private Image GetRecentTopicIcon(Enumerators.PostStatus tStatus, int tReplies) { var image = new Image { ID = "postIcon" }; switch (tStatus) { case Enumerators.PostStatus.Closed: image.SkinID = "FolderNewLocked"; break; default: image.SkinID = "FolderNew"; if (tReplies > Config.HotTopicNum) image.SkinID = "FolderNewHot"; break; } image.GenerateEmptyAlternateText = true; image.ApplyStyleSheetSkin(Page); return image; }
private static void SendSubscriptions(Enumerators.Subscription subType, TopicInfo topic, ReplyInfo reply,HttpContext context) { int replyid = -1; int authorid = topic.AuthorId; int[] memberids = { }; StringBuilder Message = new StringBuilder("<html><body>Hello {0}"); string strSubject = String.Empty; HttpContext.Current = context; if (reply != null) { replyid = reply.Id; authorid = reply.AuthorId; } Message.Append("<br/><p>"); ISubscription dal = Factory<ISubscription>.Create("Subscription"); switch (subType) { case Enumerators.Subscription.ForumSubscription: memberids = dal.GetForumSubscriptionList(topic.ForumId); if (memberids.Length > 0) { strSubject = Config.ForumTitle.Replace("™", "").Replace("©", "") + " - New posting"; Message.AppendFormat( "{0} has posted to the forum {1} at {2} that you requested notification on.", topic.AuthorName, topic.Forum.Subject, Config.ForumTitle); } break; case Enumerators.Subscription.TopicSubscription: memberids = dal.GetTopicSubscriptionList(topic.Id); if (memberids.Length > 0) { strSubject = Config.ForumTitle.Replace("™", "").Replace("©", "") + " - Reply to a posting"; Message.AppendFormat("{0} has replied to a topic on <b>{1}</b> that you requested notification to.", reply.AuthorName, Config.ForumTitle); } break; } Message.AppendFormat(" Regarding the subject - {0}.", topic.Subject); Message.Append("<br/>"); Message.Append("<br/>"); Message.AppendFormat("You can view the posting <a href=\"{0}Content/Forums/topic.aspx?whichpage=-1&TOPIC={1}", Config.ForumUrl, topic.Id); if (replyid > 0) Message.AppendFormat("#{0}", replyid); Message.Append("\">here</a>"); Message.Append("</p></body></html>"); foreach (int id in memberids) { MemberInfo member = Members.GetMember(id); //don't send the author notification of their own posts if (id == authorid) continue; SnitzEmail email = new SnitzEmail { subject = strSubject, msgBody = String.Format(Message.ToString(), member.Username), toUser = new MailAddress(member.Email, member.Username), IsHtml = true, FromUser = "******" }; email.Send(); } }
private static Image GetForumIcon(string username, DateTime lasthere, Enumerators.PostStatus fStatus, DateTime? tLastPost) { var image = new Image {ID = "imgTopicIcon", EnableViewState = false, SkinID = "FolderNew"}; string imagedir = Config.ImageDirectory; switch (fStatus) { case Enumerators.PostStatus.Open: image.AlternateText = webResources.lblOldPosts; image.SkinID = "Folder"; image.ImageUrl = imagedir + "/folders/foldernoposts.png"; if (username != "") if (tLastPost > lasthere) { image.SkinID = "FolderNew"; image.ImageUrl = imagedir + "/folders/foldernewposts.png"; image.AlternateText = webResources.lblNewPosts; } break; default: image.SkinID = "FolderLocked"; image.ImageUrl = imagedir + "/folders/folder_locked.png"; image.AlternateText = webResources.lblLockedForum; break; } return image; }