private static void Main( string[] args ) { log.Info( string.Format( "sort-names - executed with {0} argument: {1}", args.Length, string.Join( ",", args ) ) ); if ( args == null || args.Length != 1 ) { // Show usage if called incorrectly Console.WriteLine( "Usage" ); Console.WriteLine( "- requires one parameter that represents a text file containing a list of names." ); Console.WriteLine( "- the text file names are last name then first name, separated by a comma." ); Console.WriteLine( "- will write a text file containing list of names sorted by last name then first name." ); Console.WriteLine( "- output text file will be named <input-file-name>-sorted.txt at the same location." ); } else { // Parse the name file, parser will return appropriate message to display, also output FileInfo of created output file var parser = new NameFileParser(); FileInfo outputFile; var message = parser.CreateSortedFile( args[0], out outputFile ); log.Debug( string.Format( "sort-names - message: {0}", message ) ); Console.WriteLine( message ); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Press any key to exit" ); Console.ReadKey( true ); }
public void SetupTests() { setup = new TestFileSetup(); parser = new NameFileParser(); mocks = new MockRepository(); mockedParser = mocks.PartialMock<NameFileParser>(); }