public static object Setup(object obj) { var args = Utils.GetSetupParameters(obj); var shellVersion = Utils.GetStringSetupParameter(args, Global.Parameters.ShellVersion); // var setupVariables = new SetupVariables { ComponentId = Utils.GetStringSetupParameter(args, Global.Parameters.ComponentId), SetupAction = SetupActions.Setup, IISVersion = Global.IISVersion, ConfigurationFile = "web.config" }; // AppConfig.LoadConfiguration(); InstallerForm form = new InstallerForm(); Wizard wizard = form.Wizard; // wizard.SetupVariables = setupVariables; // AppConfig.LoadComponentSettings(wizard.SetupVariables); WebPage page1 = new WebPage(); ServerPasswordPage page2 = new ServerPasswordPage(); ExpressInstallPage page3 = new ExpressInstallPage(); //create install actions InstallAction action = new InstallAction(ActionTypes.UpdateWebSite); action.Description = "Updating web site..."; page3.Actions.Add(action); action = new InstallAction(ActionTypes.UpdateServerPassword); action.Description = "Updating server password..."; page3.Actions.Add(action); action = new InstallAction(ActionTypes.UpdateConfig); action.Description = "Updating system configuration..."; page3.Actions.Add(action); FinishPage page4 = new FinishPage(); wizard.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { page1, page2, page3, page4 }); wizard.LinkPages(); wizard.SelectedPage = page1; //show wizard IWin32Window owner = args[Global.Parameters.ParentForm] as IWin32Window; return(form.ShowModal(owner)); }
internal static object InstallBase(object obj, string minimalInstallerVersion) { Hashtable args = Utils.GetSetupParameters(obj); //check CS version string shellVersion = Utils.GetStringSetupParameter(args, Global.Parameters.ShellVersion); var shellMode = Utils.GetStringSetupParameter(args, Global.Parameters.ShellMode); Version version = new Version(shellVersion); // var setupVariables = new SetupVariables { SetupAction = SetupActions.Install, IISVersion = Global.IISVersion }; // InitInstall(args, setupVariables); //Unattended setup LoadSetupVariablesFromSetupXml(setupVariables.SetupXml, setupVariables); // var sam = new ServerActionManager(setupVariables); // Prepare installation defaults sam.PrepareDistributiveDefaults(); // Silent Installer Mode if (shellMode.Equals(Global.SilentInstallerShell, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (version < new Version(minimalInstallerVersion)) { Utils.ShowConsoleErrorMessage(Global.Messages.InstallerVersionIsObsolete, minimalInstallerVersion); // return(false); } try { var success = true; // setupVariables.ServerPassword = Utils.GetStringSetupParameter(args, Global.Parameters.ServerPassword); // sam.ActionError += new EventHandler <ActionErrorEventArgs>((object sender, ActionErrorEventArgs e) => { Utils.ShowConsoleErrorMessage(e.ErrorMessage); // Log.WriteError(e.ErrorMessage); // success = false; }); // sam.Start(); // return(success); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError("Failed to install the component", ex); // return(false); } } else { if (version < new Version(minimalInstallerVersion)) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Global.Messages.InstallerVersionIsObsolete, minimalInstallerVersion), "Setup Wizard", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return(DialogResult.Cancel); } var form = new InstallerForm(); var wizard = form.Wizard; wizard.SetupVariables = setupVariables; // wizard.ActionManager = sam; //create wizard pages var introPage = new IntroductionPage(); var licPage = new LicenseAgreementPage(); // var page1 = new ConfigurationCheckPage(); page1.Checks.AddRange(new ConfigurationCheck[] { new ConfigurationCheck(CheckTypes.OperationSystem, "Operating System Requirement") { SetupVariables = setupVariables }, new ConfigurationCheck(CheckTypes.IISVersion, "IIS Requirement") { SetupVariables = setupVariables }, new ConfigurationCheck(CheckTypes.ASPNET, "ASP.NET Requirement") { SetupVariables = setupVariables } }); // var page2 = new InstallFolderPage(); var page3 = new WebPage(); var page4 = new UserAccountPage(); var page5 = new ServerPasswordPage(); var page6 = new ExpressInstallPage2(); var page7 = new FinishPage(); // wizard.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { introPage, licPage, page1, page2, page3, page4, page5, page6, page7 }); wizard.LinkPages(); wizard.SelectedPage = introPage; //show wizard IWin32Window owner = args["ParentForm"] as IWin32Window; return(form.ShowModal(owner)); } }