public void ProcessRequest() { if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "login") { try { string email = Request.QueryString["username"]; string password = Request.QueryString["password"]; Registration regpage = new Registration(); password = regpage.MD5Hash(password); SocioBoard.Helper.SessionFactory.configfilepath = Server.MapPath("~/hibernate.cfg.xml"); UserRepository userrepo = new UserRepository(); LoginLogs objLoginLogs = new LoginLogs(); LoginLogsRepository objLoginLogsRepository = new LoginLogsRepository(); User user = userrepo.GetUserInfo(email, password); if (user == null) { Response.Write("Invalid Email or Password"); } else { if (user.UserStatus == 1) { Session["LoggedUser"] = user; // List<User> lstUser = new List<User>(); if (Session["LoggedUser"] != null) { //SocioBoard.Domain.User.lstUser.Add((User)Session["LoggedUser"]); //Application["OnlineUsers"] = SocioBoard.Domain.User.lstUser; //objLoginLogs.Id = new Guid(); //objLoginLogs.UserId = user.Id; //objLoginLogs.UserName = user.UserName; //objLoginLogs.LoginTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(11.50); //objLoginLogsRepository.Add(objLoginLogs); Groups objGroups = new Groups(); GroupRepository objGroupRepository = new GroupRepository(); Team objteam = new Team(); TeamRepository objTeamRepository = new TeamRepository(); objGroups = objGroupRepository.getGroupDetail(user.Id); if (objGroups == null) { //================================================================================ //Insert into group try { objGroups = new Groups(); objGroups.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); objGroups.GroupName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultGroupName"]; objGroups.UserId = user.Id; objGroups.EntryDate = DateTime.Now; objGroupRepository.AddGroup(objGroups); objteam.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); objteam.GroupId = objGroups.Id; objteam.UserId = user.Id; objteam.EmailId = user.EmailId; // teams.FirstName = user.UserName; objTeamRepository.addNewTeam(objteam); SocialProfile objSocialProfile = new SocialProfile(); SocialProfilesRepository objSocialProfilesRepository = new SocialProfilesRepository(); List<SocialProfile> lstSocialProfile = objSocialProfilesRepository.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id); if (lstSocialProfile != null) { if (lstSocialProfile.Count > 0) { foreach (SocialProfile item in lstSocialProfile) { try { TeamMemberProfile objTeamMemberProfile = new TeamMemberProfile(); TeamMemberProfileRepository objTeamMemberProfileRepository = new TeamMemberProfileRepository(); objTeamMemberProfile.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); objTeamMemberProfile.TeamId = objteam.Id; objTeamMemberProfile.ProfileId = item.ProfileId; objTeamMemberProfile.ProfileType = item.ProfileType; objTeamMemberProfile.Status = item.ProfileStatus; objTeamMemberProfile.StatusUpdateDate = DateTime.Now; objTeamMemberProfileRepository.addNewTeamMember(objTeamMemberProfile); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error("Error : " + ex.Message); logger.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } //========================================================================================================== } BusinessSetting objBusinessSetting = new BusinessSetting(); BusinessSettingRepository objBusinessSettingRepository = new BusinessSettingRepository(); List<BusinessSetting> lstBusinessSetting = objBusinessSettingRepository.GetBusinessSettingByUserId(user.Id); if (lstBusinessSetting.Count == 0) { try { List<Groups> lstGroups = objGroupRepository.getAllGroups(user.Id); foreach (Groups item in lstGroups) { objBusinessSetting = new BusinessSetting(); objBusinessSetting.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); objBusinessSetting.BusinessName = item.GroupName; //objbsnssetting.GroupId = team.GroupId; objBusinessSetting.GroupId = item.Id; objBusinessSetting.AssigningTasks = false; objBusinessSetting.AssigningTasks = false; objBusinessSetting.TaskNotification = false; objBusinessSetting.TaskNotification = false; objBusinessSetting.FbPhotoUpload = 0; objBusinessSetting.UserId = user.Id; objBusinessSetting.EntryDate = DateTime.Now; objBusinessSettingRepository.AddBusinessSetting(objBusinessSetting); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } Response.Write("user"); } else { Response.Write("You are Blocked by Admin Please contact Admin!"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Error: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "register") { User user = new User(); UserActivation objUserActivation = new UserActivation(); UserRepository userrepo = new UserRepository(); SocioBoard.Helper.SessionFactory.configfilepath = Server.MapPath("~/hibernate.cfg.xml"); Session["AjaxLogin"] = "******"; try { System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(Request.InputStream); string line = ""; line = sr.ReadToEnd(); JObject jo = JObject.Parse(line); user.PaymentStatus = "unpaid"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["type"])) { user.AccountType = Request.QueryString["type"]; } else { user.AccountType = "deluxe"; } user.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; user.ExpiryDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1); user.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); user.UserName = Server.UrlDecode((string)jo["firstname"]) + " " + Server.UrlDecode((string)jo["lastname"]); user.EmailId = Server.UrlDecode((string)jo["email"]); user.Password = Server.UrlDecode((string)jo["password"]); user.UserStatus = 1; if (!userrepo.IsUserExist(user.EmailId)) { UserRepository.Add(user); Session["LoggedUser"] = user; Response.Write("user"); objUserActivation.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); objUserActivation.UserId = user.Id; objUserActivation.ActivationStatus = "0"; UserActivationRepository.Add(objUserActivation); //add value in userpackage UserPackageRelation objUserPackageRelation = new UserPackageRelation(); UserPackageRelationRepository objUserPackageRelationRepository = new UserPackageRelationRepository(); PackageRepository objPackageRepository = new PackageRepository(); Package objPackage = objPackageRepository.getPackageDetails(user.AccountType); objUserPackageRelation.Id = new Guid(); objUserPackageRelation.PackageId = objPackage.Id; objUserPackageRelation.UserId = user.Id; objUserPackageRelation.PackageStatus = true; objUserPackageRelationRepository.AddUserPackageRelation(objUserPackageRelation); SocioBoard.Helper.MailSender.SendEMail(user.UserName, user.Password, user.EmailId, user.AccountType.ToString(), user.Id.ToString()); //MailSender.SendEMail(user.UserName, user.Password, user.EmailId); // lblerror.Text = "Registered Successfully !" + "<a href=\"login.aspx\">Login</a>"; } else { Response.Write("Email Already Exists !"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "facebooklogin") { SessionFactory.configfilepath = Server.MapPath("~/hibernate.cfg.xml"); string redi = ",read_stream,read_insights,manage_pages,user_checkins,user_photos,read_mailbox,manage_notifications,read_page_mailboxes,email,user_videos,offline_access&client_id=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientId"] + "&redirect_uri=" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedirectUrl"] + "&response_type=code"; Session["login"] = "******"; Response.Write(redi); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "googlepluslogin") { Session["login"] = "******"; oAuthToken objToken = new oAuthToken(); Response.Write(objToken.GetAutherizationLink("")); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "removeuser") { try { if (Session["LoggedUser"] != null) { SocioBoard.Domain.User.lstUser.Remove((User)Session["LoggedUser"]); } } catch (Exception Err) { logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); Response.Write(Err.StackTrace); } } }
public void getProfileCount() { SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; SocialProfilesRepository objProfile=new SocialProfilesRepository(); List<SocialProfile> lstProfile= objProfile.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id); strProfileCOunt = lstProfile.Count().ToString(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; if (user == null) Response.Redirect("/Default.aspx"); try { getgrphData(7); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { getNewFriends(7); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { getNewFollowers(7); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { GetFollowersAgeWise(7); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { getFollowFollowersMonth(); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { FacebookAccountRepository fbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookFeedRepository fbFeedRepo=new FacebookFeedRepository(); ArrayList arrfbProfile = fbAccRepo.getAllFacebookPagesOfUser(user.Id); long talking = 0; foreach (FacebookAccount item in arrfbProfile) { FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = item.AccessToken; pagelikes = pagelikes + fbFeedRepo.countInteractions(item.UserId, item.FbUserId, 7); dynamic talkingabout = fb.Get(item.FbUserId); talking = talking + talkingabout.talking_about_count; // strinteractions = pagelikes.Count(); //(long.Parse(strinteractions) + pagelikes.talking_about_count).ToString(); } talkingabtcount = (talking / 100) * arrfbProfile.Count; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { SocialProfilesRepository objsocioRepo=new SocialProfilesRepository(); profileCount = objsocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id).Count(); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } var strgenderTwt = Session["twtGender"].ToString().Split(','); divtwtMale.InnerHtml = strgenderTwt[0] +"%"; divtwtfeMale.InnerHtml = strgenderTwt[1]+"%"; } }
public void ProcessRequest() { SocialProfilesRepository socio = new SocialProfilesRepository(); List<SocialProfile> alstsocioprofiles = new List<SocialProfile>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["op"])) { SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (SocioBoard.Domain.User)Session["LoggedUser"]; if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "social_connectivity") { alstsocioprofiles = socio.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id); string profiles = string.Empty; profiles += "<ul class=\"rsidebar-profile\">"; foreach (SocialProfile item in alstsocioprofiles) { try { if (item.ProfileType == "facebook") { try { FacebookAccountRepository facerepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount faceaccount = facerepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); if (faceaccount != null) { profiles += "<li id=\"so_" + item.ProfileId + "\"><div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"userpictiny\"><div class=\"delet_icon\" onclick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','fb');\"></div><a href=\"" + faceaccount.FbUserId + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + item.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" alt=\"\" title=\"" + faceaccount.FbUserName + "\" /></a>" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"userurlpic\" title=\"\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/fb_icon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\"></a></div></li>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (item.ProfileType == "twitter") { try { TwitterAccountRepository twtrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); SocioBoard.Domain.TwitterAccount twtaccount = twtrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); if (twtaccount != null) { profiles += "<li id=\"so_" + item.ProfileId + "\"><div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"userpictiny\"><div class=\"delet_icon\" onClick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','twt')\"></div><a href=\"" + twtaccount.TwitterScreenName + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + twtaccount.ProfileImageUrl + "\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" alt=\"\" title=\"" + twtaccount.TwitterScreenName + "\" /></a>" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"userurlpic\" title=\"\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/twticon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\"></a></div></li>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (item.ProfileType == "linkedin") { try { LinkedInAccountRepository liRepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); string access = string.Empty, tokenSecrate = string.Empty, LdprofileName = string.Empty, LdPreofilePic = string.Empty; LinkedInAccount liaccount = liRepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); if (liaccount != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(liaccount.ProfileImageUrl)) { LdPreofilePic = liaccount.ProfileImageUrl; } else { LdPreofilePic = "../../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } profiles += "<li id=\"so_" + item.ProfileId + "\"><div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"userpictiny\"><div class=\"delet_icon\" onClick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','linkedin')\"></div><a href=\"" + liaccount.ProfileUrl + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + LdPreofilePic + "\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" alt=\"\" title=\"" + liaccount.LinkedinUserName + "\" /></a>" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"userurlpic\" title=\"\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/link_icon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\"></a></div></li>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (item.ProfileType == "instagram") { try { InstagramAccountRepository objInsAccRepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramAccount objInsAcc = objInsAccRepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); string accessToken = string.Empty; if (objInsAcc != null) { profiles += "<li id=\"so_" + item.ProfileId + "\"><div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"userpictiny\"><div class=\"delet_icon\" onClick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','instagram')\"></div><a href=\"" + objInsAcc.InsUserName + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + objInsAcc.ProfileUrl + "\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" alt=\"\" title=\"" + objInsAcc.InsUserName + "\" /></a>" + "<a href=\"#\" class=\"userurlpic\" title=\"\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/instagram_24X24.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\"></a></div></li>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (item.ProfileType == "googleplus") { try { //GooglePlusAccountRepository objgpAccRepo = new GooglePlusAccountRepository(); //GooglePlusAccount objgpAcc = objgpAccRepo.getGooglePlusAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); //string accessToken = string.Empty; //profiles += "<li id=\"so_" + item.ProfileId + "\"><div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"userpictiny\"><div class=\"delet_icon\" onClick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','googleplus')\"></div><a href=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" + objgpAcc.GpProfileImage + "\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" alt=\"\" title=\"" + objgpAcc.GpUserName + "\" /></a>" + // "<a href=\"#\" class=\"userurlpic\" title=\"\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/google_plus.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\"></a></div></li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (item.ProfileType == "googleanalytics") { try { //GoogleAnalyticsAccountRepository objgaAccRepo = new GoogleAnalyticsAccountRepository(); //GoogleAnalyticsAccount objgaAcc = objgaAccRepo.getGoogelAnalyticsAccountHomeDetailsById(user.Id,item.ProfileId); //string accessToken = string.Empty; //profiles += "<li id=\"so_" + item.ProfileId + "\"><div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"userpictiny\"><div class=\"delet_icon\" onClick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','googleanalytics')\"></div><a href=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/google_analytics.png\" height=\"48\" width=\"48\" alt=\"\" title=\"" + objgaAcc.GaAccountName + "\" /></a>" + // "<a href=\"#\" class=\"userurlpic\" title=\"\"><img src=\"\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\"></a></div></li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } profiles += "</ul>"; Response.Write(profiles); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "woodrafts") { string message = string.Empty; try { DraftsRepository draftsRepository = new DraftsRepository(); List<Drafts> lstDrafts = draftsRepository.getAllDrafts(user.Id); string profurl = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.ProfileUrl)) { profurl = "../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { profurl = user.ProfileUrl; } if (lstDrafts.Count != 0) { foreach (Drafts item in lstDrafts) { message += "<section class=\"section\" style=\"width:648px;\">" + "<div class=\"js-task-cont read\"><section class=\"task-owner\">" + "<img width=\"32\" height=\"32\" border=\"0\" class=\"avatar\" src=\"../Contents/img/task_pin.png\">" + "</section><section class=\"task-activity third\" style=\"width: 19.6%;\"><p>" + user.UserName + "</p><div>" + item.CreatedDate + " </div><p>" + //"</p></section><section style=\"margin-right: 6px; height: auto; width: 35%;\" class=\"task-message font-13 third\"><a onclick=\"writemessage(this.innerHTML);\" class=\"tip_left\">" + item.Message + "</a></section>" + "</p></section><section style=\"margin-right: 6px; height: auto; width: 31%;\" class=\"task-message font-13 third\"><span class=\"tip_left\">" + item.Message + "</span></section>" + "<div class=\"userpictiny\" style=\"height:70px; margin-top: 0;\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"" + profurl + "\" />" + "</div>" + "<a class=\"small_remove icon publish_delete\" href=\"#\" style=\"top: 7px; float: right; margin-top: 13px; margin-right: 10px;\" title=\"Delete\" onclick=\"deleteDraftMessage('" + item.Id + "')\"></a>" + "<section style=\"margin-top: 18px; width: 45px; margin-right: 17px;\" class=\"task-status\"><div class=\"ui_light floating task_status_change\"><a class=\"ui-sproutmenu\" href=\"#nogo\">" + "<span onclick=\"editDraftsMessage('" + item.Id + "');\" class=\"ui-sproutmenu-status\">" + "<img class=\"edit_button\" src=\"../Contents/img/icon_edit.png\" alt=\"\" />" + "</span>" + "</a></div></section></div></section>"; } } else { //message += "<section class=\"section\"><div class=\"js-task-cont read\"><section class=\"task-owner\">" + // "<img width=\"32\" height=\"32\" border=\"0\" class=\"avatar\" src=\"" + profurl + "\">" + // "</section><section class=\"task-activity third\"><p>" + user.UserName + "</p><div></div><p></p></section><section style=\"margin-right: 6px; width: 31%; height: auto;\" class=\"task-message font-13 third\">" + // "<a class=\"tip_left\">No Messages in Drafts</a></section><section style=\"width:113px;\" class=\"task-status\"><span class=\"ficon task_active\"></span>" + // "<div class=\"ui_light floating task_status_change\"><a class=\"ui-sproutmenu\" href=\"#nogo\">" + // "<span class=\"ui-sproutmenu-status\"></span></a></div></section></div></section>"; message += "<section class=\"section\"><div class=\"js-task-cont read\"><section style=\"margin-right: 6px; width: 31%; height: auto;\" class=\"task-message font-13 third\">" + "<a class=\"tip_left\">No Messages in Drafts</a></section><section style=\"width:113px;\" class=\"task-status\"><span class=\"ficon task_active\"></span>" + "<div class=\"ui_light floating task_status_change\"><a class=\"ui-sproutmenu\" href=\"#nogo\">" + "<span class=\"ui-sproutmenu-status\"></span></a></div></section></div></section>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } Response.Write(message); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "savedrafts") { try { string message = Request.QueryString["message"]; Drafts d = new Drafts(); d.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; d.Message = message; d.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; d.UserId = user.Id; d.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); DraftsRepository dRepo = new DraftsRepository(); if (!dRepo.IsDraftsMessageExist(user.Id, message)) { dRepo.AddDrafts(d); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "midsnaps") { try { Random rNum = new Random(); string loadtype = Request.QueryString["loadtype"]; string midsnaps = string.Empty; if (loadtype == "load") profilelimit = 0; if (profilelimit != -1) { ArrayList alst = socio.getLimitProfilesOfUser(user.Id, profilelimit); if (alst.Count == 0) profilelimit = -1; else if (profilelimit == 0) profilelimit += 2; else profilelimit += 3; midsnaps += "<div class=\"row-fluid\" >"; if (loadtype == "load") { AdsRepository objAdsRepo = new AdsRepository(); ArrayList lstads = objAdsRepo.getAdsForHome(); int i = 0; if (lstads.Count <= 1) { midsnaps += "<div class=\"span4 rounder recpro\"><button data-dismiss=\"alert\" class=\"close pull-right\" type=\"button\">×</button>" + "<a href=\"#\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/admin/ads.png\" alt=\"\" style=\"width:246px;height:331px\"></a></div>"; } else { foreach (var item in lstads) { Array temp = (Array)item; i++; if (temp != null) { if (i == 2) { midsnaps += "<div class=\"span4 rounder recpro\"><button data-dismiss=\"alert\" class=\"close pull-right\" type=\"button\">×</button>" + "<a href=\"#\"><img src=\"" + temp.GetValue(2).ToString() + "\" alt=\"\" style=\"width:246px;height:331px\"></a></div>"; } } } } } foreach (SocialProfile item in alst) { if (item.ProfileType == "facebook") { try { FacebookAccountRepository fbrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookFeedRepository facefeedrepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); List<FacebookFeed> fbmsgs = facefeedrepo.getAllFacebookUserFeeds(item.ProfileId); FacebookAccount fbaccount = fbrepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); midsnaps += "<div id=\"mid_" + item.ProfileId + "\" style=\"height:333px;\" class=\"span4 rounder recpro\"><div class=\"concotop\">" + "<div onclick=\"detailsdiscoveryfacebook('" + fbaccount.FbUserId + "');\" class=\"userpictiny\"><img width=\"56\" height=\"56\" title=\"" + fbaccount.FbUserName + "\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + item.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small\"\">" + "<a title=\"\" class=\"userurlpic\" href=\"#\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/fb_icon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></a></div>" + "<div onclick=\"detailsdiscoveryfacebook('" + fbaccount.FbUserId + "');\" class=\"useraccname\">" + fbaccount.FbUserName + "</div><div class=\"usercounter\">" + "<div class=\"userfoll\">" + fbaccount.Friends; if (fbaccount.Type == "page") { midsnaps += "<a>Fans</a>"; } else { midsnaps += "<a>Friends</a>"; } midsnaps += "</div>" + "<div class=\"userppd\">" + Math.Round(rNum.NextDouble(), 2) + "<span>Avg. Post <br> Per Day</span></div></div></div>" + "<div class=\"concoteng\"><h5>recent message</h5> <ul class=\"mess\">"; if (fbmsgs.Count != 0) { int msgcount = 0; foreach (FacebookFeed child in fbmsgs) { string mess = string.Empty; if (msgcount < 2) { if (child.FeedDescription.Length > 40) { mess = child.FeedDescription.Substring(0, 39); mess = mess + "..........."; } else { mess = child.FeedDescription; } midsnaps += "<li><div class=\"messpic\"><img title=\"\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + child.FromId + "/picture?type=small\"></div>" + "<div class=\"messtext\">" + mess + "</div></li>"; // midsnaps += "<strong><img src=\"" + child.FromId + "/picture?type=small\" />" + mess + "</strong><br/>"; } else { break; } msgcount++; } } else { midsnaps += "<strong>No messages were found within the past few days.</strong> \"Messages will be displayed once there is activity in this date range.\""; } midsnaps += "</ul></div></div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } if (item.ProfileType == "googleplus") { // try //{ // GooglePlusAccountRepository objgpAccRepo = new GooglePlusAccountRepository(); // GooglePlusActivitiesRepository objgpActRepo = new GooglePlusActivitiesRepository(); // GooglePlusAccount gaaccount = objgpAccRepo.getGooglePlusAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); // List<GooglePlusActivities> gpmsgs = objgpActRepo.getAllgoogleplusActivityOfUser(user.Id, item.ProfileId); // midsnaps += "<div id=\"mid_" + item.ProfileId + "\" style=\"height:333px;\" class=\"span4 rounder recpro\"><div class=\"concotop\">" + // "<div class=\"userpictiny\"><img width=\"56\" height=\"56\" title=\"" + gaaccount.GpUserName + "\" alt=\"\" src='" + gaaccount.GpProfileImage + "'>" + // "<a title=\"\" class=\"userurlpic\" href=\"#\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/google_plus.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></a></div>" + // "<div class=\"useraccname\">" + gaaccount.GpUserName + "</div><div class=\"usercounter\">" + // "<div class=\"userfoll\">" + gaaccount.PeopleCount + "<span>Friends</span></div>" + // "<div class=\"userppd\">" + Math.Round(rNum.NextDouble(), 2) + "<span>Avg. Post Per Day</span></div></div></div>" + // "<div class=\"concoteng\"><h5>recent message</h5> <ul class=\"mess\">"; // if (gpmsgs.Count() != 0) // { // try // { // int msgcount = 0; // foreach (GooglePlusActivities child in gpmsgs) // { // string mess = string.Empty; // if (msgcount < 2) // { // if (child.Content.Length > 40) // { // mess = child.Content.Substring(0, 39); // mess = mess + "..........."; // } // else // { // mess = child.Content; // } // midsnaps += "<li><div class=\"messpic\"><img title=\"\" width=\"24px\" height=\"24px\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + child.FromProfileImage + "\"></div>" + // "<div class=\"messtext\">" + mess + "</div></li>"; // // midsnaps += "<strong><img src=\"" + child.FromId + "/picture?type=small\" />" + mess + "</strong><br/>"; // } // else // { // break; // } // msgcount++; // } // } // catch (Exception exx) // { // Console.WriteLine(exx.Message); // logger.Error(exx.Message); // } // } // else // { // midsnaps += "<strong>No messages were found within the past few days.</strong> \"Messages will be displayed once there is activity in this date range.\""; // } // midsnaps += "</ul></div></div>"; //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // logger.Error(ex.Message); //} } else if (item.ProfileType == "twitter") { TwitterAccountRepository twtrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); SocioBoard.Domain.TwitterAccount twtaccount = twtrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); TwitterMessageRepository twtmsgrepo = new TwitterMessageRepository(); List<TwitterMessage> lsttwtmsgs = twtmsgrepo.getAllTwitterMessagesOfProfile(item.ProfileId); int tweetcount = 0; midsnaps += "<div id=\"mid_" + item.ProfileId + "\" style=\"height:333px;\" class=\"span4 rounder recpro\"><div class=\"concotop\">" + "<div onclick=\"detailsdiscoverytwitter('" + twtaccount.TwitterUserId + "');\" class=\"userpictiny\"><img width=\"56\" height=\"56\" title=\"" + twtaccount.TwitterName + "\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + twtaccount.ProfileImageUrl + "\">" + "<a title=\"\" class=\"userurlpic\" href=\"#\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/twticon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></a></div>" + "<div onclick=\"detailsdiscoverytwitter('" + twtaccount.TwitterUserId + "');\" class=\"useraccname\">" + twtaccount.TwitterScreenName + "</div><div class=\"usercounter\">" + "<div class=\"userfoll\">" + twtaccount.FollowersCount + "<a>Followers</a></div>" + "<div class=\"userppd\">" + Math.Round(rNum.NextDouble(), 2) + "<span>Avg. Post <br> Per Day</span></div></div></div>" + "<div class=\"concoteng\"><h5>recent message</h5> <ul class=\"mess\">"; try { if (lsttwtmsgs.Count == 0) { midsnaps += "<strong>No messages were found within the past few days.</strong> \"Messages will be displayed once there is activity in this date range.\""; } else { foreach (TwitterMessage msg in lsttwtmsgs) { if (tweetcount < 2) { try { string ms = string.Empty; if (msg.TwitterMsg.Length > 20) { ms = msg.TwitterMsg.Substring(0, 20) + "..."; } else { ms = msg.TwitterMsg; } midsnaps += "<li><div class=\"messpic\"><img title=\"\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + msg.FromProfileUrl + "\"></div>" + "<div class=\"messtext\">" + ms + "</div></li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } else { break; } tweetcount++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } midsnaps += "</ul></div></div>"; } else if (item.ProfileType == "linkedin") { try { string access = string.Empty, tokenSecrate = string.Empty, LdprofileName = string.Empty, LdPreofilePic = string.Empty; LinkedInAccountRepository objLiRepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInFeedRepository objliFeedRepo = new LinkedInFeedRepository(); LinkedInAccount liAccount = objLiRepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); LinkedInFeedRepository lifeedrepo = new LinkedInFeedRepository(); List<LinkedInFeed> alstliaccount = lifeedrepo.getAllLinkedInFeedsOfProfile(item.ProfileId); if (liAccount != null) { LdprofileName = liAccount.LinkedinUserName; LdPreofilePic = liAccount.ProfileImageUrl; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LdPreofilePic)) { LdPreofilePic = "../../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } int linkedinConcount = 0; try { linkedinConcount = liAccount.Connections; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } midsnaps += "<div id=\"mid_" + item.ProfileId + "\" style=\"height:333px;\" class=\"span4 rounder recpro\"><div class=\"concotop\">" + "<div class=\"userpictiny\"><img width=\"56\" height=\"56\" title=\"" + LdprofileName + "\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + LdPreofilePic + "\">" + "<a title=\"\" class=\"userurlpic\" href=\"#\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/link_icon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></a></div>" + "<div class=\"useraccname\">" + LdprofileName + "</div><div class=\"usercounter\">" + "<div class=\"userfoll\">" + linkedinConcount + "<span>Connections</span></div>" + "<div class=\"userppd\">" + Math.Round(rNum.NextDouble(), 2) + "<span>Avg. Post <br> Per Day</span></div></div></div>" + "<div class=\"concoteng\"><h5>recent message</h5> <ul class=\"mess\">"; int link = 0; if (alstliaccount.Count == 0) { midsnaps += "<strong>No messages were found within the past 14 days.</strong> \"Messages will be displayed once there is activity in this date range.\""; } else { try { foreach (LinkedInFeed liFeed in alstliaccount) { try { if (link < 2) { string ms = string.Empty; if (liFeed.Feeds.Length > 20) { ms = liFeed.Feeds.Substring(0, 20) + "..."; } else { ms = liFeed.Feeds; } midsnaps += "<li><div class=\"messpic\"><img title=\"\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + liFeed.FromPicUrl + "\"></div>" + "<div class=\"messtext\">" + ms + "</div></li>"; link++; } else { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } midsnaps += "</ul></div></div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (item.ProfileType == "instagram") { try { InstagramAccountRepository objInsAccRepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramAccount objInsAcc = objInsAccRepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); midsnaps += "<div id=\"mid_" + item.ProfileId + "\" style=\"height:333px;\" class=\"span4 rounder recpro\"><div class=\"concotop\">" + "<div class=\"userpictiny\"><img width=\"56\" height=\"56\" title=\"" + objInsAcc.InsUserName + "\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + objInsAcc.ProfileUrl + "\">" + "<a title=\"\" class=\"userurlpic\" href=\"#\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/instagram_24X24.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\"></a></div>" + "<div class=\"useraccname\">" + objInsAcc.InsUserName + "</div></div>" + "<div class=\"concoteng\"><div class=\"pillow_fade\">" + " <div class=\"fb_notifications\">" + "<ul class=\"user-stats\"> " + "<li><div class=\"photo_stat\"> photos</div> <div class=\"number-stat\">" + objInsAcc.TotalImages + "</div></li>" + "<li><div class=\"photo_stat\">following</div><div class=\"number-stat\">" + objInsAcc.Followers + "</div></li>" + "<li><div class=\"photo_stat\">followers</div><div class=\"number-stat\">" + objInsAcc.FollowedBy + "</div></li>" + "</ul></div></div></div></div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } // midsnaps += " <div class=\"col_seven_instagram\">" + // "<div class=\"col_seven_instagram_link_my_accounts\">" + // "<div class=\"dt\"><a class=\"img\">" + // "<img src=\"" + objInsAcc.ProfileUrl + "\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" /></a>" + // "<span class=\"icon\"></span></div><div class=\"dd\">" + // "<h5>" + objInsAcc.InsUserName + "</h5><div class=\"friends_avg\">" + // "</div>" + // "</div>" + //"</div>" + // "<div class=\"pillow_fade\">" + // "<div class=\"fb_notifications\">" + // "<ul class=\"user-stats\">" + // "<li>" + // "<div class=\"photo_stat\"> photos" + // "</div>" + // "<div class=\"number-stat\">" + objInsAcc.TotalImages + // "</div>" + // "</li>" + // "<li>" + // "<div class=\"photo_stat\"> followers" + // "</div>" + // "<div class=\"number-stat\">" + objInsAcc.FollowedBy + // "</div>" + // "</li>" + // "<li>" + // "<div class=\"photo_stat\"> following" + // "</div>" + // "<div class=\"number-stat\">" + objInsAcc.Followers + // "</div>" + // "</li>" + // "</ul>" + // "</div>" + // "</div>" + //"</div>"; } else if (item.ProfileType == "googleanalytics") { //try //{ // GoogleAnalyticsAccountRepository objGaAccRepo = new GoogleAnalyticsAccountRepository(); // GoogleAnalyticsAccount objGaAcc = objGaAccRepo.getGoogelAnalyticsAccountHomeDetailsById(user.Id, item.ProfileId); // ArrayList arrlist = objGaAccRepo.getMaxGAStats(item.ProfileId); // int dayvisit = 0, monthvisit = 0, yearvisit = 0; // foreach (var itemData in arrlist) // { // Array temp = (Array)itemData; // if (temp.GetValue(0).ToString() == "year") // yearvisit = int.Parse(temp.GetValue(2).ToString()); // else if (temp.GetValue(0).ToString() == "month") // monthvisit = int.Parse(temp.GetValue(2).ToString()); // else if (temp.GetValue(0).ToString() == "day") // dayvisit = int.Parse(temp.GetValue(2).ToString()); // } // midsnaps += "<div class=\"span4 rounder recpro\" style=\"height:333px;\"><div class=\"col_five_ga_my_accounts\"><div class=\"dt\">" + // "<a class=\"img\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/google_analytics.png\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" /></a></div>" + // "<div class=\"dd\"><div class=\"useraccname\" style=\"margin-left:0px;\">" + objGaAcc.GaAccountName + "</div><div class=\"friends_avg\"><div class=\"ga_content\">Google Analytics</div></div></div></div>" + //"<div class=\"pillow_fade\">" + // "<div class=\"ga_trafic_number_graph\"><div class=\"ga_trafic\">Year</div><div class=\"ga_number\">" + yearvisit + "</div><div class=\"ga_graph\"></div></div>" + // "<div class=\"ga_trafic_number_graph\"><div class=\"ga_trafic\">Month</div><div class=\"ga_number\">" + monthvisit + "</div><div class=\"ga_graph\"></div></div>" + // "<div class=\"ga_trafic_number_graph\"><div class=\"ga_trafic\">Day</div><div class=\"ga_number\">" + dayvisit + "</div><div class=\"ga_graph\"></div></div></div></div>"; //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // logger.Error(ex.Message); //} } } midsnaps += "</div>"; Response.Write(midsnaps); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "accountdelete") { Session["facebooktotalprofiles"] = null; SocialProfilesRepository socioprofilerepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); string Profiletype = Request.QueryString["profile"]; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; if (Profiletype == "fb") { try { FacebookAccountRepository fbrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); int delacc = fbrepo.deleteFacebookUser(profileid, user.Id); if (delacc != 0) { socioprofilerepo.deleteProfile(user.Id, profileid); List<SocialProfile> lstsocioprofile = socioprofilerepo.checkProfileExistsMoreThanOne(profileid); if (lstsocioprofile.Count == 0) { FacebookMessageRepository fbmsgrepo = new FacebookMessageRepository(); fbmsgrepo.deleteAllMessagesOfUser(profileid, user.Id); FacebookFeedRepository fbfeedrepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); fbfeedrepo.deleteAllFeedsOfUser(profileid, user.Id); FacebookStatsRepository fbstatsrepo = new FacebookStatsRepository(); fbstatsrepo.deleteFacebookStats(profileid, user.Id); } } } catch (Exception exx) { Console.WriteLine(exx.Message); logger.Error(exx.Message); } } else if (Profiletype == "twt") { try { TwitterAccountRepository twtaccountrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); int deltwtacc = twtaccountrepo.deleteTwitterUser(user.Id, profileid); if (deltwtacc != 0) { socioprofilerepo.deleteProfile(user.Id, profileid); List<SocialProfile> lstsocioprofile = socioprofilerepo.checkProfileExistsMoreThanOne(profileid); if (lstsocioprofile.Count == 0) { TwitterMessageRepository twtmsgrepo = new TwitterMessageRepository(); int d = twtmsgrepo.deleteTwitterMessage(profileid, user.Id); TwitterFeedRepository twtfeedrepo = new TwitterFeedRepository(); int s = twtfeedrepo.deleteTwitterFeed(profileid, user.Id); TwitterStatsRepository twtstatsrepo = new TwitterStatsRepository(); int a = twtstatsrepo.deleteTwitterStats(user.Id, profileid); TwitterDirectMessageRepository twtdirectmsgrepo = new TwitterDirectMessageRepository(); int f = twtdirectmsgrepo.deleteDirectMessage(user.Id, profileid); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } else if (Profiletype == "linkedin") { try { LinkedInAccountRepository linkedaccrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); int dellinacc = linkedaccrepo.deleteLinkedinUser(profileid, user.Id); if (dellinacc != 0) { socioprofilerepo.deleteProfile(user.Id, profileid); List<SocialProfile> lstsocioprofile = socioprofilerepo.checkProfileExistsMoreThanOne(profileid); if (lstsocioprofile.Count == 0) { LinkedInFeedRepository linkedfeedrepo = new LinkedInFeedRepository(); int s = linkedfeedrepo.deleteAllFeedsOfUser(profileid, user.Id); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (Profiletype == "instagram") { try { InstagramAccountRepository insaccrepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); int insacc = insaccrepo.deleteInstagramUser(profileid, user.Id); if (insacc != 0) { socioprofilerepo.deleteProfile(user.Id, profileid); List<SocialProfile> lstsocioprofile = socioprofilerepo.checkProfileExistsMoreThanOne(profileid); if (lstsocioprofile.Count == 0) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (Profiletype == "googleplus") { try { GooglePlusAccountRepository googleplusaccrepo = new GooglePlusAccountRepository(); int gplusacc = googleplusaccrepo.deleteGooglePlusUser(profileid, user.Id); if (gplusacc != 0) { socioprofilerepo.deleteProfile(user.Id, profileid); List<SocialProfile> lstsocioprofile = socioprofilerepo.checkProfileExistsMoreThanOne(profileid); if (lstsocioprofile.Count == 0) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } string profiles = string.Empty; profiles += "<div class=\"drop_top\"></div><div class=\"drop_mid\">"; /*facebook users binding*/ FacebookAccountRepository fbprepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); ArrayList lstfbaccounts = fbprepo.getFacebookAccountsOfUser(user.Id); profiles += "<div class=\"twitte_text\">FACEBOOK</div><div class=\"teitter\"><ul>"; if (lstfbaccounts.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li>No Records Found</li>"; } else { foreach (FacebookAccount fbacc in lstfbaccounts) { profiles += "<li id=\"liid_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" onclick=\"composemessage(,'fb')\"><a><img id=\"img_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" src=\"../Contents/img/facebook.png\" alt=\"" + fbacc.AccessToken + "\" border=\"none\" width=\"18\" style=\"float:left;\" /><span id=\"composename_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" style=\"float:left;margin: 3px 0 0 5px;\">" + fbacc.FbUserName + "</span><span id=\"imgurl_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + fbacc.FbUserId + "/picture?type=small</span></a></li>"; } } profiles += "</ul> </div>"; /*twitter users binding*/ TwitterAccountRepository twtpaccountrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); ArrayList alsttwtaccounts = twtpaccountrepo.getAllTwitterAccountsOfUser(user.Id); profiles += "<div class=\"twitte_text\">TWITTER</div><div class=\"teitter\"><ul>"; if (alsttwtaccounts.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li>No Records Found</li>"; } else { foreach (SocioBoard.Domain.TwitterAccount item in alsttwtaccounts) { profiles += "<li id=\"liid_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" onclick=\"composemessage(,'twt')\"><a><img id=\"img_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" src=\"../Contents/img/twitter.png\" alt=\"" + item.OAuthToken + "\" border=\"none\" width=\"18\" style=\"float:left;\" /><span id=\"imgurl_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + item.ProfileImageUrl + "</span><span id=\"composename_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" style=\"float:left;margin: 3px 0 0 5px;\">" + item.TwitterScreenName + "</span></a></li>"; } } profiles += "</ul> </div>"; /*linkedinuserbinding*/ LinkedInAccountRepository linkaccountrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); ArrayList alstlinkacc = linkaccountrepo.getAllLinkedinAccountsOfUser(user.Id); profiles += "<div class=\"twitte_text\">LINKEDIN</div><div class=\"teitter\"><ul>"; if (alstlinkacc.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li>No Records Found</li>"; } else { foreach (LinkedInAccount item in alstlinkacc) { string profileurl = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ProfileImageUrl)) { profileurl = item.ProfileImageUrl; } else { profileurl = "../../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } profiles += "<li id=\"liid_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" onclick=\"composemessage(,'lin')\"><a><img id=\"img_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" src=\"../Contents/img/link.png\" alt=\"" + item.OAuthToken + "\" border=\"none\" width=\"18\" style=\"float:left;\" /><span id=\"imgurl_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + profileurl + "</span><span id=\"composename_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" style=\"float:left;margin: 3px 0 0 5px;\">" + item.LinkedinUserName + "</span></a></li>"; } } profiles += "</ul> </div>"; Session["profilesforcomposemessage"] = profiles; } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "MasterCompose") { string profiles = string.Empty; if (Session["profilesforcomposemessage"] == null) { profiles += "<div class=\"drop_top\"></div><div class=\"drop_mid\">"; /*facebook users binding*/ FacebookAccountRepository fbrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); ArrayList lstfbaccounts = fbrepo.getFacebookAccountsOfUser(user.Id); profiles += "<div class=\"twitte_text\">FACEBOOK</div><div class=\"teitter\"><ul>"; if (lstfbaccounts.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li>No Records Found</li>"; } else { foreach (FacebookAccount fbacc in lstfbaccounts) { profiles += "<li nwtk='fb' class=\"getAllNetworkProfile\" id=\"liid_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" onclick=\"composemessage(,'fb')\"><a><img id=\"img_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" src=\"../Contents/img/facebook.png\" alt=\"" + fbacc.AccessToken + "\" border=\"none\" width=\"18\" style=\"float:left;\" /><span id=\"composename_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" style=\"float:left;margin: 3px 0 0 5px;\">" + fbacc.FbUserName + "</span><span id=\"imgurl_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + fbacc.FbUserId + "/picture?type=small</span></a></li>"; } } profiles += "</ul> </div>"; /*twitter users binding*/ TwitterAccountRepository twtaccountrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); ArrayList alsttwtaccounts = twtaccountrepo.getAllTwitterAccountsOfUser(user.Id); profiles += "<div class=\"twitte_text\">TWITTER</div><div class=\"teitter\"><ul>"; if (alsttwtaccounts.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li>No Records Found</li>"; } else { foreach (SocioBoard.Domain.TwitterAccount item in alsttwtaccounts) { profiles += "<li nwtk='twt' class=\"getAllNetworkProfile\" id=\"liid_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" onclick=\"composemessage(,'twt')\"><a><img id=\"img_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" src=\"../Contents/img/twitter.png\" alt=\"" + item.OAuthToken + "\" border=\"none\" width=\"18\" style=\"float:left;\" /><span id=\"imgurl_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + item.ProfileImageUrl + "</span><span id=\"composename_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" style=\"float:left;margin: 3px 0 0 5px;\">" + item.TwitterScreenName + "</span></a></li>"; } } profiles += "</ul> </div>"; /*linkedinuserbinding*/ LinkedInAccountRepository linkaccountrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); ArrayList alstlinkacc = linkaccountrepo.getAllLinkedinAccountsOfUser(user.Id); profiles += "<div class=\"twitte_text\">LINKEDIN</div><div class=\"teitter\"><ul>"; if (alstlinkacc.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li>No Records Found</li>"; } else { foreach (LinkedInAccount item in alstlinkacc) { string profileurl = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ProfileImageUrl)) { profileurl = item.ProfileImageUrl; } else { profileurl = "../../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } profiles += "<li nwtk='lin' class=\"getAllNetworkProfile\" id=\"liid_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" onclick=\"composemessage(,'lin')\"><a><img id=\"img_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" src=\"../Contents/img/link.png\" alt=\"" + item.OAuthToken + "\" border=\"none\" width=\"18\" style=\"float:left;\" /><span id=\"imgurl_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + profileurl + "</span><span id=\"composename_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" style=\"float:left;margin: 3px 0 0 5px;\">" + item.LinkedinUserName + "</span></a></li>"; } } profiles += "</ul> </div>"; Session["profilesforcomposemessage"] = profiles; } else { profiles = (string)Session["profilesforcomposemessage"]; } Response.Write(profiles); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "sendmessage") { string message = Request.QueryString["message"]; var userid = Request.QueryString["userid[]"].Split(','); var files = Request.Files.Count; var fi = Request.Files["file"]; string file = string.Empty; try { if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { if (fi != null) { var path = Server.MapPath("~/Contents/img/upload"); file = path + "/" + fi.FileName; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } fi.SaveAs(file); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } foreach (var item in userid) { string[] networkingwithid = item.Split('_'); if (networkingwithid[0] == "fb") { try { FacebookAccountRepository fbaccountrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount fbaccount = fbaccountrepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(networkingwithid[1], user.Id); var args = new Dictionary<string, object>(); args["message"] = message; if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { string strPathAndQuery = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery; string strUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(strPathAndQuery, "/"); string filepath = strUrl + "/Contents/img/upload/" + fi.FileName; args["picture"] = filepath; } FacebookClient fc = new FacebookClient(fbaccount.AccessToken); string facebookpost = string.Empty; if (fbaccount.Type == "page") { facebookpost=fc.Post("/" + fbaccount.FbUserId + "/feed", args).ToString(); } else { facebookpost = fc.Post("/me/feed", args).ToString(); } if (facebookpost.ToString() != string.Empty) { Response.Write("Succesfully posted"); } else { Response.Write("Not posted"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } else if (networkingwithid[0] == "twt") { try { TwitterAccountRepository twtaccountrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); SocioBoard.Domain.TwitterAccount twtaccount = twtaccountrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, networkingwithid[1]); TwitterHelper twthelper = new TwitterHelper(); oAuthTwitter OAuthTwt = new oAuthTwitter(); OAuthTwt.AccessToken = twtaccount.OAuthToken; OAuthTwt.AccessTokenSecret = twtaccount.OAuthSecret; OAuthTwt.TwitterScreenName = twtaccount.TwitterScreenName; OAuthTwt.TwitterUserId = twtaccount.TwitterUserId; twthelper.SetCofigDetailsForTwitter(OAuthTwt); #region For Testing // For Testing //OAuthTwt.ConsumerKey = "udiFfPxtCcwXWl05wTgx6w"; //OAuthTwt.ConsumerKeySecret = "jutnq6N32Rb7cgbDSgfsrUVgRQKMbUB34yuvAfCqTI"; //OAuthTwt.AccessToken = "1453351098-Lz4H7cHKp26pXarF6l9zEwdiHDnwH7D0H4zteH3"; //OAuthTwt.AccessTokenSecret = "dGBPxR9wxhQMioIcj5P4Wemxo5EZIZ8wlvDz7i39lSNFg"; //OAuthTwt.TwitterScreenName = ""; //OAuthTwt.TwitterUserId = ""; #endregion Tweet twt = new Tweet(); if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { PhotoUpload ph = new PhotoUpload(); //ph.Tweet(file, message, OAuthTwt); string res = string.Empty; ph.NewTweet(file, message, OAuthTwt, ref res); // for testing Response.Write(res); Console.WriteLine(res); } else { JArray post = twt.Post_Statuses_Update(OAuthTwt, message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } } else if (networkingwithid[0] == "lin") { try { LinkedInAccountRepository linkedinaccrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccount linkedaccount = linkedinaccrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, networkingwithid[1]); oAuthLinkedIn Linkedin_oauth = new oAuthLinkedIn(); Linkedin_oauth.Verifier = linkedaccount.OAuthVerifier; Linkedin_oauth.TokenSecret = linkedaccount.OAuthSecret; Linkedin_oauth.Token = linkedaccount.OAuthToken; Linkedin_oauth.Id = linkedaccount.LinkedinUserId; Linkedin_oauth.FirstName = linkedaccount.LinkedinUserName; SocialStream sociostream = new SocialStream(); string res = sociostream.SetStatusUpdate(Linkedin_oauth, message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.Message); } } } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "wooqueue_messages") { ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgrepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "schedulemessage") { var userid = Request.QueryString["users[]"].Split(','); var datearr = Request.QueryString["datearr[]"].Split(','); string message = Request.QueryString["message"]; ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgrepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); string time = Request.QueryString["time"]; string clienttime = Request.QueryString["clittime"]; foreach (var item in userid) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ToString())) { foreach (var child in datearr) { ScheduledMessage schmessage = new ScheduledMessage(); string[] networkingwithid = item.Split('_'); if (networkingwithid[0] == "fbscheduler") { schmessage.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; schmessage.ProfileType = "facebook"; schmessage.ProfileId = networkingwithid[1]; schmessage.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); schmessage.PicUrl = string.Empty; schmessage.ClientTime = Convert.ToDateTime(clienttime); string servertime = this.CompareDateWithServer(clienttime, child + " " + time); schmessage.ScheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(servertime); schmessage.ShareMessage = message; schmessage.UserId = user.Id; schmessage.Status = false; } else if (networkingwithid[0] == "twtscheduler") { schmessage.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; schmessage.ProfileType = "twitter"; schmessage.ProfileId = networkingwithid[1]; schmessage.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); schmessage.PicUrl = string.Empty; schmessage.ClientTime = Convert.ToDateTime(clienttime); string servertime = this.CompareDateWithServer(clienttime, child + " " + time); schmessage.ScheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(servertime); schmessage.ShareMessage = message; schmessage.UserId = user.Id; schmessage.Status = false; } else if (networkingwithid[0] == "linscheduler") { schmessage.ClientTime = Convert.ToDateTime(clienttime); schmessage.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; schmessage.ProfileType = "linkedin"; schmessage.ProfileId = networkingwithid[1]; schmessage.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); schmessage.PicUrl = string.Empty; string servertime = this.CompareDateWithServer(clienttime, child + " " + time); schmessage.ScheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(servertime); schmessage.ShareMessage = message; schmessage.UserId = user.Id; schmessage.Status = false; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { if (!schmsgrepo.checkMessageExistsAtTime(user.Id, schmessage.ShareMessage, schmessage.ScheduleTime, schmessage.ProfileId)) { schmsgrepo.addNewMessage(schmessage); } } } } } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "insight") { FacebookAccount objFacebookAccount = (FacebookAccount)Session["fbpagedetail"]; FacebookHelper objFbHelper = new FacebookHelper(); SocialProfile socioprofile = new SocialProfile(); SocialProfilesRepository socioprofilerepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); FacebookAccountRepository fbrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookClient fbClient = new FacebookClient(objFacebookAccount.AccessToken); int fancountPage = 0; dynamic fancount = fbClient.Get("fql", new { q = " SELECT fan_count FROM page WHERE page_id =" + Request["id"].ToString() }); foreach (var friend in { fancountPage = Convert.ToInt32(friend.fan_count); } objFacebookAccount.Friends = Convert.ToInt32(fancountPage); objFacebookAccount.FbUserId = Request["id"].ToString(); objFacebookAccount.FbUserName = Request["name"].ToString(); objFacebookAccount.Type = "page"; objFacebookAccount.UserId = user.Id; socioprofile.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); socioprofile.ProfileDate = DateTime.Now; socioprofile.ProfileId = Request["id"].ToString(); socioprofile.ProfileStatus = 1; socioprofile.ProfileType = "facebook"; socioprofile.UserId = user.Id; if (!fbrepo.checkFacebookUserExists(objFacebookAccount.FbUserId, user.Id)) { fbrepo.addFacebookUser(objFacebookAccount); if (!socioprofilerepo.checkUserProfileExist(socioprofile)) { socioprofilerepo.addNewProfileForUser(socioprofile); } else { socioprofilerepo.updateSocialProfile(socioprofile); } } else { fbrepo.updateFacebookUser(objFacebookAccount); if (!socioprofilerepo.checkUserProfileExist(socioprofile)) { socioprofilerepo.addNewProfileForUser(socioprofile); } else { socioprofilerepo.updateSocialProfile(socioprofile); } } Session["fbSocial"] = null; } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "countmessages") { try { int val = 0; /*facebook*/ FacebookAccountRepository fbAccoutsRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); ArrayList lstfacebookAccounts = fbAccoutsRepo.getAllFacebookAccountsOfUser(user.Id); foreach (FacebookAccount item in lstfacebookAccounts) { try { FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(item.AccessToken); dynamic unreadcount = fb.Get("fql", new { q = "SELECT unread_count FROM mailbox_folder WHERE folder_id = 0 AND viewer_id = " + item.FbUserId + "" }); foreach (var chile in { var count = chile.unread_count; int countable = Convert.ToInt32(count.ToString()); val = val + countable; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } /*Twitter*/ Session["CountMessages"] = val; Response.Write(val); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "recentfollowers") { string recentfollowers = string.Empty; #region RecentFollowers Users twtUsers = new Users(); TwitterAccountRepository twtAccRepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); ArrayList lstAccRepo = twtAccRepo.getAllTwitterAccountsOfUser(user.Id); oAuthTwitter oauth = null; foreach (TwitterAccount itemTwt in lstAccRepo) { oauth = new oAuthTwitter(); oauth.AccessToken = itemTwt.OAuthToken; oauth.AccessTokenSecret = itemTwt.OAuthSecret; oauth.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"]; oauth.ConsumerKeySecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"]; oauth.TwitterScreenName = itemTwt.TwitterScreenName; oauth.TwitterUserId = itemTwt.TwitterUserId; JArray jarresponse = twtUsers.Get_Followers_ById(oauth, itemTwt.TwitterUserId); foreach (var item in jarresponse) { int resposecount = 0; if (item["ids"] != null) { foreach (var child in item["ids"]) { if (resposecount < 2) { JArray userprofile = twtUsers.Get_Users_LookUp(oauth, child.ToString()); foreach (var items in userprofile) { resposecount++; try { recentfollowers += "<li><a href=\"" + items["screen_name"] + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img style=\"border:3px solid #FCFCFC;\" title=\"" + items["name"] + "\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + items["profile_image_url"] + "\"></a></li>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } } } } } Response.Write(recentfollowers); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "removefollowers") { string removeid = Request.QueryString["removeid"]; string userid = Request.QueryString["userid"]; Friendship friendship = new Friendship(); oAuthTwitter oauth = new oAuthTwitter(); TwitterAccountRepository twtaccrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtAccount = twtaccrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, userid); oauth.TwitterUserId = twtAccount.TwitterUserId; oauth.TwitterScreenName = twtAccount.TwitterScreenName; oauth.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"]; oauth.ConsumerKeySecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"]; oauth.AccessToken = twtAccount.OAuthToken; oauth.AccessTokenSecret = twtAccount.OAuthSecret; JArray responseremove = friendship.Post_Friendship_Destroy(oauth, removeid); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "wooqueuemessages") { ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgRepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); List<ScheduledMessage> lstschMsg = schmsgRepo.getAllMessagesOfUser(user.Id); string schmessages = string.Empty; string profurl = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.ProfileUrl)) { profurl = "../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { // profurl = "../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; profurl = user.ProfileUrl; } if (lstschMsg.Count != 0) { foreach (ScheduledMessage item in lstschMsg) { schmessages += "<section class=\"section\"><div class=\"js-task-cont read\">" + "<section class=\"task-owner\">" + "<img width=\"32\" height=\"32\" border=\"0\" src=\"" + profurl + "\" class=\"avatar\">" + "</section>" + "<section class=\"task-activity third\">" + "<p>" + user.UserName + "</p>" + "<div>" + item.CreateTime + "</div>" + "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"#\" id=\"hdntaskid_1\">" + "<p></p>" + "</section>" + "<section class=\"task-message font-13 third\" style=\"height: auto; width: 31%; margin-right: 9px;\"><a class=\"tip_left\">" + item.ShareMessage + "</a></section>"; if (item.ProfileType == "facebook") { schmessages += "<div style=\"height:70px; margin-top: 0;\" class=\"userpictiny\">" + "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" src=\"" + item.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small\" alt=\"\">" + "<a style=\"right: 2px; top: 40px;\" title=\"\" class=\"userurlpic\" href=\"#\">" + "<img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/facebook.png\" style=\"height: 16px;width: 16x;\"></a></div>"; } else if (item.ProfileType == "twitter") { TwitterAccountRepository twtAccRepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtAccount = twtAccRepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); if (twtAccount != null) { schmessages += "<div style=\"height:70px; margin-top: 0;\" class=\"userpictiny\">" + "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" src=\"" + twtAccount.ProfileImageUrl + "\" alt=\"\">" + "<a style=\"right: 2px; top: 40px;\" title=\"\" class=\"userurlpic\" href=\"#\">" + "<img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/twitter.png\" style=\"height: 16px;width: 16x;\"></a></div>"; } } else if (item.ProfileType == "linkedin") { LinkedInAccountRepository linkAccRepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccount linkedAccount = linkAccRepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); if (linkedAccount != null) { schmessages += "<div style=\"height:70px; margin-top: 0;\" class=\"userpictiny\">" + "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" src=\"" + linkedAccount.ProfileImageUrl + "\" alt=\"\">" + "<a style=\"right: 2px; top: 40px;\" title=\"\" class=\"userurlpic\" href=\"#\">" + "<img alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/link.png\" style=\"height: 16px;width: 16x;\"></a></div>"; } } schmessages += "<section class=\"task-status\" style=\"width:34px;\"><div class=\"ui_light floating task_status_change\">" + "<a href=\"#nogo\" class=\"ui-sproutmenu\"><span class=\"ui-sproutmenu-status\"><img title=\"Edit Status\" onclick=\"PerformClick(\" src=\"../Contents/img/icon_edit.png\" class=\"edit_button\" id=\"img_" + item.Id + "_" + item.Status + "\"></span></a></div></section>" + "<section class=\"task-status\" style=\"width: 65px; margin-right: 39px;\">" + //"<span class=\"ficon task_active\" id=\"taskcomment\">" + // "<img width=\"14\" height=\"17\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/task/task_pin.png\" onclick=\"getmemberdata('7fd5773f-c5b0-4624-bba1-b8a6c0fbd56d');\">" + //"</span>" + "<div class=\"ui_light floating task_status_change\">" + "<a href=\"#nogo\" class=\"ui-sproutmenu\">" + "<span class=\"ui-sproutmenu-status\">" + item.Status + "</span>" + "</a>" + "</div>" + "</section>" + "</div></section>"; } } else { schmessages = "<section class=\"section\"><div class=\"js-task-cont read\"><section class=\"task-owner\">" + "<img width=\"32\" height=\"32\" border=\"0\" class=\"avatar\" src=\"" + profurl + "\">" + "</section><section class=\"task-activity third\"><p>" + user.UserName + "</p><div></div><p></p></section><section style=\"margin-right: 6px; width: 31%; height: auto;\" class=\"task-message font-13 third\">" + "<a class=\"tip_left\">No Schduled Messages</a></section><section style=\"width:113px;\" class=\"task-status\"><span class=\"ficon task_active\"></span>" + "<div class=\"ui_light floating task_status_change\"><a class=\"ui-sproutmenu\" href=\"#nogo\">" + "<span class=\"ui-sproutmenu-status\"></span></a></div></section></div></section>"; } Response.Write(schmessages); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "drafts_messages") { } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "updatequeue") { updatequeue(Request.QueryString["id"], Request.QueryString["status"]); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "messagechk") { SocioBoard.Domain.Messages mstable = new SocioBoard.Domain.Messages(); string[] types = Request.QueryString["type[]"].Split(','); DataSet ds = (DataSet)Session["MessageDataTable"]; DataSet dss = DataTableGenerator.CreateDataSetForTable(mstable); DataTable dtt = dss.Tables[0]; DataView dv = new DataView(dtt); AjaxMessage ajxfed = new AjaxMessage(); string message = string.Empty; foreach (var item in types) { try { DataRow[] foundRows = ds.Tables[0].Select("Type = '" + item + "'"); foreach (var child in foundRows) { dtt.ImportRow(child); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } message = ajxfed.BindData(dtt); Response.Write(message); } } }
public void ProcessRequest() { SocialProfilesRepository socio = new SocialProfilesRepository(); List<SocialProfile> alstsocioprofiles = new List<SocialProfile>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["op"])) { Domain.User user = (Domain.User)Session["LoggedUser"]; if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "social_connectivity") { #region social connectivity alstsocioprofiles = socio.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id); string profiles = string.Empty; foreach (SocialProfile item in alstsocioprofiles) { if (item.ProfileType == "facebook") { try { FacebookAccountRepository facereop = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount faceaccount = facereop.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); profiles += "<div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"ws_conct\"><span class=\"img\">" + "<div id='fb_del' onClick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','fb')\"><span class=\"delete\"></span></div>" + "<a href=\"" + faceaccount.ProfileUrl + "\" target=\"_blank\" ><img src=\"" + item.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" /></a>" + "<i>" + "<img src=\"../Contents/Images/fb_icon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" /></i>" + "</span>" + "</div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (item.ProfileType == "twitter") { try { TwitterAccountRepository twtrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtaccount = twtrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); profiles += "<div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"ws_conct\">" + "<span class=\"img\"><div id='twt_del' onClick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','twt')\"><span class=\"delete\"></span></div>" + "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + twtaccount.ProfileImageUrl + "\">" + "<i><img src=\"../Contents/Images/twticon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" /></i>" + "</span>" + "</div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (item.ProfileType == "linkedin") { LinkedInAccountRepository liRepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); string access = string.Empty, tokenSecrate = string.Empty, LdprofileName = string.Empty, LdPreofilePic = string.Empty; LinkedInAccount liaccount = liRepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); if (liaccount != null) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(liaccount.ProfileImageUrl)) { LdPreofilePic = liaccount.ProfileImageUrl; } else { LdPreofilePic = "../../Contents/Images/blank_img.png"; } profiles += "<div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"ws_conct\">" + "<span class=\"img\">" + "<div id='fb_del' onClick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','linkedin')\"><span class=\"delete\"></span></div>" + "<a href=\"" + liaccount.ProfileUrl + "\" target=\"_blank\"><img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" src=\"" + LdPreofilePic + "\" alt=\"\"></a>" + "<i><img src=\"../Contents/Images/link_icon.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" /></i>" + "</span>" + "</div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } else if (item.ProfileType == "instagram") { try { InstagramAccountRepository objInsAccRepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramAccount objInsAcc = objInsAccRepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); string accessToken = string.Empty; profiles += "<div id=\"" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"ws_conct\">" + "<span class=\"img\">" + "<div id='fb_del' onClick=\"confirmDel('" + item.ProfileId + "','instagram')\"><span class=\"delete\"></span></div>" + "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + objInsAcc.ProfileUrl + "\">" + "<i><img src=\"../Contents/Images/instagram_24X24.png\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" /></i>" + "</span>" + "</div>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } Response.Write(profiles); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "midsnaps") { #region midsnaps Random rNum = new Random(); string loadtype = Request.QueryString["loadtype"]; string midsnaps = string.Empty; if (loadtype == "load") profilelimit = 0; if (profilelimit != -1) { ArrayList alst = socio.getLimitProfilesOfUser(user.Id, profilelimit); if (alst.Count == 0) profilelimit = -1; else profilelimit += 3; foreach (SocialProfile item in alst) { if (item.ProfileType == "facebook") { FacebookAccountRepository fbrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookMessageRepository fbmsgrepo = new FacebookMessageRepository(); FacebookAccount fbaccount = fbrepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); List<FacebookMessage> fbmsgs = fbmsgrepo.getAllFacebookMessagesOfUser(user.Id, item.ProfileId); midsnaps += "<div id=\"midsnap_" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"col_two_fb\"> " + "<div class=\"col_two_fb_my_accounts\">" + "<div class=\"dt\"><a class=\"img\"><img src=\"" + item.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" /></a>" + "<span class=\"icon\"></span></div><div class=\"dd\"><h5>" + fbaccount.FbUserName + "</h5><div class=\"friends_avg\"><div class=\"article_friends\">" + "<div class=\"facebook_blue\">" + fbaccount.Friends + "</div>" + "<div class=\"font-10\">Friends</div></div>" + "<div class=\"article_avg\"><div class=\"facebook_blue\">" + Math.Round(rNum.NextDouble(), 2) + "</div><div class=\"font-10\">Avg. Posts per Day</div>" + "</div> </div></div> </div>" + "<div class=\"pillow_fade\">" + "<div class=\"fb_notifications\">" + "Recent Messages</div>" + "<div class=\"empty-state\">"; if (fbmsgs.Count != 0) { try { int msgcount = 0; foreach (FacebookMessage child in fbmsgs) { string mess = string.Empty; if (msgcount < 2) { if (child.Message.Length > 40) { mess = child.Message.Substring(0, 39); mess = mess + "..........."; } else { mess = child.Message; } midsnaps += "<strong><img src=\"" + child.FromId + "/picture?type=small\" />" + mess + "</strong><br/>"; } else { break; } msgcount++; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else { midsnaps += "<strong>No messages were found within the past few days.</strong> \"Messages will be displayed once there is activity in this date range.\""; } midsnaps += "</div></div></div>"; } else if (item.ProfileType == "twitter") { TwitterAccountRepository twtrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtaccount = twtrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); TwitterMessageRepository twtmsgrepo = new TwitterMessageRepository(); List<TwitterMessage> lsttwtmsgs = twtmsgrepo.getAllTwitterMessagesOfUser(user.Id, item.ProfileId); int tweetcount = 0; midsnaps += "<div id=\"midsnap_" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"col_four_twitter\"><div class=\"col_four_twitter_my_accounts\">" + "<div class=\"dt\"><a class=\"img\"><img src=\"" + twtaccount.ProfileImageUrl + "\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" /></a>" + "<span class=\"icon\"></span></div><div class=\"dd\"><h5>" + twtaccount.TwitterScreenName + "</h5>" + "<div class=\"friends_avg\"><div class=\"article_friends\"><div class=\"facebook_blue\">" + twtaccount.FollowersCount + "</div>" + "<div class=\"font-10\">Followers</div></div><div class=\"article_avg\"><div class=\"facebook_blue\">" + " " + Math.Round(rNum.NextDouble(), 2) + "</div><div class=\"font-10\">Avg. Posts per Day</div></div></div></div></div><div class=\"pillow_fade\">" + "<div class=\"fb_notifications\"> Recent Messages</div><div class=\"empty-state\">"; try { if (lsttwtmsgs.Count == 0) { midsnaps += "<strong>No messages were found within the past few days.</strong> \"Messages will be displayed once there is activity in this date range.\""; } else { foreach (TwitterMessage msg in lsttwtmsgs) { if (tweetcount < 2) { try { midsnaps += "<strong><img src=\"" + msg.FromProfileUrl + "\" />" + msg.TwitterMsg + "</strong><br/>"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else { break; } tweetcount++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } midsnaps += "</div></div> </div>"; } else if (item.ProfileType == "linkedin") { string access = string.Empty, tokenSecrate = string.Empty, LdprofileName = string.Empty, LdPreofilePic = string.Empty; LinkedInAccountRepository objLiRepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInFeedRepository objliFeedRepo = new LinkedInFeedRepository(); LinkedInAccount liAccount = objLiRepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, item.ProfileId); // IEnumerable<dynamic> data = linkdrepo.GetAccessToken(item.profile_id, loginInfoEmail.Customer_Id); //foreach (var child in data) //{ if (liAccount != null) { LdprofileName = liAccount.LinkedinUserName; LdPreofilePic = liAccount.ProfileImageUrl; } // } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LdPreofilePic)) { LdPreofilePic = "../../Contents/Images/blank_img.png"; } int linkedinConcount = liAccount.Connections; midsnaps += " <div id=\"midsnap_" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"col_three_linkedin\">" + "<div class=\"col_three_link_my_accounts\">" + "<div class=\"dt\"><a class=\"img\">" + "<img src=\"" + LdPreofilePic + "\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" /></a>" + "<span class=\"icon\"></span></div><div class=\"dd\">" + "<h5>" + LdprofileName + "</h5><div class=\"friends_avg\">" + "<div class=\"article_friends\">" + " <div class=\"facebook_blue\">" + " " + linkedinConcount + "</div>" + " <div class=\"font-10\">" + " Friends</div>" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"article_avg\">" + " <div class=\"facebook_blue\">" + " " + Math.Round(rNum.NextDouble(), 2) + "</div>" + "<div class=\"font-10\">" + "Avg. Posts per Day</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"pillow_fade\">" + "<div class=\"fb_notifications\">Recent Messages</div>" + "<div class=\"empty-state\">"; IEnumerable<dynamic> linkfed = objliFeedRepo.getAllLinkedInFeedsOfUser(user.Id, item.ProfileId);// = facerepo.GetMessages(item.profile_id, loginInfoEmail.Customer_Id);//linkdrepo.GetAllLinkedinFeeds(loginInfoEmail.Customer_Id, item.ToString()); int link = 0; if (linkfed.Count() == 0) { midsnaps += "<strong>No messages were found within the past 14 days.</strong> \"Messages will be displayed once there is activity in this date range.\""; } else { try { foreach (var l in linkfed) { try { if (link < 2) { string ms = string.Empty; if (l.Feeds.Length > 20) { ms = l.Feeds.Substring(0, 20) + "..."; ; } else { ms = l.Feeds; } midsnaps += "<strong><img src=\"" + l.FromPicUrl + "\">" + ms + " </strong><br/>"; link++; } else { break; } } catch { } } } catch { } } midsnaps += "</div></div> </div>"; } else if (item.ProfileType == "instagram") { InstagramAccountRepository objInsAccRepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramAccount objInsAcc = objInsAccRepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, user.Id); midsnaps += " <div class=\"col_seven_instagram\">" + "<div class=\"col_seven_instagram_link_my_accounts\">" + "<div class=\"dt\"><a class=\"img\">" + "<img src=\"" + objInsAcc.ProfileUrl + "\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" /></a>" + "<span class=\"icon\"></span></div><div class=\"dd\">" + "<h5>" + objInsAcc.InsUserName + "</h5><div class=\"friends_avg\">" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"pillow_fade\">" + "<div class=\"fb_notifications\">" + "<ul class=\"user-stats\">" + "<li>" + "<div class=\"photo_stat\"> photos" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"number-stat\">" + objInsAcc.TotalImages + "</div>" + "</li>" + "<li>" + "<div class=\"photo_stat\"> followers" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"number-stat\">" + objInsAcc.FollowedBy + "</div>" + "</li>" + "<li>" + "<div class=\"photo_stat\"> following" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"number-stat\">" + objInsAcc.Followers + "</div>" + "</li>" + "</ul>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>"; } } Response.Write(midsnaps); } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "accountdelete") { #region accountdelete string Profiletype = Request.QueryString["profile"]; string profileid = Request.QueryString["profileid"]; if (Profiletype == "fb") { try { FacebookAccountRepository fbrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); int delacc = fbrepo.deleteFacebookUser(profileid, user.Id); if (delacc != 0) { SocialProfilesRepository socioprofile = new SocialProfilesRepository(); socioprofile.deleteProfile(user.Id, profileid); FacebookMessageRepository fbmsgrepo = new FacebookMessageRepository(); fbmsgrepo.deleteAllMessagesOfUser(profileid, user.Id); FacebookFeedRepository fbfeedrepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); fbfeedrepo.deleteAllFeedsOfUser(profileid, user.Id); } } catch (Exception exx) { Console.WriteLine(exx.StackTrace); } } else if (Profiletype == "twt") { TwitterAccountRepository twtaccountrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); int deltwtacc = twtaccountrepo.deleteTwitterUser(user.Id, profileid); if (deltwtacc != 0) { SocialProfilesRepository socioprofile = new SocialProfilesRepository(); socioprofile.deleteProfile(user.Id, profileid); } } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "MasterCompose") { #region mastercompose string profiles = string.Empty; if (Session["profilesforcomposemessage"] == null) { profiles += "<div class=\"drop_top\"></div><div class=\"drop_mid\">"; /*facebook users binding*/ FacebookAccountRepository fbrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); ArrayList lstfbaccounts = fbrepo.getAllFacebookAccountsOfUser(user.Id); profiles += "<div class=\"twitte_text\">FACEBOOK</div><div class=\"teitter\"><ul>"; if (lstfbaccounts.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li>No Records Found</li>"; } else { foreach (FacebookAccount fbacc in lstfbaccounts) { profiles += "<li id=\"liid_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" onclick=\"composemessage(,'fb')\"><a href=\"#\"><img id=\"img_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" src=\"../Contents/Images/facebook.png\" alt=\"" + fbacc.AccessToken + "\" border=\"none\" width=\"18\" style=\"float:left;\" /><span id=\"composename_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" style=\"float:left;margin: 3px 0 0 5px;\">" + fbacc.FbUserName + "</span><span id=\"imgurl_" + fbacc.FbUserId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + fbacc.FbUserId + "/picture?type=small</span></a></li>"; } } profiles += "</ul> </div>"; /*twitter users binding*/ TwitterAccountRepository twtaccountrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); ArrayList alsttwtaccounts = twtaccountrepo.getAllTwitterAccountsOfUser(user.Id); profiles += "<div class=\"twitte_text\">TWITTER</div><div class=\"teitter\"><ul>"; if (alsttwtaccounts.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li>No Records Found</li>"; } else { foreach (TwitterAccount item in alsttwtaccounts) { profiles += "<li id=\"liid_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" onclick=\"composemessage(,'twt')\"><a href=\"#\"><img id=\"img_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" src=\"../Contents/Images/twitter.png\" alt=\"" + item.OAuthToken + "\" border=\"none\" width=\"18\" style=\"float:left;\" /><span id=\"imgurl_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + item.ProfileImageUrl + "</span><span id=\"composename_" + item.TwitterUserId + "\" style=\"float:left;margin: 3px 0 0 5px;\">" + item.TwitterScreenName + "</span></a></li>"; } } profiles += "</ul> </div>"; /*linkedinuserbinding*/ LinkedInAccountRepository linkaccountrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); ArrayList alstlinkacc = linkaccountrepo.getAllLinkedinAccountsOfUser(user.Id); profiles += "<div class=\"twitte_text\">LinkedIn</div><div class=\"teitter\"><ul>"; if (alstlinkacc.Count == 0) { profiles += "<li>No Records Found</li>"; } else { foreach (LinkedInAccount item in alstlinkacc) { string profileurl = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ProfileUrl)) { profileurl = item.ProfileUrl; } else { profileurl = "../../Contents/Images/blank_img.png"; } profiles += "<li id=\"liid_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" onclick=\"composemessage(,'lin')\"><a href=\"#\"><img id=\"img_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" src=\"../Contents/Images/link.png\" alt=\"" + item.OAuthToken + "\" border=\"none\" width=\"18\" style=\"float:left;\" /><span id=\"imgurl_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" style=\"display:none;\">" + profileurl + "</span><span id=\"composename_" + item.LinkedinUserId + "\" style=\"float:left;margin: 3px 0 0 5px;\">" + item.LinkedinUserName + "</span></a></li>"; } } profiles += "</ul> </div>"; Session["profilesforcomposemessage"] = profiles; } else { profiles = (string)Session["profilesforcomposemessage"]; } Response.Write(profiles); #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "sendmessage") { #region sendmessage string message = Request.QueryString["message"]; var userid = Request.QueryString["userid[]"].Split(','); foreach (var item in userid) { string[] networkingwithid = item.Split('_'); if (networkingwithid[0] == "fb") { FacebookAccountRepository fbaccountrepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount fbaccount = fbaccountrepo.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(networkingwithid[1], user.Id); var args = new Dictionary<string, object>(); args["message"] = message; FacebookClient fc = new FacebookClient(fbaccount.AccessToken); var facebookpost = fc.Post("/me/feed", args); if (facebookpost.ToString() != string.Empty) { Response.Write("Succesfully posted"); } else { Response.Write("Not posted"); } } else if (networkingwithid[0] == "twt") { TwitterAccountRepository twtaccountrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtaccount = twtaccountrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, networkingwithid[1]); oAuthTwitter OAuthTwt = new oAuthTwitter(); TwitterHelper twthelper = new TwitterHelper(); OAuthTwt.AccessToken = twtaccount.OAuthToken; OAuthTwt.AccessTokenSecret = twtaccount.OAuthSecret; OAuthTwt.TwitterScreenName = twtaccount.TwitterScreenName; twthelper.SetCofigDetailsForTwitter(OAuthTwt); TwitterUser twtuser = new TwitterUser(); JArray post = twtuser.Post_Status_Update(OAuthTwt, message); if (post.ToString() != string.Empty) { Response.Write("Succesfully posted"); } else { Response.Write("Not posted"); } } else if (networkingwithid[0] == "lin") { LinkedInAccountRepository linkedinaccrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccount linkedaccount = linkedinaccrepo.getUserInformation(user.Id, networkingwithid[1]); oAuthLinkedIn Linkedin_oauth = new oAuthLinkedIn(); Linkedin_oauth.Verifier = linkedaccount.OAuthVerifier; Linkedin_oauth.TokenSecret = linkedaccount.OAuthSecret; Linkedin_oauth.Token = linkedaccount.OAuthToken; Linkedin_oauth.Id = linkedaccount.LinkedinUserId; Linkedin_oauth.FirstName = linkedaccount.LinkedinUserName; SocialStream sociostream = new SocialStream(); string res = sociostream.SetStatusUpdate(Linkedin_oauth, message); } } #endregion } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "wooqueuemessages") { ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgRepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); List<ScheduledMessage> lstschMsg = schmsgRepo.getAllMessagesOfUser(user.Id); string schmessages = string.Empty; string profurl = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.ProfileUrl)) { profurl = "../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { profurl = user.ProfileUrl; } foreach (ScheduledMessage item in lstschMsg) { schmessages += "<div class=\"js-task-cont read\">" + "<section class=\"task-owner\">" + "<img width=\"32\" height=\"32\" border=\"0\" src=\""+profurl+"\" class=\"avatar\">" + "</section>" + "<section class=\"task-activity third\">" + "<p>"+user.UserName+"</p>" + "<div>"+item.CreateTime+"</div>" + "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"#\" id=\"hdntaskid_1\">" + "<p></p>" + "</section>" + "<section class=\"task-message font-13 third\"><a class=\"tip_left\">"+item.ShareMessage+"</a></section>" + "<section class=\"task-status\">" + "<span class=\"ficon task_active\" id=\"taskcomment\">" + // "<img width=\"14\" height=\"17\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/task/task_pin.png\" onclick=\"getmemberdata('7fd5773f-c5b0-4624-bba1-b8a6c0fbd56d');\">" + "</span>" + "<div class=\"ui_light floating task_status_change\">" + "<a href=\"#nogo\" class=\"ui-sproutmenu\">" + "<span class=\"ui-sproutmenu-status\">True" + // "<img title=\"Edit Status\" onclick=\"PerformClick(\" src=\"../Contents/img/icon_edit.png\" class=\"edit_button\" id=\"img_7fd5773f-c5b0-4624-bba1-b8a6c0fbd56d_True\"> "</span>" + "</a>" + "</div>" + "</section>" + "</div>"; } Response.Write(schmessages); } else if (Request.QueryString["op"] == "schedulemessage") { var userid = Request.QueryString["users[]"].Split(','); var datearr = Request.QueryString["datearr[]"].Split(','); string message = Request.QueryString["message"]; ScheduledMessageRepository schmsgrepo = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); string time = Request.QueryString["time"]; string clienttime = Request.QueryString["clittime"]; foreach (var item in userid) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ToString())) { foreach (var child in datearr) { ScheduledMessage schmessage = new ScheduledMessage(); string[] networkingwithid = item.Split('_'); if (networkingwithid[0] == "fbscheduler") { schmessage.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; schmessage.ProfileType = "facebook"; schmessage.ProfileId = networkingwithid[1]; schmessage.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); schmessage.PicUrl = string.Empty; schmessage.ClientTime = Convert.ToDateTime(clienttime); string servertime = this.CompareDateWithServer(clienttime, child + " " + time); schmessage.ScheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(servertime); schmessage.ShareMessage = message; schmessage.UserId = user.Id; schmessage.Status = false; } else if (networkingwithid[0] == "twtscheduler") { schmessage.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; schmessage.ProfileType = "twitter"; schmessage.ProfileId = networkingwithid[1]; schmessage.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); schmessage.PicUrl = string.Empty; schmessage.ClientTime = Convert.ToDateTime(clienttime); string servertime = this.CompareDateWithServer(clienttime, child + " " + time); schmessage.ScheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(servertime); schmessage.ShareMessage = message; schmessage.UserId = user.Id; schmessage.Status = false; } else if (networkingwithid[0] == "linscheduler") { schmessage.ClientTime = Convert.ToDateTime(clienttime); schmessage.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; schmessage.ProfileType = "linkedin"; schmessage.ProfileId = networkingwithid[1]; schmessage.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); schmessage.PicUrl = string.Empty; string servertime = this.CompareDateWithServer(clienttime, child + " " + time); schmessage.ScheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(servertime); schmessage.ShareMessage = message; schmessage.UserId = user.Id; schmessage.Status = false; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { if (!schmsgrepo.checkMessageExistsAtTime(user.Id, schmessage.ShareMessage, schmessage.ScheduleTime, schmessage.ProfileId)) { schmsgrepo.addNewMessage(schmessage); } } } } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserRepository userrepo = new UserRepository(); Registration regObject = new Registration(); TeamRepository objTeamRepo = new TeamRepository(); NewsRepository objNewsRepo = new NewsRepository(); AdsRepository objAdsRepo = new AdsRepository(); UserActivation objUserActivation=new UserActivation (); UserActivationRepository objUserActivationRepository=new UserActivationRepository (); SocialProfilesRepository objSocioRepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; Session["facebooktotalprofiles"] = null; if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (user == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } if (Request.QueryString["paymentTransaction"] == "Success") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "Paypall Success", "alert('Your transaction has been Suceeded !');", true); } if (Request.QueryString["paymentTransaction"] == "Cancel") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "Paypall Cancel", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('Your transaction has been cancel !');</script>", true); } if (Request.QueryString["paymentTransaction"] == "Failed") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "Paypall Failed", "alert('Your transaction has been failed !');", true); } #region check user Activation try { objUserActivation = objUserActivationRepository.GetUserActivationStatus(user.Id.ToString()); if (objUserActivation.ActivationStatus == "0") { if (Request.QueryString["stat"] == "activate") { // if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { //objUserActivation = objUserActivationRepository.GetUserActivationStatusbyid(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); // if (objUserActivation.Id.ToString() == Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()) { objUserActivation.Id = objUserActivation.Id;//Guid.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); objUserActivation.UserId = objUserActivation.UserId; objUserActivation.ActivationStatus = "1"; UserActivationRepository.Update(objUserActivation); } //else //{ // Session["ActivationError"] = "Wrong Activation Link please contact Admin!"; // //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('Wrong Activation Link please contact Admin!');", true); // Response.Redirect("ActivationLink.aspx"); //} } //else //{ // Session["ActivationError"] = "Wrong Activation Link please contact Admin!"; // //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('Wrong Activation Link please contact Admin!');", true); // Response.Redirect("ActivationLink.aspx"); //} } else { Response.Redirect("ActivationLink.aspx"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region day count chkdate = user.CreateDate; DateTime curDate = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan ts = curDate - chkdate; datediff = ts.TotalDays; if (datediff > 30) { Response.Redirect("Settings/Billing.aspx"); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #region Count Used Accounts try { if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToUpper() == "SMALL BUSINESS".ToUpper()) tot_acc = 25; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToUpper() == "CORPORATION".ToUpper()) tot_acc = 60; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToUpper() == "INDIVIDUAL".ToUpper()) tot_acc = 10; profileCount = objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id).Count; Session["ProfileCount"] = profileCount; Session["TotalAccount"] = tot_acc; usedAccount.InnerHtml = " using " + profileCount + " of " + tot_acc; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["type"])) { try { userrepo.UpdateAccountType(user.Id, Request.QueryString["type"]); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } acrossProfile.InnerHtml = "Across " + user.UserName + "'s Twitter and Facebook accounts"; teamMem.InnerHtml = "managing " + user.UserName; try { News nws = objNewsRepo.getNewsForHome(); divNews.InnerHtml = nws.NewsDetail; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } try { ArrayList lstads = objAdsRepo.getAdsForHome(); foreach (var item in lstads) { Array temp = (Array)item; imgAds.ImageUrl = temp.GetValue(2).ToString(); break; // ads.ImageUrl; } } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } #region Team Member Count try { GroupRepository grouprepo = new GroupRepository(); string groupsofhome = string.Empty; List<Groups> lstgroups = grouprepo.getAllGroups(user.Id); if (lstgroups.Count != 0) { foreach (Groups item in lstgroups) { groupsofhome += "<li><a href=\"../Settings/InviteMember.aspx?q=" + item.Id + "\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/groups_.png\" alt=\"\" style=\" margin-right:5px;\"> " + item.GroupName + "</a></li>"; } getAllGroupsOnHome.InnerHtml = groupsofhome; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion try { string strTeam = string.Empty; List<Team> team = objTeamRepo.getAllTeamsOfUser(user.Id); foreach (Team item in team) { strTeam += "<div class=\"userpictiny\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"#\">" + "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" title=\"" + item.FirstName + "\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</a></div>"; } team_member.InnerHtml = strTeam; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } #region Add Fan Page try { if (Session["fbSocial"] != null) { if (Session["fbSocial"] == "p") { FacebookAccount objFacebookAccount = (FacebookAccount)Session["fbpagedetail"]; // string strpageUrl = "" + objFacebookAccount.FacebookId + "/accounts"; // objFacebookUrlBuilder = (FacebookUrlBuilder)Session["FacebookInsightUser"]; // string strData = objAuthentication.RequestUrl(strpageUrl, objFacebookAccount.Token); // JObject output = objWebRequest.FacebookRequest(strData, "Get"); FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = objFacebookAccount.AccessToken; dynamic output = fb.Get("/me/accounts"); // JArray data = (JArray)output["data"]; DataTable dtFbPage = new DataTable(); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("Email"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageId"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageName"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("status"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("customer_id"); string strPageDiv = string.Empty; if (output != null) { foreach (var item in output["data"]) { if (item.category.ToString() != "Application") { strPageDiv += "<div><a id=\"A1\" onclick=\"getInsights('" + item["id"].ToString() + "','" + item["name"].ToString() + "')\"><span>" + item["name"].ToString() + "</span> </a></div>"; fbpage.InnerHtml = strPageDiv; } } } else { strPageDiv += "<div>No Pages Found</div>"; } Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "my", " ShowDialogHome(false);", true); Session["fbSocial"] = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region InsightsData try { decimal malecount = 0, femalecount = 0, cnt = 0; FacebookStatsRepository objfbStatsRepo = new FacebookStatsRepository(); double daysSub = (DateTime.Now - user.CreateDate).TotalDays; int userdays = (int)daysSub; ArrayList arrFbStats = objfbStatsRepo.getAllFacebookStatsOfUser(user.Id, userdays); Random rNum = new Random(); foreach (var item in arrFbStats) { Array temp = (Array)item; cnt += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(3).ToString()) + int.Parse(temp.GetValue(4).ToString()); malecount += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(3).ToString()); femalecount += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(4).ToString()); } try { decimal mc = (malecount / cnt) * 100; male = Convert.ToInt16(mc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } try { decimal fc = (femalecount / cnt) * 100; female = Convert.ToInt16(fc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } int twtAccCount = objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesTypeOfUser(user.Id, "twitter").Count; if (twtAccCount > 1) { twtmale = rNum.Next(100); twtfemale = 100 - twtmale; } else if (twtAccCount == 1) { twtmale = 100; twtfemale = 0; } Session["twtGender"] = twtmale + "," + twtfemale; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.Message.ToString()); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } getgrphData(); getNewFriends(7); getNewFollowers(7); #endregion #region IncomingMessages try { FacebookFeedRepository fbFeedRepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); int fbmessagescout = fbFeedRepo.countUnreadMessages(user.Id); TwitterMessageRepository twtMsgRepo = new TwitterMessageRepository(); int twtcount = twtMsgRepo.getCountUnreadMessages(user.Id); Session["CountMessages"] = fbmessagescout + twtcount; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion } }
private string RemainingAccount(SocioBoard.Domain.User user) { string res = "using " + Session["ProfileCount"].ToString() + " of " + Session["TotalAccount"].ToString(); try { SocialProfilesRepository objSocioRepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); Session["ProfileCount"] = objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id).Count; res = "using " + Session["ProfileCount"].ToString() + " of " + Session["TotalAccount"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return res; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Varibles Initialize UserRepository userrepo = new UserRepository(); Registration regObject = new Registration(); TeamRepository objTeamRepo = new TeamRepository(); NewsRepository objNewsRepo = new NewsRepository(); AdsRepository objAdsRepo = new AdsRepository(); SocialProfilesRepository objSocioRepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); #endregion SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (user == null) Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["type"])) { try { userrepo.UpdateAccountType(user.Id, Request.QueryString["type"]); User newUser = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; newUser.Id = user.Id; newUser.Password = user.Password; newUser.PaymentStatus = user.PaymentStatus; newUser.ProfileUrl = user.ProfileUrl; newUser.TimeZone = user.TimeZone; newUser.UserName = user.UserName; newUser.UserStatus = user.UserStatus; newUser.AccountType = Request.QueryString["type"]; newUser.CreateDate = user.CreateDate; newUser.ExpiryDate = user.ExpiryDate; newUser.EmailId = user.EmailId; Session["LoggedUser"] = null; Session["LoggedUser"] = newUser; user.AccountType = newUser.AccountType; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } #region Count Used Accounts try { PackageRepository packageRepo = new PackageRepository(); List<Package> lstPackage = packageRepo.getAllPackage(); foreach (Package item in lstPackage) { if (user.AccountType.ToLower() == item.PackageName.ToLower()) { tot_acc = item.TotalProfiles; break; } } profileCount = objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id).Count; Session["ProfileCount"] = profileCount; Session["TotalAccount"] = tot_acc; usedAccount.InnerHtml = " using " + profileCount + " of " + tot_acc; } catch(Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region News acrossProfile.InnerHtml = "Across " + user.UserName + "'s Twitter and Facebook accounts"; teamMem.InnerHtml = "managing " + user.UserName; try { News nws = objNewsRepo.getNewsForHome(); divNews.InnerHtml = nws.NewsDetail; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } try { ArrayList lstads = objAdsRepo.getAdsForHome(); foreach (var item in lstads) { Array temp = (Array)item; imgAds.ImageUrl = temp.GetValue(2).ToString(); break; // ads.ImageUrl; } } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } #endregion #region Team Member Count try { GroupRepository grouprepo = new GroupRepository(); string groupsofhome = string.Empty; List<Groups> lstgroups = grouprepo.getAllGroups(user.Id); if (lstgroups.Count != 0) { foreach (Groups item in lstgroups) { groupsofhome += "<li><a href=\"../Settings/InviteMember.aspx?q=" + item.Id + "\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/groups_.png\" alt=\"\" style=\" margin-right:5px;\"> " + item.GroupName + "</a></li>"; } getAllGroupsOnHome.InnerHtml = groupsofhome; } } catch(Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion try { string strTeam = string.Empty; List<Team> team = objTeamRepo.getAllTeamsOfUser(user.Id); foreach (Team item in team) { strTeam += "<div class=\"userpictiny\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"#\">"+ "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" title=\""+ item.FirstName +"\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</a></div>"; } team_member.InnerHtml = strTeam; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } #region Add Fan Page try { if (Session["fbSocial"] != null) { if (Session["fbSocial"] == "p") { FacebookAccount objFacebookAccount = (FacebookAccount)Session["fbpagedetail"]; // string strpageUrl = "" + objFacebookAccount.FacebookId + "/accounts"; // objFacebookUrlBuilder = (FacebookUrlBuilder)Session["FacebookInsightUser"]; // string strData = objAuthentication.RequestUrl(strpageUrl, objFacebookAccount.Token); // JObject output = objWebRequest.FacebookRequest(strData, "Get"); FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = objFacebookAccount.AccessToken; dynamic output = fb.Get("/me/accounts"); // JArray data = (JArray)output["data"]; DataTable dtFbPage = new DataTable(); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("Email"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageId"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageName"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("status"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("customer_id"); string strPageDiv = string.Empty; if (output != null) { foreach (var item in output["data"]) { if (item.category.ToString() != "Application") { strPageDiv += "<div><a id=\"A1\" onclick=\"getInsights('" + item["id"].ToString() + "','" + item["name"].ToString() + "')\"><span>" + item["name"].ToString() + "</span> </a></div>"; fbpage.InnerHtml = strPageDiv; } } } else { strPageDiv += "<div>No Pages Found</div>"; } Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "my", " ShowDialogHome(false);", true); Session["fbSocial"] = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region InsightsData try { decimal malecount = 0, femalecount = 0, cnt = 0; FacebookStatsRepository objfbStatsRepo = new FacebookStatsRepository(); double daysSub = (DateTime.Now - user.CreateDate).TotalDays; int userdays = (int)daysSub; ArrayList arrFbStats = objfbStatsRepo.getAllFacebookStatsOfUser(user.Id, userdays); Random rNum = new Random(); foreach (var item in arrFbStats) { Array temp = (Array)item; cnt += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(3).ToString()) + int.Parse(temp.GetValue(4).ToString()); malecount += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(3).ToString()); femalecount += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(4).ToString()); } try { decimal mc = (malecount / cnt) * 100; male = Convert.ToInt16(mc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } try { decimal fc = (femalecount / cnt) * 100; female = Convert.ToInt16(fc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } int twtAccCount=objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesTypeOfUser(user.Id, "twitter").Count; if (twtAccCount > 1) { twtmale = rNum.Next(100); twtfemale = 100 - twtmale; } else if (twtAccCount == 1) { twtmale = 100; twtfemale = 0; } Session["twtGender"] = twtmale + "," + twtfemale; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.Message.ToString()); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } getgrphData(); getNewFriends(7); getNewFollowers(7); #endregion #region IncomingMessages try { FacebookFeedRepository fbFeedRepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); int fbmessagescout = fbFeedRepo.countUnreadMessages(user.Id); TwitterMessageRepository twtMsgRepo = new TwitterMessageRepository(); int twtcount = twtMsgRepo.getCountUnreadMessages(user.Id); Session["CountMessages"] = fbmessagescout + twtcount; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { UserRefRelationRepository objUserRefRelationRepository=new UserRefRelationRepository (); UserRepository userrepo = new UserRepository(); Registration regObject = new Registration(); TeamRepository objTeamRepo = new TeamRepository(); NewsRepository objNewsRepo = new NewsRepository(); AdsRepository objAdsRepo = new AdsRepository(); UserActivation objUserActivation = new UserActivation(); UserActivationRepository objUserActivationRepository = new UserActivationRepository(); SocialProfilesRepository objSocioRepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); GroupRepository objGroupRepository = new GroupRepository(); TeamMemberProfileRepository objTeamMemberProfileRepository = new TeamMemberProfileRepository(); Team team; SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; if (Session["GroupName"] == null) { Groups objGroupDetails = objGroupRepository.getGroupDetail(user.Id); team = objTeamRepo.getAllDetails(objGroupDetails.Id, user.EmailId); Session["GroupName"] = team; } else { team = (SocioBoard.Domain.Team)Session["GroupName"]; } Session["facebooktotalprofiles"] = null; if (user.Password == null) { Response.Redirect("/Pricing.aspx"); } #region Days remaining if (Session["days_remaining"] == null ) { if (user.PaymentStatus == "unpaid" && user.AccountType!="Free") { int daysremaining = (user.ExpiryDate.Date - DateTime.Now.Date).Days; if (daysremaining < 0) { daysremaining = -1; } Session["days_remaining"] = daysremaining; //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('You are using '" + user.AccountType + "' account only '" + daysremaining + "' days is remaining !');", true); if (daysremaining <= -1) { } else if (daysremaining == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('Your trial " + user.AccountType + " account will expire end of the day, please upgrade to paid plan.');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('Your trial " + user.AccountType + " account will expire in " + daysremaining + " days, please upgrade to paid plan.');", true); } } } #endregion #region for You can use only 30 days as Unpaid User if (user.PaymentStatus.ToLower() == "unpaid" && user.AccountType != "Free") { if (!SBUtils.IsUserWorkingDaysValid(user.ExpiryDate)) { // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('You can use only 30 days as Unpaid User !');", true); Session["GreaterThan30Days"] = "GreaterThan30Days"; Response.Redirect("/Settings/Billing.aspx"); } } Session["GreaterThan30Days"] = null; #endregion if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (user == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } try { objUserActivation = objUserActivationRepository.GetUserActivationStatus(user.Id.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Session["objUserActivationException"] = "objUserActivationException"; Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #region Count Used Accounts try { if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Deluxe.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 50; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Standard.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 10; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Premium.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 20; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Free.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 5; profileCount = objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id).Count; Session["ProfileCount"] = profileCount; Session["TotalAccount"] = tot_acc; try { Groups lstDetail = objGroupRepository.getGroupName(team.GroupId); if (lstDetail.GroupName == "Socioboard") { usedAccount.InnerHtml = " using " + profileCount + " of " + tot_acc; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion try { Groups lstDetails = objGroupRepository.getGroupName(team.GroupId); if (lstDetails.GroupName != "Socioboard") { expander.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("display", "none"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } //this is used to check whether facebok account Already Exist if (Session["alreadyexist"] != null) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('This Profile is Already Added please add aother Account!');", true); Session["alreadyexist"] = null; } if ( Session["alreadypageexist"] != null) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('This Page is Already Added please add aother Page!');", true); Session["alreadypageexist"] = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["type"])) { try { userrepo.UpdateAccountType(user.Id, Request.QueryString["type"]); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } //acrossProfile.InnerHtml = "Across " + user.UserName + "'s Twitter and Facebook accounts"; teamMem.InnerHtml = "managing " + user.UserName; try { News nws = objNewsRepo.getNewsForHome(); //divNews.InnerHtml = nws.NewsDetail; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } try { ArrayList lstads = objAdsRepo.getAdsForHome(); if (lstads.Count < 1) { if (user.PaymentStatus.ToUpper() == "PAID") { bindads.InnerHtml = "<img src=\"../Contents/img/admin/ads.png\" alt=\"\" >"; } else { #region ADS Script bindads.InnerHtml = "<script async src=\"//\"></script>" + "<!-- socioboard -->" + "<ins class=\"adsbygoogle\"" + "style=\"display:inline-block;width:250px;height:250px\"" + "data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-7073257741073458\"" + "data-ad-slot=\"9533254693\"></ins>" + "<script>" + "(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});" + "</script>"; #endregion } } foreach (var item in lstads) { Array temp = (Array)item; //imgAds.ImageUrl = temp.GetValue(2).ToString(); if (user.PaymentStatus.ToUpper() == "PAID") { bindads.InnerHtml = "<img src=\"" + temp.GetValue(2).ToString() + "\" alt=\"\" style=\"width:246px;height:331px\">"; } else { #region ADS Script bindads.InnerHtml = "<script async src=\"//\"></script>" + "<!-- socioboard -->" + "<ins class=\"adsbygoogle\"" + "style=\"display:inline-block;width:250px;height:250px\"" + "data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-7073257741073458\"" + "data-ad-slot=\"9533254693\"></ins>" + "<script>" + "(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});" + "</script>"; #endregion } break; // ads.ImageUrl; } } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } #region Team Member Count try { GroupRepository grouprepo = new GroupRepository(); string groupsofhome = string.Empty; List<Groups> lstgroups = grouprepo.getAllGroups(user.Id); if (lstgroups.Count != 0) { foreach (Groups item in lstgroups) { groupsofhome += "<li><a href=\"../Settings/InviteMember.aspx?q=" + item.Id + "\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/groups_.png\" alt=\"\" style=\" margin-right:5px;\"> " + item.GroupName + "</a></li>"; } getAllGroupsOnHome.InnerHtml = groupsofhome; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion try { string strTeam = string.Empty; List<Team> teams = objTeamRepo.getAllTeamsOfUser(user.Id,team.GroupId,user.EmailId); foreach (Team item in teams) { strTeam += "<div class=\"userpictiny\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"#\">" + "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" title=\"" + item.FirstName + "\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</a></div>"; } team_member.InnerHtml = strTeam; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } #region Add Fan Page try { if (Session["fbSocial"] != null) { if (Session["fbSocial"] == "p") { FacebookAccount objFacebookAccount = (FacebookAccount)Session["fbpagedetail"]; // string strpageUrl = "" + objFacebookAccount.FacebookId + "/accounts"; // objFacebookUrlBuilder = (FacebookUrlBuilder)Session["FacebookInsightUser"]; // string strData = objAuthentication.RequestUrl(strpageUrl, objFacebookAccount.Token); // JObject output = objWebRequest.FacebookRequest(strData, "Get"); FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = objFacebookAccount.AccessToken; dynamic output = fb.Get("/me/accounts"); // JArray data = (JArray)output["data"]; DataTable dtFbPage = new DataTable(); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("Email"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageId"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageName"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("status"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("customer_id"); string strPageDiv = string.Empty; if (output != null) { foreach (var item in output["data"]) { if (item.category.ToString() != "Application") { strPageDiv += "<div><a id=\"A1\" onclick=\"getInsights('" + item["id"].ToString() + "','" + item["name"].ToString() + "')\"><span>" + item["name"].ToString() + "</span> </a></div>"; fbpage.InnerHtml = strPageDiv; } } } else { strPageDiv += "<div>No Pages Found</div>"; } Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "my", " ShowDialogHome(false);", true); Session["fbSocial"] = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region InsightsData try { decimal malecount = 0, femalecount = 0, cnt = 0; FacebookStatsRepository objfbStatsRepo = new FacebookStatsRepository(); double daysSub = (DateTime.Now - user.CreateDate).TotalDays; int userdays; if (daysSub > 0 && daysSub <= 1) { userdays = 1; } else { userdays = (int)daysSub; } ArrayList arrFbStats = objfbStatsRepo.getAllFacebookStatsOfUser(user.Id, userdays); //ArrayList arrFbStats = objfbStatsRepo.getTotalFacebookStatsOfUser(user.Id); Random rNum = new Random(); foreach (var item in arrFbStats) { Array temp = (Array)item; cnt += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(3).ToString()) + int.Parse(temp.GetValue(4).ToString()); malecount += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(3).ToString()); femalecount += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(4).ToString()); } try { decimal mc = (malecount / cnt) * 100; male = Convert.ToInt16(mc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } try { decimal fc = (femalecount / cnt) * 100; female = Convert.ToInt16(fc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } int twtAccCount = objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesTypeOfUser(user.Id, "twitter").Count; if (twtAccCount > 1) { twtmale = rNum.Next(100); twtfemale = 100 - twtmale; } else if (twtAccCount == 1) { twtmale = 100; twtfemale = 0; } Session["twtGender"] = twtmale + "," + twtfemale; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.Message.ToString()); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } //getgrphData(); // getNewFriends(7); // getNewFriends(); // getNewFollowers(); #endregion #region GetFollower try { String TwtProfileId = string.Empty; TwitterStatsRepository objtwtStatsRepo = new TwitterStatsRepository(); List<TeamMemberProfile> objTeamMemberProfile = objTeamMemberProfileRepository.getTwtTeamMemberProfileData(team.Id); foreach (TeamMemberProfile item in objTeamMemberProfile) { TwtProfileId += item.ProfileId + ','; } TwtProfileId = TwtProfileId.Substring(0, TwtProfileId.Length - 1); List<TwitterStats> arrTwtStats = objtwtStatsRepo.getAllAccountDetail(TwtProfileId); //strTwtArray = "["; int NewTweet_Count = 0; string TotalFollower = string.Empty; foreach (TwitterStats item in arrTwtStats) { NewTweet_Count += item.FollowerCount; } if (NewTweet_Count >= 100000) { TotalFollower = (System.Math.Round(((float)NewTweet_Count / 1000000), 2)) + "M"; } else if (NewTweet_Count > 1000 && NewTweet_Count < 100000) { TotalFollower = (System.Math.Round(((float)NewTweet_Count / 1000), 2)) + "K"; } else { TotalFollower = NewTweet_Count.ToString(); } spanNewTweets.InnerHtml = TotalFollower; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.Message.ToString()); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } #endregion #region GetFacebookFanPage try { String FbProfileId = string.Empty; FacebookStatsRepository objFacebookStatsRepository = new FacebookStatsRepository(); List<TeamMemberProfile> objTeamMemberProfile = objTeamMemberProfileRepository.getTeamMemberProfileData(team.Id); foreach (TeamMemberProfile item in objTeamMemberProfile) { FbProfileId += item.ProfileId + ','; } FbProfileId = FbProfileId.Substring(0, FbProfileId.Length - 1); List<FacebookStats> arrFbStats = objFacebookStatsRepository.getAllAccountDetail(FbProfileId); //strTwtArray = "["; int NewFbFan_Count = 0; string TotalFriends = string.Empty; foreach (FacebookStats item in arrFbStats) { NewFbFan_Count += item.FanCount; } if (NewFbFan_Count >= 100000) { TotalFriends = (System.Math.Round(((float)NewFbFan_Count / 1000000), 2)) + "M"; } else if (NewFbFan_Count > 1000 && NewFbFan_Count < 100000) { TotalFriends = (System.Math.Round(((float)NewFbFan_Count / 1000), 2)) + "K"; } else { TotalFriends = NewFbFan_Count.ToString(); } spanFbFans.InnerHtml = TotalFriends; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.Message.ToString()); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } #endregion #region IncomingMessages try { FacebookFeedRepository fbFeedRepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); int fbmessagescout = fbFeedRepo.countUnreadMessages(user.Id); TwitterMessageRepository twtMsgRepo = new TwitterMessageRepository(); int twtcount = twtMsgRepo.getCountUnreadMessages(user.Id); Session["CountMessages"] = fbmessagescout + twtcount; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region NewIncomingMessage try { String FbProfileId = string.Empty; String TwtProfileId = string.Empty; List<TeamMemberProfile> objTeamMemberProfile = objTeamMemberProfileRepository.getAllTeamMemberProfilesOfTeam(team.Id); foreach (TeamMemberProfile item in objTeamMemberProfile) { try { if (item.ProfileType == "facebook") { FbProfileId += item.ProfileId + ','; } else if (item.ProfileType == "twitter") { TwtProfileId += item.ProfileId + ','; } } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } } try { FbProfileId = FbProfileId.Substring(0, FbProfileId.Length - 1); TwtProfileId = TwtProfileId.Substring(0, TwtProfileId.Length - 1); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } FacebookFeedRepository objFacebookFeedRepository = new FacebookFeedRepository(); List<FacebookFeed> alstfb = objFacebookFeedRepository.getAllFeedDetail(FbProfileId); // FacebookMessageRepository objFacebookMessageRepository = new FacebookMessageRepository(); TwitterMessageRepository objtwttatsRepo = new TwitterMessageRepository(); // List<FacebookMessage> alstfb = objFacebookMessageRepository.getAllMessageDetail(FbProfileId); List<TwitterMessage> alstTwt = objtwttatsRepo.getAlltwtMessages(TwtProfileId); int TotalFbMsgCount = 0; int TotalTwtMsgCount = 0; try { TotalFbMsgCount = alstfb.Count; TotalTwtMsgCount = alstTwt.Count; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } spanIncoming.InnerHtml = (TotalFbMsgCount+TotalTwtMsgCount).ToString(); string profileid = string.Empty; ScheduledMessageRepository objScheduledMessageRepository = new ScheduledMessageRepository(); foreach (TeamMemberProfile item in objTeamMemberProfile) { profileid += item.ProfileId + ','; } profileid = profileid.Substring(0, profileid.Length - 1); spanSent.InnerHtml = objScheduledMessageRepository.getAllSentMessageDetails(profileid).Count().ToString(); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } } #endregion } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } }
public string ProfilesConnected(string UserId) { try { Guid userid = Guid.Parse(UserId); SocialProfilesRepository socialRepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); List<SocialProfile> lstsocioprofile = socialRepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(userid); List<profileConnected> lstProfile = new List<profileConnected>(); foreach (SocialProfile sp in lstsocioprofile) { profileConnected pc = new profileConnected(); pc.Id = sp.Id; pc.ProfileDate = sp.ProfileDate; pc.ProfileId = sp.ProfileId; pc.ProfileStatus = sp.ProfileStatus; pc.ProfileType = sp.ProfileType; pc.UserId = sp.UserId; if (sp.ProfileType == "facebook") { try { FacebookAccountRepository objFbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount objFbAcc = objFbAccRepo.getUserDetails(sp.ProfileId); pc.ProfileName = objFbAcc.FbUserName; pc.ProfileImgUrl = "" + sp.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small"; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (sp.ProfileType == "twitter") { try { TwitterAccountRepository objTwtAccRepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount objTwtAcc = objTwtAccRepo.getUserInfo(sp.ProfileId); pc.ProfileName = objTwtAcc.TwitterScreenName; pc.ProfileImgUrl = objTwtAcc.ProfileImageUrl; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (sp.ProfileType == "instagram") { try { InstagramAccountRepository objInsAccRepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramAccount objInsAcc = objInsAccRepo.getInstagramAccountById(sp.ProfileId); pc.ProfileName = objInsAcc.InsUserName; pc.ProfileImgUrl = objInsAcc.ProfileUrl; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (sp.ProfileType == "linkedin") { try { LinkedInAccountRepository objLiAccRepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccount objLiAcc = objLiAccRepo.getLinkedinAccountDetailsById(sp.ProfileId); pc.ProfileName = objLiAcc.LinkedinUserName; pc.ProfileImgUrl = objLiAcc.ProfileImageUrl; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (sp.ProfileType == "googleplus") { try { GooglePlusAccountRepository objGpAccRepo = new GooglePlusAccountRepository(); GooglePlusAccount objGpAcc = objGpAccRepo.getUserDetails(sp.ProfileId); pc.ProfileName = objGpAcc.GpUserName; pc.ProfileImgUrl = objGpAcc.GpProfileImage; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } lstProfile.Add(pc); } return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(lstProfile); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize("Please Try Again"); } }
public void ProfilesAvailabeforuser(Guid UserId) { string bindprofiles = string.Empty; SocialProfilesRepository socioprofilerepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); List<SocialProfile> lstsocialprofile = socioprofilerepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(UserId); foreach (SocialProfile item in lstsocialprofile) { if (item.ProfileType == "facebook") { if (!SelectedGroupProfiles.InnerHtml.Contains("facebook_" + item.ProfileId)) { FacebookAccountRepository fbaccreop = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookAccount facebookaccount = fbaccreop.getFacebookAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, UserId); bindprofiles += "<div onclick=\"transfertoGroup('facebook','" + item.ProfileId + "')\" id=\"usergroups_" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"ws_conct active\"> <span class=\"img\"><img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" src=\"" + item.ProfileId + "/picture?type=small\" alt=\"\"><i><img width=\"16\" height=\"16\" src=\"../Contents/img/fb_icon.png\" alt=\"\"></i></span><div class=\"fourfifth\">" + "<div class=\"location-container\">" + facebookaccount.FbUserName + "</div><span class=\"add remove\">✖</span></div></div>"; } } else if (item.ProfileType == "twitter") { if (!SelectedGroupProfiles.InnerHtml.Contains("twitter_" + item.ProfileId)) { string profileimgurl = string.Empty; TwitterAccountRepository twtaccountrepo = new TwitterAccountRepository(); TwitterAccount twtacco = twtaccountrepo.getUserInformation(UserId, item.ProfileId); if (twtacco.ProfileImageUrl == string.Empty) { profileimgurl = "../../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { profileimgurl = twtacco.ProfileImageUrl; } bindprofiles += "<div onclick=\"transfertoGroup('twitter','" + item.ProfileId + "')\" id=\"usergroups_" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"ws_conct active\"> <span class=\"img\"><img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" src=\"" + profileimgurl + "\" alt=\"\"><i><img width=\"16\" height=\"16\" src=\"../Contents/img/twticon.png\" alt=\"\"></i></span><div class=\"fourfifth\">" + "<div class=\"location-container\">" + twtacco.TwitterScreenName + "</div><span class=\"add remove\">✖</span></div></div>"; } } else if (item.ProfileType == "linkedin") { if (!SelectedGroupProfiles.InnerHtml.Contains("linkedin_" + item.ProfileId)) { LinkedInAccountRepository linkedaccrepo = new LinkedInAccountRepository(); LinkedInAccount linkedaccount = linkedaccrepo.getUserInformation(UserId, item.ProfileId); string profileimgurl = string.Empty; if (linkedaccount.ProfileUrl == string.Empty) { profileimgurl = "../../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { profileimgurl = linkedaccount.ProfileUrl; } bindprofiles += "<div onclick=\"transfertoGroup('linkedin','" + item.ProfileId + "')\" id=\"usergroups_" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"ws_conct active\"><span class=\"img\"><img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" alt=\"\" src=\"" + profileimgurl + "\" ><i>" + "<img width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/link_icon.png\"></i></span>" + "<div class=\"fourfifth\"><div class=\"location-container\">" + linkedaccount.LinkedinUserName + "</div>" + "<span class=\"add remove\">✖</span></div></div>"; } } else if (item.ProfileType == "instagram") { if (!SelectedGroupProfiles.InnerHtml.Contains("instagram_" + item.ProfileId)) { string profileimgurl = string.Empty; InstagramAccountRepository instagramrepo = new InstagramAccountRepository(); InstagramAccount instaaccount = instagramrepo.getInstagramAccountDetailsById(item.ProfileId, UserId); if (instaaccount.ProfileUrl == string.Empty) { profileimgurl = "../../Contents/img/blank_img.png"; } else { profileimgurl = instaaccount.ProfileUrl; } bindprofiles += "<div onclick=\"transfertoGroup('instagram','" + item.ProfileId + "')\" id=\"usergroups_" + item.ProfileId + "\" class=\"ws_conct active\"><span class=\"img\"><img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" src=\"" + profileimgurl + "\" alt=\"\"><i>" + "<img width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/instagram_24X24.png\"></i></span><div class=\"fourfifth\"><div class=\"location-container\">" + instaaccount.InsUserName + "</div>" + "<span class=\"add remove\">✖</span></div></div>"; } } } AllGroupProfiles.InnerHtml = bindprofiles; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { UserRepository userrepo = new UserRepository(); Registration regObject = new Registration(); TeamRepository objTeamRepo = new TeamRepository(); NewsRepository objNewsRepo = new NewsRepository(); AdsRepository objAdsRepo = new AdsRepository(); UserActivation objUserActivation = new UserActivation(); UserActivationRepository objUserActivationRepository = new UserActivationRepository(); SocialProfilesRepository objSocioRepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; Session["facebooktotalprofiles"] = null; if (user.Password == null) { Response.Redirect("/Pricing.aspx"); } #region Days remaining if (Session["days_remaining"] == null) { if (user.PaymentStatus == "unpaid") { int daysremaining = (user.ExpiryDate.Date - DateTime.Now.Date).Days; if (daysremaining < 0) { daysremaining = 0; } Session["days_remaining"] = daysremaining; //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('You are using '" + user.AccountType + "' account only '" + daysremaining + "' days is remaining !');", true); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('Your trial " + user.AccountType + " account will expire in " + daysremaining + " days, please upgrade to paid plan.');", true); } } #endregion #region for You can use only 30 days as Unpaid User if (user.PaymentStatus.ToLower() == "unpaid") { if (!SBUtils.IsUserWorkingDaysValid(user.ExpiryDate)) { // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('You can use only 30 days as Unpaid User !');", true); Session["GreaterThan30Days"] = "GreaterThan30Days"; Response.Redirect("/Settings/Billing.aspx"); } } Session["GreaterThan30Days"] = null; #endregion if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (user == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } try { objUserActivation = objUserActivationRepository.GetUserActivationStatus(user.Id.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Session["objUserActivationException"] = "objUserActivationException"; Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } //#region check user Activation //try //{ // if (objUserActivation != null) // { // if (objUserActivation.ActivationStatus == "0") // { // if (Request.QueryString["stat"] == "activate") // { // if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) // { // //objUserActivation = objUserActivationRepository.GetUserActivationStatusbyid(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); // if (objUserActivation.UserId.ToString() == Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()) // { // objUserActivation.Id = objUserActivation.Id; //Guid.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); // objUserActivation.UserId = Guid.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]);// objUserActivation.UserId; // objUserActivation.ActivationStatus = "1"; // UserActivationRepository.Update(objUserActivation); // } // else // { // Session["ActivationError"] = "Wrong Activation Link please contact Admin!"; // //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('Wrong Activation Link please contact Admin!');", true); // //Response.Redirect("ActivationLink.aspx"); // } // } // else // { // Session["ActivationError"] = "Wrong Activation Link please contact Admin!"; // //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('Wrong Activation Link please contact Admin!');", true); // //Response.Redirect("ActivationLink.aspx"); // } // } // else // { // // Response.Redirect("ActivationLink.aspx"); // } // } // } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); //} //#endregion #region Count Used Accounts try { if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Deluxe.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 20; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Standard.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 10; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Premium.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 50; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Free.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 5; profileCount = objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id).Count; Session["ProfileCount"] = profileCount; Session["TotalAccount"] = tot_acc; usedAccount.InnerHtml = " using " + profileCount + " of " + tot_acc; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["type"])) { try { userrepo.UpdateAccountType(user.Id, Request.QueryString["type"]); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } acrossProfile.InnerHtml = "Across " + user.UserName + "'s Twitter and Facebook accounts"; teamMem.InnerHtml = "managing " + user.UserName; try { News nws = objNewsRepo.getNewsForHome(); divNews.InnerHtml = nws.NewsDetail; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } try { ArrayList lstads = objAdsRepo.getAdsForHome(); if (lstads.Count < 1) { if (user.PaymentStatus.ToUpper() == "PAID") { bindads.InnerHtml = "<img src=\"../Contents/img/admin/ads.png\" alt=\"\" >"; } else { #region ADS Script bindads.InnerHtml = "<script async src=\"//\"></script>" + "<!-- socioboard -->" + "<ins class=\"adsbygoogle\"" + "style=\"display:inline-block;width:250px;height:250px\"" + "data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-7073257741073458\"" + "data-ad-slot=\"9533254693\"></ins>" + "<script>" + "(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});" + "</script>"; #endregion } } foreach (var item in lstads) { Array temp = (Array)item; //imgAds.ImageUrl = temp.GetValue(2).ToString(); if (user.PaymentStatus.ToUpper() == "PAID") { bindads.InnerHtml = "<img src=\"" + temp.GetValue(2).ToString() + "\" alt=\"\" style=\"width:246px;height:331px\">"; } else { #region ADS Script bindads.InnerHtml = "<script async src=\"//\"></script>" + "<!-- socioboard -->" + "<ins class=\"adsbygoogle\"" + "style=\"display:inline-block;width:250px;height:250px\"" + "data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-7073257741073458\"" + "data-ad-slot=\"9533254693\"></ins>" + "<script>" + "(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});" + "</script>"; #endregion } break; // ads.ImageUrl; } } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } #region Team Member Count try { GroupRepository grouprepo = new GroupRepository(); string groupsofhome = string.Empty; List<Groups> lstgroups = grouprepo.getAllGroups(user.Id); if (lstgroups.Count != 0) { foreach (Groups item in lstgroups) { groupsofhome += "<li><a href=\"../Settings/InviteMember.aspx?q=" + item.Id + "\"><img src=\"../Contents/img/groups_.png\" alt=\"\" style=\" margin-right:5px;\"> " + item.GroupName + "</a></li>"; } getAllGroupsOnHome.InnerHtml = groupsofhome; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion try { string strTeam = string.Empty; List<Team> team = objTeamRepo.getAllTeamsOfUser(user.Id); foreach (Team item in team) { strTeam += "<div class=\"userpictiny\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"#\">" + "<img width=\"48\" height=\"48\" title=\"" + item.FirstName + "\" alt=\"\" src=\"../Contents/img/blank_img.png\">" + "</a></div>"; } team_member.InnerHtml = strTeam; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } #region Add Fan Page try { if (Session["fbSocial"] != null) { if (Session["fbSocial"] == "p") { FacebookAccount objFacebookAccount = (FacebookAccount)Session["fbpagedetail"]; // string strpageUrl = "" + objFacebookAccount.FacebookId + "/accounts"; // objFacebookUrlBuilder = (FacebookUrlBuilder)Session["FacebookInsightUser"]; // string strData = objAuthentication.RequestUrl(strpageUrl, objFacebookAccount.Token); // JObject output = objWebRequest.FacebookRequest(strData, "Get"); FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = objFacebookAccount.AccessToken; dynamic output = fb.Get("/me/accounts"); // JArray data = (JArray)output["data"]; DataTable dtFbPage = new DataTable(); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("Email"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageId"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageName"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("status"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("customer_id"); string strPageDiv = string.Empty; if (output != null) { foreach (var item in output["data"]) { if (item.category.ToString() != "Application") { strPageDiv += "<div><a id=\"A1\" onclick=\"getInsights('" + item["id"].ToString() + "','" + item["name"].ToString() + "')\"><span>" + item["name"].ToString() + "</span> </a></div>"; fbpage.InnerHtml = strPageDiv; } } } else { strPageDiv += "<div>No Pages Found</div>"; } Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "my", " ShowDialogHome(false);", true); Session["fbSocial"] = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region InsightsData try { decimal malecount = 0, femalecount = 0, cnt = 0; FacebookStatsRepository objfbStatsRepo = new FacebookStatsRepository(); double daysSub = (DateTime.Now - user.CreateDate).TotalDays; int userdays = (int)daysSub; ArrayList arrFbStats = objfbStatsRepo.getAllFacebookStatsOfUser(user.Id, userdays); Random rNum = new Random(); foreach (var item in arrFbStats) { Array temp = (Array)item; cnt += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(3).ToString()) + int.Parse(temp.GetValue(4).ToString()); malecount += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(3).ToString()); femalecount += int.Parse(temp.GetValue(4).ToString()); } try { decimal mc = (malecount / cnt) * 100; male = Convert.ToInt16(mc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } try { decimal fc = (femalecount / cnt) * 100; female = Convert.ToInt16(fc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } int twtAccCount = objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesTypeOfUser(user.Id, "twitter").Count; if (twtAccCount > 1) { twtmale = rNum.Next(100); twtfemale = 100 - twtmale; } else if (twtAccCount == 1) { twtmale = 100; twtfemale = 0; } Session["twtGender"] = twtmale + "," + twtfemale; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.Message.ToString()); logger.Error(Err.StackTrace); } getgrphData(); getNewFriends(7); getNewFollowers(7); #endregion #region IncomingMessages try { FacebookFeedRepository fbFeedRepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); int fbmessagescout = fbFeedRepo.countUnreadMessages(user.Id); TwitterMessageRepository twtMsgRepo = new TwitterMessageRepository(); int twtcount = twtMsgRepo.getCountUnreadMessages(user.Id); Session["CountMessages"] = fbmessagescout + twtcount; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion } } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; try { #region for You can use only 30 days as Unpaid User //SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; if (user.PaymentStatus.ToLower() == "unpaid") { if (!SBUtils.IsUserWorkingDaysValid(user.ExpiryDate)) { // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alert('You can use only 30 days as Unpaid User !');", true); Session["GreaterThan30Days"] = "GreaterThan30Days"; Response.Redirect("../Settings/Billing.aspx"); } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (user == null) Response.Redirect("/Default.aspx"); try { getgrphData(7); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { getNewFriends(7); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { getNewFollowers(7); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { GetFollowersAgeWise(7); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { getFollowFollowersMonth(); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { FacebookAccountRepository fbAccRepo = new FacebookAccountRepository(); FacebookFeedRepository fbFeedRepo = new FacebookFeedRepository(); ArrayList arrfbProfile = fbAccRepo.getAllFacebookPagesOfUser(user.Id); long talking = 0; foreach (FacebookAccount item in arrfbProfile) { FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = item.AccessToken; pagelikes = pagelikes + fbFeedRepo.countInteractions(item.UserId, item.FbUserId, 7); dynamic talkingabout = fb.Get(item.FbUserId); talking = talking + talkingabout.talking_about_count; // strinteractions = pagelikes.Count(); //(long.Parse(strinteractions) + pagelikes.talking_about_count).ToString(); } talkingabtcount = (talking / 100) * arrfbProfile.Count; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { SocialProfilesRepository objsocioRepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); profileCount = objsocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id).Count(); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } var strgenderTwt = Session["twtGender"].ToString().Split(','); divtwtMale.InnerHtml = strgenderTwt[0] + "%"; divtwtfeMale.InnerHtml = strgenderTwt[1] + "%"; } }
public DataSet bindSentMessagesToDataTable(User user, string network) { SocialProfilesRepository socioprofrepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); List<SocialProfile> alstprofiles = socioprofrepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id); Messages mstable = new Messages(); DataSet ds = DataTableGenerator.CreateDataSetForTable(mstable); foreach (SocialProfile item in alstprofiles) { if (item.ProfileType == "facebook") { FacebookMessageRepository fbmsgrepo = new FacebookMessageRepository(); List<FacebookMessage> alstfbmsgs = fbmsgrepo.getAllSentMessages(item.ProfileId); if (alstfbmsgs != null) { if (alstfbmsgs.Count != 0) { foreach (FacebookMessage facebookmsg in alstfbmsgs) { ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add(facebookmsg.ProfileId, "facebook", facebookmsg.FromId, facebookmsg.FromName, facebookmsg.FromProfileUrl, facebookmsg.MessageDate, facebookmsg.Message, facebookmsg.FbComment, facebookmsg.FbLike, facebookmsg.MessageId, facebookmsg.Type); } } } } else if (item.ProfileType == "twitter") { TwitterDirectMessageRepository twtmsgrepo = new TwitterDirectMessageRepository(); List<TwitterDirectMessages> lstmsgtwtuser = twtmsgrepo.getAllDirectMessagesById(item.ProfileId); foreach (TwitterDirectMessages lst in lstmsgtwtuser) { ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add(lst.SenderId, "twitter", lst.SenderId, lst.SenderScreenName, lst.SenderProfileUrl, lst.CreatedDate, lst.Message, "", "", lst.MessageId, lst.Type); } } else if (item.ProfileType == "googleplus") { } } return ds; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LoggedUser"] == null) Response.Redirect("/Login.aspx"); if (!IsPostBack) { User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; profiles.InnerText = "Connected To "+user.UserName+ ""; #region Home SocialProfilesRepository socioprofilerepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); List<SocialProfile> lstsocio = socioprofilerepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id); usedAccount.InnerHtml = lstsocio.Count + " of 20"; #endregion #region Team try { //GroupRepository grouprepo = new GroupRepository(); //string groupsofhome = string.Empty; //List<Groups> lstgroups = grouprepo.getAllGroups(user.Id); } catch { } #endregion #region Add Fan Page try { if (Session["fbSocial"] != null) { if (Session["fbSocial"] == "p") { FacebookAccount objFacebookAccount = (FacebookAccount)Session["fbpagedetail"]; // string strpageUrl = "" + objFacebookAccount.FacebookId + "/accounts"; // objFacebookUrlBuilder = (FacebookUrlBuilder)Session["FacebookInsightUser"]; // string strData = objAuthentication.RequestUrl(strpageUrl, objFacebookAccount.Token); // JObject output = objWebRequest.FacebookRequest(strData, "Get"); FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = objFacebookAccount.AccessToken; dynamic output = fb.Get("/me/accounts"); // JArray data = (JArray)output["data"]; DataTable dtFbPage = new DataTable(); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("Email"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageId"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageName"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("status"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("customer_id"); string strPageDiv = string.Empty; if (output != null) { foreach (var item in output["data"]) { if (item.category.ToString() != "Application") { strPageDiv += "<div><a id=\"A1\" onclick=\"getInsights('" + item["id"].ToString() + "','" + item["name"].ToString() + "')\"><span>" + item["name"].ToString() + "</span> </a></div>"; fbpage.InnerHtml = strPageDiv; } } } else { strPageDiv += "<div>No Pages Found</div>"; } Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "my", " ShowDialogHome(false);", true); Session["fbSocial"] = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion try { decimal malecount = 0, femalecount = 0, cnt = 0; FacebookStatsRepository objfbStatsRepo = new FacebookStatsRepository(); double daysSub = (DateTime.Now - user.CreateDate).TotalDays; int userdays = (int)daysSub; ArrayList arrFbStats = objfbStatsRepo.getAllFacebookStatsOfUser(user.Id, userdays); Random rNum = new Random(); foreach (FacebookStats item in arrFbStats) { cnt += item.FemaleCount + item.MaleCount; malecount += item.MaleCount; femalecount += item.FemaleCount; } try { decimal mc = (malecount / cnt) * 100; male = Convert.ToInt16(mc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } try { decimal fc = (femalecount / cnt) * 100; female = Convert.ToInt16(fc); } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.StackTrace); } twtmale = rNum.Next(100); twtfemale = 100 - twtmale; Session["twtGender"] = male + "," + female; } catch (Exception Err) { Console.Write(Err.Message.ToString()); } getgrphData(); getNewFriends(7); getNewFollowers(7); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (Session["LoggedUser"] == null) { Response.Redirect("/Default.aspx"); return; } SocioBoard.Domain.User user = (User)Session["LoggedUser"]; SocialProfilesRepository objSocioRepo = new SocialProfilesRepository(); profileName.InnerHtml = user.UserName; if(user.ProfileUrl!=null) profileImg.Src= user.ProfileUrl; else profileImg.Src="~/Contents/img/blank_user.png"; try { if (Session["IncomingTasks"] != null) { incom_tasks.InnerHtml = "You have " + Convert.ToString((int)Session["IncomingTasks"]) + " Tasks"; // incom_tasks.InnerHtml = Convert.ToString((int)Session["IncomingTasks"]); } else { TaskRepository taskRepo = new TaskRepository(); ArrayList alst = taskRepo.getAllIncompleteTasksOfUser(user.Id); incom_tasks.InnerHtml = "You have " + alst.Count + " Tasks"; Session["IncomingTasks"] = alst.Count; } } catch (Exception es) { logger.Error(es.Message); Console.WriteLine(es.Message); } try { if (Session["CountMessages"] != null) { incom_messages.InnerHtml = "You have " + Convert.ToString((int)Session["CountMessages"]) + " Messages"; //incomMessages.InnerHtml = Convert.ToString((int)Session["CountMessages"]); } else { incom_messages.InnerHtml = "You have 0 Messages"; // incomMessages.InnerHtml = "0"; } } catch (Exception sx) { logger.Error(sx.Message); Console.WriteLine(sx.Message); } #region Add Fan Page try { if (Session["fbSocial"] != null) { if (Session["fbSocial"] == "p") { FacebookAccount objFacebookAccount = (FacebookAccount)Session["fbpagedetail"]; // string strpageUrl = "" + objFacebookAccount.FacebookId + "/accounts"; // objFacebookUrlBuilder = (FacebookUrlBuilder)Session["FacebookInsightUser"]; // string strData = objAuthentication.RequestUrl(strpageUrl, objFacebookAccount.Token); // JObject output = objWebRequest.FacebookRequest(strData, "Get"); FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(); fb.AccessToken = objFacebookAccount.AccessToken; dynamic output = fb.Get("/me/accounts"); // JArray data = (JArray)output["data"]; DataTable dtFbPage = new DataTable(); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("Email"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageId"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("PageName"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("status"); dtFbPage.Columns.Add("customer_id"); string strPageDiv = string.Empty; if (output != null) { foreach (var item in output["data"]) { if (item.category.ToString() != "Application") { strPageDiv += "<div><a id=\"A1\" onclick=\"getInsights('" + item["id"].ToString() + "','" + item["name"].ToString() + "')\"><span>" + item["name"].ToString() + "</span> </a></div>"; fbpage.InnerHtml = strPageDiv; } } } else { strPageDiv += "<div>No Pages Found</div>"; } Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "my", " ShowDialogHome(false);", true); Session["fbSocial"] = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion #region Count Used Accounts try { if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Deluxe.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 20; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Standard.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 10; else if (user.AccountType.ToString().ToLower() == AccountType.Premium.ToString().ToLower()) tot_acc = 50; profileCount = objSocioRepo.getAllSocialProfilesOfUser(user.Id).Count; Session["ProfileCount"] = profileCount; Session["TotalAccount"] = tot_acc; usedAccount.InnerHtml = " using " + profileCount + " of " + tot_acc; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { } } }