コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode Pdu class to BER byte buffer
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Encodes the protocol data unit using the passed encoder and stores
        /// the results in the passed buffer. An exception is thrown if an
        /// error occurs with the encoding of the information.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="buffer">The buffer to write the encoded information.</param>
        public override void encode(MutableByte buffer)
            MutableByte tmpBuffer = new MutableByte();

            // if request id is 0, get a random value
            if (_requestId.Value == 0)


            // if V2TRAP PDU type, add sysUpTime and trapObjectID OIDs before encoding VarBind

            if (Type == PduType.V2Trap || Type == PduType.Inform)
                if (_vbs.Count == 0)
                    // add sysUpTime and trapObjectID to the VbList
                    _vbs.Add(SnmpConstants.SysUpTime, _trapTimeStamp);
                    _vbs.Add(SnmpConstants.TrapObjectId, _trapObjectID);
                    // Make sure user didn't manually add sysUpTime and trapObjectID values
                    // to the pdu

                    // if we have more then one item in the VarBinds array check for sysUpTime
                    if (_vbs.Count > 0)
                        // if the first Vb in the VarBinds array is not sysUpTime append it in the
                        // encoded byte array
                        if (!_vbs[0].Oid.Equals(SnmpConstants.SysUpTime))
                            Vb sysUpTimeVb = new Vb(SnmpConstants.SysUpTime, _trapTimeStamp);
                            _vbs.Insert(0, sysUpTimeVb);
                    // if we have 2 or more Vbs in the VarBinds array check for trapObjectID Vb
                    if (_vbs.Count > 1)
                        // if second Vb in the VarBinds array is not trapObjectId encode the value
                        if (!_vbs[1].Oid.Equals(SnmpConstants.TrapObjectId))
                            Vb trapObjectIdVb = new Vb(SnmpConstants.TrapObjectId, _trapObjectID);
                            _vbs.Insert(1, trapObjectIdVb);

            // encode variable bindings

            // Now encode the header for the PDU
            BuildHeader(buffer, (byte)Type, tmpBuffer.Length);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>BER encode security model field.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// USM security model is a SEQUENCE encoded inside a OCTETSTRING. To encode it, first encode the sequence
        /// of class values then "wrap" it inside a OCTETSTRING field
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer to store encoded USM security model header</param>
        public override void encode(MutableByte buffer)
            MutableByte tmp = new MutableByte();

            // First encode all the values that will form the sequence
            // Encode engine boots
            // encode engine time
            if (_authentication != AuthenticationDigests.None)
                if (_authenticationParameters.Length <= 0)
                    // If authentication is used, set authentication parameters field to 12 bytes set to 0x00
                    _authenticationParameters.Set(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 });
            if (_privacy != PrivacyProtocols.None)
                if (_privacyParameters.Length <= 0)
                    IPrivacyProtocol privProto = PrivacyProtocol.GetInstance(_privacy);
                    if (privProto != null)
                        byte[] parameter = new byte[privProto.PrivacyParametersLength];
                        for (int i = 0; i < privProto.PrivacyParametersLength; i++)
                            parameter[i] = 0x00; // This is not necessary since all array members are, by default, initialized to 0
                        throw new SnmpException(SnmpException.UnsupportedPrivacyProtocol, "Unrecognized privacy protocol specified.");
            MutableByte tmp1 = new MutableByte();

            BuildHeader(tmp1, SnmpConstants.SMI_SEQUENCE, tmp.Length);

            BuildHeader(buffer, OCTETSTRING, tmp1.Length);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Wrap BER encoded SNMP information contained in the parameter <see cref="MutableByte" /> class.
        ///     Information in the parameter is prepended by the SNMP version field and wrapped in a sequence header.
        ///     Derived classes call this method to finalize SNMP packet encoding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer containing BER encoded SNMP information</param>
        public virtual void encode(MutableByte buffer)
            // Encode SNMP protocol version
            var temp = new MutableByte();

            AsnType.BuildHeader(temp, SnmpConstants.SMI_SEQUENCE, buffer.Length);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>ASN.1 encode SNMP version 1 trap</summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"><see cref="MutableByte"/> buffer to the end of which encoded values are appended.</param>
        public override void encode(MutableByte buffer)
            MutableByte trapBuffer = new MutableByte();

            // encode the enterprise id & address





            MutableByte tmpBuffer = new MutableByte();

            BuildHeader(tmpBuffer, (byte)PduType.Trap, trapBuffer.Length);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode SNMP version 3 packet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="authKey">Authentication key (not password)</param>
        /// <param name="privKey">Privacy key (not password)</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Before encoding the packet into a byte array you need to ensure all required information is
        /// set. Examples of required information is request type, Vbs (Oid + values pairs), USM settings including
        /// SecretName, authentication method and secret (if needed), privacy method and secret (if needed), etc.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>Byte array BER encoded SNMP packet.</returns>
        public byte[] encode(byte[] authKey, byte[] privKey)
            MutableByte buffer = new MutableByte();
            // encode the global message data sequence header information

            MutableByte globalMessageData = new MutableByte();

            // if message id is 0 then generate a new, random message id
            if (_messageId.Value == 0)
                Random rand = new Random();
                _messageId.Value = rand.Next(1, Int32.MaxValue);

            // encode message id

            // encode max message size

            // message flags

            // security model code
            _securityModel.Value = _userSecurityModel.Type;

            // add global message data to the main buffer
            // encode sequence header and add data
            AsnType.BuildHeader(buffer, SnmpConstants.SMI_SEQUENCE, globalMessageData.Length);

            MutableByte packetHeader = new MutableByte(buffer);

            // before going down this road, check if this is a discovery packet
            OctetString savedUserName  = new OctetString();
            bool        privacy        = _msgFlags.Privacy;
            bool        authentication = _msgFlags.Authentication;
            bool        reportable     = _msgFlags.Reportable;

            if (_userSecurityModel.EngineId.Length <= 0)
                // save USM settings prior to encoding a Discovery packet
                _userSecurityModel.SecurityName.Reset();                 // delete security name for discovery packets
                _msgFlags.Authentication = false;
                _msgFlags.Privacy        = false;
                _msgFlags.Reportable     = true;


            if (_userSecurityModel.EngineId.Length <= 0)
                // restore saved USM values
                _msgFlags.Authentication = authentication;
                _msgFlags.Privacy        = privacy;
                _msgFlags.Reportable     = reportable;

            // Check if privacy encryption is required
            MutableByte encodedPdu = new MutableByte();

            if (_msgFlags.Privacy && _userSecurityModel.EngineId.Length > 0)
                IPrivacyProtocol privacyProtocol = PrivacyProtocol.GetInstance(_userSecurityModel.Privacy);
                if (privacyProtocol == null)
                    throw new SnmpException(SnmpException.UnsupportedPrivacyProtocol, "Specified privacy protocol is not supported.");

                // Get BER encoded ScopedPdu
                MutableByte unencryptedPdu = new MutableByte();

                byte[] privacyParameters = null;
                // we have to expand the key
                IAuthenticationDigest auth = Authentication.GetInstance(_userSecurityModel.Authentication);
                if (auth == null)
                    throw new SnmpException(SnmpException.UnsupportedNoAuthPriv, "Invalid authentication protocol. noAuthPriv mode not supported.");

                byte[] encryptedBuffer = privacyProtocol.Encrypt(unencryptedPdu, 0, unencryptedPdu.Length, privKey, _userSecurityModel.EngineBoots, _userSecurityModel.EngineTime, out privacyParameters, auth);

                OctetString encryptedOctetString = new OctetString(encryptedBuffer);
                // now redo packet encoding
                int preEncodedLength = encodedPdu.Length;
                if (_maxMessageSize.Value != 0)
                    // verify compliance with maximum message size
                    if ((encodedPdu.Length - preEncodedLength) > _maxMessageSize)
                        throw new SnmpException(SnmpException.MaximumMessageSizeExceeded, "ScopedPdu exceeds maximum message size.");


            if (_msgFlags.Authentication && _userSecurityModel.EngineId.Length > 0)
                _userSecurityModel.Authenticate(authKey, ref buffer);
                // Now re-encode the packet with the authentication information
                buffer = packetHeader;