コード例 #1
        public static bool CheckConflicts(string ModFile)
            ModEntry metaData = Tools.ReadMetaData(ModFile);

            if (metaData == null)
            // check version conflicts
            var SBVersion  = ModManager.GetSBVersion();
            var MGSVersion = ModManager.GetMGSVersion();

            SettingsManager manager       = new SettingsManager(GamePaths.SnakeBiteSettings);
            Version         modSBVersion  = new Version();
            Version         modMGSVersion = new Version();

                modSBVersion  = metaData.SBVersion.AsVersion();
                modMGSVersion = metaData.MGSVersion.AsVersion();
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("The selected version of {0} was created with an older version of SnakeBite and is no longer compatible, please download the latest version and try again.", metaData.Name), "Mod update required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Check if mod requires SB update
            if (modSBVersion > SBVersion)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0} requires SnakeBite version {1} or newer. Please follow the link on the Settings page to get the latest version.", metaData.Name, metaData.SBVersion), "Update required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (modSBVersion < new Version(0, 8, 0, 0)) //
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("The selected version of {0} was created with an older version of SnakeBite and is no longer compatible, please download the latest version and try again.", metaData.Name), "Mod update required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Check MGS version compatibility
            if (!manager.IsUpToDate(modMGSVersion))
                if (MGSVersion > modMGSVersion)
                    var contInstall = MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0} appears to be for an older version of MGSV. It is recommended that you check for an updated version before installing.\n\nContinue installation?", metaData.Name), "Game version mismatch", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    if (contInstall == DialogResult.No)
                if (MGSVersion < modMGSVersion)
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0} requires MGSV version {1}, but your installation is version {2}. Please update MGSV and try again.", metaData.Name, modMGSVersion, MGSVersion), "Update required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            //end of validity checks

            Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Checking conflicts for {0}", metaData.Name), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
            int confCounter = 0;
            // search installed mods for conflicts
            var           mods            = manager.GetInstalledMods();
            List <string> conflictingMods = new List <string>();
            int           confIndex       = -1;

            foreach (ModEntry mod in mods)                                  // iterate through installed mods
                foreach (ModFileEntry fileEntry in metaData.ModFileEntries) // iterate external files from new mod
                    ModFileEntry conflicts = mod.ModFileEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => Tools.CompareHashes(entry.FilePath, fileEntry.FilePath));
                    if (conflicts != null)
                        if (confIndex == -1)
                            confIndex = mods.IndexOf(mod);
                        if (!conflictingMods.Contains(mod.Name))
                        Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[{0}] Conflict in 00.dat: {1}", mod.Name, conflicts.FilePath), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

                foreach (ModQarEntry qarEntry in metaData.ModQarEntries) // iterate qar files from new mod
                    if (qarEntry.FilePath.EndsWith(".fpk") || qarEntry.FilePath.EndsWith(".fpkd"))
                    ModQarEntry conflicts = mod.ModQarEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => Tools.CompareHashes(entry.FilePath, qarEntry.FilePath));
                    if (conflicts != null)
                        if (confIndex == -1)
                            confIndex = mods.IndexOf(mod);
                        if (!conflictingMods.Contains(mod.Name))
                        Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[{0}] Conflict in 00.dat: {1}", mod.Name, conflicts.FilePath), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

                foreach (ModFpkEntry fpkEntry in metaData.ModFpkEntries) // iterate fpk files from new mod
                    ModFpkEntry conflicts = mod.ModFpkEntries.FirstOrDefault(entry => Tools.CompareHashes(entry.FpkFile, fpkEntry.FpkFile) &&
                                                                             Tools.CompareHashes(entry.FilePath, fpkEntry.FilePath));
                    if (conflicts != null)
                        if (confIndex == -1)
                            confIndex = mods.IndexOf(mod);
                        if (!conflictingMods.Contains(mod.Name))
                        Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[{0}] Conflict in {2}: {1}", mod.Name, conflicts.FilePath, Path.GetFileName(conflicts.FpkFile)), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

            // if the mod conflicts, display message

            if (conflictingMods.Count > 0)
                Debug.LogLine(String.Format("[Mod] Found {0} conflicts", confCounter), Debug.LogLevel.Basic);
                string msgboxtext = "The selected mod conflicts with these mods:\n";
                foreach (string Conflict in conflictingMods)
                    msgboxtext += Conflict + "\n";
                msgboxtext += "\nMore information regarding the conflicts has been output to the logfile.";
                MessageBox.Show(msgboxtext, "Installation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            Debug.LogLine("[Mod] No conflicts found", Debug.LogLevel.Basic);

            bool sysConflict = false;
            // check for system file conflicts
            var gameData = manager.GetGameData();

            foreach (ModQarEntry gameQarFile in gameData.GameQarEntries.FindAll(entry => entry.SourceType == FileSource.System))
                if (metaData.ModQarEntries.Count(entry => Tools.ToQarPath(entry.FilePath) == Tools.ToQarPath(gameQarFile.FilePath)) > 0)
                    sysConflict = true;

            foreach (ModFpkEntry gameFpkFile in gameData.GameFpkEntries.FindAll(entry => entry.SourceType == FileSource.System))
                if (metaData.ModFpkEntries.Count(entry => entry.FilePath == gameFpkFile.FilePath && entry.FpkFile == gameFpkFile.FpkFile) > 0)
                    sysConflict = true;
            if (sysConflict)
                //tex TODO: figure out what it's actually checking and how this can be corrupted
                string msgboxtext = "The selected mod conflicts with existing MGSV system files,\n";
                msgboxtext += "or the snakebite.xml base entries has become corrupt.\n";
                msgboxtext += "Please use the 'Restore Backup Game Files' option in Snakebite settings and re-run snakebite\n";
                MessageBox.Show(msgboxtext, "SnakeBite", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);