コード例 #1
        private async void addToBlacklist(string search)
            //Check if the string is empty
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(search))

            // If the API is not connected just don't do anything?
            if (APIHandler.spotify == null)
                MessageDialogResult msgResult = await this.ShowMessageAsync("Notification", "Spotify is not connected. You need to connect to Spotify in order to fill the blacklist.", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative);


            // Perform a search via the spotify API
            SpotifyAPI.Web.Models.SearchItem searchItem = APIHandler.GetArtist(search);
            if (searchItem.Artists.Items.Count <= 0)

            SpotifyAPI.Web.Models.FullArtist fullartist = searchItem.Artists.Items[0];

            foreach (object item in ListView_Blacklist.Items)
                if (item.ToString() == fullartist.Name)

コード例 #2
ファイル: TwitchHandler.cs プロジェクト: Lasek2/Songify
        private static void AddSong(string trackID, OnMessageReceivedArgs e)
            // loads the blacklist from settings
            string[] Blacklist = Settings.ArtistBlacklist.Split(new[] { "|||" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            string   response;
            // gets the track information using spotify api
            FullTrack track = APIHandler.GetTrack(trackID);

            // checks if one of the artist in the requested song is on the blacklist
            foreach (string s in Blacklist)
                if (Array.IndexOf(track.Artists.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray(), s) != -1)
                    // if artist is on blacklist, skip and inform requester
                    response = Settings.Bot_Resp_Blacklist;
                    response = response.Replace("{user}", e.ChatMessage.DisplayName);
                    response = response.Replace("{artist}", s);
                    response = response.Replace("{title}", "");
                    response = response.Replace("{maxreq}", "");
                    response = response.Replace("{errormsg}", "");
                    response = CleanFormatString(response);

                    _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, response);

            // checks if song length is longer or equal to 10 minutes
            if (track.DurationMs >= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10).TotalMilliseconds)
                // if track length exceeds 10 minutes skip and inform requster
                response = Settings.Bot_Resp_Length;
                response = response.Replace("{user}", e.ChatMessage.DisplayName);
                response = response.Replace("{artist}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{title}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{maxreq}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{errormsg}", "");
                response = CleanFormatString(response);

                _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, response);

            // checks if the song is already in the queue
            if (isInQueue(track.Id))
                // if the song is already in the queue skip and inform requester
                response = Settings.Bot_Resp_IsInQueue;
                response = response.Replace("{user}", e.ChatMessage.DisplayName);
                response = response.Replace("{artist}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{title}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{maxreq}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{errormsg}", "");
                response = CleanFormatString(response);

                _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, response);

            // checks if the user has already the max amount of songs in the queue
            if (MaxQueueItems(e.ChatMessage.DisplayName))
                // if the user reached max requests in the queue skip and inform requester
                response = Settings.Bot_Resp_MaxReq;
                response = response.Replace("{user}", e.ChatMessage.DisplayName);
                response = response.Replace("{artist}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{title}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{maxreq}", Settings.TwSRMaxReq.ToString());
                response = response.Replace("{errormsg}", "");
                response = CleanFormatString(response);
                _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, response);

            // generate the spotifyURI using the track id
            string SpotifyURI = "spotify:track:" + trackID;

            // try adding the song to the queue using the URI
            SpotifyAPI.Web.Models.ErrorResponse error = APIHandler.AddToQ(SpotifyURI);
            if (error.Error != null)
                // if an error has been encountered, log it, inform the requester and skip
                Logger.LogStr(error.Error.Message + "\n" + error.Error.Status);
                response = Settings.Bot_Resp_Error;
                response = response.Replace("{user}", e.ChatMessage.DisplayName);
                response = response.Replace("{artist}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{title}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{maxreq}", "");
                response = response.Replace("{errormsg}", error.Error.Message);

                _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, response);

            // if everything workes so far, inform the user that the song has been added to the queue
            response = Settings.Bot_Resp_Success;
            response = response.Replace("{user}", e.ChatMessage.DisplayName);
            response = response.Replace("{artist}", track.Artists[0].Name);
            response = response.Replace("{title}", track.Name);
            response = response.Replace("{maxreq}", "");
            response = response.Replace("{errormsg}", "");
            _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, response);

            // Upload the track and who requested it to the queue on the server
            UploadToQueue(track, e.ChatMessage.DisplayName);

            // Add the song to the internal queue and update the queue window if its open
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                Window mw = null, qw = null;
                foreach (Window window in Application.Current.Windows)
                    if (window.GetType() == typeof(MainWindow))
                        mw = window;
                    if (window.GetType() == typeof(Window_Queue))
                        qw = window;
                if (mw != null)
                    (mw as MainWindow).ReqList.Add(new RequestObject
                        Requester = e.ChatMessage.DisplayName,
                        TrackID   = track.Id,
                        Title     = track.Name,
                        Artists   = track.Artists[0].Name,
                        Length    = FormattedTime(track.DurationMs)

                if (qw != null)
                    //(qw as Window_Queue).dgv_Queue.ItemsSource.
                    (qw as Window_Queue).dgv_Queue.Items.Refresh();
コード例 #3
ファイル: TwitchHandler.cs プロジェクト: Lasek2/Songify
        private static void _client_OnMessageReceived(object sender, OnMessageReceivedArgs e)
            if (Settings.MsgLoggingEnabled)
                // If message logging is enabled and the reward was triggered, save it to the settings (if settings window is open, write it to the textbox)
                if (e.ChatMessage.CustomRewardId != null)
                    Settings.TwRewardID = e.ChatMessage.CustomRewardId;

                    Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                        foreach (Window window in Application.Current.Windows)
                            if (window.GetType() == typeof(Window_Settings))
                                (window as Window_Settings).txtbx_RewardID.Text = e.ChatMessage.CustomRewardId;

            // if the reward is the same with the desired reward for the requests
            if (Settings.TwSRReward && e.ChatMessage.CustomRewardId == Settings.TwRewardID)
                if (IsUserBlocked(e.ChatMessage.DisplayName))
                    _client.SendWhisper(e.ChatMessage.Username, "You are blocked from making Songrequests");

                if (APIHandler.spotify == null)
                    _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, "It seems that Spotify is not connected right now.");

                // if Spotify is connected and working manipulate the string and call methods to get the song info accordingly
                if (e.ChatMessage.Message.StartsWith("spotify:track:"))
                    // search for a track with the id
                    string TrackID = e.ChatMessage.Message.Replace("spotify:track:", "");

                    // add the track to the spotify queue and pass the OnMessageReceivedArgs (contains user who requested the song etc)
                    AddSong(TrackID, e);

                else if (e.ChatMessage.Message.StartsWith("https://open.spotify.com/track/"))
                    string trackid = e.ChatMessage.Message.Replace("https://open.spotify.com/track/", "");
                    trackid = trackid.Split('?')[0];
                    AddSong(trackid, e);

                    // search for a track with a search string from chat
                    SearchItem searchItem = APIHandler.FindTrack(e.ChatMessage.Message);
                    if (searchItem.Tracks.Items.Count > 0)
                        // if a track was found convert the object to FullTrack (easier use than searchItem)
                        FullTrack fullTrack = searchItem.Tracks.Items[0];

                        // add the track to the spotify queue and pass the OnMessageReceivedArgs (contains user who requested the song etc)
                        AddSong(fullTrack.Id, e);
                        string response;
                        // if no track has been found inform the requester
                        response = Settings.Bot_Resp_Error;
                        response = response.Replace("{user}", e.ChatMessage.DisplayName);
                        response = response.Replace("{artist}", "");
                        response = response.Replace("{title}", "");
                        response = response.Replace("{maxreq}", "");
                        response = response.Replace("{errormsg}", "");

                        _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, response);

            // Same code from above but it reacts to a command instead of rewards
            if (Settings.TwSRCommand && e.ChatMessage.Message.StartsWith("!ssr"))
                // Do nothing if the user is blocked, don't even reply
                if (IsUserBlocked(e.ChatMessage.DisplayName))
                    _client.SendWhisper(e.ChatMessage.DisplayName, "You are blocked from making Songrequests");

                // if onCooldown skip
                if (onCooldown)

                if (APIHandler.spotify == null)
                    _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, "It seems that Spotify is not connected right now.");

                // if Spotify is connected and working manipulate the string and call methods to get the song info accordingly
                string[] msgSplit = e.ChatMessage.Message.Split(' ');

                // Prevent crash on command without args
                if (msgSplit.Length <= 1)
                    _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, "@" + e.ChatMessage.DisplayName + " please specify a song to add to the queue.");
                if (msgSplit[1].StartsWith("spotify:track:"))
                    // search for a track with the id
                    string trackID = msgSplit[1].Replace("spotify:track:", "");
                    // add the track to the spotify queue and pass the OnMessageReceivedArgs (contains user who requested the song etc)
                    AddSong(trackID, e);

                else if (msgSplit[1].StartsWith("https://open.spotify.com/track/"))
                    string trackid = msgSplit[1].Replace("https://open.spotify.com/track/", "");
                    trackid = trackid.Split('?')[0];
                    AddSong(trackid, e);
                    string searchString = e.ChatMessage.Message.Replace("!ssr ", "");
                    // search for a track with a search string from chat
                    SearchItem searchItem = APIHandler.FindTrack(searchString);
                    if (searchItem.Tracks.Items.Count > 0)
                        // if a track was found convert the object to FullTrack (easier use than searchItem)
                        FullTrack fullTrack = searchItem.Tracks.Items[0];
                        // add the track to the spotify queue and pass the OnMessageReceivedArgs (contains user who requested the song etc)
                        AddSong(fullTrack.Id, e);
                        string response;
                        // if no track has been found inform the requester
                        response = Settings.Bot_Resp_Error;
                        response = response.Replace("{user}", e.ChatMessage.DisplayName);
                        response = response.Replace("{artist}", "");
                        response = response.Replace("{title}", "");
                        response = response.Replace("{maxreq}", "");
                        response = response.Replace("{errormsg}", "");

                        _client.SendMessage(e.ChatMessage.Channel, response);
                // start the command cooldown
コード例 #4
ファイル: MainWindow.xaml.cs プロジェクト: mart910322/Songify
        private void MetroWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;

            currentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(MyHandler);

            if (File.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.Location) + "/log.log"))
                File.Delete(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.Location) + "/log.log");

            if (Settings.AutoClearQueue)
                WebHelper.UpdateWebQueue("", "", "", "", "", "1", "c");

            Settings.MsgLoggingEnabled = false;
            // Load Config file if one exists
            if (File.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.Location) + "/config.xml"))
                ConfigHandler.LoadConfig(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.Location) + "/config.xml");

            // Add sources to combobox

            // Create systray menu and icon and show it
            _menuItem1.Text   = @"Exit";
            _menuItem1.Click += MenuItem1Click;
            _menuItem2.Text   = @"Show";
            _menuItem2.Click += MenuItem2Click;

            _contextMenu.MenuItems.AddRange(new[] { _menuItem2, _menuItem1 });

            NotifyIcon.Icon         = Properties.Resources.songify;
            NotifyIcon.ContextMenu  = _contextMenu;
            NotifyIcon.Visible      = true;
            NotifyIcon.DoubleClick += MenuItem2Click;
            NotifyIcon.Text         = @"Songify";

            // set the current theme

            // start minimized in systray (hide)
            if (WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)

            // get the software version from assembly
            Assembly        assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            FileVersionInfo fvi      = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);

            Version = fvi.FileVersion;

            // generate UUID if not exists, expand the window and show the telemetrydisclaimer
            if (Settings.Uuid == "")
                Width         = 588 + 200;
                Height        = 247.881 + 200;
                Settings.Uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // start the timer that sends telemetry every 5 Minutes

            // check for update

            // set the cbx index to the correct source
            cbx_Source.SelectedIndex     = Settings.Source;
            _selectedSource              = cbx_Source.SelectedValue.ToString();
            cbx_Source.SelectionChanged += Cbx_Source_SelectionChanged;

            // text in the bottom right
            LblCopyright.Content =
                "Songify v" + Version.Substring(0, 5) + " Copyright © Jan \"Inzaniity\" Blömacher";

            if (_selectedSource == PlayerType.SpotifyWeb)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.AccessToken) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.RefreshToken))
                    TxtblockLiveoutput.Text = "Please link your Spotify account\nSettings -> Integration";

                img_cover.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                img_cover.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            if (Settings.TwAutoConnect)

            // automatically start fetching songs