Stores information about a single profile for performing quality control online
コード例 #1
        /// <summary> Add a quality control profile with user settings, such as which 
        /// division types to include for selection </summary>
        /// <param name="New_Profile"> New profile to add </param>
        public void Add_Profile(QualityControl_Profile New_Profile)
            // Add to the dictionary of profiles
            profiles[New_Profile.Profile_Name] = New_Profile;

            // Was this the default profile?
            if (New_Profile.Default_Profile)
                defaultProfile = New_Profile;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary> Add a quality control profile with user settings, such as which
        /// division types to include for selection </summary>
        /// <param name="New_Profile"> New profile to add </param>
        public void Add_Profile(QualityControl_Profile New_Profile)
            // Add to the dictionary of profiles
            profilesDictionary[New_Profile.Profile_Name] = New_Profile;

            // Was this the default profile?
            if (New_Profile.Default_Profile)
                DefaultProfile = New_Profile.Profile_Name;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary> Static constructor for the QualityControl_Configuration class </summary>
        public QualityControl_Configuration()
            // Declare all the new collections in this configuration
            profiles = new Dictionary<string, QualityControl_Profile>();

            // Set some default values
            attemptedRead = false;
            defaultProfile = null;

            string baseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            sobekcm_qc_configfilePath=(baseDirectory + "config\\default\\sobekcm_qc.config");

            if (!Read_Metadata_Configuration(sobekcm_qc_configfilePath))
                // Set default reader/writer values to have a baseline in case there is
                // no file to be read
コード例 #4
        private void read_qc_profiles(XmlReader ReaderXml)
            int unnamed_profile_counter = 1;

            while (ReaderXml.Read())
                if (ReaderXml.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    switch (ReaderXml.Name.ToLower())
                        case "profile":
                            QualityControl_Profile profile = new QualityControl_Profile();
                            XmlReader child_readerXml = ReaderXml.ReadSubtree();
                            if (ReaderXml.MoveToAttribute("name"))
                                profile.Profile_Name = ReaderXml.Value.Trim();
                            if (ReaderXml.MoveToAttribute("description"))
                                profile.Profile_Description = ReaderXml.Value;
                            if (ReaderXml.MoveToAttribute("isDefault"))
                                bool tempValue;
                                if (bool.TryParse(ReaderXml.Value, out tempValue))
                                    profile.Default_Profile = tempValue;
                            // Enforce a name for this profile (should have one according to XSD)
                            if (profile.Profile_Name.Length == 0)
                                profile.Profile_Name = "Unnamed" + unnamed_profile_counter;

                            while (child_readerXml.Read())
                                if (child_readerXml.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && child_readerXml.Name.ToLower() == "divisiontype")

                                    //  while (readerXml.ReadToNextSibling("DivisionType"))
                                    if (child_readerXml.Name.ToLower() == "divisiontype")
                                        QualityControl_Division_Config thisConfig = new QualityControl_Division_Config();
                                        if (child_readerXml.MoveToAttribute("type"))
                                            thisConfig.TypeName = child_readerXml.Value;
                                        if (child_readerXml.MoveToAttribute("isNameable"))
                                            thisConfig.isNameable = Convert.ToBoolean(child_readerXml.Value);

                   //         Add_METS_Writing_Profile(profile);

                        case "package_scope":

                        case "division_scope":

                        case "file_scope":

                        case "dmdsec":

                        case "amdsec":

                        //case "readerwriterref":
                        //    if (readerXml.MoveToAttribute("ID"))
                        //    {
                        //        string id = readerXml.Value.ToUpper();
                        //        if ((readerWriters.ContainsKey(id)) && (profile != null))
                        //        {
                        //            METS_Section_ReaderWriter_Config readerWriter = readerWriters[id];
                        //            if (inPackage)
                        //            {
                        //                if (inDmdSec)
                        //                    profile.Add_Package_Level_DmdSec_Writer_Config(readerWriter);
                        //                else
                        //                    profile.Add_Package_Level_AmdSec_Writer_Config(readerWriter);
                        //            }
                        //            else if (inDivision)
                        //            {
                        //                if (inDmdSec)
                        //                    profile.Add_Division_Level_DmdSec_Writer_Config(readerWriter);
                        //                else
                        //                    profile.Add_Division_Level_AmdSec_Writer_Config(readerWriter);
                        //            }
                        //            else if (inFile)
                        //            {
                        //                if (inDmdSec)
                        //                    profile.Add_File_Level_DmdSec_Writer_Config(readerWriter);
                        //                else
                        //                    profile.Add_File_Level_AmdSec_Writer_Config(readerWriter);
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        //    break;
コード例 #5
 private void Clear()
     defaultProfile = null;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary> Set the default profile with the default values </summary>
        public void Set_Default_Values()
            // Clear everything, just in case

            // Create the default profile
            QualityControl_Profile newProfile = new QualityControl_Profile
                Default_Profile = true,
                Profile_Name = "System Default",
                Profile_Description = "Default profile used when no config file is present"

            // Add back cover
            QualityControl_Division_Config div1 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 1, TypeName = "Back Cover", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Cover"
            div1.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Portada Posterior");
            div1.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Couverture Arrière");

            // Add back matter
            QualityControl_Division_Config div2 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 2, TypeName = "Back Matter", isActive = true, isNameable = false
            div2.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Materia Posterior");
            div2.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Matière Arrière");

            // Add chapter ( misorder of the object names here and below matters not)
            QualityControl_Division_Config div4 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 3, TypeName = "Chapter", isActive = true, isNameable = true
            div4.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Capítulo");
            div4.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Chapitre");

            // Add front cover
            QualityControl_Division_Config div3 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 4, TypeName = "Front Cover", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Cover"
            div3.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Portada Delantera");
            div3.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Couverture Frente");

            // Add front matter
            QualityControl_Division_Config div5 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 5, TypeName = "Front Matter", isActive = true, isNameable = false
            div5.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Materia Delantera");
            div5.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Préliminaires");

            // Add index
            QualityControl_Division_Config div6 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 6, TypeName = "Index", isActive = true, isNameable = true
            div6.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Indice");
            div6.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Indice");

            // Add introduction
            QualityControl_Division_Config div7 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 7, TypeName = "Introduction", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Chapter"
            div7.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Introducción");
            div7.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Introduction");

            // Add spine
            QualityControl_Division_Config div8 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 8, TypeName = "Spine", isActive = true, isNameable = false
            div8.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Canto");
            div8.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Épine de livre");

            // Add table of contents
            QualityControl_Division_Config div9 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 9, TypeName = "Table of Contents", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Contents"
            div9.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Contenidos");
            div9.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Table des Matières");

            // Add title page
            QualityControl_Division_Config div10 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 10, TypeName = "Title Page", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Title"
            div10.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Titre");
            div10.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Titulario");
コード例 #7
        /// <summary> Constructor for a new instance of the QC_ItemViewer class, used to perform quality control and 
        /// create the structural metadata ( page names and divisions ) for an online digital resource </summary>
        /// <param name="BriefItem"> Digital resource object </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentUser"> Current user, who may or may not be logged on </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentRequest"> Information about the current request </param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        public QC_ItemViewer(BriefItemInfo BriefItem, User_Object CurrentUser, Navigation_Object CurrentRequest, Custom_Tracer Tracer )
            // Save the arguments for use later
            this.BriefItem = BriefItem;
            this.CurrentUser = CurrentUser;
            this.CurrentRequest = CurrentRequest;

            // If there is no user, send to the login
            if (CurrentUser == null)
                CurrentRequest.Mode = Display_Mode_Enum.My_Sobek;
                CurrentRequest.My_Sobek_Type = My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Logon;

            // If the user cannot edit this item, go back
            if (!CurrentUser.Can_Edit_This_Item(BriefItem.BibID, BriefItem.Type, BriefItem.Behaviors.Source_Institution_Aggregation, BriefItem.Behaviors.Holding_Location_Aggregation, BriefItem.Behaviors.Aggregation_Code_List))
                CurrentRequest.ViewerCode = String.Empty;

            //If there are no pages for this item, redirect to the image upload screen
            if ((BriefItem.Images == null ) || ( BriefItem.Images.Count == 0 ))
                CurrentRequest.Mode = Display_Mode_Enum.My_Sobek;
                CurrentRequest.My_Sobek_Type = My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Page_Images_Management;

            // Get the links for the METS
            string greenstoneLocation = BriefItem.Web.Source_URL + "/";
            complete_mets = greenstoneLocation + BriefItem.BibID + "_" + BriefItem.VID + ".mets.xml";

            // MAKE THIS USE THE FILES.ASPX WEB PAGE if this is restricted (or dark)
            if ((BriefItem.Behaviors.Dark_Flag) || (BriefItem.Behaviors.IP_Restriction_Membership > 0))
                complete_mets = CurrentRequest.Base_URL + "files/" + BriefItem.BibID + "/" + BriefItem.VID + "/" + BriefItem.BibID + "_" + BriefItem.VID + ".mets.xml";

            // Get the special qc_item, which matches the passed in Current_Object, at least the first time.
            // If the QC work is already in process, we may find a temporary METS file to read.

            // Determine the in process directory for this
            userInProcessDirectory = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.In_Process_Submission_Location + "\\" + CurrentUser.UserName.Replace(".", "").Replace("@", "") + "\\qcwork\\" + BriefItem.BibID + "_" + BriefItem.VID;
            if (CurrentUser.ShibbID.Trim().Length > 0)
                userInProcessDirectory = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.In_Process_Submission_Location + "\\" + CurrentUser.ShibbID + "\\qcwork\\" + BriefItem.BibID + "_" + BriefItem.VID;

            // Make the folder for the user in process directory
            if (!Directory.Exists(userInProcessDirectory))

            // Create the name for the tempoary METS file?
            metsInProcessFile = userInProcessDirectory + "\\" + BriefItem.BibID + "_" + BriefItem.VID + ".mets.xml";

            // Is this work in the user's SESSION state?
            qc_item = HttpContext.Current.Session[BriefItem.BibID + "_" + BriefItem.VID + " QC Work"] as SobekCM_Item;
            if (qc_item == null)
                //// Try to pull the full item
                //Tracer.Add_Trace("Edit_Item_Behaviors_MySobekViewer.Constructor", "Try to pull this sobek complete item");
                //qc_item = SobekEngineClient.Items.Get_Sobek_Item(BriefItem.BibID, BriefItem.VID, CurrentUser.UserID, Tracer);
                //if (qc_item == null)
                //    Tracer.Add_Trace("Edit_Item_Behaviors_MySobekViewer.Constructor", "Unable to build complete item");
                //    CurrentRequest.Mode = Display_Mode_Enum.Error;
                //    CurrentRequest.Error_Message = "Invalid Request : Unable to build complete item";
                //    return;

                ////Save to the User's session
                //HttpContext.Current.Session[BriefItem.BibID + "_" + BriefItem.VID + " QC Work"] = qc_item;

                // Is there a temporary METS for this item, which is not expired?
                if ((File.Exists(metsInProcessFile)) &&
                    (File.GetLastWriteTime(metsInProcessFile).Subtract(DateTime.Now).Hours < 8))
                    // Read the temporary METS file, and use that to build the qc_item
                    qc_item = SobekCM_Item_Factory.Get_Item(metsInProcessFile, BriefItem.BibID, BriefItem.VID, null, Tracer);
                    qc_item.Source_Directory = SobekFileSystem.Resource_Network_Uri(BriefItem);
                    // Just read the normal otherwise ( if we had the ability to deep copy a SobekCM_Item, we could skip this )
                    qc_item = SobekCM_Item_Factory.Get_Item(BriefItem.BibID, BriefItem.VID, null, Tracer);

                // Save to the session, so it is easily available for next time
                HttpContext.Current.Session[BriefItem.BibID + "_" + BriefItem.VID + " QC Work"] = qc_item;

            // If no QC item, this is an error
            if (qc_item == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Unable to retrieve the item for Quality Control in QC_ItemViewer.Constructor");

            // perform pre-display work

            // If there are NO pages, then send this to the upload
            if (qc_item.Divisions.Page_Count == 0)
                CurrentRequest.Mode = Display_Mode_Enum.My_Sobek;
                CurrentRequest.My_Sobek_Type = My_Sobek_Type_Enum.Page_Images_Management;

            // Get the default QC profile
            qc_profile = UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Configuration.QualityControlTool.Get_Default_Profile();

            // If this was a post-back keep the required height and width for the qc area
            allThumbnailsOuterDiv1Width = -1;
            allThumbnailsOuterDiv1Height = -1;
            string temp_width = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_window_width"] ?? String.Empty;
            string temp_height = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_window_height"] ?? String.Empty;

            if ((temp_width.Length > 0) && (temp_height.Length > 0))
                // Parse the values and save to the session
                if (Int32.TryParse(temp_width, out allThumbnailsOuterDiv1Width))
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["QC_AllThumbnailsWidth"] = allThumbnailsOuterDiv1Width;
                if (Int32.TryParse(temp_height, out allThumbnailsOuterDiv1Height))
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["QC_AllThumbnailsHeight"] = allThumbnailsOuterDiv1Height;

                object session_width = HttpContext.Current.Session["QC_AllThumbnailsWidth"];
                if (session_width != null)
                    allThumbnailsOuterDiv1Width = (int)session_width;
                object session_height = HttpContext.Current.Session["QC_AllThumbnailsHeight"];
                if (session_height != null)
                    allThumbnailsOuterDiv1Height = (int)session_height;

            // See if there were hidden requests
            hidden_request = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_behaviors_request"] ?? String.Empty;
            hidden_main_thumbnail = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["Main_Thumbnail_File"] ?? String.Empty;
            hidden_move_relative_position = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_move_relative_position"] ?? String.Empty;
            hidden_move_destination_fileName = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_move_destination"] ?? String.Empty;
            autonumber_number_system = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["Autonumber_number_system"] ?? String.Empty;
            string temp = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["autonumber_mode_from_form"] ?? "0";
            Int32.TryParse(temp, out autonumber_mode_from_form);
            autonumber_text_only = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["Autonumber_text_without_number"] ?? String.Empty;
            autonumber_number_only = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["Autonumber_number_only"] ?? String.Empty;
            autonumber_number_system = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["Autonumber_number_system"] ?? String.Empty;
            hidden_autonumber_filename = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["Autonumber_last_filename"] ?? String.Empty;
            temp = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_sortable_option"] ?? "-1";

            // Check for sortable ( aka, Drag and drop pages ) setting - is it different than user's setting?
            if (Int32.TryParse(temp, out makeSortable) && (makeSortable > 0) && (makeSortable <= 3))
                if (makeSortable.ToString() != CurrentUser.Get_Setting("QC_ItemViewer:SortableMode", "NULL"))
                    CurrentUser.Add_Setting("QC_ItemViewer:SortableMode", makeSortable);
                    SobekCM_Database.Set_User_Setting(CurrentUser.UserID, "QC_ItemViewer:SortableMode", makeSortable.ToString());

            // Check for the autonumber option - is it different than user's setting?
            temp = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_autonumber_option"] ?? "-1";
            if ((Int32.TryParse(temp, out autonumber_mode)) && (autonumber_mode >= 0) && (autonumber_mode <= 2))
                if (autonumber_mode.ToString() != CurrentUser.Get_Setting("QC_ItemViewer:AutonumberingMode", "NULL"))
                    CurrentUser.Add_Setting("QC_ItemViewer:AutonumberingMode", autonumber_mode);
                    SobekCM_Database.Set_User_Setting(CurrentUser.UserID, "QC_ItemViewer:AutonumberingMode", autonumber_mode.ToString());

            // Check for size of thumbnail specified from the URL  - is it different than user's settings?
            if (CurrentRequest.Size_Of_Thumbnails > 0)
                if (CurrentRequest.Size_Of_Thumbnails.ToString() != CurrentUser.Get_Setting("QC_ItemViewer:ThumbnailSize", "NULL"))
                    CurrentUser.Add_Setting("QC_ItemViewer:ThumbnailSize", CurrentRequest.Size_Of_Thumbnails);
                    SobekCM_Database.Set_User_Setting(CurrentUser.UserID, "QC_ItemViewer:ThumbnailSize", CurrentRequest.Size_Of_Thumbnails.ToString());

            //Get any notes/comments entered by the user
            notes = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["txtComments"] ?? String.Empty;

            if (!(Int32.TryParse(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_Sortable"], out makeSortable))) makeSortable = 3;
            // If the hidden move relative position is BEFORE, it is before the very first page
            if (hidden_move_relative_position == "Before")
                hidden_move_destination_fileName = "[BEFORE FIRST]";


                //Call the JavaScript autosave function based on the option selected
                bool autosaveCacheValue = true;
                bool autosaveCache = false;

                //Conversion result of autosaveCacheValue(conversion successful or not) saved in autosaveCache

                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["autosave_option"] != null)
                    autosaveCache = bool.TryParse(HttpContext.Current.Session["autosave_option"].ToString(), out autosaveCacheValue);
                bool convert = bool.TryParse(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["Autosave_Option"], out autosave_option);
                if (!convert && !autosaveCache)
                    autosave_option = true;
                else if (!convert && autosaveCache)
                    autosave_option = autosaveCacheValue;

                    HttpContext.Current.Session["autosave_option"] = autosave_option;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ApplicationException("Error retrieving auto save option. " + e.Message);

            // Check for a previously set main thumbnail, or one from the requesting form
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hidden_main_thumbnail))
                HttpContext.Current.Session["main_thumbnail_" + qc_item.BibID + "_" + qc_item.VID] = hidden_main_thumbnail;
            else if (HttpContext.Current.Session["main_thumbnail_" + qc_item.BibID + "_" + qc_item.VID] == null)
                hidden_main_thumbnail = qc_item.Behaviors.Main_Thumbnail.Replace("thm.jpg", "");
                HttpContext.Current.Session["main_thumbnail_" + qc_item.BibID + "_" + qc_item.VID] = hidden_main_thumbnail;
                hidden_main_thumbnail = HttpContext.Current.Session["main_thumbnail_" + qc_item.BibID + "_" + qc_item.VID].ToString();

            //Get the list of associated errors for this item from the database
            int itemID = SobekCM_Item_Database.Get_ItemID(BriefItem.BibID, BriefItem.VID);

            // Perform any requested actions
            switch (hidden_request)
                case "autosave":
                case "save":
                case "complete":
                    //Save the current time
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["QC_timeUpdated"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm tt");

                    // Read the data from the http form, perform all requests, and
                    // update the qc_item (also updates the session and temporary files)
                    // Save this updated information in the temporary folder's METS file for reading later if necessary.
                    if ((Save_From_Form_Request_To_Item(String.Empty, String.Empty)) && ((hidden_request == "save") || (hidden_request == "complete")))
                        // If the user selected SAVE or COMPLETE, roll out the new version

                        // Redirect differently depending on SAVE or COMPLETE
                        if (hidden_request == "save")
                            // Forward back to the QC form
                            HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl, false);
                            CurrentRequest.Request_Completed = true;
                        else if (hidden_request == "complete")
                            // Forward to the item
                            CurrentRequest.ViewerCode = String.Empty;

                case "cancel":

                    // Forward back to the default item view
                    CurrentRequest.ViewerCode = String.Empty;

                case "clear_pagination":
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl, false);
                    CurrentRequest.Request_Completed = true;

                case "clear_reorder":
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl, false);
                    CurrentRequest.Request_Completed = true;

                case "save_error":
                    string error_code = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_error_number"] ?? String.Empty;
                    string affected_page_index = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_affected_file"] ?? String.Empty;
                    SaveQcError(itemID, error_code, affected_page_index);

                case "delete_page":
                    // Read the data from the http form, perform all requests, and
                    // update the qc_item (also updates the session and temporary files)
                    string filename_to_delete = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["QC_affected_file"] ?? String.Empty;
                    if (Save_From_Form_Request_To_Item(String.Empty, filename_to_delete))

                    // Since we deleted a page, we need to roll out our new version

                    HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl, false);
                    CurrentRequest.Request_Completed = true;

                case "delete_selected_pages":
                    // Read the data from the http form, perform all requests, and
                    // update the qc_item (also updates the session and temporary files)
                    List<QC_Viewer_Page_Division_Info> selected_page_div_from_form;
                    if (Save_From_Form_Request_To_Item(String.Empty, String.Empty, out selected_page_div_from_form))
                        foreach (QC_Viewer_Page_Division_Info thisPage in selected_page_div_from_form)
                            if (( thisPage.METS_StructMap_Page_Node.Files != null ) && ( thisPage.METS_StructMap_Page_Node.Files.Count > 0 ))

                    // Since we deleted a page, we need to roll out our new version

                    HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl, false);
                    CurrentRequest.Request_Completed = true;

                case "move_selected_pages":
                    // Read the data from the http form, perform all requests, and
                    // update the qc_item (also updates the session and temporary files)
                    Save_From_Form_Request_To_Item(hidden_move_destination_fileName, String.Empty);

                    HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl, false);
                    CurrentRequest.Request_Completed = true;

            // Get the pages pre-order to be used everywhere else
            static_pages = qc_item.Divisions.Physical_Tree.Pages_PreOrder_With_Files;
            if (static_pages == null)
                static_pages = new List<abstract_TreeNode>();
コード例 #8
        /// <summary> Set the default profile with the default values </summary>
        public void Set_Default_Values()
            // Clear everything, just in case

            // Create the default profile
            QualityControl_Profile newProfile = new QualityControl_Profile
                Default_Profile     = true,
                Profile_Name        = "System Default",
                Profile_Description = "Default profile used when no config file is present"


            // Add back cover
            QualityControl_Division_Config div1 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 1, TypeName = "Back Cover", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Cover"

            div1.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Portada Posterior");
            div1.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Couverture Arrière");

            // Add back matter
            QualityControl_Division_Config div2 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 2, TypeName = "Back Matter", isActive = true, isNameable = false

            div2.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Materia Posterior");
            div2.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Matière Arrière");

            // Add chapter ( misorder of the object names here and below matters not)
            QualityControl_Division_Config div4 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 3, TypeName = "Chapter", isActive = true, isNameable = true

            div4.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Capítulo");
            div4.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Chapitre");

            // Add front cover
            QualityControl_Division_Config div3 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 4, TypeName = "Front Cover", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Cover"

            div3.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Portada Delantera");
            div3.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Couverture Frente");

            // Add front matter
            QualityControl_Division_Config div5 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 5, TypeName = "Front Matter", isActive = true, isNameable = false

            div5.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Materia Delantera");
            div5.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Préliminaires");

            // Add index
            QualityControl_Division_Config div6 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 6, TypeName = "Index", isActive = true, isNameable = true

            div6.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Indice");
            div6.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Indice");

            // Add introduction
            QualityControl_Division_Config div7 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 7, TypeName = "Introduction", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Chapter"

            div7.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Introducción");
            div7.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Introduction");

            // Add spine
            QualityControl_Division_Config div8 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 8, TypeName = "Spine", isActive = true, isNameable = false

            div8.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Canto");
            div8.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Épine de livre");

            // Add table of contents
            QualityControl_Division_Config div9 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 9, TypeName = "Table of Contents", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Contents"

            div9.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Contenidos");
            div9.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Table des Matières");

            // Add title page
            QualityControl_Division_Config div10 = new QualityControl_Division_Config
                ID = 10, TypeName = "Title Page", isActive = true, isNameable = false, BaseTypeName = "Title"

            div10.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.Spanish, "Titre");
            div10.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum.French, "Titulario");
        private static void read_qc_profiles(XmlReader ReaderXml, QualityControl_Configuration Config )
            int unnamed_profile_counter = 1;

            while (ReaderXml.Read())
                if (ReaderXml.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    switch (ReaderXml.Name.ToLower())
                        case "profile":
                            QualityControl_Profile profile = new QualityControl_Profile();
                            XmlReader child_readerXml = ReaderXml.ReadSubtree();
                            if (ReaderXml.MoveToAttribute("name"))
                                profile.Profile_Name = ReaderXml.Value.Trim();
                            if (ReaderXml.MoveToAttribute("description"))
                                profile.Profile_Description = ReaderXml.Value;
                            if (ReaderXml.MoveToAttribute("isDefault"))
                                bool tempValue;
                                if (bool.TryParse(ReaderXml.Value, out tempValue))
                                    profile.Default_Profile = tempValue;
                            // Enforce a name for this profile (should have one according to XSD)
                            if (profile.Profile_Name.Length == 0)
                                profile.Profile_Name = "Unnamed" + unnamed_profile_counter;

                            QualityControl_Division_Config thisConfig = new QualityControl_Division_Config();
                            while (child_readerXml.Read())
                                if (child_readerXml.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && child_readerXml.Name.ToLower() == "divisiontype")
                                    thisConfig = new QualityControl_Division_Config();

                                    if (child_readerXml.MoveToAttribute("type"))
                                        thisConfig.TypeName = child_readerXml.Value;
                                    if (child_readerXml.MoveToAttribute("isNameable"))
                                        thisConfig.isNameable = Convert.ToBoolean(child_readerXml.Value);
                                    if (child_readerXml.MoveToAttribute("base"))
                                        string baseType = child_readerXml.Value;
                                        if (!String.Equals(baseType, thisConfig.TypeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                            thisConfig.BaseTypeName = baseType;
                                else if (child_readerXml.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && child_readerXml.Name.ToLower() == "translation")
                                    if (thisConfig != null)
                                        string language = (child_readerXml.MoveToAttribute("language")) ? child_readerXml.Value : String.Empty;
                                        string text = (child_readerXml.MoveToAttribute("text")) ? child_readerXml.Value : String.Empty;

                                        if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(language)) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)))
                                            thisConfig.Add_Translation(Web_Language_Enum_Converter.Code_To_Enum(language), text );

