public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string imgID = context.Request.QueryString["id"];

            SCSMOC.SmartObjectClientServer smoSvr = new SCSMOC.SmartObjectClientServer();

                SCSMOC.SmartObject smoObj = smoSvr.GetSmartObject("DigitalSignature");
                smoObj.Properties["ID"].Value = imgID;

                smoObj.MethodToExecute = "Load";
                smoObj = smoSvr.ExecuteScalar(smoObj);

                if (smoSvr.Connection != null && smoSvr.Connection.IsConnected)
コード例 #2
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            #region Get image in PNG format
            //take JSON string and convert to png
            string jsonStr = context.Request.Form["json"];

            SignatureToImage sit = new SignatureToImage();

            #region set the width and height (IMPORTANT!!)
                sit.CanvasWidth = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["width"]);
                sit.CanvasWidth = 200;
                sit.CanvasHeight = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["height"]);
                sit.CanvasHeight = 60;

            Bitmap bitmapImg = sit.SigJsonToImage(jsonStr);

            string pngStr = string.Empty;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                bitmapImg.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                byte[] pngBin = new byte[ms.Length];
                pngBin = ms.ToArray();
                pngStr = "data:image/png;base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(pngBin);

            #region save to smartobject and return the new obj ID
            SCSMOC.SmartObjectClientServer smoSvr = new SCSMOC.SmartObjectClientServer();

                SCSMOC.SmartObject smoObj = smoSvr.GetSmartObject("DigitalSignature");
                smoObj.Properties["Signature"].Value = pngStr;
                smoObj.Properties["FormURL"].Value   = context.Request.Form["url"];
                smoObj.Properties["UserFQN"].Value   = context.Request.Form["fqn"];
                smoObj.Properties["Date"].Value      = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                smoObj.MethodToExecute = "Create";
                smoObj = smoSvr.ExecuteScalar(smoObj);

                if (smoSvr.Connection != null && smoSvr.Connection.IsConnected)
        private void FindUserInRole()
            ServiceObject serviceObject = this.Service.ServiceObjects[0];

            DataTable results = this.ServicePackage.ResultTable;
            DataRow row;
            bool isRoleMember = false;

            UserRoleManager urmServer = new UserRoleManager();
            using (urmServer.CreateConnection())
                Role role = urmServer.GetRole(serviceObject.Properties[Constants.Properties.RoleName].Value as string);
                if (role == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(Constants.ErrorText.RoleNotExist);

                foreach (RoleItem roleItem in role.Include)
                    string roleItemName = roleItem.Name;

                    if (roleItem is UserItem)
                        // check if the specified username matches the current roleItem name
                        if (serviceObject.Properties[Constants.Properties.RoleItem].Value.ToString() == roleItem.Name)
                            // user exist in role
                            row = results.NewRow();
                            results.Rows.Add(FillResultRow(row, true));
                            isRoleMember = true;
                        // It is a group item, use the smartobject method UMUser.Get_Group_Users to resolve all group users  
                        // Open a K2 Server connection
                        smartobjectClient.SmartObjectClientServer smoServer = new smartobjectClient.SmartObjectClientServer();

                        // Get a handle to the ' UMUser' SmartObject
                        smartobjectClient.SmartObject umUser = smoServer.GetSmartObject("UMUser");

                        // Specify which method will be called
                        smartobjectClient.SmartListMethod getGroupUsers = umUser.ListMethods["Get_Group_Users"];
                        umUser.MethodToExecute = getGroupUsers.Name;

                        // Split FQN in SecurityLabel and groupname
                        string[] fqn = roleItem.Name.Split(':');
                        // Set the input properties
                        getGroupUsers.InputProperties["Labelname"].Value = fqn[0];
                        getGroupUsers.InputProperties["Group_name"].Value = fqn[1];

                        // Call the method
                        smartobjectClient.SmartObjectList smartObjectGroupUsers = smoServer.ExecuteList(umUser);

                        List<string> groupUsers = new List<string>();

                        foreach (smartobjectClient.SmartObject smo in smartObjectGroupUsers.SmartObjectsList)

                        foreach (string user in groupUsers)
                            // check if the specified username matches the current roleItem name
                            if (serviceObject.Properties[Constants.Properties.RoleItem].Value.ToString() == user)
                                // user exist in role
                                row = results.NewRow();
                                results.Rows.Add(FillResultRow(row, true));
                                isRoleMember = true;

                // the specified user is not found in the specified role
                if (!isRoleMember)
                    row = results.NewRow();
                    results.Rows.Add(FillResultRow(row, false));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Import data from Excel file into SmartObject
        /// </summary>
        private void Import(FileProperty excelFile, string sheetName, string smartObject, string createMethodName, string headerRowSpaces, string transactionIDName,
                            string transactionIDValue)
            // arrays to store the imported column names and also the SmartObject column names
            // this will be used later to get a list of matching columns.
            string[] dsColumnNames = null, soColumnNames = null;

            // To store returned values from Excel file
            DataTable dt;

            // Read Data in excel file
                dt = ReadExcelFile(excelFile, sheetName);

                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException(Resources.ExcelImportNoRowsImported);
                if (dt.Columns.Count == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException(Resources.ExcelImportNoColumnsFound);

                // populate an array of column names
                dsColumnNames = new string[dt.Columns.Count];
                foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(headerRowSpaces) && string.Compare(headerRowSpaces.Trim(), "remove", true) == 0)
                        col.ColumnName = col.ColumnName.Replace(" ", "");
                    else  // by default replace spaces with underscores as SmartObject system names do that
                        col.ColumnName = col.ColumnName.Replace(" ", "_");
                    // just get rid of other (non-underscore or hyphen) punctuation which is also invalid
                    col.ColumnName             = Regex.Replace(col.ColumnName, @"[\p{P}\p{S}-[-_]]", "");
                    dsColumnNames[col.Ordinal] = col.ColumnName.ToLower();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(Resources.ExcelImportUnabledToReadExcelFile, ex);

            // If able to read data from Excel File, continue to bulk insert into SmartObject.
                SOC.SmartObjectClientServer smoClientServer = this.ServiceBroker.K2Connection.GetConnection <SOC.SmartObjectClientServer>();

                // get the list of columns from the SmartObject, call the Create method by default
                using (smoClientServer.Connection)
                    SOC.SmartObject soImport = smoClientServer.GetSmartObject(smartObject);

                    // populate an array of column names
                    soColumnNames = new string[soImport.Properties.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < soImport.Properties.Count; i++)
                        soColumnNames[i] = soImport.Properties[i].Name.ToLower();

                    var arrMatchingCols = dsColumnNames.Join(soColumnNames, dscol => dscol, socol => socol, (dscol, socol) => socol).ToList();

                    if (arrMatchingCols.Count == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException(Resources.ExcelImportNoMatchingColumnsInSmO);

                    // Bulk Insert into SmartObject
                        using (SOC.SmartObjectList inputList = new SOC.SmartObjectList())
                            // If the CreateMethodName is not specified, use the default value of "Create"
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(createMethodName))
                                soImport.MethodToExecute = "Create";
                                soImport.MethodToExecute = createMethodName;

                            string sTransactionIDName = string.Empty;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionIDName))
                                sTransactionIDName = transactionIDName.ToLower();

                            string sTransactionIDValue = string.Empty;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionIDValue))
                                sTransactionIDValue = transactionIDValue;

                            if (arrMatchingCols.Contains(sTransactionIDName))
                                throw new ApplicationException(Resources.ExcelImportTransactionIDNameExist);

                            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                SOC.SmartObject newSmartObject = soImport.Clone();
                                // loop through collection of matching fields and insert the values
                                foreach (string sColName in arrMatchingCols)
                                    // for handling date and datetime types
                                    DateTime tmpDate;
                                    int      nonblankCharCount = dr[sColName].ToString().Length; //It is plausible that there will valid cases of null/empty cells

                                    // handle Date amd DateTime columns correctly.  Convert Excel datetime format (double) to .NET DateTime type
                                    if (nonblankCharCount > 0 && newSmartObject.Properties[sColName].Type == SOC.PropertyType.DateTime) // DateTime column
                                        tmpDate = DateTime.FromOADate(Convert.ToDouble(dr[sColName].ToString()));
                                        newSmartObject.Properties[sColName].Value = String.Concat(tmpDate.ToShortDateString(), " ", tmpDate.ToShortTimeString());
                                    else if (nonblankCharCount > 0 && newSmartObject.Properties[sColName].Type == SOC.PropertyType.Date) // Date column
                                        tmpDate = DateTime.FromOADate(Convert.ToDouble(dr[sColName].ToString()));
                                        newSmartObject.Properties[sColName].Value = tmpDate.ToShortDateString();
                                    else if (nonblankCharCount > 0 && newSmartObject.Properties[sColName].Type == SOC.PropertyType.Time) // Time column
                                        tmpDate = DateTime.FromOADate(Convert.ToDouble(dr[sColName].ToString()));
                                        newSmartObject.Properties[sColName].Value = tmpDate.ToShortTimeString();
                                    else // not a Date or DateTime column
                                        newSmartObject.Properties[sColName].Value = dr[sColName].ToString();

                                // Add the transaction ID value for identification purposes.
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTransactionIDName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTransactionIDValue))
                                    // replace spaces with underscores as SmartObject system names do that
                                    newSmartObject.Properties[sTransactionIDName.Replace(" ", "_")].Value = sTransactionIDValue;


                            smoClientServer.ExecuteBulkScalar(soImport, inputList);
                        // free objects
                        arrMatchingCols = null;
                        soImport        = null;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception(Resources.ExcelImportUnabledToInsertIntoSmO, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(Resources.ExcelImportUnabledToConnectToK2Server, ex);