public static double CalcDist(Point3D m, Point3D n) { return Math.Sqrt( (m.X - n.X) * (m.X - n.X) + (m.Y - n.Y) * (m.Y - n.Y) + (m.Z - n.Z) * (m.Z - n.Z)); }
public void makeRectangle(Point3D origin) { this.origin = origin; double neg = -20; double pov = 20; double near = 100; double far = 140; path = new Point3D[] { new Point3D(neg, near, pov), new Point3D(neg + 20, far, pov + 20), new Point3D(neg + 20, far, -pov + 20), new Point3D(neg + 20, near, -pov + 20), new Point3D(neg, near, -pov), new Point3D(neg, near, pov), new Point3D(pov, near, pov), new Point3D(pov, near, neg), new Point3D(neg, near, neg), new Point3D(neg, near, pov), new Point3D(pov, near, pov), new Point3D(pov + 20, far, pov + 20), new Point3D(pov + 20, far, -pov + 20), new Point3D(pov + 20, far, pov + 20), new Point3D(neg + 20, far, pov + 20), new Point3D(neg + 20, far, neg + 20), new Point3D(pov + 20, far, neg + 20), new Point3D(pov + 20, far, -pov + 20), new Point3D(pov, near, -pov), }; }
public static double DistanceBetweenPoints(Point3D firstPoint, Point3D secondPoint) { double deltaX = firstPoint.XPos - secondPoint.XPos; double deltaY = firstPoint.YPos - secondPoint.YPos; double deltaZ = firstPoint.ZPos - secondPoint.ZPos; return Math.Sqrt(deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY + deltaZ*deltaZ); }
public static Path GetPathFromFile(string filePath) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath); using (sr) { Point3D currentPoint = new Point3D(); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string currentLine = sr.ReadLine(); int value = int.Parse(currentLine.Substring(2)); if (currentLine[0] == 'x') { currentPoint = new Point3D(); currentPoint.XPos = value; } else if (currentLine[0] == 'y') { currentPoint.YPos = value; } else if (currentLine[0] == 'z') { currentPoint.ZPos = value; path.AddPoint(currentPoint); } } } return path; }
public void PathTestSimpleTest() { Point3D a = new Point3D(1, 1, 1); Point3D b = new Point3D(2, 2, 2); somePath.AddPoint(a); somePath.AddPoint(b); Assert.IsTrue(somePath.GetPath()[0].Equals(a)); Assert.IsTrue(somePath.GetPath()[1].Equals(b)); }
public Point3D CrossProduct(Point3D p1, Point3D p2) { Point3D p3; p3 = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); p3.x = p1.y * p2.z - p1.z * p2.y; p3.y = p1.z * p2.x - p1.x * p2.z; p3.z = p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x; return p3; }
public void Normalise(Point3D v) { double length; length = Math.Sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z); v.x /= length; v.y /= length; v.z /= length; }
public void Point3DCreation() { Point3D somePoint = new Point3D(); somePoint.XPos = 4; somePoint.YPos = 5; somePoint.ZPos = 6; Assert.IsTrue(somePoint.XPos == 4); Assert.IsTrue(somePoint.YPos == 5); Assert.IsTrue(somePoint.ZPos == 6); }
public Point3D cross(Point3D p2) { Point3D p1 = this.normalize(); Point3D p3; p3 = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); p3.x = p1.y * p2.z - p1.z * p2.y; p3.y = p1.z * p2.x - p1.x * p2.z; p3.z = p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x; return p3; }
public bool EqualVertex(Point3D p1, Point3D p2) { if (Math.Abs(p1.x - p2.x) > EPSILON) return (false); if (Math.Abs(p1.y - p2.y) > EPSILON) return (false); if (Math.Abs(p1.z - p2.z) > EPSILON) return (false); return (true); }
// x is up/down, z is left/right public void rotateCamera(double rotx, double rotz, double roty) { double radrotx = Math.PI * rotx / 180; double radrotz = -Math.PI * rotz / 180; double radroty = Math.PI * roty / 180; double cosx = Math.Cos(radrotx); double sinx = Math.Sin(radrotx); double cosz = Math.Cos(radrotz); double sinz = Math.Sin(radrotz); double cosy = Math.Cos(radroty); double siny = Math.Cos(radroty); facing = facing - pos; axes[0] -= pos; axes[1] -= pos; axes[2] -= pos; if (rotx != 0) { facing = new Point3D(facing.x, facing.y * cosx + facing.z * sinx, facing.y * -1 * sinx + facing.z * cosx); // x //orient = new Point3D(orient.x, orient.y * cosx + orient.z * sinx, orient.y * -1 * sinx + orient.z * cosx); // x axes[1] = new Point3D(axes[1].x, axes[1].y * cosx + axes[1].z * sinx, axes[1].y * -1 * sinx + axes[1].z * cosx); // x axes[2] = new Point3D(axes[2].x, axes[2].y * cosx + axes[2].z * sinx, axes[2].y * -1 * sinx + axes[2].z * cosx); // x } if (rotz != 0) { facing = new Point3D(facing.x * cosz + facing.y * -1 * sinz, facing.x * sinz + facing.y * cosz, facing.z); // z axes[0] = new Point3D(axes[0].x * cosz + axes[0].y * -1 * sinz, axes[0].x * sinz + axes[0].y * cosz, axes[0].z); // z axes[1] = new Point3D(axes[1].x * cosz + axes[1].y * -1 * sinz, axes[1].x * sinz + axes[1].y * cosz, axes[1].z); // z } if (roty != 0) { axes[0] = new Point3D(axes[0].x * cosy + axes[0].z * -1 * siny, axes[0].y, axes[0].x * siny + axes[0].z * cosy); // y axes[2] = new Point3D(axes[2].x * cosy + axes[2].z * -1 * siny, axes[2].y, axes[2].x * siny + axes[2].z * cosy); // y } facing = facing + pos; axes[0].normalize(); axes[1].normalize(); axes[2].normalize(); axes[0] += pos; axes[1] += pos; axes[2] += pos; /* orient = orient - pos; orient = new Point3D(orient.x, orient.y * cosx + orient.z * sinx, orient.y * -1 * sinx + orient.z * cosx); orient = new Point3D(orient.x * cosz + orient.y * -1 * sinz, orient.x * sinz + orient.y * cosz, orient.z); orient = orient + pos; */ }
public double zoom; // distance from camera to plane #endregion Fields #region Constructors public CAMERA() { pos = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); facing = new Point3D(0, 1, 0); up = new Point3D(0, 0, 1); axes = new Point3D[] { new Point3D(1,0,0), new Point3D(0,1,0), new Point3D(0,0,1), }; angleh = 45.0; anglev = 45.0; zoom = 1.0; front = 1.0; back = 1000.0; // viewing range projection = 0; }
public projection(CAMERA camera) { EPSILON = 0.001; DTOR = 0.01745329252; = camera; screen = new SCREEN(); origin = new Point3D(); basisa = new Point3D(); viewVec = new Point3D(); basisc = new Point3D(); p1 = new Point2D(); p2 = new Point2D(); e1 = new Point3D(); e2 = new Point3D(); n1 = new Point3D(); n2 = new Point3D(); if (Trans_Initialise() != true) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in initializing variable"); } }
static void Main() { Point3D m = Point3D.StartPoint; Point3D n = new Point3D(1, 3, 5); Point3D p = new Point3D(2, 4, 6); Console.WriteLine("Distance: {0:f2}", Distance.CalcDist(n, p)); Path path = new Path(); path.AddPoint(m); path.AddPoint(n); path.AddPoint(p); Console.WriteLine(path); PathStorage.Save(path, "Path.txt"); Console.WriteLine(PathStorage.Load("Path.txt")); //Console.WriteLine(PathStorage.Load("noPath.txt")); var myMatrix = new Matrix<int>(2, 3); Console.WriteLine(string.Join("; ", myMatrix)); myMatrix[0, 0] = 10; var newMatrix = new Matrix<int>(4, 2); newMatrix[1, 0] = 7; newMatrix = myMatrix * newMatrix; //Type type = typeof(Matrix<>); //object[] allAttributes = // type.GetCustomAttributes(true); //foreach (VersionAttribute attr in allAttributes) //{ // Console.WriteLine("This class is version {0}.{1} ", type.attr.major, attr.minor); //} }
public void AddPoint(Point3D point) { pathPoints.Add(point); }
public Figure3D(Point3D origin, Point3D[] path) { this.origin = origin; this.path = path; }
public void Trans_World2Eye(Point3D w, Point3D e) { /* Translate world so that the camera is at the origin */ w.x -= camera.pos.x; w.y -= camera.pos.y; w.z -= camera.pos.z; /* Convert to eye coordinates using basis vectors */ e.x = w.x * basisa.x + w.y * basisa.y + w.z * basisa.z; e.y = w.x * viewVec.x + w.y * viewVec.y + w.z * viewVec.z; e.z = w.x * basisc.x + w.y * basisc.y + w.z * basisc.z; }
public void Trans_Norm2Screen(Point3D norm, Point2D projected) { //MessageBox.Show("the value of are"); projected.h = Convert.ToInt32( - screen.size.h * norm.x / 2); projected.v = Convert.ToInt32( - screen.size.v * norm.z / 2); }
//public bool Trans_Point(); public bool Trans_Line(Point3D w1, Point3D w2) { Trans_World2Eye(w1, e1); Trans_World2Eye(w2, e2); if (Trans_ClipEye(e1, e2)) { Trans_Eye2Norm(e1, n1); Trans_Eye2Norm(e2, n2); if (Trans_ClipNorm(n1, n2)) { Trans_Norm2Screen(n1, p1); Trans_Norm2Screen(n2, p2); return (true); } } return (true); }
public bool Trans_Initialise() { /* Is the camera position and view vector coincident ? */ if (EqualVertex(camera.axes[1], camera.pos)) { return (false); } /* Is there a legal camera up vector ? */ if (EqualVertex(camera.up, origin)) { return (false); } viewVec.x = camera.axes[1].x - camera.pos.x;// view direction viewVec.y = camera.axes[1].y - camera.pos.y; viewVec.z = camera.axes[1].z - camera.pos.z; Normalise(viewVec); basisa = CrossProduct(camera.up, viewVec); Normalise(basisa); /* Are the up vector and view direction colinear */ if (EqualVertex(basisa, origin)) { return (false); } basisc = CrossProduct(viewVec, basisa); /* Do we have legal camera apertures ? */ if (camera.angleh < EPSILON || camera.anglev < EPSILON) { return (false); } /* Calculate camera aperture statics, note: angles in degrees */ tanthetah = Math.Tan(camera.angleh * DTOR / 2); tanthetav = Math.Tan(camera.anglev * DTOR / 2); /* Do we have a legal camera zoom ? */ if (camera.zoom < EPSILON) { return (false); } /* Are the clipping planes legal ? */ if (camera.front < 0 || camera.back < 0 || camera.back <= camera.front) { return (false); } return true; }
public void Trans_Eye2Norm(Point3D e, Point3D n) { double d; if (camera.projection == 0) { d = camera.zoom / e.y; n.x = d * e.x / tanthetah; n.y = e.y; n.z = d * e.z / tanthetav; } else { n.x = camera.zoom * e.x / tanthetah; n.y = e.y; n.z = camera.zoom * e.z / tanthetav; } }
static void Main() { Point3D firstPoint = new Point3D(0, 1, 2); Console.WriteLine(firstPoint); Console.WriteLine(Point3D.StartingPoint); }
public bool Trans_ClipEye(Point3D e1, Point3D e2) { double mu; /* Is the vector totally in front of the front cutting plane ? */ if (e1.y <= camera.front && e2.y <= camera.front) { return (false); } /* Is the vector totally behind the back cutting plane ? */ if (e1.y >= camera.back && e2.y >= camera.back) { return (false); } /* Is the vector partly in front of the front cutting plane ? */ if ((e1.y < camera.front && e2.y > camera.front) || (e1.y > camera.front && e2.y < camera.front)) { mu = (camera.front - e1.y) / (e2.y - e1.y); if (e1.y < camera.front) { e1.x = e1.x + mu * (e2.x - e1.x); e1.z = e1.z + mu * (e2.z - e1.z); e1.y = camera.front; } else { e2.x = e1.x + mu * (e2.x - e1.x); e2.z = e1.z + mu * (e2.z - e1.z); e2.y = camera.front; } } /* Is the vector partly behind the back cutting plane ? */ if ((e1.y < camera.back && e2.y > camera.back) || (e1.y > camera.back && e2.y < camera.back)) { mu = (camera.back - e1.y) / (e2.y - e1.y); if (e1.y < camera.back) { e2.x = e1.x + mu * (e2.x - e1.x); e2.z = e1.z + mu * (e2.z - e1.z); e2.y = camera.back; } else { e1.x = e1.x + mu * (e2.x - e1.x); e1.z = e1.z + mu * (e2.z - e1.z); e1.y = camera.back; } } return (true); }
public Figure3D(Point3D origin) { this.origin = origin; this.makeRectangle(origin); }
public Point3D(Point3D p) { x = p.x; y = p.y; z = p.z; }
public bool Trans_ClipNorm(Point3D n1, Point3D n2) { double mu; /* Is the line segment totally right of x = 1 ? */ if (n1.x >= 1 && n2.x >= 1) return (false); /* Is the line segment totally left of x = -1 ? */ if (n1.x <= -1 && n2.x <= -1) return (false); /* Does the vector cross x = 1 ? */ if ((n1.x > 1 && n2.x < 1) || (n1.x < 1 && n2.x > 1)) { mu = (1 - n1.x) / (n2.x - n1.x); if (n1.x < 1) { n2.z = n1.z + mu * (n2.z - n1.z); n2.x = 1; } else { n1.z = n1.z + mu * (n2.z - n1.z); n1.x = 1; } } /* Does the vector cross x = -1 ? */ if ((n1.x < -1 && n2.x > -1) || (n1.x > -1 && n2.x < -1)) { mu = (-1 - n1.x) / (n2.x - n1.x); if (n1.x > -1) { n2.z = n1.z + mu * (n2.z - n1.z); n2.x = -1; } else { n1.z = n1.z + mu * (n2.z - n1.z); n1.x = -1; } } /* Is the line segment totally above z = 1 ? */ if (n1.z >= 1 && n2.z >= 1) return (false); /* Is the line segment totally below z = -1 ? */ if (n1.z <= -1 && n2.z <= -1) return (false); /* Does the vector cross z = 1 ? */ if ((n1.z > 1 && n2.z < 1) || (n1.z < 1 && n2.z > 1)) { mu = (1 - n1.z) / (n2.z - n1.z); if (n1.z < 1) { n2.x = n1.x + mu * (n2.x - n1.x); n2.z = 1; } else { n1.x = n1.x + mu * (n2.x - n1.x); n1.z = 1; } } /* Does the vector cross z = -1 ? */ if ((n1.z < -1 && n2.z > -1) || (n1.z > -1 && n2.z < -1)) { mu = (-1 - n1.z) / (n2.z - n1.z); if (n1.z > -1) { n2.x = n1.x + mu * (n2.x - n1.x); n2.z = -1; } else { n1.x = n1.x + mu * (n2.x - n1.x); n1.z = -1; } } return (true); }
public void AddPoint(Point3D p) { this.points.Add(p); }
static Point3D() { Point3D.startingPoint = new Point3D(0, 0, 0); }