コード例 #1
 //Print a selected flight's income, flightID, users on said flight to a text file
 private void PrintSelectedBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     TransactionObj selected = (TransactionObj)AccountingObjDataGrid.SelectedItem;
     //Handles a no selection null pointer error
     if (selected == null)
         MessageBox.Show("Please select a flight", "Alert!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
     //Prints the information needed for a single flight for the accountant
     MessageBox.Show("Printed: One object to C:\\temp\\Printouts\\SingleSelection.txt");
     File.WriteAllText(FileIOLoading.AccountantSinglePath, printAccountantSingleRecords(selected));
     selected = null;
     //will unselect in the datagrid
     AccountingObjDataGrid.SelectedItem = null;
コード例 #2
        //Prints out a single flight's income, percentage of plane filled up, and the flight ID
        internal static string printAccountantSingleRecords(TransactionObj flight)
            string record = "";
            double percentOfSeats = 0;
            double totalBalance = 0;

            percentOfSeats = (flight.FlightUID.bookedUsers.Count / flight.FlightUID.planeAssigned.numOfSeats) * 100;
            percentOfSeats = Math.Round(percentOfSeats, 2);

            totalBalance += flight.transactionAmt;
            totalBalance = Math.Round(totalBalance, 2);

            List<FlightManifestObj> flightList = new List<FlightManifestObj>();

            record += $"Flight ID: {flight.FlightUID.flightID}\n\t";
            record += $"Percentage of Seats Taken: {percentOfSeats}\n\t";
            record += $"Total Income of Flight: {totalBalance}\n\n";

            return record;
        private void BookFlightButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        {                                              //Finalizes booking a user on a flight they've selected from the DataGrid
            if (FoundFlightsGrid.SelectedItem == null) //They haven't selected a flight, so ask them to do so.
                MessageBox.Show("Please select an item.", "Alert", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                FlightManifestObj selected = (FlightManifestObj)FoundFlightsGrid.SelectedItem; //load selected object into memory as a FlightManifestObj for access
                if (selected.bookedUsers.Count >= selected.planeAssigned.numOfSeats)           //Double check to make sure there isn't any overbooking
                    MessageBox.Show("There are no seats remaining for this flight", "Alert", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                if (App.LoggedInUser.upcomingFlights.Contains(selected.flightID))//Double check to make sure the user hasn't already booked this flight.
                    MessageBox.Show("You've already booked this flight!", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK);
                    return; //already booked
                //Confirm with the user, then book the flight
                if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to book the following flight? \n Flight ID: " + selected.flightID +
                                    "\n Departs From: " + selected.originCode + "\n Departure Time: " + selected.departTime.ToLongDateString(),
                                    "Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.No)
                    //User selected no, so don't book flight
                    Console.WriteLine("Selected \"no\", no flight booked");
                    //User selected yes, so book the flight
                    App.UserAccountDict[App.LoggedInUser.uniqueID].upcomingFlights.Add(selected.flightID.ToString());      //Add the flightID to the logged in user
                    App.FlightPlanDict[selected.flightID].bookedUsers.Add(App.UserAccountDict[App.LoggedInUser.uniqueID]); //Add the user to the selected flight
                    if ((App.LoggedInUser.balance * 100) > selected.ticketPrice)
                    {                                                                                                      //User has enough points that they can pay via points, so ask if they want to pay this way.
                        if ((MessageBox.Show("Would you like to use your Points? \n Flight Price: " + selected.ticketPrice +
                                             "\n Account Balance: " + App.LoggedInUser.balance, "Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.No))
                            //Selected no, so don't use points

                            //Make and add transaction object to show purchase history
                            TransactionObj newTransact = new TransactionObj();
                            newTransact.FlightUID = selected;
                            newTransact.UserUID   = App.LoggedInUser.uniqueID;

                            newTransact.transactionAmt = selected.ticketPrice;

                            if (roundTripFlag == false)
                            //Selected yes, so does use points

                            //Make transaction object, use 0 as amount to show they used points
                            TransactionObj newTransact = new TransactionObj();
                            newTransact.FlightUID      = selected;
                            newTransact.UserUID        = App.LoggedInUser.uniqueID;
                            newTransact.transactionAmt = 0;

                            //Subtract ticket amount from points balance
                            App.UserAccountDict[App.LoggedInUser.uniqueID].balance = App.UserAccountDict[App.LoggedInUser.uniqueID].balance - (selected.ticketPrice * 100);
                            if (roundTripFlag == false)
                        //Books flight without using points -- because the user doesn't have enough!
                        TransactionObj newTransact = new TransactionObj();
                        newTransact.FlightUID = selected;
                        newTransact.UserUID   = App.LoggedInUser.uniqueID;

                        newTransact.transactionAmt = selected.ticketPrice;

                        if (roundTripFlag == false)
                    m_parent.UpcomingFlightsGrid.ItemsSource = m_parent.LoadUpcomingFlights();
                    //FoundFlightsGrid.ItemsSource = LoadAllFlights();
                    if (endPage == true || roundTripFlag == false)
                    if (roundTripFlag == true)
                        endPage = true;
                    //Put logic here for round trip -------- for each to find a flight with criteria