public Task TcpSocketClient_ShouldThrowPCLException_InPlaceOfNativeSocketException() { var sut = new TcpSocketClient(); var unreachableHostName = ":/totallynotvalid@#$"; return Assert.ThrowsAsync<Exception>(() => sut.ConnectAsync(unreachableHostName, 8000)); }
/// <summary> /// Binds the <code>TcpSocketListener</code> to the specified port on all endpoints and listens for TCP connections. /// </summary> /// <param name="port">The port to listen on. If '0', selection is delegated to the operating system.</param> /// <param name="listenOn">The <code>CommsInterface</code> to listen on. If unspecified, all interfaces will be bound.</param> /// <returns></returns> public Task StartListeningAsync(int port, ICommsInterface listenOn = null) { if (listenOn != null && !listenOn.IsUsable) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot listen on an unusable interface. Check the IsUsable property before attemping to bind."); _listenCanceller = new CancellationTokenSource(); _backingStreamSocketListener = new StreamSocketListener(); _backingStreamSocketListener.ConnectionReceived += (sender, args) => { var nativeSocket = args.Socket; var wrappedSocket = new TcpSocketClient(nativeSocket, _bufferSize); var eventArgs = new TcpSocketListenerConnectEventArgs(wrappedSocket); if (ConnectionReceived != null) ConnectionReceived(this, eventArgs); }; var sn = port == 0 ? "" : port.ToString(); #if !WP80 if (listenOn != null) { var adapter = ((CommsInterface)listenOn).NativeNetworkAdapter; return _backingStreamSocketListener .BindServiceNameAsync(sn, SocketProtectionLevel.PlainSocket, adapter) .AsTask(); } else #endif return _backingStreamSocketListener .BindServiceNameAsync(sn) .AsTask(); }
public async Task Initialize(string host, string port, ConnectionChannel connectionChannel, HeartbeatChannel heartbeatChannel, Action<Stream, bool> packetReader) { if (_client == null) _client = new TcpSocketClient(); await _client.ConnectAsync(host, int.Parse(port), true, default(CancellationToken), true); connectionChannel.OpenConnection(); heartbeatChannel.StartHeartbeat(); await Task.Run(() => { while (true) { var sizeBuffer = new byte[4]; byte[] messageBuffer = { }; // First message should contain the size of message _client.ReadStream.Read(sizeBuffer, 0, sizeBuffer.Length); // The message is little-endian (that is, little end first), // reverse the byte array. Array.Reverse(sizeBuffer); //Retrieve the size of message var messageSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(sizeBuffer, 0); messageBuffer = new byte[messageSize]; _client.ReadStream.Read(messageBuffer, 0, messageBuffer.Length); var answer = new MemoryStream(messageBuffer.Length); answer.Write(messageBuffer, 0, messageBuffer.Length); answer.Position = 0; packetReader(answer, true); } }); }
public async Task TcpSocketClient_ShouldSendReceiveData() { var bytesToSend = new byte[] {0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5}; var len = bytesToSend.Length; var port = PortGranter.GrantPort(); var listener = new TcpSocketListener(); await listener.StartListeningAsync(port); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); listener.ConnectionReceived += async (sender, args) => { var bytesReceived = new byte[len]; await args.SocketClient.ReadStream.ReadAsync(bytesReceived, 0, len); var allSame = Enumerable .Zip(bytesToSend, bytesReceived, (s, r) => s == r) .All(b => b); tcs.SetResult(allSame); }; var client = new TcpSocketClient(); await client.ConnectAsync("", port); await client.WriteStream.WriteAsync(bytesToSend, 0, len); var ok = await tcs.Task; await listener.StopListeningAsync(); Assert.True(ok); }
public Task TcpSocketClient_ShouldThrowNormalException_WhenNotPlatformSpecific() { var sut = new TcpSocketClient(); var tooHighForAPort = Int32.MaxValue; return Assert.ThrowsAsync<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => sut.ConnectAsync("", tooHighForAPort)); }
private Task OnlyThrowsSocketExceptionOnNet() { var sut = new TcpSocketClient(); var unreachableHostName = ":/totallynotvalid@#$"; return sut.ConnectAsync(unreachableHostName, 8000); }
private Task OnlyThrowsSocketExceptionOnWinRT() { var sut = new TcpSocketClient(); var tooHighForAPort = Int32.MaxValue; return sut.ConnectAsync("", tooHighForAPort); }
public TcpSocketClientPage() { _client = new TcpSocketClient(); _messagesSub = new Subject<Message>(); _messagesObs = _messagesSub.AsObservable(); InitView(); }
private async Task SendTcpAsync(ClientInfo clientInfo, byte[] message) { var client = new TcpSocketClient(); await client.ConnectAsync(clientInfo.IpAddress, SharedSettings.TcpPort); client.WriteStream.Write(message, 0, message.Length); await client.WriteStream.FlushAsync(); await client.DisconnectAsync(); }
public async Task TcpSocketClient_ShouldBeAbleToConnect() { var port = PortGranter.GrantPort(); var listener = new TcpSocketListener(); await listener.StartListeningAsync(port); var sut = new TcpSocketClient(); await sut.ConnectAsync("", port); await listener.StopListeningAsync(); // getting here means nothing went boom Assert.True(true); }
private static bool OpenConnection() { try { // Send initial parameters var networkStream = ImageComparisonServer.WriteStream; var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(networkStream); ImageTestResultConnection.Write(binaryWriter); return true; } catch { ImageComparisonServer = null; return false; } }
public static bool Connect() { if (ImageComparisonServer != null) return true; try { ImageComparisonServer = new TcpSocketClient(); var t = Task.Run(async () => await ImageComparisonServer.ConnectAsync(XenkoImageServerHost, XenkoImageServerPort)); t.Wait(); } catch (Exception) { ImageComparisonServer = null; return false; } return OpenConnection(); }
public static void Disconnect() { if (ImageComparisonServer != null) { try { // Properly sends a message notifying we want to close the connection var networkStream = ImageComparisonServer.WriteStream; var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(networkStream); binaryWriter.Write((int)ImageServerMessageType.ConnectionFinished); binaryWriter.Flush(); ImageComparisonServer.Dispose(); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore failures on disconnect } ImageComparisonServer = null; } }
public static bool Connect(SimpleSocket simpleSocket) { ImageComparisonServer = simpleSocket.Socket; return OpenConnection(); }
#pragma warning disable 4014 private void WaitForConnections(CancellationToken cancelToken) { Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => { while (!cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) { var nativeClient = await Task.Run(() => _backingTcpListener.AcceptTcpClient(), cancelToken); var wrappedClient = new TcpSocketClient(nativeClient, _bufferSize); var eventArgs = new TcpSocketListenerConnectEventArgs(wrappedClient); if (ConnectionReceived != null) ConnectionReceived(this, eventArgs); } }, cancelToken, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default); }
public async Task StartClient(string address, int port, bool needAck = true) { // Create TCP client var socket = new TcpSocketClient(2048); try { await socket.ConnectAsync(address, port); SetSocket(socket); //socket.NoDelay = true; // Do an ack with magic packet (necessary so that we know it's not a dead connection, // it sometimes happen when doing port forwarding because service don't refuse connection right away but only fails when sending data) if (needAck) await SendAndReceiveAck(socket, MagicAck, MagicAck); Connected?.Invoke(this); isConnected = true; } catch (Exception) { DisposeSocket(); throw; } }
public MobileTcpClient(UsersService usersService, TcpSocketClient client) { _usersService = usersService; _client = client; }
public void Connect() { this.socket = new TcpSocketClient(); // connection is executed synchronously this.socket.ConnectAsync(this.remoteHostName, this.remotePort, this.sslProtocol != MqttSslProtocols.None).Wait(); }
private void SetSocket(TcpSocketClient socket) { this.socket = socket; }
private void DisposeSocket() { if (this.socket != null) { if (isConnected) { isConnected = false; Disconnected?.Invoke(this); } this.socket.Dispose(); this.socket = null; } }
private TcpClient(IUsersService usersService, TcpSocketClient client) { _usersService = usersService; _client = client; }
public async Task TcpSocketClient_ShouldSendReceiveDataSimultaneously(int bufferSize) { var port = PortGranter.GrantPort(); TcpSocketListener listener = null; TcpSocketClient socket1 = null; // get both ends of a connected socket, with or without buffer if (bufferSize != -1) { listener = new TcpSocketListener(bufferSize); socket1 = new TcpSocketClient(bufferSize); } else { listener = new TcpSocketListener(); socket1 = new TcpSocketClient(); } var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<ITcpSocketClient>(); await listener.StartListeningAsync(port); listener.ConnectionReceived += (sender, args) => tcs.SetResult(args.SocketClient); await socket1.ConnectAsync("", port); var socket2 = await tcs.Task; await listener.StopListeningAsync(); // socket1 is the socket from the client end // socket2 is the socket from the server end // for five seconds, send and receive the data var sentToSocket1 = new List<byte>(); var sentToSocket2 = new List<byte>(); var recvdBySocket1 = new List<byte>(); var recvdBySocket2 = new List<byte>(); // send random data and keep track of it // also keep track of what is received Func<ITcpSocketClient, List<byte>, List<byte>, CancellationToken, Task> sendAndReceive = (socket, sent, recvd, token) => { var r = new Random(socket.GetHashCode()); var send = Task.Run(async () => { var buf = new byte[1000]; while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { r.NextBytes(buf); sent.AddRange(buf); await socket.WriteStream.WriteAsync(buf, 0, buf.Length, token); await socket.WriteStream.FlushAsync(token); } }); var recv = Task.Run(async () => { var buf = new byte[1000]; while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { var len = await socket.ReadStream.ReadAsync(buf, 0, buf.Length, token); recvd.AddRange(buf.Take(len)); } }); var innerTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); token.Register(() => innerTcs.SetResult(true)); return innerTcs.Task; }; // let the sockets run for 2.5 seconds var socketRunners = Task.WhenAll( Task.Run(() => sendAndReceive(socket1, sentToSocket2, recvdBySocket1, new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5)).Token).ContinueWith(t=> Debug.WriteLine($"Socket 1 task completed: {t}"))), Task.Run(() => sendAndReceive(socket2, sentToSocket1, recvdBySocket2, new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.5)).Token).ContinueWith(t => Debug.WriteLine($"Socket 2 task completed: {t}"))) ); await socketRunners; Debug.WriteLine("Sent to S1:{0}, Recvd by S1:{1}", sentToSocket1.Count, recvdBySocket1.Count); Debug.WriteLine("Sent to S2:{0}, Recvd by S2:{1}", sentToSocket2.Count, recvdBySocket2.Count); // zip will join up to the lowest index of both lists (must be recvd) // it's ok if recvd is shorter than sent because we cancel abruptly, // but we want to be sure that everything that was received matches // everything that sent, and that we did both send and receive. var socket1Errors = Enumerable.Zip(recvdBySocket1, sentToSocket1, (r, s) => s == r) .Count(b => !b); var socket2Errors = Enumerable.Zip(recvdBySocket2, sentToSocket2, (r, s) => s == r) .Count(b => !b); var max = new[] {recvdBySocket1.Count, recvdBySocket2.Count, sentToSocket1.Count, sentToSocket2.Count}.Max(); Func<List<byte>, int, string> getValueOrStars = (bytes, i) => bytes.Count > i ? ((int) bytes[i]).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') : "***"; var rows = Enumerable.Range(0, max - 1) .Select(i => { var sTo1 = getValueOrStars(sentToSocket1, i); var rBy1 = getValueOrStars(recvdBySocket1, i); var sTo2 = getValueOrStars(sentToSocket2, i); var rBy2 = getValueOrStars(recvdBySocket2, i); return new { Index = i, SentTo1 = sTo1, ReceivedBy1 = rBy1, SentTo2 = sTo2, ReceivedBy2 = rBy2}; }) .Where(r => (r.SentTo1 != r.ReceivedBy1 && r.ReceivedBy1 != "***") || (r.SentTo2 != r.ReceivedBy2 && r.ReceivedBy2 != "***")) .Select(r=> $"{r.Index}: \t{r.SentTo1}\t{r.ReceivedBy1}\t{r.SentTo2}\t{r.ReceivedBy2}\t") .Take(1000); Func<IEnumerable<byte>, string> show = bs => $"[ {String.Join(", ", bs.Take(5).Select(b => (int) b))} ]"; if (socket1Errors > 0 || socket2Errors > 0) { Assert.True(socket1Errors == 0, $"Socket1 received {socket1Errors} byte/s that did not match what was sent to it{Environment.NewLine}{String.Join(Environment.NewLine, rows)}"); Assert.True(socket2Errors == 0, $"Socket2 received {socket2Errors} byte/s that did not match what was sent to it{Environment.NewLine}{String.Join(Environment.NewLine, rows)}"); } // eww, but does the job we need Assert.True(recvdBySocket1.Count > 5000, String.Format("Socket 1 received data count was less than 5000 : {0}", recvdBySocket1.Count)); Assert.True(recvdBySocket2.Count > 5000, String.Format("Socket 2 received data count was less than 5000 : {0}", recvdBySocket2.Count)); await socket1.DisconnectAsync(); await socket2.DisconnectAsync(); }
public Task TcpSocketClient_Connect_ShouldCancelByCancellationToken() { var sut = new TcpSocketClient(); var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); var ct = cts.Token; // let's just hope no one's home :) return Assert.ThrowsAsync<OperationCanceledException>(()=> sut.ConnectAsync("", 51234, cancellationToken: cts.Token)); }
[InlineData(1000)] // yes buffered stream public async Task TcpSocketClient_ShouldBeAbleToDisconnectThenReconnect(int bufferSize) { TcpSocketClient sut = null; var port = PortGranter.GrantPort(); var listener = new TcpSocketListener(); await listener.StartListeningAsync(port); if (bufferSize != -1) sut = new TcpSocketClient(bufferSize); else sut = new TcpSocketClient(); await sut.ConnectAsync("", port); await sut.DisconnectAsync(); await sut.ConnectAsync("", port); await sut.DisconnectAsync(); await listener.StopListeningAsync(); }
private static async Task SendAndReceiveAck(TcpSocketClient socket, uint sentAck, uint expectedAck) { await socket.WriteStream.WriteInt32Async((int)sentAck); await socket.WriteStream.FlushAsync(); var ack = (uint)await socket.ReadStream.ReadInt32Async(); if (ack != expectedAck) throw new SimpleSocketException("Invalid ack"); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TcpConnection" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="useSsl">if set to <c>true</c> the connection is secured using SSL.</param> public TcpConnection(bool useSsl) { _isSecure = useSsl; _client = new TcpSocketClient(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">Socket opened with the client</param> public MqttNetworkChannel(TcpSocketClient socket) { this.socket = socket; this.sslProtocol = MqttSslProtocols.None; }
public void TcpSocketClient_Constructor_ShouldSucceed() { // just checking bait and switch is set up var socket = new TcpSocketClient(); Assert.True(true); }
private int ReadByte(TcpSocketClient client) { return Task.Run(() => client.ReadStream.ReadByte()).Result; }
/// <summary> /// Connects to the Logentries API Server. /// </summary> public void Connect() { if (_useHttpPut) { _httpClient = new HttpClient(); } else { _socketClient = new TcpSocketClient(); var task = _socketClient.ConnectAsync(_url, _tcpPort, _useSsl); task.Wait(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30)); } }