コード例 #1
 protected virtual void OnUIElementPreviewKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
     if (e.Key == Key.Space)
         ListBoxItem item = e.OriginalSource as ListBoxItem;
         if (item != null)
             PropertyGridItem gridItem = item.DataContext as PropertyGridItem;
             if (gridItem != null)
                 if (gridItem.IsChecked.HasValue)
                     gridItem.IsChecked = !gridItem.IsChecked.Value;
コード例 #2
        public virtual IEnumerable BuildItems(PropertyGridProperty property, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if (property == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("property");

            Type enumType;
            bool nullable;
            bool isEnumOrNullableEnum = PropertyGridProperty.IsEnumOrNullableEnum(property.PropertyType, out enumType, out nullable);

            PropertyGridItem zero = null;
            var att   = PropertyGridOptionsAttribute.FromProperty(property);
            var items = new ObservableCollection <PropertyGridItem>();

            if (isEnumOrNullableEnum)
                if (nullable)
                    PropertyGridItem item = CreateItem();
                    item.Property = property;
                    item.Name     = null; // "<unset>";
                    item.Value    = null;
                    item.IsUnset  = true;

                string[] names  = Enum.GetNames(enumType);
                Array    values = Enum.GetValues(enumType);
                if (Extensions.IsFlagsEnum(enumType))
                    ulong uvalue = EnumToUInt64(property, property.Value);

                    for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                        string name      = names[i];
                        ulong  nameValue = EnumToUInt64(property, values.GetValue(i));
                        string displayName;
                        if (!ShowEnumField(property, enumType, names[i], out displayName))

                        PropertyGridItem item = CreateItem();
                        item.Property = property;
                        item.Name     = displayName;
                        item.Value    = nameValue;
                        item.IsZero   = nameValue == 0;
                        bool isChecked = true;

                        if (nameValue == 0)
                            zero = item;

                        // determine if this name is in fact a combination of other names
                        ulong bitsCount = (ulong)Extensions.GetEnumMaxPower(enumType) - 1; // skip first
                        ulong b         = 1;
                        for (ulong bit = 1; bit < bitsCount; bit++)                        // signed, skip highest bit
                            string bitName = Enum.GetName(enumType, b);
                            if (bitName != null && name != bitName && (nameValue & b) != 0)
                                if ((uvalue & b) == 0)
                                    isChecked = false;
                            b *= 2;

                        isChecked      = (uvalue & nameValue) != 0;
                        item.IsChecked = isChecked;

                    // determine if the lisbox is empty, which we don't want anyway
                    if (items.Count == 0)
                        PropertyGridItem item = CreateItem();
                        item.Property = property;
                        item.Name     = DefaultZeroName;
                        item.Value    = 0;
                        item.IsZero   = true;

                    if (uvalue == 0 && zero != null)
                        zero.IsChecked = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
                        string displayName;
                        if (!ShowEnumField(property, enumType, names[i], out displayName))

                        PropertyGridItem item = CreateItem();
                        item.Property = property;
                        item.Name     = displayName;
                        item.Value    = values.GetValue(i);
                        item.IsZero   = i == 0; // first one is default
                if (att != null && att.IsEnum)
                    bool manualFlags = false;
                    // either EnumList or EnumValues can be null but not both
                    // if not null, length must be the same
                    if (att.EnumNames == null || att.EnumNames.Length == 0)
                        if (att.EnumValues == null || att.EnumValues.Length == 0)

                        att.EnumNames = new string[att.EnumValues.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < att.EnumValues.Length; i++)
                            att.EnumNames[i] = string.Format("{0}", att.EnumValues[i]);
                        if (att.EnumValues == null || att.EnumValues.Length != att.EnumNames.Length)
                            att.EnumValues = new object[att.EnumNames.Length];
                            if (att.IsFlagsEnum)
                                ulong current = 1; // don't use zero when nothing is specified in flags mode
                                manualFlags = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < att.EnumNames.Length; i++)
                                    att.EnumValues[i] = current;
                                    current          *= 2;
                                for (int i = 0; i < att.EnumNames.Length; i++)
                                    att.EnumValues[i] = string.Format("{0}", att.EnumNames[i]);

                    // items value must of a compatible type with property.Value
                    Func <object, object> valueConverter = (v) =>
                        Type propType = property.Value != null?property.Value.GetType() : property.PropertyType;

                        if (v == null)
                            if (!propType.IsValueType)


                        Type vType = v.GetType();
                        if (propType.IsAssignableFrom(vType))

                        return(ConversionService.ChangeType(v, propType));

                    if (att.IsFlagsEnum)
                        ulong uvalue = EnumToUInt64(property, property.Value);

                        for (int i = 0; i < att.EnumNames.Length; i++)
                            ulong nameValue = EnumToUInt64(property, att.EnumValues[i]);

                            PropertyGridItem item = CreateItem();
                            item.Property = property;
                            item.Name     = att.EnumNames[i];
                            item.Value    = valueConverter(att.EnumValues[i]);
                            if (manualFlags)
                                item.IsZero = i == 0;
                                item.IsZero = nameValue == 0;
                            bool isChecked = true;

                            if (nameValue == 0)
                                zero = item;

                            // note: in this case, we don't support names as a combination of other names
                            ulong bitsCount = (ulong)GetEnumMaxPower(att) - 1; // skip first
                            ulong b         = 1;
                            for (ulong bit = 1; bit < bitsCount; bit++)        // signed, skip highest bit
                                if ((uvalue & b) == 0)
                                    isChecked = false;
                                b *= 2;

                            isChecked      = (uvalue & nameValue) != 0;
                            item.IsChecked = isChecked;

                        // determine if the list is empty, which we don't want anyway
                        if (items.Count == 0)
                            PropertyGridItem item = CreateItem();
                            item.Property = property;
                            item.Name     = DefaultZeroName;
                            item.Value    = valueConverter(0);
                            item.IsZero   = true;

                        if (uvalue == 0 && zero != null)
                            zero.IsChecked = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < att.EnumNames.Length; i++)
                            PropertyGridItem item = CreateItem();
                            item.Property = property;
                            item.Name     = att.EnumNames[i];
                            item.Value    = valueConverter(att.EnumValues[i]);
                            item.IsZero   = i == 0; // first one is default

            var ctx = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            ctx["items"] = items;
            property.OnEvent(this, ActivatorService.CreateInstance <PropertyGridEventArgs>(property, ctx));
コード例 #3
        public virtual void OnToggleButtonIsCheckedChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ToggleButton button = e.OriginalSource as ToggleButton;

            if (button != null)
                PropertyGridItem item = button.DataContext as PropertyGridItem;
                if (item != null && item.Property != null && item.Property.IsEnum && item.Property.IsFlagsEnum)
                    if (button.IsChecked.HasValue)
                        ulong itemValue     = PropertyGridComboBoxExtension.EnumToUInt64(item.Property, item.Value);
                        ulong propertyValue = PropertyGridComboBoxExtension.EnumToUInt64(item.Property, item.Property.Value);
                        ulong newValue;
                        if (button.IsChecked.Value)
                            if (itemValue == 0)
                                newValue = 0;
                                newValue = propertyValue | itemValue;
                            newValue = propertyValue & ~itemValue;

                        object propValue = PropertyGridComboBoxExtension.EnumToObject(item.Property, newValue);
                        item.Property.Value = propValue;

                        ListBoxItem li = button.GetVisualSelfOrParent <ListBoxItem>();
                        if (li != null)
                            ItemsControl parent = ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(li);
                            if (parent != null)
                                if (button.IsChecked.Value && itemValue == 0)
                                    foreach (PropertyGridItem gridItem in parent.Items.OfType <PropertyGridItem>())
                                        gridItem.IsChecked = PropertyGridComboBoxExtension.EnumToUInt64(item.Property, gridItem.Value) == 0;
                                    foreach (PropertyGridItem gridItem in parent.Items.OfType <PropertyGridItem>())
                                        ulong gridItemValue = PropertyGridComboBoxExtension.EnumToUInt64(item.Property, gridItem.Value);
                                        if (gridItemValue == 0)
                                            gridItem.IsChecked = newValue == 0;

                                        gridItem.IsChecked = (newValue & gridItemValue) == gridItemValue;