コード例 #1
        public void Test_GetMirrorPropertyName_Multiple_Implicit_Sync()
            TestUser user = new TestUser();

            string mirrorPropertyName = EntitiesUtilities.GetMirrorPropertyName(user, user.GetType().GetProperty("Roles"));

            Assert.AreEqual("Users", mirrorPropertyName, "The mirror property name wasn't determined correctly.");
コード例 #2
        public void Test_CreateFilePath_Entity()
            TestUser user = new TestUser();
            user.FirstName = "First";
            user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();

            string basePath = TestUtilities.GetTestingPath(this) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Export";

            string path = new EntityFileNamer(user, basePath).CreateFilePath();

            string expected = basePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + user.GetType() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
                + user.ID.ToString() + ".xml";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, path, "The path doesn't match what's expected.");
コード例 #3
        public virtual void Test_GetEntitiesByType()
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Testing a query of all entities of a specific type.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))
                TestUser user = new TestUser();
                user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                user.FirstName = "Test";
                user.LastName = "User";
                user.Username = "******";


                IEntity[] entities = DataAccess.Data.Indexer.GetEntities(user.GetType());

                Assert.AreEqual(1, entities.Length, "Invalid number found.");
コード例 #4
        public void Test_Activate_2References_Async_Converging()
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Testing the Activate function with 2 asynchronous, converging references.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))

                TestArticle article = new TestArticle();
                article.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                Guid articleID = article.ID;
                article.Title = "Test";

                TestUser user = new TestUser();
                user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                Guid userID = user.ID;
                user.FirstName = "First";
                user.LastName = "Last";
                user.Username ="******";
                user.Password = "******";

                /*TestArticlePage page = new TestArticlePage();
                page.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                Guid pageID = page.ID;
                page.Title = "Test Page";

                TestArticlePage page2 = new TestArticlePage();
                page2.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                Guid page2ID = page2.ID;
                page2.Title = "Test Page 2";
                //article.Pages = new TestArticlePage[] {page, page2};
                //user.Roles = Collection<TestRole>.Add(user.Roles, role);

                article.Editors = new TestUser[] {user};



                //  TODO: Check if needed
                //page = null;
                //page2 = null;
                //article = null;

                EntityReferenceCollection references = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetReferences(article.GetType().Name, user.GetType().Name);

                Assert.IsNotNull(references, "references == null");

                Assert.AreEqual(1, references.Count, "Invalid number of references found.");

                TestArticle foundArticle = DataAccess.Data.Reader.GetEntity<TestArticle>("ID", articleID);

                Assert.IsNotNull(foundArticle, "The foundArticle variable is null.");

                DataAccess.Data.Activator.Activate(foundArticle, "Editors");
                DataAccess.Data.Activator.Activate(foundArticle, "Authors");

                Assert.IsNotNull(foundArticle.Editors, "The article.Editors property is null.");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, foundArticle.Editors.Length, "article.Editors.Length != 1.");

                if (foundArticle.Editors != null && foundArticle.Editors.Length == 1)
                    TestUser foundUser1 = foundArticle.Editors[0];

                    // Use an array and IndexOf function so the match will work in any order
                    Guid[] userIDs = new Guid[] {userID};

                    Assert.AreEqual(userID.ToString(), foundUser1.ID.ToString(), "The IDs of the user in Editors property doesn't match expected.");


                Assert.AreEqual(0, foundArticle.Authors.Length, "Authors found when they shouldn't be. The two properties must be getting mixed up.");

コード例 #5
        public void Test_GetEntityType()
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Testing the DataUtilities.GetEntityType function.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))

                TestUser user = new TestUser();
                user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                user.FirstName = "Test";
                user.LastName = "User";

                TestRole role = new TestRole();
                role.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                role.Name = "Test Role";

                user.Roles = Collection<TestRole>.Add(user.Roles, role);
                role.Users = Collection<TestUser>.Add(role.Users, user);

                PropertyInfo rolesProperty = user.GetType().GetProperty("Roles");

                Type entityType = DataUtilities.GetEntityType(user, rolesProperty);

                Assert.AreEqual(entityType.FullName, role.GetType().FullName, "The types don't match #1.");

                PropertyInfo usersProperty = role.GetType().GetProperty("Users");

                Type entityType2 = DataUtilities.GetEntityType(role, usersProperty);

                Assert.AreEqual(entityType2.FullName, user.GetType().FullName, "The types don't match #2.");
コード例 #6
        public void Test_GetReference_Sync_Exclude()
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Testing the GetReference function with a synchronous reference to ensure it retrieves the correct reference.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))

                TestUser user = new TestUser();
                user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                user.FirstName = "Test";
                user.LastName = "User";

                TestUser user2 = new TestUser();
                user2.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                user2.FirstName = "Test";
                user2.LastName = "User 2";

                TestRole role = new TestRole();
                role.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                role.Name = "Test Role";

                TestRole role2 = new TestRole();
                role2.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                role2.Name = "Test Role 2";

                user.Roles = new TestRole[] {role};
                user2.Roles = new TestRole[] { role2 };
                //role2.Users = new TestUser[] {user, user2};

                LogWriter.Debug("User 1 ID: " + user.ID.ToString());
                LogWriter.Debug("User 2 ID: " + user2.ID.ToString());
                LogWriter.Debug("Role 1 ID: " + role.ID.ToString());
                LogWriter.Debug("Role 2 ID: " + role2.ID.ToString());

                EntityReferenceCollection userReferences = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetActiveReferences(user);
                EntityReferenceCollection user2References = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetActiveReferences(user2);

                Assert.AreEqual(1, userReferences.Count, "userReferences.Length is incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, user2References.Count, "user2References.Length is incorrect");

                EntityReference originalReference1 = userReferences[0];
                EntityReference originalReference2 = user2References[0];

                LogWriter.Debug("Original reference - Entity 1 ID: " + originalReference1.Entity1ID.ToString());
                LogWriter.Debug("Original reference - Entity 2 ID: " + originalReference1.Entity2ID.ToString());
                LogWriter.Debug("Original reference - Property 1 name: " + originalReference1.Property1Name);
                LogWriter.Debug("Original reference - Property 2 name: " + originalReference1.Property2Name);
                LogWriter.Debug("Original reference - Type 1 name: " + originalReference1.Type1Name);
                LogWriter.Debug("Original reference - Type 2 name: " + originalReference1.Type2Name);


                string referenceStoreName = DataUtilities.GetDataStoreName("TestUser", "TestRole");

                EntityReferenceCollection referenceEntities = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetReferences(user.GetType().Name, role.GetType().Name);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, referenceEntities.Count, "Incorrect number of references found in the store after saving entities.");

                // Switch the references around if necessary
                if (referenceEntities[0].Entity1ID == originalReference2.Entity1ID)
                    EntityReference r1 = referenceEntities[1];
                    EntityReference r2 = referenceEntities[0];

                    referenceEntities = new EntityReferenceCollection();

                bool firstReferenceMatches = (((referenceEntities[0].Includes(originalReference1.Entity1ID, originalReference1.Property1Name)
                                                && referenceEntities[0].Includes(originalReference1.Entity2ID, originalReference1.Property2Name))
                                               ((referenceEntities[0].Includes(originalReference2.Entity1ID, originalReference2.Property1Name)
                                                 && referenceEntities[0].Includes(originalReference2.Entity2ID, originalReference2.Property2Name)))));

                bool secondReferenceMatches = (((referenceEntities[1].Includes(originalReference1.Entity1ID, originalReference1.Property1Name)
                                                 && referenceEntities[1].Includes(originalReference1.Entity2ID, originalReference1.Property2Name))
                                                ((referenceEntities[1].Includes(originalReference2.Entity1ID, originalReference2.Property1Name)
                                                  && referenceEntities[1].Includes(originalReference2.Entity2ID, originalReference2.Property2Name)))));

                              "First reference doesn't match original references.");

                              "Second reference doesn't match original references.");

                EntityReference reference = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetReference(user.GetType(),

                Assert.IsNull(reference, "The return value should be null.");
コード例 #7
        public void Test_GetReference_EmptyReferencedEntityID_Found()
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Testing the retrieval of references for an entity when specifying a Guid.Empty referenced entity ID.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))

                TestUser user = new TestUser();
                Guid userID = user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                user.FirstName = "Test";
                user.LastName = "User";

                TestRole role = new TestRole();
                Guid roleID = role.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                role.Name = "Test Role";

                user.Roles = Collection<TestRole>.Add(user.Roles, role);


                EntityReferenceCollection references = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetReferences(user.GetType(), user.ID, "Roles", typeof(TestRole), false);

                Assert.IsNotNull(references, "The references object returned was null.");

                if (references != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, references.Count, "Wrong number of references returned.");

                    Assert.IsTrue(references[0].Includes(userID, "Roles"), "The user ID wasn't found on the reference.");
コード例 #8
        public void Test_GetReferences_2References()
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Testing the retrieval of references for an entity.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))
                TestUser user = new TestUser();
                Guid userID = user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                user.FirstName = "Test";
                user.LastName = "User";

                TestRole role = new TestRole();
                Guid roleID = role.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                role.Name = "Test Role";

                TestRole role2 = new TestRole();
                Guid role2ID = role2.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                role2.Name = "Test Role 2 ";

                user.Roles = new TestRole[] {role, role2};


                EntityReferenceCollection referenceEntities = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetReferences("TestUser", "TestRole");

                Assert.AreEqual(2, referenceEntities.Count, "Incorrect number of references found in the store after saving entities.");

                EntityReferenceCollection references = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetReferences(user.GetType(), user.ID, "Roles", typeof(TestRole), false);

                Assert.IsNotNull(references, "The references object returned was null.");

                if (references != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, references.Count, "Wrong number of references returned.");

                    EntityReference reference1 = references[0];
                    EntityReference reference2 = references[1];

                    // Switch the references around if necessary to match (so they can be found in any order)
                    if (!reference1.Includes(role.ID, "Users"))
                        EntityReference tmp = reference1;
                        reference1 = reference2;
                        reference2 = tmp;

                    Assert.IsTrue(reference1.Includes(userID, "Roles"), "The user ID wasn't found on the reference.");
                    Assert.IsTrue(reference1.Includes(roleID, "Users"), "The role ID wasn't found on the reference.");

                    Assert.IsTrue(reference2.Includes(userID, "Roles"), "The user ID wasn't found on the second reference.");
                    Assert.IsTrue(reference2.Includes(role2ID, "Users"), "The role2 ID wasn't found on the second reference.");
コード例 #9
        public TestUser CreateTestUser(string testingDirectory)
            TestUser user = new TestUser();
            user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            user.FirstName = "First";
            user.LastName = "Last";
            user.Username = "******";
            user.Email = "*****@*****.**";

            string filePath = testingDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
                + user.GetType().FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
                + user.ID.ToString() + ".xml";

            string dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);

            if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath))

            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(filePath))
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestUser));

                serializer.Serialize(writer, user);


            return user;
コード例 #10
        public void Test_RenewSchema()
            TestUser user = new TestUser();
            user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            user.FirstName = "--FirstName--";
            user.LastName = "--LastName--";
            user.Email = "--Email--";
            user.Username = "******";

            XmlDocument document = XmlUtilities.SerializeToDocument(user);

            RenamePropertyCommand command1 = new RenamePropertyCommand();
            command1.PropertyName = "LastName";
            command1.NewPropertyName = "Surname";
            command1.TypeName = "TestUser";

            DataSchemaCommandCollection commands = new DataSchemaCommandCollection();

            DataSchema schema = (DataSchema)DataAccess.Data.InitializeDataSchema();

            schema.SchemaCommands = commands;


            TestUser user2 = (TestUser)XmlUtilities.DeserializeFromDocument(document, user.GetType());

            Assert.IsNotNull(user2, "user2 == null");

            Assert.AreEqual(user.ID.ToString(), user2.ID.ToString(), "The IDs don't match.");

            Assert.AreEqual(user.LastName, user2.Surname, "The value of the LastName wasn't moved to the Surname property like it should have.");
コード例 #11
        public void Test_Save_2ParallelReferences()
            TestUser user = new TestUser();
            user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid userID = user.ID;
            user.FirstName = "Test";
            user.LastName = "User";

            TestRole role = new TestRole();
            role.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid roleID = role.ID;
            role.Name = "Test Role";

            TestUser user2 = new TestUser();
            user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid user2ID = user.ID;
            user2.FirstName = "Test2";
            user2.LastName = "User2";

            TestRole role2 = new TestRole();
            role2.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid role2ID = role2.ID;
            role2.Name = "Test Role2";

            user.Roles = new TestRole[] {role};
            user2.Roles = new TestRole[] {role2};


            EntityReferenceCollection references = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetReferences(user.GetType().Name, role.GetType().Name);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, references.Count, "Incorrect number of references found.");

            EntityReference reference1 = (EntityReference)references[0];
            EntityReference reference2 = (EntityReference)references[1];

            // Switch the references around if necessary to match (so they can be found in any order)
            if (!reference1.Includes(user2.ID, "Roles"))
                EntityReference tmp = reference1;
                reference1 = reference2;
                reference2 = tmp;

            Assert.IsTrue(reference1.Includes(user2.ID, "Roles"), "First reference does not include expected user.");
            Assert.IsTrue(reference1.Includes(role2.ID, "Users"), "First reference does not include expected role.");
            Assert.IsTrue(reference2.Includes(user.ID, "Roles"), "Second reference does not include expected user.");
            Assert.IsTrue(reference2.Includes(role.ID, "Users"), "Second reference does not include expected role.");

            Assert.IsFalse(reference1.Includes(user.ID, "Roles"), "First reference includes unexpected user.");
            Assert.IsFalse(reference1.Includes(role.ID, "Users"), "First reference includes unexpected role.");
            Assert.IsFalse(reference2.Includes(user2.ID, "Roles"), "Second reference includes unexpected user.");
            Assert.IsFalse(reference2.Includes(role2.ID, "Users"), "Second reference includes unexpected role.");

            //Assert.AreEqual(role2.ID.ToString(), ((EntityReference)references[0]).Entity1ID.ToString(), "First reference has invalid entity 1 ID.");
            //Assert.AreEqual(user2.ID.ToString(), ((EntityReference)references[0]).Entity2ID.ToString(), "First reference has invalid entity 2 ID.");

            //Assert.AreEqual(role1.ID.ToString(), ((EntityReference)references[1]).Entity1ID.ToString(), "Second reference has invalid entity 1 ID.");
            //Assert.AreEqual(user1.ID.ToString(), ((EntityReference)references[1]).Entity2ID.ToString(), "Second reference has invalid entity 2 ID.");
コード例 #12
        public void Test_Save_2References_CheckLocationOfReferencedEntities()
            using (LogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Start("Testing the Save function and checking that the references are created successfully.", NLog.LogLevel.Debug))

                TestUser user = new TestUser();
                user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                Guid userID = user.ID;
                user.FirstName = "Test";
                user.LastName = "User";

                TestRole role = new TestRole();
                role.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                Guid roleID = role.ID;
                role.Name = "Test Role";

                TestUser user2 = new TestUser();
                user.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                Guid user2ID = user.ID;
                user2.FirstName = "Test2";
                user2.LastName = "User2";

                TestRole role2 = new TestRole();
                role2.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                Guid role2ID = role2.ID;
                role2.Name = "Test Role2";

                user.Roles = new TestRole[] {role};
                user2.Roles = new TestRole[] {role2};


                EntityReferenceCollection references = DataAccess.Data.Referencer.GetReferences(user.GetType().Name, role.GetType().Name);

                Assert.AreEqual(2, references.Count, "Incorrect number of references found.");

                // Load the roles out of the users store (there should be none)
                IEntity[] rolesInUsersStore = DataAccess.Data.Stores[typeof(TestUser)].Indexer.GetEntities<TestRole>();

                Assert.AreEqual(0, rolesInUsersStore.Length, "Role(s) found in users store after save.");

                IEntity[] rolesInRolesStore = DataAccess.Data.Stores[role.GetType()].Indexer.GetEntities<TestRole>();

                Assert.AreEqual(2, rolesInRolesStore.Length, "Role(s) not found in roles store after save.");

                TestUser foundUser = DataAccess.Data.Reader.GetEntity<TestUser>("ID", user.ID);

                Assert.IsNotNull(foundUser, "The foundUser variable is null.");

                foundUser.Username = user.Username + " 2";


                // Load the roles out of the users store (there should be none)
                IEntity[] rolesInUsersStore2 = DataAccess.Data.Stores[typeof(TestUser)].Indexer.GetEntities<TestRole>();

                Assert.AreEqual(0, rolesInUsersStore2.Length, "Role(s) found in users store after update.");

                IEntity[] rolesInRolesStore2 = DataAccess.Data.Stores[typeof(TestRole)].Indexer.GetEntities<TestRole>();

                Assert.AreEqual(2, rolesInRolesStore2.Length, "Role(s) not found in roles store after update.");
