コード例 #1
        /// <summary> Find the static html file to display for an item view request, when requested by a search engine robot for indexing </summary>
        /// <param name="Current_Mode"> Mode / navigation information for the current request</param>
        /// <param name="All_Items_Lookup"> Lookup object used to pull basic information about any item loaded into this library </param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Location for the static html file to display for this item view request </returns>
        public string Get_Item_Static_HTML(SobekCM_Navigation_Object Current_Mode, Item_Lookup_Object All_Items_Lookup, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            // Must at least have a bib id of the proper length
            if (Current_Mode.BibID.Length < 10)
                Current_Mode.Invalid_Item = true;
                return String.Empty;

            // Get the title object for this
            Multiple_Volume_Item dbTitle = All_Items_Lookup.Title_By_Bib(Current_Mode.BibID);
            if (dbTitle == null)
                Current_Mode.Invalid_Item = true;
                return String.Empty;

            // Try to get the very basic information about this item, to determine if the
            // bib / vid combination is valid
            Single_Item selected_item = null;
            if (Current_Mode.VID.Length > 0)
                selected_item = All_Items_Lookup.Item_By_Bib_VID(Current_Mode.BibID, Current_Mode.VID, Tracer);
                if (dbTitle.Item_Count == 1)
                    selected_item = All_Items_Lookup.Item_By_Bib_Only(Current_Mode.BibID);

            // If no valid item and not a valid item group display either, return
            if (selected_item == null)
                Current_Mode.Invalid_Item = true;
                return String.Empty;

            // Set the title to the info browse, just to store it somewhere
            Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode = selected_item.Title;

            // Get the text for this item
            string bibid = Current_Mode.BibID;
            string vid = selected_item.VID.PadLeft(5, '0');
            Current_Mode.VID = vid;
            string base_image_url = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Base_Data_Directory + bibid.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + bibid.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + bibid.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + bibid.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + bibid.Substring(8, 2) + "\\" + bibid + "_" + vid + ".html";
            return base_image_url;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary> Get a digital resource for display or for editing </summary>
        /// <param name="Collection_Code"> Collection code to which this item must belong </param>
        /// <param name="Current_Mode"> Mode / navigation information for the current request</param>
        /// <param name="All_Items_Lookup"> Lookup object used to pull basic information about any item loaded into this library </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for all the digital resource files for items to display </param>
        /// <param name="Icon_Table"> Dictionary of all the wordmark/icons which can be tagged to the items </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Currently logged on user information (used when editing an item)</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <param name="Current_Item"> [OUT] Built single digital resource ready for displaying or editing </param>
        /// <param name="Current_Page"> [OUT] Build current page for display </param>
        /// <param name="Items_In_Title"> [OUT] List of all the items in this title </param>
        /// <returns> TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        /// <remarks> This attempts to pull the objects from the cache.  If unsuccessful, it builds the objects from the
        /// database and hands off to the <see cref="Cached_Data_Manager" /> to store in the cache.  If the item must be 
        /// built from scratch, the <see cref="Items.SobekCM_Item_Factory"/> class is utilized. </remarks>
        public bool Get_Item(string Collection_Code, 
                             SobekCM_Navigation_Object Current_Mode, 
                             Item_Lookup_Object All_Items_Lookup, 
                             string Base_URL, 
                             Dictionary<string, Wordmark_Icon> Icon_Table, 
                             Custom_Tracer Tracer, 
                             User_Object Current_User,
                             out SobekCM_Item Current_Item,
                             out Page_TreeNode Current_Page,
                             out SobekCM_Items_In_Title Items_In_Title)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekCM_Assistant.Get_Item", String.Empty);

            // Initially assign nulls
            Current_Item = null;
            Current_Page = null;
            Items_In_Title = null;

            // Check for legacy reference by itemid
            if ((Current_Mode.BibID.Length == 0) && (Current_Mode.ItemID_DEPRECATED > 0))
                DataRow thisRowInfo = SobekCM_Database.Lookup_Item_By_ItemID(Current_Mode.ItemID_DEPRECATED, Tracer);
                if (thisRowInfo == null)
                    Current_Mode.Invalid_Item = true;
                    return false;

                Current_Mode.Mode = Display_Mode_Enum.Legacy_URL;
                Current_Mode.Error_Message = Current_Mode.Base_URL + thisRowInfo["BibID"] + "/" + thisRowInfo["VID"];
                return false;

            // Must at least have a bib id of the proper length
            if (Current_Mode.BibID.Length < 10)
                Current_Mode.Invalid_Item = true;
                return false;

            // Get the title object for this
            bool item_group_display = false;
            Multiple_Volume_Item dbTitle = All_Items_Lookup.Title_By_Bib(Current_Mode.BibID);
            if (dbTitle == null)
                Current_Mode.Invalid_Item = true;
                return false;

            // Try to get the very basic information about this item, to determine if the
            // bib / vid combination is valid
            Single_Item selected_item = null;

            // Certain mySobek modes only need the item group
            if (( Current_Mode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.My_Sobek ) && (( Current_Mode.My_Sobek_Type == My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Edit_Group_Behaviors ) || ( Current_Mode.My_Sobek_Type == My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Edit_Group_Serial_Hierarchy ) || ( Current_Mode.My_Sobek_Type == My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Group_Add_Volume ) || ( Current_Mode.My_Sobek_Type == My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Group_AutoFill_Volumes ) || ( Current_Mode.My_Sobek_Type == My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Group_Mass_Update_Items )))
                item_group_display = true;

            // If this is not a mode that is only item group display, try to pull the item
            if (!item_group_display)
                if ((Current_Mode.VID.Length > 0) && (Current_Mode.VID != "00000"))
                    selected_item = All_Items_Lookup.Item_By_Bib_VID(Current_Mode.BibID, Current_Mode.VID, Tracer);
                    if ((dbTitle.Item_Count == 1) && (Current_Mode.VID != "00000"))
                        selected_item = All_Items_Lookup.Item_By_Bib_Only(Current_Mode.BibID);
                        item_group_display = true;

            // If no valid item and not a valid item group display either, return
            if ((selected_item == null) && (!item_group_display))
                Current_Mode.Invalid_Item = true;
                return false;

            // If this is for a single item, return that
            if (selected_item != null)
                // Make sure the VID is set
                Current_Mode.VID = selected_item.VID;

                // Try to get this from the cache
                if ((Current_Mode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.My_Sobek) && ( Current_Mode.My_Sobek_Type == My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Edit_Item_Metadata ) && (Current_User != null))
                    Current_Item = Cached_Data_Manager.Retrieve_Digital_Resource_Object(Current_User.UserID, Current_Mode.BibID, Current_Mode.VID, Tracer);
                    Current_Item = Cached_Data_Manager.Retrieve_Digital_Resource_Object( Current_Mode.BibID, Current_Mode.VID, Tracer);

                // If not pulled from the cache, then we will have to build the item
                if (Current_Item == null)
                    if (Tracer != null)
                        Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekCM_Assistant.Get_Item", "Build the item");

                    Current_Item = SobekCM_Item_Factory.Get_Item(Current_Mode.BibID, Current_Mode.VID, Icon_Table, Tracer);
                    if (Current_Item != null)
                        if ((Current_Mode.Mode == Display_Mode_Enum.My_Sobek) && (Current_Mode.My_Sobek_Type == My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Edit_Item_Metadata) && (Current_User != null))
                            string note_to_add = "Online edit by " + Current_User.Full_Name + " ( " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " )";
                            Current_Item.METS_Header.Add_Creator_Individual_Notes( note_to_add );
                            Cached_Data_Manager.Store_Digital_Resource_Object(Current_User.UserID, Current_Mode.BibID, Current_Mode.VID, Current_Item, Tracer);
                            Cached_Data_Manager.Store_Digital_Resource_Object(Current_Mode.BibID, Current_Mode.VID, Current_Item, Tracer);
                    if (Tracer != null)
                        Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekCM_Assistant.Get_Item", "Item found in the cache");

                // If an item was requested and none was found, go to the current home
                if ((Current_Item == null))
                    if (Tracer != null && !Tracer.Enabled)
                        Current_Mode.Mode = Display_Mode_Enum.Aggregation_Home;
                        return false;
                    return false;

                // Get the page to display (printing has its own specification of page(s) to display)
                if (Current_Mode.Mode != Display_Mode_Enum.Item_Print)
                    if (Tracer != null)
                        Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekCM_Assistant.Get_Item", "Get the current page");
                    Current_Page = SobekCM_Item_Factory.Get_Current_Page(Current_Item, Current_Mode.Page, Tracer);
            else if (item_group_display)
                // Try to get this from the cache
                Current_Item = Cached_Data_Manager.Retrieve_Digital_Resource_Object(Current_Mode.BibID, Tracer);

                // Have to build this item group information then
                if (Current_Item == null)
                    string bibID = Current_Mode.BibID;
                    SobekCM_Item_Factory.Get_Item_Group(bibID, Tracer, out Items_In_Title, out Current_Item );
                    if (Tracer != null)
                        Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekCM_Assistant.Get_Item", "TEST LOG ENTRY");

                    if (Current_Item == null)
                        Exception ee = SobekCM_Database.Last_Exception;
                        if (Tracer != null)
                            Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekCM_Assistant.Get_Item", ee != null ? ee.Message : "NO DATABASE EXCEPTION", Custom_Trace_Type_Enum.Error);

                        Current_Mode.Invalid_Item = true;
                        return false;

                    // Put this back on the cache
                    Current_Item.METS_Header.RecordStatus_Enum = METS_Record_Status.BIB_LEVEL;
                    Cached_Data_Manager.Store_Digital_Resource_Object(bibID, Current_Item, Tracer);
                    Cached_Data_Manager.Store_Items_In_Title(bibID, Items_In_Title, Tracer);

            return true;