public string GetStrParent(string pkpath) { string str; try { string str2 = ""; this.dbo = new DB_OPT(); this.dbo.Open(); BranchModel[] parents = new BranchDal { PKPath = pkpath }.GetParents(false, this.dbo); for (int i = 0; i < parents.Length; i++) { str2 = parents[i].BranchPK + "~" + str2; } str = str2.Substring(0, str2.Length - 1); } catch (Exception) { str = ""; } finally { if (this.dbo != null) { this.dbo.Close(); } } return str; }
public static void ChangeChildPkPath(string branchpk, string pkpath, int grade, DB_OPT dbo) { BranchModel model = new BranchDal(); BranchModel[] modelArray = model.GetChilds(branchpk, false, dbo); if (modelArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < modelArray.Length; i++) { model.BranchPK = modelArray[i].BranchPK; model.Grade = grade; model.PKPath = pkpath; if (modelArray[i].IsHasBaby == "1") { ChangeChildPkPath(modelArray[i].BranchPK, pkpath + model.BranchPK + "|", grade + 1, dbo); } } } else { model.BranchPK = branchpk; model.IsHasBaby = "0"; model.UpdateHasBaby(dbo); } }
private void BindDrop(DB_OPT dbo) { BranchModel[] modelArray = new BranchDal().GetModels("", false, false, false, false, dbo); this.ddlbranch.DataSource = modelArray; this.ddlbranch.DataTextField = "Name"; this.ddlbranch.DataValueField = "BranchPK"; this.ddlbranch.DataBind(); }
private void BindList(DB_OPT dbo) { CompanyModel[] modelArray = new CompanyDal().GetModels("", false, false, false, dbo); this.ddlcompany.DataSource = modelArray; this.ddlcompany.DataTextField = "Name"; this.ddlcompany.DataValueField = "pk_corp"; this.ddlcompany.DataBind(); BranchModel[] modelArray2 = new BranchDal().GetModels("", false, false, false, false, dbo); this.ddlbranch.DataSource = modelArray2; this.ddlbranch.DataTextField = "Name"; this.ddlbranch.DataValueField = "BranchPK"; this.ddlbranch.DataBind(); }
private void AddUser() { try { this.dbo = new DB_OPT(); this.dbo.Open(); if (((this.txtUserName.Text.Trim() == "") || (this.txtssbmpk.Value.Trim() == "")) || ((this.txtssgspk.Value.Trim() == "") || (this.txtssjspk.Value.Trim() == ""))) { Const.ShowMessage("带*的数据必须填写!", this.Page); } else { UserModel model = new UserDal { UserName = this.txtUserName.Text.Trim(), TrueName = this.txtTrueName.Text.Trim() }; if (model.ExistsByUserName(this.dbo) > 0) { Const.ShowMessage("用户名已经存在!", this.Page); } else { RoleModel model2 = new RoleDal { RolePK = this.txtssjspk.Value.Trim() }; model2 = model2.GetModel(false, false, this.dbo); BranchModel model3 = new BranchDal { BranchPK = this.txtssbmpk.Value.Trim() }; model3 = model3.GetModel(false, false, false, false, this.dbo); string str = PowerClass.SubTwoPower(this.PowerMenu1.GetPower(), model2.Power, "|"); model.Power = str; string str2 = PowerClass.SubTwoPower(this.PowerCompany1.GetPower(), model3.CompanyPower, "|"); model.CompanyPower = str2; model.BranchPK = this.txtssbmpk.Value.Trim(); model.RolePK = this.txtssjspk.Value.Trim(); if (this.txtPwd.Text.Trim() == "") { model.Password = QxRoom.QxConst.QxConst.Encrypt("123456", "powerich").Trim(); } else { model.Password = QxRoom.QxConst.QxConst.Encrypt(this.txtPwd.Text.Trim(), "powerich").Trim(); } model.pk_corp = this.txtssgspk.Value.Trim(); int count = 0; count = model.Add(this.dbo); if (base.Request["reload"] != null) { Const.AddSuccess(count, base.Request["reload"].ToString(), this.Page); } else { Const.AddSuccess(count, "", this.Page); } OperationLogBll.insertOp("新增", "用户列表", "在 " + this.txtssgs.Text.Trim() + " 单位 " + this.txtssbm.Text.Trim() + " 部门下新增用户名为:" + this.txtUserName.Text.Trim() + " 真实姓名为:" + this.txtTrueName.Text.Trim() + " 角色为:" + this.txtssjs.Text.Trim() + " 的用户,菜单权限为:" + this.PowerMenu1.GetPowerText() + " 管理范围为:" + this.PowerCompany1.GetPowerText(), "Y", this.Page); } } } catch (Exception exception) { this.el = new ExceptionLog.ExceptionLog(); this.el.ErrClassName = base.GetType().ToString(); this.el.ErrMessage = exception.Message.ToString(); this.el.ErrMethod = "AddUser()"; this.el.WriteExceptionLog(true); Const.OpenErrorPage("操作失败,请联系管理员!", this.Page); } finally { if (this.dbo != null) { this.dbo.Close(); } } }
public static string btn_tb() { string str = ""; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("select distinct gsdm as PK_CORP,gsmc as Name,case len(gsdm) when 2 then 1 else 0 end as ISHASBABY,case len(gsdm) when 2 then 0 else 1 end as Grade,substring(gsdm,1,2) as FatherPK,substring(gsdm,1,2)+'|' as PKPath,'0' as ZXBJ from PubGszl where kjnd=(select max(kjnd) from PubGszl)"); builder.Append(" and gsdm in "); builder.Append(strSelectDW); builder.Append(" ; "); builder.Append("select gsdm as PK_CORP,kjnd,bmdm as BH,bmmc as Name from PUBBMXX where kjnd=(select max(kjnd) from PUBBMXX );"); builder.Append(" and gsdm in "); builder.Append(strSelectDW); builder.Append(" ; "); builder.Append("select gsdm,kjnd,zydm,zyxm,bmdm from PUBZYXX where kjnd=(select max(kjnd) from PUBZYXX );"); builder.Append(" and gsdm in "); builder.Append(strSelectDW); builder.Append(" ; "); builder.Append("select ID,name as UserName,password,gsdm as PK_CORP from gl_CZY;"); builder.Append(" and gsdm in "); builder.Append(strSelectDW); builder.Append(" ; "); DataSet set = DbHelperSQL.Query(builder.ToString()); DB_OPT dbo = new DB_OPT(); dbo.Open(); if ((set == null) || (set.Tables.Count != 4)) { return str; } DataTable table = set.Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = table.Rows[i]; CompanyModel model = new CompanyDal { pk_corp = row["PK_CORP"].ToString(), Name = row["Name"].ToString(), IsHasBaby = row["ISHASBABY"].ToString(), Grade = Convert.ToInt32(row["Grade"].ToString()), FatherPK = row["FatherPK"].ToString(), PKPath = row["PKPath"].ToString(), ZXBJ = row["ZXBJ"].ToString() }; builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("select * from DB_Company where pk_corp='"); builder.Append(model.pk_corp); builder.Append("'"); if (DbHelperOra.Exists(builder.ToString())) { builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("update Db_Company set IsHasBaby='"); builder.Append(model.IsHasBaby); builder.Append("',Grade="); builder.Append(model.Grade); builder.Append(",FatherPK='"); builder.Append(model.FatherPK); builder.Append("',PKPath='"); builder.Append(model.PKPath); builder.Append("',ZXBJ='"); builder.Append(model.ZXBJ); builder.Append("' where PK_CORP='"); builder.Append(model.pk_corp); builder.Append("' "); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(builder.ToString()); } else { builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("insert into Db_Company(pk_corp,Name,Ishasbaby,Grade,FatherPK,PKPath,ZXBJ) values('"); builder.Append(model.pk_corp); builder.Append("','"); builder.Append(model.Name); builder.Append("','"); builder.Append(model.IsHasBaby); builder.Append("',"); builder.Append(model.Grade); builder.Append(",'"); builder.Append(model.FatherPK); builder.Append("','"); builder.Append(model.PKPath); builder.Append("','"); builder.Append(model.ZXBJ); builder.Append("')"); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(builder.ToString()); builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("insert into db_branch(BranchPK,BH,Name,ISHasbaby,grade,PK_CORP,ISJGBM) values (sys_Guid(),'D"); builder.Append(model.pk_corp); builder.Append("01','"); builder.Append(model.Name); builder.Append("默认部门',0,0,'"); builder.Append(model.pk_corp); builder.Append("',0)"); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(builder.ToString()); builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("insert into db_role(RolePK,BH,Name,Power,ServicesPower,ISUserPower,Grade,BranchPK,PK_CORP )"); builder.Append("select sys_guid(),'R"); builder.Append(model.pk_corp); builder.Append("01','"); builder.Append(model.Name); builder.Append("默认角色',"); builder.Append("Power,ServicesPower,ISUserPower,Grade,(select BranchPK from Db_Branch where BH='D"); builder.Append(model.pk_corp); builder.Append("01' and Rownum=1),'"); builder.Append(model.pk_corp); builder.Append("' from db_role t where BH='R000000' "); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(builder.ToString()); } } table = set.Tables[1]; for (int j = 0; j < table.Rows.Count; j++) { DataRow row2 = table.Rows[j]; BranchModel model2 = new BranchDal { BH = row2["BH"].ToString(), Name = row2["Name"].ToString(), pk_corp = row2["PK_CORP"].ToString() }; if (model2.Exists(model2.BH, dbo) > 0) { model2.Update(dbo); } else { model2.Add(dbo); } } table = set.Tables[3]; for (int k = 0; k < table.Rows.Count; k++) { DataRow row3 = table.Rows[k]; UserModel model3 = new UserDal { UserName = row3["UserName"].ToString().Trim(), TrueName = row3["UserName"].ToString(), Password = QxRoom.QxConst.QxConst.Encrypt(row3["password"].ToString(), "powerich") }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row3["PK_CORP"].ToString())) { model3.pk_corp = "01"; } else { model3.pk_corp = row3["PK_CORP"].ToString(); } if (model3.ExistsByUserName(dbo) > 0) { builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("update DB_Users set Password ='******' , PK_Corp='"); builder.Append(model3.pk_corp); builder.Append("' , TrueName='"); builder.Append(model3.UserName); builder.Append("' where UserName='******'"); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(builder.ToString()); } else { builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("insert into Db_Users(UserName,TrueName,Password,pk_corp,BranchPK,RolePK) values('"); builder.Append(model3.UserName); builder.Append("','"); builder.Append(model3.UserName); builder.Append("','"); builder.Append(model3.Password); builder.Append("','"); builder.Append(model3.pk_corp); builder.Append("',(select BranchPK from Db_Branch where BH='D"); builder.Append(model3.pk_corp); builder.Append("01' and Rownum=1),(SELECT rolepk FROM db_role WHERE BH='R"); builder.Append(model3.pk_corp); builder.Append("01' and Rownum=1))"); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(builder.ToString()); builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("update db_users a set (a.Power, a.servicespower)= (select b.Power, b.servicespower from Db_Role b where a.RolePK=b.RolePK) where length(a.pk_corp)<=4"); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(builder.ToString()); } } dbo.Close(); StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(); builder2.Append("已成功同步乡财县管系统的基础数据! 本次共同步【单位数据】:"); builder2.Append(set.Tables[0].Rows.Count); builder2.Append(" 条;【部门数据】:"); builder2.Append(set.Tables[1].Rows.Count); builder2.Append(" 条;【人员数据】:"); builder2.Append(set.Tables[3].Rows.Count); builder2.Append(" 条"); return builder2.ToString(); }
private void AddBranch() { try { this.dbo = new DB_OPT(); this.dbo.Open(); if (((this.txtssgspk.Value.Trim() == "") || (this.txtName.Text.Trim() == "")) || (this.txtbmbh.Text.Trim() == "")) { Const.ShowMessage("带*号的数据必须填写!", this.Page); } else { BranchModel model = new BranchDal(); if (model.Exists(this.txtbmbh.Text.Trim(), this.dbo) > 0) { Const.ShowMessage("部门编码已经存在!", this.Page); } else { BranchModel model2 = new BranchDal(); model.FatherPK = this.txtsjbmpk.Value.Trim(); if (model.FatherPK != "") { model.BranchPK = model.FatherPK; model = model.GetModel(false, false, false, false, this.dbo); if (model.IsHasBaby == "0") { model2.BranchPK = model.BranchPK; model2.UpdateHasBaby(this.dbo); } model2.PKPath = model.PKPath + model.BranchPK + "|"; model2.Grade++; } else { model2.Grade = 0; } model2.FatherPK = this.txtsjbmpk.Value.Trim(); model2.IsHasBaby = "0"; string power = ""; power = this.PowerCompany1.GetPower(); model2.CompanyPower = power; model2.Name = this.txtName.Text.Trim(); model2.BH = this.txtbmbh.Text.Trim(); model2.Address = this.txtaddress.Text.Trim(); model2.Manager = this.txtfzrpk.Value.Trim(); model2.Email = this.txtemail.Text.Trim(); model2.Phone = this.txtphone.Text.Trim(); model2.Fax = this.txtfax.Text.Trim(); model2.pk_corp = this.txtssgspk.Value.Trim(); int count = model2.Add(this.dbo); if (base.Request["reload"] != null) { Const.AddSuccess(count, base.Request["reload"].ToString(), this.Page); } else { Const.AddSuccess(count, "", this.Page); } OperationLogBll.insertOp("新增", "部门列表", "在 " + this.txtssgs.Text.Trim() + " 单位下新增编号为:" + this.txtbmbh.Text.Trim() + " 名称为:" + this.txtName.Text.Trim() + " 的部门,管理范围为:" + this.PowerCompany1.GetPowerText(), "Y", this.Page); } } } catch (Exception exception) { this.el = new ExceptionLog.ExceptionLog(); this.el.ErrClassName = base.GetType().ToString(); this.el.ErrMessage = exception.Message.ToString(); this.el.ErrMethod = "AddBranch()"; this.el.WriteExceptionLog(true); Const.OpenErrorPage("操作失败,请联系管理员!", this.Page); } finally { if (this.dbo != null) { this.dbo.Close(); } } }
private EmployeeModel Getem(DataRow dr, bool bj_child, bool bj_father, bool bj_company, bool bj_branch, bool bj_role, DB_OPT dbo) { EmployeeModel model = new EmployeeModel(); if (bj_father) { model.BranchPK = dr["FatherPK"].ToString(); model.FatherInfo = model.GetModel(false, false, false, false, true, dbo); } model.BranchPK = dr["BranchPK"].ToString().Trim(); if (bj_branch) { BranchModel model2 = new BranchDal { BranchPK = dr["BranchPK"].ToString() }; model2 = model2.GetModel(false, false, false, false, dbo); model.Branch = model2; } model.RolePK = dr["RolePK"].ToString().Trim(); if (bj_role) { RoleModel model3 = new RoleDal { RolePK = dr["RolePK"].ToString() }; model3 = model3.GetModel(false, false, dbo); model.Role = model3; } model.BH = dr["BH"].ToString(); model.Name = dr["Name"].ToString(); model.CardNum = dr["CardNum"].ToString(); model.Sex = dr["Sex"].ToString(); if (dr["Age"].ToString() != "") { model.Age = int.Parse(dr["Age"].ToString()); } if (dr["WorkAge"].ToString() != "") { model.WorkAge = int.Parse(dr["WorkAge"].ToString()); } if (dr["BirthDay"].ToString() != "") { model.BirthDay = DateTime.Parse(dr["BirthDay"].ToString()); } model.MZ = dr["MZ"].ToString(); model.Nationals = dr["Nationals"].ToString(); model.Province = dr["Province"].ToString(); model.Area = dr["Area"].ToString(); model.City = dr["City"].ToString(); model.Address = dr["Address"].ToString(); model.PostalCode = dr["PostalCode"].ToString(); model.OfficePhone = dr["OfficePhone"].ToString(); model.Phone = dr["Phone"].ToString(); model.Mobile1 = dr["Mobile1"].ToString(); model.Mobile2 = dr["Mobile2"].ToString(); model.Mobile3 = dr["Mobile3"].ToString(); model.QQNum = dr["QQNum"].ToString(); model.ICQNum = dr["ICQNum"].ToString(); model.MSNNum = dr["MSNNum"].ToString(); model.Email = dr["Email"].ToString(); model.OtherLink = dr["OtherLink"].ToString(); model.pk_corp = dr["pk_corp"].ToString(); if (bj_company) { CompanyModel model4 = new CompanyDal { pk_corp = dr["pk_corp"].ToString() }; model4 = model4.GetModel(false, false, false, dbo); model.Company = model4; } model.FatherPK = dr["FatherPK"].ToString().Trim(); model.IsHasBaby = dr["IsHasBaby"].ToString(); if (dr["Grade"].ToString() != "") { model.Grade = int.Parse(dr["Grade"].ToString()); } model.PKPath = dr["PKPath"].ToString(); if ((dr["IsHasBaby"].ToString() == "1") && bj_child) { this.GetChilds(model.EmployeePK, false, false, false, dbo); } return model; }
private BranchModel Getmm(DataRow dr, bool bj_child, bool bj_father, bool bj_company, bool bj_employee, DB_OPT dbo) { BranchModel model = new BranchDal(); if (bj_father) { model.BranchPK = dr["FatherPK"].ToString(); model.FatherInfo = model.GetModel(false, false, false, true, dbo); } model.BranchPK = dr["BranchPK"].ToString().Trim(); model.BH = dr["BH"].ToString(); model.Name = dr["Name"].ToString(); model.Power = dr["Power"].ToString(); model.DataPower = dr["DataPower"].ToString(); model.RowPower = dr["RowPower"].ToString(); model.ServicesPower = dr["ServicesPower"].ToString(); model.CompanyPower = dr["CompanyPower"].ToString(); model.IsUserPower = dr["IsUserPower"].ToString(); model.Discription = dr["Discription"].ToString(); model.Manager = dr["Manager"].ToString(); model.Phone = dr["Phone"].ToString(); model.Fax = dr["Fax"].ToString(); model.Email = dr["Email"].ToString(); model.Address = dr["Address"].ToString(); model.FatherPK = dr["FatherPK"].ToString().Trim(); model.IsHasBaby = dr["IsHasBaby"].ToString(); if (dr["Grade"].ToString() != "") { model.Grade = int.Parse(dr["Grade"].ToString()); } model.PKPath = dr["PKPath"].ToString(); model.pk_corp = dr["pk_corp"].ToString(); if (bj_employee) { model.ManagerInfo = new EmployeeDal { EmployeePK = dr["Manager"].ToString() }.GetModel(true, false, false, false, true, dbo); } if (bj_company) { model.PK_Corp_Info = new CompanyDal { pk_corp = dr["pk_corp"].ToString() }.GetModel(false, false, false, dbo); } if ((dr["IsHasBaby"].ToString() == "1") && bj_child) { model.Childs = this.GetChilds(model.BranchPK, true, dbo); } model.IsJGBM = dr["IsJGBM"].ToString(); return model; }
public BranchModel[] GetBranch(string parentid) { BranchModel[] modelArray; try { this.dbo = new DB_OPT(); this.dbo.Open(); modelArray = new BranchDal().GetModels("FatherPK='" + parentid.Split(new char[] { '|' })[0] + "'", false, false, true, true, this.dbo); } catch (Exception) { modelArray = null; } finally { if (this.dbo != null) { this.dbo.Close(); } } return modelArray; }