtPosition.CellSize + delta.LocalY; var deltaZ = delta.GlobalX * SgtPosition.CellSize + delta.LocalZ; var stepX = System.Math.Round(deltaX / sizeX); var stepY = System.Math.Round(deltaY / sizeY); var stepZ = System.Math.Round(deltaZ / sizeZ); if (stepX != 0 || stepY != 0 || stepZ != 0) { position.LocalX -= stepX * sizeX; position.LocalY -= stepY * sizeY; position.LocalZ -= stepZ * sizeZ; position.SnapLocal(); TetherPoint.Position = position; TetherPoint.PositionChanged(); } } }
public override void WarpTo(SgtPosition position) { warping = true; progress = 0.0; startPosition = point.Position; targetPosition = position; }
protected SgtFloatingObject SpawnAt(SgtPosition position) { if (prefabs.Count > 0) { var index = Random.Range(0, prefabs.Count); var prefab = prefabs[index]; if (prefab != null) { var oldSeed = prefab.Seed; var oldPosition = prefab.Position; var oldPositionSet = prefab.PositionSet; prefab.Seed = Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); prefab.Position = position; prefab.PositionSet = true; var instance = Instantiate(prefab, SgtFloatingRoot.Root); prefab.Seed = oldSeed; prefab.Position = oldPosition; prefab.PositionSet = oldPositionSet; instances.Add(instance); instance.InvokeOnSpawn(); return(instance); } } return(null); }
public void Snap() { CheckForPositionChanges(); snappedPoint = position; snappedPointSet = true; snappedPoint.LocalX = System.Math.Floor(snappedPoint.LocalX); snappedPoint.LocalY = System.Math.Floor(snappedPoint.LocalY); snappedPoint.LocalZ = System.Math.Floor(snappedPoint.LocalZ); var oldPosition = transform.position; UpdatePositionNow(); var newPosition = transform.position; var delta = newPosition - oldPosition; if (OnSnap != null) { OnSnap(this, delta); } SgtHelper.InvokeSnap(delta); }
public override void WarpTo(SgtPosition position) { Warping = true; Progress = 0.0; StartPosition = Point.Position; TargetPosition = position; }
private void PreCull(Camera camera) { SgtFloatingOrigin.CurrentPoint.Position.SnapLocal(); transform.position = CalculatePosition(ref SgtFloatingOrigin.CurrentPoint.Position); // Rotate to main camera? var mainCamera = Camera.main; if (mainCamera != null) { transform.rotation = mainCamera.transform.rotation; } // Snap scaled camera position? var position = transform.position; if (position.magnitude > SnapRadius) { SnappedPoint = SgtFloatingOrigin.CurrentPoint.Position; transform.position = expectedPosition =; if (OnPositionChanged != null) { OnPositionChanged(this); } if (LateOnPositionChanged != null) { LateOnPositionChanged(this); } } }
protected SgtFloatingSpawnable SpawnAt(SgtPosition position) { if (prefabs.Count > 0) { var index = Random.Range(0, prefabs.Count); var prefab = prefabs[index]; if (prefab != null) { var prefabObject = prefab.CachedObject; // Universal position? if (prefabObject.Point != null) { var oldSeed = prefab.Seed; var oldPosition = prefabObject.Point.Position; prefab.Seed = Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); prefabObject.Point.Position = position; var instance = Instantiate(prefab, SgtFloatingRoot.Root); prefab.Seed = oldSeed; prefabObject.Point.Position = oldPosition; instances.Add(instance); instance.InvokeOnSpawn(); return(instance); } // Transform position? else { var floatingCamera = default(SgtFloatingCamera); if (SgtFloatingCamera.TryGetCamera(gameObject.layer, ref floatingCamera) == true) { var oldSeed = prefab.Seed; prefab.Seed = Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); var instance = Instantiate(prefab, SgtFloatingRoot.Root); prefab.Seed = oldSeed; instances.Add(instance); instance.InvokeOnSpawn(); instance.transform.position = floatingCamera.CalculatePosition(ref position); return(instance); } } } } return(null); }
public static double SqrDistance(ref SgtPosition a, ref SgtPosition b) { var x = b.LocalX - a.LocalX + (b.GlobalX - a.GlobalX) * CellSize; var y = b.LocalY - a.LocalY + (b.GlobalY - a.GlobalY) * CellSize; var z = b.LocalZ - a.LocalZ + (b.GlobalZ - a.GlobalZ) * CellSize; return(x * x + y * y + z * z); }
/// <summary>This gives you the camera-relative position of the input SgtPosition in world space.</summary> public Vector3 CalculatePosition(ref SgtPosition input) { var x = (input.GlobalX - snappedPoint.GlobalX) * SgtPosition.CELL_SIZE + (input.LocalX - snappedPoint.LocalX); var y = (input.GlobalY - snappedPoint.GlobalY) * SgtPosition.CELL_SIZE + (input.LocalY - snappedPoint.LocalY); var z = (input.GlobalZ - snappedPoint.GlobalZ) * SgtPosition.CELL_SIZE + (input.LocalZ - snappedPoint.LocalZ); return(new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z)); }
public static double Distance(ref SgtPosition a, ref SgtPosition b) { var x = (b.GlobalX - a.GlobalX) * CellSize + b.LocalX - a.LocalX; var y = (b.GlobalY - a.GlobalY) * CellSize + b.LocalY - a.LocalY; var z = (b.GlobalZ - a.GlobalZ) * CellSize + b.LocalZ - a.LocalZ; return(System.Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)); }
// Get the world space vector between two positions public static Vector3 Vector(ref SgtPosition a, ref SgtPosition b) { var x = (b.GlobalX - a.GlobalX) * CellSize + b.LocalX - a.LocalX; var y = (b.GlobalY - a.GlobalY) * CellSize + b.LocalY - a.LocalY; var z = (b.GlobalZ - a.GlobalZ) * CellSize + b.LocalZ - a.LocalZ; return(new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z)); }
public static double Distance(SgtPosition a, SgtPosition b) { var x = b.LocalX - a.LocalX + (b.GlobalX - a.GlobalX) * CellSize; var y = b.LocalY - a.LocalY + (b.GlobalY - a.GlobalY) * CellSize; var z = b.LocalZ - a.LocalZ + (b.GlobalZ - a.GlobalZ) * CellSize; return(System.Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)); }
public static double SqrDistance(ref SgtPosition a, ref SgtPosition b) { var x = (b.GlobalX - a.GlobalX) * CELL_SIZE + b.LocalX - a.LocalX; var y = (b.GlobalY - a.GlobalY) * CELL_SIZE + b.LocalY - a.LocalY; var z = (b.GlobalZ - a.GlobalZ) * CELL_SIZE + b.LocalZ - a.LocalZ; return(x * x + y * y + z * z); }
/// <summary>This method allows you to change the whole <b>Position</b> state, and it will automatically call the <b>PositionChanged</b> method if the position is different.</summary> public void SetPosition(SgtPosition newPosition) { if (SgtPosition.Equal(ref newPosition, ref Position) == false) { Position = newPosition; PositionChanged(); } }
protected virtual void LateUpdate() { inputManager.Update(); foreach (var finger in inputManager.Fingers) { if (finger.Down == true) { Pick(finger.Position); } } var targetAlpha = 0.0f; if (FloatingCamera != null && WorldCamera != null) { if (CurrentTarget != null) { var localPosition = FloatingCamera.CalculatePosition(ref CurrentTarget.CachedPoint.Position); var screenPoint = WorldCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(localPosition); if (screenPoint.z >= 0.0f) { var anchoredPosition = default(Vector2); if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(Parent, screenPoint, null, out anchoredPosition) == true) { Rect.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition; } targetAlpha = 1.0f; if (HideIfTooClose == true) { if (SgtPosition.SqrDistance(ref SgtFloatingCamera.Instances.First.Value.Position, ref CurrentTarget.CachedPoint.Position) <= CurrentTarget.WarpDistance * CurrentTarget.WarpDistance) { targetAlpha = 0.0f; } } } else { Alpha = 0.0f; } Title.text = CurrentTarget.WarpName; } } var factor = SgtHelper.DampenFactor(10.0f, Time.deltaTime); Alpha = Mathf.Lerp(Alpha, targetAlpha, factor); Group.alpha = Alpha; Group.blocksRaycasts = targetAlpha > 0.0f; }
// Calculate the camera-relative position of an SgtPosition public Vector3 CalculatePosition(ref SgtPosition input) { var offsetX = (input.GlobalX - SnappedPoint.GlobalX) * SgtPosition.CellSize + (input.LocalX - SnappedPoint.LocalX); var offsetY = (input.GlobalY - SnappedPoint.GlobalY) * SgtPosition.CellSize + (input.LocalY - SnappedPoint.LocalY); var offsetZ = (input.GlobalZ - SnappedPoint.GlobalZ) * SgtPosition.CellSize + (input.LocalZ - SnappedPoint.LocalZ); var scaledX = offsetX / Scale; var scaledY = offsetY / Scale; var scaledZ = offsetZ / Scale; return(new Vector3((float)scaledX, (float)scaledY, (float)scaledZ)); }
protected virtual void Update() { CheckForPositionChanges(); if (OnDistance != null && SgtFloatingCamera.Instances.Count > 0) { var floatingCamera = SgtFloatingCamera.Instances.First.Value; var distance = SgtPosition.Distance(position, floatingCamera.Position); OnDistance.Invoke(distance); } }
public static bool Equal(ref SgtPosition a, ref SgtPosition b) { if (a.GlobalX == b.GlobalX && a.GlobalY == b.GlobalY && a.GlobalZ == b.GlobalZ) { if (a.LocalX == b.LocalX && a.LocalY == b.LocalY && a.LocalZ == b.LocalZ) { return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary>Allows you to warp to the target point with the specified separation distance.</summary> public void WarpTo(SgtPosition position, double distance) { // Make sure we don't warp directly onto the star var direction = SgtPosition.Direction(ref Point.Position, ref position); position.LocalX -= direction.x * distance; position.LocalY -= direction.y * distance; position.LocalZ -= direction.z * distance; position.SnapLocal(); WarpTo(position); }
public static SgtPosition Lerp(SgtPosition a, SgtPosition b, double t) { var o = a; o.LocalX += ((b.GlobalX - a.GlobalX) * CellSize + b.LocalX - a.LocalX) * t; o.LocalY += ((b.GlobalY - a.GlobalY) * CellSize + b.LocalY - a.LocalY) * t; o.LocalZ += ((b.GlobalZ - a.GlobalZ) * CellSize + b.LocalZ - a.LocalZ) * t; o.SnapLocal(); return(o); }
public static SgtPosition Delta(ref SgtPosition a, ref SgtPosition b) { var o = default(SgtPosition); o.LocalX = a.LocalX - b.LocalX; o.LocalY = a.LocalY - b.LocalY; o.LocalZ = a.LocalZ - b.LocalZ; o.GlobalX = a.GlobalX - b.GlobalX; o.GlobalY = a.GlobalY - b.GlobalY; o.GlobalZ = a.GlobalZ - b.GlobalZ; return(o); }
// Get the world space vector between two positions public static Vector3 Vector(SgtPosition a, SgtPosition b) { var ax = a.LocalX + a.GlobalX * CellSize; var ay = a.LocalY + a.GlobalY * CellSize; var az = a.LocalZ + a.GlobalZ * CellSize; var bx = b.LocalX + b.GlobalX * CellSize; var by = b.LocalY + b.GlobalY * CellSize; var bz = b.LocalZ + b.GlobalZ * CellSize; var x = bx - ax; var y = by - ay; var z = bz - az; return(new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z)); }
public static Vector3 Direction(ref SgtPosition a, ref SgtPosition b) { var x = b.LocalX - a.LocalX + (b.GlobalX - a.GlobalX) * CellSize; var y = b.LocalY - a.LocalY + (b.GlobalY - a.GlobalY) * CellSize; var z = b.LocalZ - a.LocalZ + (b.GlobalZ - a.GlobalZ) * CellSize; var m = System.Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); if (m > 0.0) { x /= m; y /= m; z /= m; } return(new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z)); }
protected virtual void LateUpdate() { var targetAlpha = 0.0f; if (floatingCamera != null && worldCamera != null) { if (currentTarget != null) { var localPosition = floatingCamera.CalculatePosition(currentTarget.CachedPoint.Position); var screenPoint = worldCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(localPosition); if (screenPoint.z >= 0.0f) { var anchoredPosition = default(Vector2); if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(parent, screenPoint, null, out anchoredPosition) == true) { rect.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition; } targetAlpha = 1.0f; if (hideIfTooClose == true) { if (SgtPosition.SqrDistance(SgtFloatingCamera.Instances.First.Value.Position, currentTarget.CachedPoint.Position) <= currentTarget.WarpDistance * currentTarget.WarpDistance) { targetAlpha = 0.0f; } } } else { alpha = 0.0f; } title.text = currentTarget.WarpName; } } var factor = SgtHelper.DampenFactor(10.0f, Time.deltaTime); alpha = Mathf.Lerp(alpha, targetAlpha, factor); group.alpha = alpha; group.blocksRaycasts = targetAlpha > 0.0f; }
/// <summary>This gives you the camera-relative position of the input SgtPosition in world space.</summary> public Vector3 CalculatePosition(ref SgtPosition input) { if (SnappedPointSet == false && UseOrigin == true) { SnappedPoint = SgtFloatingOrigin.CurrentPoint.Position; SnappedPointSet = true; } var offsetX = (input.GlobalX - SnappedPoint.GlobalX) * SgtPosition.CellSize + (input.LocalX - SnappedPoint.LocalX); var offsetY = (input.GlobalY - SnappedPoint.GlobalY) * SgtPosition.CellSize + (input.LocalY - SnappedPoint.LocalY); var offsetZ = (input.GlobalZ - SnappedPoint.GlobalZ) * SgtPosition.CellSize + (input.LocalZ - SnappedPoint.LocalZ); var scaledX = offsetX / Scale; var scaledY = offsetY / Scale; var scaledZ = offsetZ / Scale; return(new Vector3((float)scaledX, (float)scaledY, (float)scaledZ)); }
protected virtual void LateUpdate() { var floatingCamera = default(SgtFloatingCamera); var targetAlpha = 0.0f; if (SgtFloatingCamera.TryGetCamera(1, ref floatingCamera) == true) { if (CurrentTarget != null) { var localPosition = floatingCamera.CalculatePosition(ref CurrentTarget.CachedPoint.Position); var screenPoint = floatingCamera.CachedCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(localPosition); if (screenPoint.z >= 0.0f) { var anchoredPosition = default(Vector2); if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(Parent, screenPoint, null, out anchoredPosition) == true) { Rect.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition; } targetAlpha = 1.0f; if (HideIfTooClose == true) { if (SgtPosition.SqrDistance(ref SgtFloatingOrigin.CurrentPoint.Position, ref CurrentTarget.CachedPoint.Position) <= CurrentTarget.WarpDistance * CurrentTarget.WarpDistance) { targetAlpha = 0.0f; } } } else { Alpha = 0.0f; } Title.text = CurrentTarget.WarpName; } } Alpha = SgtHelper.Dampen(Alpha, targetAlpha, 10.0f, Time.deltaTime); Group.alpha = Alpha; Group.blocksRaycasts = targetAlpha > 0.0f; }
protected virtual void Update() { if (point != null) { CheckForPositionChanges(); if (OnDistance != null) { var distance = SgtPosition.Distance(ref SgtFloatingOrigin.currentPoint.Position, ref Point.Position); OnDistance(distance); } } else { expectedPositionSet = false; } }