コード例 #1
        public static SolutionInfo MergeSolutions(string newName, string baseDir, out string warnings, params SolutionInfo[] solutions)
            var allProjects = solutions.SelectMany(s => s.Projects).Distinct(BaseProject.ProjectGuidLocationComparer).ToList();

            warnings = SolutionDiagnostics.DiagnoseDupeGuids(solutions);

            var mergedSln = new SolutionInfo(newName, baseDir, solutions[0].PropsSection, new NestedProjectsInfo()) { Projects = allProjects };
                .Projects.ForEach(pr => pr.ProjectInfo.SolutionInfo = mergedSln);

            return mergedSln;
コード例 #2
        public static SolutionInfo MergeSolutions(string newName, string baseDir, out string warnings, params SolutionInfo[] solutions)
            var allProjects = solutions.SelectMany(s => s.Projects).Distinct(BaseProject.ProjectGuidLocationComparer).ToList();

            warnings = SolutionDiagnostics.DiagnoseDupeGuids(solutions);

            var mergedSln = new SolutionInfo(newName, baseDir, solutions[0].PropsSection, new NestedProjectsInfo())
                Projects = allProjects

            .Projects.ForEach(pr => pr.ProjectInfo.SolutionInfo = mergedSln);

コード例 #3
        public static SolutionInfo MergeSolutions(string newName, string baseDir, out string warnings, params SolutionInfo[] solutions)
            var duplicates = solutions
                             .SelectMany(s => s.Projects)
                             .GroupBy(p => p.Guid)
                             .Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
                             .Select(y => y.Key)

            var relocation  = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >();
            var allProjects = new List <BaseProject>();

            foreach (var solution in solutions)
                foreach (var project in solution.Projects)
                    var shouldRelocate = duplicates.Contains(project.Guid);
                    if (shouldRelocate)
                        // Whenever we see this project GUID in the nested project section,
                        // we are going to replace it with this new GUID.
                        var newGuid = $"{{{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}}}";

                        if (relocation.ContainsKey(solution.Name))
                            relocation[solution.Name].Add(project.Guid, newGuid);
                            relocation.Add(solution.Name, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                { project.Guid, newGuid }

                        // We have a copy of this GUID - update it now.
                        project.Guid = newGuid;


            warnings = SolutionDiagnostics.DiagnoseDupeGuids(solutions);

            var mergedSln = new SolutionInfo(newName, baseDir, solutions[0].PropsSection, new NestedProjectsInfo())
                Projects = allProjects

            // Parse the following section in each .sln file:
            //     GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution
            //         {GUID A} = {GUID B}
            //         {GUID C} = {GUID D}
            //         ...
            //     EndGlobalSection
            // and determine its original location associations (e.g. A belongs to B, C belongs to D).
            char[] charsToTrim = { ' ', '\t' };
            var    nested      =
                new Regex(@"GlobalSection\(NestedProjects\)\s=\spreSolution(?<Section>[\s\S]*?)EndGlobalSection",
                          RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Compiled);
            var allNestedProjects = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >();

            foreach (var solution in solutions)
                var found = nested.Match(solution.Text).Groups["Section"].Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(found))

                var value = found
                            .Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                            .Select(part => part.Split('='))
                    split =>     // GUID of this project.
                    var newGuid = string.Empty;
                    var key     = split[0].Trim(charsToTrim);
                    if (relocation.ContainsKey(solution.Name) &&
                        relocation[solution.Name].TryGetValue(key, out newGuid))
                        key = newGuid;

                    split =>     // GUID of location where this project belongs.
                    var newGuid = string.Empty;
                    var key     = split[1].Trim(charsToTrim);
                    if (relocation.ContainsKey(solution.Name) &&
                        relocation[solution.Name].TryGetValue(key, out newGuid))
                        key = newGuid;


                allNestedProjects.Add(solution.Name, value);

            .Projects.ForEach(pr =>
                pr.ProjectInfo.SolutionInfo = mergedSln;
