public RomItem(int address, Opcode opcode) { Address = address; Opcode = opcode; }
public object Clone() { Opcode op = new Opcode(Command, Value, Mask, ApplicableTypes, Pseudo); //op.SetLabel(Label); //op.SetSourceLine(SourceLine); return op; }
private static RomItem[] HandlePseudoInstruction(ref int address, Opcode op) { ArrayList arl = new ArrayList(); RomItem ri; if (op.Command == // ORiGin { address = op.Imm16; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(op.Label)) op.SourceLine.SetError("ORG command is not allowed to have a label"); } else if (op.Command == // Load Immediate { ri = new RomItem(address, OpcodeDictionary.Get("movl")); ri.Opcode.Register1 = op.Register1; if (op.Type == OpcodeType.TwoArg_RegImm16label) { ri.Opcode.Imm16label = op.Imm16label; ri.Opcode.Type = OpcodeType.TwoArg_RegImm16label_l; } else { ri.Opcode.Imm8 = op.Imm16 & 0xFF; ri.Opcode.Type = OpcodeType.TwoArg_RegImm8; } ri.Opcode.Label = op.Label; ri.Opcode.SetSourceLine(op.SourceLine); arl.Add(ri); IncreaseAddress(ref address); ri = new RomItem(address, OpcodeDictionary.Get("movh")); ri.Opcode.Register1 = op.Register1; if (op.Type == OpcodeType.TwoArg_RegImm16label) { ri.Opcode.Imm16label = op.Imm16label; ri.Opcode.Type = OpcodeType.TwoArg_RegImm16label_h; } else { ri.Opcode.Imm8 = op.Imm16 >> 8; ri.Opcode.Type = OpcodeType.TwoArg_RegImm8; } ri.Opcode.SetSourceLine(op.SourceLine); arl.Add(ri); IncreaseAddress(ref address); } else if (op.Command == Command.jrl) // JumpRegisterLabel { ri = new RomItem(address, OpcodeDictionary.Get("movl")); ri.Opcode.Register1 = op.Register1; //ri.Opcode.Imm8 = op.Imm16 & 0xFF; ri.Opcode.Imm16label = op.Imm16label; ri.Opcode.Type = OpcodeType.TwoArg_RegImm16label_l; ri.Opcode.Label = op.Label; ri.Opcode.SetSourceLine(op.SourceLine); arl.Add(ri); IncreaseAddress(ref address); ri = new RomItem(address, OpcodeDictionary.Get("movh")); ri.Opcode.Register1 = op.Register1; //ri.Opcode.Imm8 = op.Imm16 >> 8; ri.Opcode.Imm16label = op.Imm16label; ri.Opcode.Type = OpcodeType.TwoArg_RegImm16label_h; ri.Opcode.SetSourceLine(op.SourceLine); arl.Add(ri); IncreaseAddress(ref address); ri = new RomItem(address, OpcodeDictionary.Get("jr")); ri.Opcode.Register1 = op.Register1; ri.Opcode.Type = OpcodeType.OneArg_Reg; ri.Opcode.SetSourceLine(op.SourceLine); arl.Add(ri); IncreaseAddress(ref address); } else if (op.Command == Command.dw) // DataWord { ri = new RomItem(address, OpcodeDictionary.Get("dw")); ri.Opcode.Data16 = op.Data16; ri.Opcode.Type = OpcodeType.OneArg_Data16; ri.Opcode.Label = op.Label; ri.Opcode.SetSourceLine(op.SourceLine); arl.Add(ri); IncreaseAddress(ref address); } return (RomItem[])arl.ToArray(typeof(RomItem)); }