コード例 #1
        // update all object members on a row in table based on primary key, on a transaction
        // the transaction and or connection state is not changed in any way other than what SqlClient does to it.
        // it is the callers responsibility to commit or rollback the transaction
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/b798ad6b-f4b8-466a-9086-6588a814fcf3
        public void Update(CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract contract, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction)
            var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();

            ContractToData(contract, data);
            data.Update(connection, transaction);
コード例 #2
 // transfer model object to data object
 // links:
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/95875d99-b7f7-4a9e-baa4-3fbe9925d8a2
 public static void ModelToData(CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel model, CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData data)
     data.BookingPassengerEventTypeRcd  = model.BookingPassengerEventTypeRcd;
     data.BookingPassengerEventTypeName = model.BookingPassengerEventTypeName;
     data.UserId   = model.UserId;
     data.DateTime = model.DateTime;
コード例 #3
        // update all object members on a row in table based on primary key
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/ce75e72e-fb16-4f4e-a2e6-dbd079dfa206
        public void Update(CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract contract)
            var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();

            ContractToData(contract, data);
コード例 #4
        // transfer model to data and update
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/658fda50-2ad3-414e-9299-2b399d17a057
        public void Update(CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel model)
            var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();

            ModelToData(model, data);
コード例 #5
        // transfer model to data and update, on a transaction
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/aa07e05b-edc8-4e09-bf93-bf2a40c93c09
        public void Update(CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel model, SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction)
            var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();

            ModelToData(model, data);
            data.Update(connection, transaction);
コード例 #6
 // copy all columns from a serialized data object to a SOAP Contract
 // links:
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/7553d6dd-da65-4a72-84c8-81f2f99ef4f5
 public static void DataToContract(CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData data, CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract contract)
     contract.BookingPassengerEventTypeRcd  = data.BookingPassengerEventTypeRcd;
     contract.BookingPassengerEventTypeName = data.BookingPassengerEventTypeName;
     contract.UserId   = data.UserId;
     contract.DateTime = data.DateTime;
コード例 #7
 // transfer data object to model object
 // links:
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/43d57600-5ff5-4ef8-9330-123773d100d3
 public static void DataToModel(CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData data, CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel model)
     model.BookingPassengerEventTypeRcd  = data.BookingPassengerEventTypeRcd;
     model.BookingPassengerEventTypeName = data.BookingPassengerEventTypeName;
     model.UserId   = data.UserId;
     model.DateTime = data.DateTime;
コード例 #8
 // copy all rows from a List of SOAP Contracts to a List of serialized data objects
 // links:
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/1c6c6b9c-e201-4590-8c69-d38a0ad2a9f7
 public static void ContractListToDataList(List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract> contractList, List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> dataList)
     foreach (CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract contract in contractList)
         var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();
         CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefService.ContractToData(contract, data);
コード例 #9
 // transfer model list to data list
 // links:
 //  crud definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/1d6a48d9-fe39-4397-b8fa-a332da164cbf
 // parameters:
 //  CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData: key of table CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData
 public static void ModelListToDataList(List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel> modelList, List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> dataList)
     foreach (CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel model in modelList)
         var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();
         ModelToData(model, data);
コード例 #10
        // fetch all from table into new List of class instances, only populating specific columns,
        //  with a limit on number of returned rows and order by columns starting at a specific row
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/12d2812e-e963-4f26-8014-48c4e9cfb3ae
        public static List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> FetchAllWithLimitAndOffset(int limit, int offset)
            var dataList = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData>();

            // create query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
            // this will be ansi sql and parameterized
            // parameterized queries are a good way of preventing sql injection
            //   and to make sure the query plan is pre-compiled
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/21eca289-4747-4a75-b0a2-1a58457be608
            string sql = @" select booking_passenger_event_type_rcd, booking_passenger_event_type_name, user_id, date_time
                            from [booking_passenger_event_type_ref]
                            order by booking_passenger_event_type_name";

            // open standard connection
            // the connection is found in web.config
            // the connection is closed upon completion of the reader
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/c3e624a4-8479-4c17-bec7-ec09f3abbe64
            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(Conn.ConnectionString)) {

                using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn)) {
                    // execute query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // if the query fails in the preprocessor of sql server
                    //   an exception will be raised
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/6507b543-adbc-4863-810b-8db439f40d5c
                    IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleResult);

                    int count = 0;

                    // read all rows returned from the query of booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // read all columns from the datareader and
                    //   populate the List of C# objects with them
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/fcd15e2f-df3f-44d8-8a13-d2e93d97f685
                    while (reader.Read())
                        if ((count >= offset) && (count <= offset + limit))
                            var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();
                        if (count > limit + offset)

コード例 #11
        // fetch by Primary key into current object
        // links:
        //  crud definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/bbab4791-c9e7-49bf-90d5-fca19b1fedaa
        // parameters:
        //  bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd: primary key of table booking_passenger_event_type_ref
        public CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract FetchByBookingPassengerEventTypeRcd(string bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd)
            var dataAccessLayer = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();
            var contract        = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract();

            DataToContract(dataAccessLayer, contract);

コード例 #12
        // fetch by Search key into current object
        // links:
        //  crud definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/ad2dd952-e3ec-471a-9e34-f5fc965b8b37
        // parameters:
        //  BookingPassengerEventTypeName: key of table CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData
        public CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel FetchByBookingPassengerEventTypeName(string bookingPassengerEventTypeName)
            var dataAccessLayer = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();
            var model           = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel();

            DataToModel(dataAccessLayer, model);

コード例 #13
        // fetch by Foreign key into new List of class instances
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/13095cd7-f136-4532-8969-c50c62cc05ef
        public static List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> FetchByUserId(System.Guid userId)
            var dataList = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData>();

            // create query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
            // this will be ansi sql and parameterized
            // parameterized queries are a good way of preventing sql injection
            //   and to make sure the query plan is pre-compiled
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/86c78f05-a65f-4dfe-b048-d0cbece49f4e
            string sql = @" select booking_passenger_event_type_rcd, booking_passenger_event_type_name, user_id, date_time
                            from [booking_passenger_event_type_ref]
                            where user_id = @user_id
                            order by booking_passenger_event_type_name";

            // open standard connection
            // the connection is found in web.config
            // the connection is closed upon completion of the reader
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/6fd25822-459f-4796-803a-071a3a270aa0
            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(Conn.ConnectionString)) {

                using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn)) {
                    // add foreign key column
                    // this foreign key column will be used together with the prepared ansi sql statement
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/8aec2e5c-4732-4662-badb-83b89d1c34a9
                    command.Parameters.Add("@user_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = userId;

                    // execute query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // if the query fails in the preprocessor of sql server
                    //   an exception will be raised
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/bb9abe5c-d2c1-455a-b597-a2af0a35de5a
                    IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleResult);

                    // read all rows returned from the query of booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // read all columns from the datareader and
                    //   populate the List of C# objects with them
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/5c413c03-5ddc-472a-a63d-53aecc7a2573
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();

コード例 #14
        // copy all rows from a List of serialized data objects to a List of SOAP Contracts,
        //  with a limit on number of returned rows and order by columns, starting at a specific row
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/3fe9f1b3-97b6-4f58-a0f2-adfcbd973bfc
        public List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract> FetchAllWithLimitAndOffset(int limit, int offset)
            var list = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract>();
            List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> dataList = CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData.FetchAllWithLimitAndOffset(limit, offset);

            foreach (CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRef in dataList)
                var contract = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract();
                DataToContract(crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRef, contract);

コード例 #15
        // copy all rows from a List of serialized data objects in CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData to a List of SOAP Contracts
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/9204c68e-93b8-4c77-af3c-3181985ff75f
        public List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract> FetchAll()
            var list = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract>();
            List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> dataList = CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData.FetchAll();

            foreach (CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRef in dataList)
                var contract = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract();
                DataToContract(crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRef, contract);

コード例 #16
        // fetch all rows from table with an offset, and limit of rows
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/a87e5c54-b47e-4031-bc3b-837b4cf9f692
        public List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel> FetchAllWithLimitAndOffset(string limit, string offset)
            var list = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel>();
            List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> dataList = CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData.FetchAllWithLimitAndOffset(int.Parse(limit), int.Parse(offset));

            foreach (CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefBusiness in dataList)
                var model = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel();
                DataToModel(crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefBusiness, model);

コード例 #17
        // copy all rows from a List of serialized data objects in CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData to a List of SOAP Contracts
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/3d3e60c3-69e4-43d6-8bd5-14a67a6ecf58
        public List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel> FetchAll()
            var list = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel>();
            List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> dataList = CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData.FetchAll();

            foreach (CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefBusiness in dataList)
                var model = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel();
                DataToModel(crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefBusiness, model);

コード例 #18
        // fetch all from table into new List of class instances, filtered by any column
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/db27658d-4d23-46d7-9970-7bbaef8634b0
        public List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel> FetchWithFilter(string bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd, string bookingPassengerEventTypeName, System.Guid userId, System.DateTime dateTime)
            var list = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel>();
            List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> dataList = CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData.FetchWithFilter(bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd, bookingPassengerEventTypeName, userId, dateTime);

            foreach (CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData data in dataList)
                var crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefBusinessModel = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel();
                DataToModel(data, crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefBusinessModel);

コード例 #19
        // fetch by Primary key into new class instance
        // links:
        //  crud definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/7a625d0a-3028-42ce-a543-72ea3673cef4
        // parameters:
        //  bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd: primary key of table booking_passenger_event_type_ref
        public static CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData GetByBookingPassengerEventTypeRcd(string bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd)
            // create query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
            // this will be ansi sql and parameterized
            // parameterized queries are a good way of preventing sql injection
            //   and to make sure the query plan is pre-compiled
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/72f5fc83-c460-40fe-bac9-73b7ee0c6b77
            string sql = @" select top 1 booking_passenger_event_type_rcd, booking_passenger_event_type_name, user_id, date_time
                            from [booking_passenger_event_type_ref]
                            where booking_passenger_event_type_rcd = @booking_passenger_event_type_rcd
                            order by booking_passenger_event_type_name";

            var ret = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();

            // open standard connection
            // the connection is found in web.config
            // the connection is closed upon completion of the reader
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/1ecca728-0c07-4dd7-b095-d10777b25b70
            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(Conn.ConnectionString)) {

                using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn)) {
                    // add primary key
                    // this primary key will be used together with the prepared ansi sql statement
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/1ecca728-0c07-4dd7-b095-d10777b25b70
                    command.Parameters.Add("@booking_passenger_event_type_rcd", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd;

                    // execute query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // if the query fails in the preprocessor of sql server
                    //   an exception will be raised
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/fd5c5faa-b400-4f29-b12b-9675c53a757f
                    IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow);

                    // populate serialized class if a row was found
                    if (reader.Read())

コード例 #20
        // fetch all from table into new List of class instances, with a limit on number of returned rows and order by columns
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/dfaa482b-059b-4f17-a9a9-4885138dbb46
        public static List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> FetchAllWithLimit(int limit)
            var dataList = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData>();

            // create query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
            // this will be ansi sql and parameterized
            // parameterized queries are a good way of preventing sql injection
            //   and to make sure the query plan is pre-compiled
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/41f82773-6d37-4ebe-840c-c60e06337f45
            string sql = @" select top " + limit.ToString() + @" booking_passenger_event_type_rcd, booking_passenger_event_type_name, user_id, date_time
                            from [booking_passenger_event_type_ref]
                            order by booking_passenger_event_type_name";

            // open standard connection
            // the connection is found in web.config
            // the connection is closed upon completion of the reader
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/da228d98-b30e-4d79-89ae-98e813437753
            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(Conn.ConnectionString)) {

                using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn)) {
                    // execute query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // if the query fails in the preprocessor of sql server
                    //   an exception will be raised
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/c32ad724-8a03-4b4c-b6fb-a5abfb1d707e
                    IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleResult);

                    // read all rows returned from the query of booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // read all columns from the datareader and
                    //   populate the List of C# objects with them
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/9ba4395d-d8a4-4427-b80f-7b828e34da7a
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();

コード例 #21
        // fetch all rows from table booking_passenger_event_type_ref into new List of class instances
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/7ca0c014-527e-4a0a-bd1f-12f4d8ea4b43
        public static List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> FetchAll()
            var dataList = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData>();

            // create query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
            // this will be ansi sql and parameterized
            // parameterized queries are a good way of preventing sql injection
            //   and to make sure the query plan is pre-compiled
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/72f9f1bc-447c-4327-9d26-4b0790a07ff8
            string sql = @" select booking_passenger_event_type_rcd, booking_passenger_event_type_name, user_id, date_time
                            from [booking_passenger_event_type_ref]
                            order by booking_passenger_event_type_name";

            // open standard connection
            // the connection is found in web.config
            // the connection is closed upon completion of the reader
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/952b3f82-bc00-4e82-9430-6bc26ff8bc4d
            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(Conn.ConnectionString)) {

                using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn)) {
                    // execute query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // if the query fails in the preprocessor of sql server
                    //   an exception will be raised
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/ed55cc5b-d6be-4f5e-9385-ee726dfc2bf1
                    IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleResult);

                    // read all rows returned from the query of booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // read all columns from the datareader and
                    //   populate the List of C# objects with them
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/c1b8b800-b250-4822-a699-d93a35f4414d
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();

コード例 #22
        // fetch all rows from table into new List of Contracts, filtered by any column
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/ce01ef4a-5cd0-4e51-b211-9c0a15b791a0
        public List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract> FetchWithFilter(string bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd, string bookingPassengerEventTypeName, System.Guid userId, System.DateTime dateTime)
            var list = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract>();
            List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> dataList = CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData.FetchWithFilter(
                bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd: bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd,
                bookingPassengerEventTypeName: bookingPassengerEventTypeName,
                userId: userId,
                dateTime: dateTime

            foreach (CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData data in dataList)
                var crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract();
                DataToContract(data, crudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract);

コード例 #23
        // fetch all from table into new List of class instances, filtered by any column
        // links:
        //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/a736bbfd-030d-492e-a86a-7a5e478eeb79
        public static List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData> FetchWithFilter(string bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd, string bookingPassengerEventTypeName, System.Guid userId, System.DateTime dateTime)
            var dataList = new List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData>();

            // create query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
            // this will be ansi sql and parameterized
            // parameterized queries are a good way of preventing sql injection
            //   and to make sure the query plan is pre-compiled
            // links:
            // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/06da7a50-8760-48cd-b789-a41cac3edd13
            string sql = @" select booking_passenger_event_type_rcd, booking_passenger_event_type_name, user_id, date_time
                            from [booking_passenger_event_type_ref]
                            where 1 = 1";

            // open standard connection
            // the connection is found in web.config
            // the connection is closed upon completion of the reader
// links:
// docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/6ec2495f-3a49-4a94-ad59-0ce064fc8654
            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(Conn.ConnectionString)) {

                using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn)) {
                    // add search column(s) if they are not null or empty
                    // this search column(s) will be used together with the prepared ansi sql statement
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/2193123a-3534-412b-8521-dac14bb3884d
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd))
                        sql += "  and booking_passenger_event_type_rcd like '%' + @booking_passenger_event_type_rcd + '%'";
                        command.Parameters.Add("@booking_passenger_event_type_rcd", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd.Replace("'", "''");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookingPassengerEventTypeName))
                        sql += "  and booking_passenger_event_type_name like '%' + @booking_passenger_event_type_name + '%'";
                        command.Parameters.Add("@booking_passenger_event_type_name", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = bookingPassengerEventTypeName.Replace("'", "''");
                    if (userId != Guid.Empty)
                        sql += "  and user_id = @user_id";
                        command.Parameters.Add("@user_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = userId;
                    if (dateTime != DateTime.MinValue)
                        sql += "  and date_time = @date_time";
                        command.Parameters.Add("@date_time", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = dateTime;
                    sql += " order by booking_passenger_event_type_name";

                    command.CommandText = sql;

                    // execute query against booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // if the query fails in the preprocessor of sql server
                    //   an exception will be raised
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/9f9fcbf4-4764-4b2e-8dc6-41d0366c95c9
                    IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleResult);

                    // read all rows returned from the query of booking_passenger_event_type_ref
                    // read all columns from the datareader and
                    //   populate the List of C# objects with them
                    // links:
                    // docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/60181c7c-4a5e-41a3-9599-4e7a0aaf0cc8
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var data = new CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData();

コード例 #24
 // copy all columns from a SOAP Contract to a serialized data object
 // links:
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/10700d38-2227-4021-be12-2f4f206f5dd9
 public static void ContractToData(CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefContract contract, CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData data)
     data.BookingPassengerEventTypeRcd  = contract.BookingPassengerEventTypeRcd;
     data.BookingPassengerEventTypeName = contract.BookingPassengerEventTypeName;
     data.UserId   = contract.UserId;
     data.DateTime = contract.DateTime;
コード例 #25
 // fetch by Search key into current object
 // links:
 //  crud definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/87368fa6-b618-4f0c-acbb-1fc4e273bb2d
 // parameters:
 //  UserId: key of table CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefData
 public List <CrudeBookingPassengerEventTypeRefModel> FetchByUserId(System.Guid userId)
コード例 #26
 // get a count of rows in table
 // links:
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/39677f9e-daee-45c6-9527-da98a0d7958d
 public int FetchAllCount()
コード例 #27
 // delete row
 // links:
 //  docLink: http://sql2x.org/documentationLink/59823bf7-4ad8-4684-a48b-2abd49c607ee
 public void Delete(string bookingPassengerEventTypeRcd)